Conquer the World

Chapter 733: How to enter the bright?

How does Chapter 733 enter into the bright?

The bearded man went to the carriage and lifted the covered canvas off. The swarthy steel beast lay there honestly, looking at all dangerous. Not even the generals of the Black Flag Army knew about firearms. Suzakushan's firearm workshop is still heavily guarded.

Fang Xie walked closer and looked at it. The steel beast in front of him was so quietly there. It was basically no different from the artillery in Fang Jie's impression. This kind of thing was often seen in previous TV drama movies. But from the description of the beard, this guy is far more powerful than the so-called red cannon.

This artillery actually has two kinds of shells, which is beyond the understanding of the solution.

"How many shells are brought?"

Fang Xie asked.

The shopkeeper who transacted the goods was translated, and Beard quickly responded: "The penetrating shells have 60 shells and the explosive shells have 80 shells. The shell shells produced by Roscoe and the Opulu Empire The artillery can also be used, but the people of the Opulian Empire do not allow us to do so. They said that the Opulian artillery with the Principality of Ross's shell is an insult. "

"Test shot two, one for each."

Fang Jie ordered that he didn't bother to listen to the dissatisfaction in the beard tone. But listening to the tone, you know that the people of the Principality of Ross were also extremely disgusted with the Opulu Empire.

The bearded man and the remaining foreigner with a mustache in the Principality of Ross rushed to operate. This kind of artillery required at least three people to operate smoothly, and two people seemed a little confused. This time they had seven people, four of them were chopped by Fang Xie's fire knife last night, and the captain was split into two pieces in Fang Xie's study.

The two men with beards and moustaches were busy sweating before calibrating the artillery, then took out a cannonball into the bore, pushed it in with a cork, adjusted it, and aimed at a temporary building on the school ground, followed by a roar. The cannonball turned into a huge fireball and flew out, but perhaps because the beard was more nervous or unskilled, the cannon was actually crooked and a pit exploded next to the room.

This is the very powerful explosive shell that exploded after landing. This shell exploded like a firework after it exploded. Countless Mars radiated to the outside world. Fang Xiekan was shocked. This powerful artillery can't be compared with the red cannons of modern times. If it falls in the crowd, the death and injury must be severe.

I don't know how the Opulu Empire could develop the shells like this. From a technological point of view, it has already surpassed Da Sui too much. Fang Xie couldn't help feeling a bit cold. When a civilization developed to a certain degree, it would inevitably invade the backward civilization. If it weren't for a sea, and an Aegean Empire in the middle, the Opulu Empire might have begun to explore the land on the other side of the ocean.

However, it seems that Opulu Empire is already brewing it. Perhaps this powerful empire has no rivals on the other side of the ocean, and often such an empire will have an ambitious monarch ...

Fang Jie could not help but shook his head, and suddenly found that he might be in a more complicated era than before.

The first shot was crooked, and the beard's face turned involuntarily. He and the moustache quickly recalibrated, and then fired a second shot. This penetrating cannonball hit the room precisely, and it blew up after hitting a hole in the front wall, overturning the humble room.

Fang's relatives and his followers exclaimed, his face changed color. The faces of people like Mo Ningzhi and Shen Qingfan are also very dignified, and they can't help looking at the solution.

"Chen Xiaoru!"

Fang Xie suddenly called out, and Chen Xiaoru rushed over and said, "What does the general say?"

"Send a handful of people, take the water, take two of the two shells back to Suzakushan and give them to the firearm workshop. In addition, let the Xiaoqiang school bring Andrew as fast as possible!"


When Chen Xiaoru saw Fang Jie's dignified face, he did not dare to delay, and immediately sent someone to execute it.

"I ask you, how much artillery did you bring this time?"

Fang Xie turned and asked the beard.

Bearded replied: "Dear Lord, we brought 14 artillery pieces this time, most of them in Dali City. One artillery was assigned in other cities to kill the enemy general ..."

He looked at Fang Jie's face and continued, "Because the emperor of Nan Yan said that there are many people in the Central Plains who are stronger than the mage, and they can turn a war on their own. The enemy does not know that we have The artillery, if unexpected, might be able to kill the enemy's general, and then the victory of the war will become easier. "

The bearded man did not believe the words of Emperor Nanyan, but had to believe the fire dragon in Fang Jie's hand last night.

"Is the Opulu Empire coming?"

Fang Jie asked again.


The beard said uncertainly: "Our team is not from one place. Our people are the guards of Grand Duke Ross before his death. After Grand Duke Ross was assassinated, we are no longer as honorable as before. That general sent us to the Central Plains with artillery, and some of the others were mercenaries carrying human cases, not all soldiers of the Principality of Ross. "

"People of the Opulus look down on the soldiers of the Principality of Ross, saying that they are ducks on the battlefield, and they are so clumsy and ugly to run ..."

"What do you think?"

Fang Xie turned back and asked Shen Qingfan.

Shen Qingfan shook his head: "The power of the first shell was too great and the range after blasting was very large. It took a short time from the shell to fall to that place. For practitioners who do not understand firearms, If evasion is not timely, or if the enemy thinks it can be blocked instead of dodging ... even Jiupin practitioners are afraid that they cannot stop the power of a cannonball. This is completely different from the power of practice, and the intensity bursts out instantly Big."

Fang Jie said a moment, and his mood became heavier.



If it wasn't for knowing that Fang Xie was in Dingyuan City, Qingyuan City's chief Fu Zhengnan wouldn't let a night attack with artillery. After receiving these artillery guns, Murong Shao distributed them to Qingyuan City and Fengping City. These two cities are the gateway to the north of Nanyan. Because Murongsha didn't know that Fang Xie first hit Qingyuan City or Fengping City, he divided them into two door.

According to Mu Rongsha's command, this artillery was used at the most critical time. He thought that Fang Jie didn't know that the Nanyan army had such a powerful firearm, and was planning to sneak attack on the battlefield and use artillery to kill the Black Flag army general. I have to say that if Fang Xie didn't know the news, this arrangement of Mu Rongsha was very effective.

Fu Zhengnan wanted to use this artillery to blast the gate of Dingyuan City and then attack it. Unexpectedly, after crossing the Jinshui River, Fang Xie killed the night raid team to a fragment.

On the surface, it seems that there is not much difference between the artillery and the overpower of the attackers. When Fang Xiechu arrived in Chang'an City in the beginning, he had seen the Heguan Taoist blast the hard official way out of a deep hole with which the ox could fall into it. Now look at the power of the artillery shell is greater than the power of this finger, because the attack power of that finger is a bit, and the power of the artillery shell exploded. Penetration may not be as good as that finger. But the power is not as good as a cannonball.

There is no doubt that practitioners' attacks are more flexible. But as long as it is a practitioner, it will definitely affect the change of the vitality of the world, so the opponent can make a prediction in advance. After discovering that the vitality of the heavens and the earth has changed, it is natural to have a big move. But artillery will not change the vitality of the world, and it will be more remote than the average practitioner.

There is only one million stars in this world, and one sword can be seven hundred miles.

In this world, there is only one big round king, and King Kong is not bad.

Ordinary practitioners are very likely to suffer when faced with intruding shells. The solution has calculated a bit. Although the range of artillery produced by Opulu is far less than that of the catapult, it is about two miles. The power is not enough to damage the practitioners of Tongming Realm.

"You don't have to worry too much ..."

Wan Yan Yunshu does not know much about the practitioners, but she also has her own opinion: "Although the power of artillery is great, it is dead, after all, it cannot be exerted without people's operation. Relatively speaking, practitioners must be flexible Many. It ’s not difficult to avoid the artillery, or do you have to face it up? "

Fang Xie shook his head: "Though that is the case, this is just a gun. If a strong empire really sends troops to invade Central Plains, it will be difficult for the Central Plains army to compete directly, even if Da Sui was known as a hundred in its heyday The undefeated elite warrior will also suffer a lot. So in the face of such a powerful army, the practitioners will be forcibly dragged into the war ... The artillery is dead, and some of the enemy countries can afford it. But the practitioner's loss ...... It is difficult to recover in a short period of time. A talented practitioner can hardly succeed in decades without entering Jiupin. "

"The vast majority of practitioners stop at Jiupin. After all, there are a few talented practitioners in this world who are amazingly talented. Fans can enter Jiupin at once, and small waists can burst into the polar world. Jiupin, but how many people like them are there? "

"Once the war begins, the ordinary army is not the enemy's opponent, and can only rely on practitioners to deal with it. Even if the enemy's losses are greater, the enemy will only lose firearms and can be rebuilt. But what about practitioners?"

"you think too much."

Mo Ningzhi didn't pay much attention to these things: "Isn't this tiring? It's just that some foreigners are here, and it will really lead to a war if you don't see it."

Fang Xie shook his head. He knew that such a war was inevitable.

"If it wasn't for this intention, the people of the Opulu Empire would not assassinate Grand Duke Ross and then deal directly with the Emperor Dongchu. However, the Emperor Dongchu did not trust these people or the power of artillery, so they would treat these people. Send it to Nan Yan, he wanted to see if the foreigner's things could have a great effect. "

"If Murong Sha defeats me with foreigners, then the Emperor Dongchu will surely be very happy. Next, he will invite the troops of the Opulu Empire and Dongchu troops to join forces to attack Da Sui ..."

Fang Jie's frown was getting tighter and tighter, because he felt more and more clearly that he might catch up with a time of chaos, just like the dark and **** period of the previous period, perhaps even more tragic.




Tonggu college

Luo Tu stood outside the broken tower and watched his hands stunned. His face looked calm, but if someone approached him, he would find that intense light of excitement in his eyes. In the broken tower, a one-armed old man looked at him and nodded, "Your talent is better than I expected ... I just entered the room in just a few months, and realized what the old man wanted. Three points. "

"Master, before I practiced the knives, there were nine types of repairs. Can the realm be improved now?"

He asked ~ ~ One-armed old man said: "Still Jiupin."

Luo Tu froze, apparently disbelieving.

"However, based on your current practice, you will be an invincible player under Jiu Pin. Your foundation is already good. In addition, if you understand the meaning of the three-point sword, it is reasonable to enter the present state. It ’s extremely difficult without great opportunities, otherwise why do most practitioners in this world stop under Jiupin? "

"What chance do you need?"

Luo Tu asked.

"The next thing you need to settle is, when your inner strength is so strong, the chance may come. Unless you find a way to double the inner strength more than twice, otherwise you want to enter the Tongming Realm, it is impossible."

"Can you double your inner strength to get into Tongming?"

Luo Tu murmured and suddenly smiled.

Very weird

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