Conquer the World

Chapter 706: Only me

Chapter 706 Only I Can't

This world is dying every day.

Tan Qingge's departure seemed so small to the world that it was negligible. It was not only him, but also a man such as Dalun Mingwang who had no influence on the world after death. So far, few people have mentioned this name that was once looked up in the prairie and even the whole world. It's the same with Tan Qingge, maybe it won't be long before his name will be gradually forgotten.

People in the distance gathered around and looked at Qing Ge with closed eyes silently.

Tan Qingge is a very contradictory person, a pure contradiction.

The rivers and lakes are large and the rivers and lakes roads are long, but the rivers and lakes roads in Qingge are so short, only from Chang'an to Yongzhou. King Minglun walked on the rivers and lakes for a thousand years, and he only walked for a few months.

Fluttering Tiger was a little lost, looking at the corpse that had gradually cooled down before him, at a loss. He told Tan Qingge that he had no friends because he had lived in a very dark environment since he was a child, and only General Iron Armor gave him warmth alone. He was obsessed with the feeling of staying with General Iron Armor. And talking about Qingge, the man he knew from the beginning to kill himself, he felt he was his true friend.

He remembered talking about Qingge, about the definition of friend.

Words from that mate.

"A friend is the one who is happy to accompany you when you are happy. When you cry, he may not accompany you to cry, but the guy who will choke the person who is crying at you. When you are proud, he may leave You are far away, he will live his life, you will live your life. When you are frustrated, he will come over and pat your shoulder, smile at you and say, "Would you go farther than seeing who pee?"

"Come, who's farther than Pee?"

"Okay ... but you are not allowed to use inner strength!"



There is an additional sword at the waist of the tiger, without a sheath, like autumn water.

An inconspicuous piece of ruby ​​was tied to the sword spike, and there was a meniscus on it.

There is a new grave beside the small river in the north of Yongzhou City, and a set of new scholar Confucian shirts are placed in front of the grave.



The tiger fluttered by the lake and did not know why. Small lakes with less than one-fifth of the original water volume were still dry, and even some very small fish were wandering in a small space. I don't know where this fish came from.

"Fang Jie, you have many friends."

Flutter Tiger said.

Fang Xie sitting on the side nodded: "Yes, I have many friends."

Flutter Tiger glanced at him and asked, "How is that feeling?"


Pu Hu murmured: "You are beautiful, and you who talk about Qing Ge are beautiful, so you must not have been laughed at when you were young, and you would not have been laughed at when you were young. Because I was born too Ugly, my mother did n’t like me, and I did n’t dare to go out. I only played in my own world in the backyard. My family was very big, and I also had a pond ... My father was afraid of those nonsense people talking about. Gibberish, ordered no one to enter or leave the backyard pond, so I think my father gave me a place. "

Fang Xie smiled: "I don't know where my parents are."

He paused and said, "It was already found out where they were, but before they had time to send someone to look for them, the Tatars and Nanyans came. The counties and towns south of Yongzhou were basically destroyed, and the refugees fled. , Or they were arrested by the Nanyan people, or they died in the hands of the tartars. Now it is difficult to find out whether they are alive or dead. "

"Still to check."

Flutter Tiger said.

Fang Xie nodded: "I've been checking."

"Don't march north ... just in Yongzhou."

Flutter Tiger suddenly said.

Fang Xie said thank you after being silent for a while.


Fluttering Tiger raised his head and looked at the distance: "I know that it is wrong. Some things obviously shouldn't exist, but I can't resist or oppose it. I'm there, I must be there. I say this, maybe you won't I understand, I don't want you to understand ... I have always been afraid to leave the general, because I think the world is dangerous. I left this time, and I found that there are more beautiful things. "

"It's really nice to have family and friends around you."

He said, "I will tell the general after you go back, it will be good for you to stay in Yongzhou, but you have to make some appearances. It is useless to keep a shameless villain like Nan Yan Mu Rongsha."


Fang Jie said, "You are not as ruthless as the legend."

Pu Hu smiled: "I thought I was like that ..."



Xiang Qingniu followed behind Xiao Yijiu.

"Lao Niu nose, you haven't said how do you know that I am in Yongzhou? Is it because you and my brothers have the same mind? Oh, my aunt ... I actually said such disgusting words, you have never heard of it. I am just curious That's it, if you dare to say that I will bare your beard as soon as I count it! "

"Fang Xie sent someone to find me a month ago, and asked me to come to Yongzhou. I didn't want to come, but the person sent to say that you are here, what might be the danger. That little guy lied First-class, stupidly fooled me. For a few days, it was not long before they fled Changan City. Fang Jie got the news and sent someone to the grassland. I did n’t know how many horses were exhausted day and night, but it was also You're in luck. If I'm on the road longer than half a day, I can only collect your bodies. "


Xiang Qingniu took a sip and said, "My grandfather, I am blessed and I have a great fortune. Even if you can't get back the old cow's nose, there will be a sky thunder stabbing Zhang Yiyang.

"You're really out of luck, counting on Lei to slay his opponent ..."

Xiao Yijiu stopped at the middle of the mountain, staring at Xiang Qingniu and asked, "I'm going out to swim in the mountains well, what are you doing behind my ass?"


Xiang Qingniu said solemnly: "When in Chang'an City, you were made to seal my air pockets with gold needles. You did all this ruthless thing, and you will never forget me. So you must Compensate me, must! "

"what do you want?"

Xiao Yijiu asked, "I have given you all the views of Qingle Mountain. What do you want from your mother? I shouldn't have just sealed your air pockets. I should have stabbed you first and then Kill. "

"You are so hard!"

Xiang Qingniu said: "Kill and kill, kill me first ..."

"Well, after you're done, find a few girls and twist your bare **** in front of you."

"Day Your Grandpa Xiao Yijiu"

"My uncle's grave is in his hometown, why don't you plan it?"

"Xiao Yijiu, are you Daozun good, you can't be a little kind?"

"Fart, you are Taoist now!"

"Oh ... forgot."

Xiang Qingniu smiled: "I just do n’t understand why I have n’t made much progress in cultivation after I realized my mind? I thought I would squeeze in the best of you in a short time. People occupy a place among them, but now they still stop in the bright and bright world. Although they can also play the cultivation of the near-sky realm, they are still weaker after all. "

"Look for opportunities."

Xiao Yijiu answered.

"Find a brothel ..."

Xiang Qingniu was silent for a while, then nodded as if with great courage: "Okay! Although I always feel that your words are not reasonable, but since you said so, I believe you once!"

Xiao Yijiu made a hum and continued to go up the mountain: "It's not that I don't want to point you at anything, but because such things can only be experienced by myself. People are different, what do you like and what do I like It may be completely different. If I point you at random and you turn away from what you like and run to like what I like, you will lose yourself. "

Xiang Qingniu blushed and said that women were terrible. For so many years, when you can avoid women, never come near. However, I like the bigger **** ...

He thought to himself, embarrassed to say.

Xiao Yijiu knew where Xiang Qingniu was totally wrong. He said after a moment of silence: "Go, I have my chance, you have your chance. Come and ask me, I think I'm right But maybe it's wrong for you. If you take my chance, you will lose your chance.

Xiang Qingniu nodded: "Yes! You can't go to the same brothel for this kind of thing, you have to separate!"



Chang'an City

Dongnuan Pavilion of Taiji Temple

General Iron Armor walked slowly into this already empty room, and looked at the faint layer of dust that had fallen on the earthen crease. He frowned slightly: "What about the **** on duty?"

A little **** outside came in in horror and knelt down, "Back to the general, slaves and others."

"Everyone is responsible for twenty, for the sake of empathy ... even if the emperor is not here, it is still the place where the emperor sleeps, and there is still dust. What are you still doing?"

A group of iron armored soldiers came up, and each of them was like a chick. These mighty and mighty armored soldiers hit twenty boards, and it is estimated that each of those subordinates can survive.

"Have you lost your awe?"

General Iron Armor sat down on the earthen floor and said, "If I don't come back, these servants will at least maintain the awe of the emperor. Even if the emperor is not living in the Dongnuan Pavilion, he will definitely not dare not to clean. I'm here, they are in awe of me and no longer the emperor ... am I wrong back? "

His expression was a little sad.

"If I came back wrong, should I go back?"

He asked himself.

After a while, he shook his head.

"Awe ..."

He stood up and walked to the door, looked at the iron armored soldiers standing neatly, and looked at the neatly kneeling courtiers in the square below the Great Hall, and an idea became clearer in his mind. This kind of thought was something he hadn't had before, sprouts, appeared after he absorbed the blood of Prince Ye Yang of Prince Yi.

How can everyone restore the awe of the Emperor Sui?

Can I only leave?

He was still asking himself silently.

Then he found that the answer was no. Even if he leaves, these people's awe of the emperor will not follow. These courtiers were afraid of him, not the little emperor. After he left, I was afraid that the riots suppressed by these courtiers would also erupt. At that time, I can't say what awe you have to the emperor, but I'm afraid that the imperial power is really at stake.

He was thinking about how to revive Da Sui and continue it.

He said to Prince Yang Yi, I have no selfishness.

He had no selfishness at all ~ ~ How could someone like him be selfish?

"Yeah ... no matter what I do, how could it be because of selfishness? I want this empire to last for thousands of years. What I want is the banner of Da Sui flying all the time. Is this selfishness?

The armor of General Iron Armor gradually returned to coldness, without the previous confusion.

"Everyone can be selfish, I can't!"

A voice in his heart was shouting, "No matter what I do, I can't be because of selfishness!"

"Go and invite all the Yang family members in Chang'an City to Changchun Garden, and also tell your grandfather that I have something to discuss with him. All Yang families must go, regardless of gender.


The armored soldiers promised, then turned mechanically and walked towards the palace.

General Iron Armor stood in front of the Tai Chi Hall and looked at the crowd below. There was a kind of pride that he had been chesting many years back, which made him feel excited.

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