Conquer the World

Chapter 744: meter!

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Chapter 744 Chapter!

At least 3,000 people were caught by the Black Flag Army and could not be withdrawn. Fu Zhengming's distress was manifested on the face biting his lips. This ten thousand horse was trained by his own hands, not his brother Fu Zhengnan's. Directly, so Fu Zhengnan would agree to lead his troops out of the city to stop the Black Flag Army on the river bank. Now it seems that the decision to leave the city this time was wrong.

Fu Zhengming had to issue a retreat order. The archer opened his heart with an open mind. For the safety of the rear team, he must discard the same robes in front of him.

This kind of pain may only be understood by the parties.

Among those who are fighting with the Black Flag Army in the past, there may be the best friends on weekdays, blood relatives, neighbors in the same country, or brothers who are willing to vote, but now, the people behind have to turn their arrows Shoot them. I don't know how many people opened their bowstrings with tears. Maybe in the future, every soldier of the Nanyan Army who survived cannot forget today.

"General, you go first!"

The lieutenant yelled at Fu Zhengming's reins, and the shouting and killing of the soldiers from the Black Flag Army across was so loud that he had to yell to let the other party hear his words.

"The signal has been sent. It won't be long before the city owner will send people to respond. It must be returned to the city as soon as possible. Once it is stuck by the black flag army from behind, it is difficult for our people to return! Now there is no momentum for defeat. Slow down, the soldiers in the front retreated, and rushed to the rear team, all of them were involved! "

"I **** know!"

Fu Zhengming shouted fiercely, looking at the soldiers who were killed by the sticking in front of his eyes. "These soldiers were trained by myself, just like my nephew!"

"You are still there, the soldiers will gather together in the future!"

The lieutenant knew that he couldn't delay any more. At this time, he was calmer than Fu Zhengming. He stretched out Fu Zhengming's war horse and turned around, then stabbed him on the **** of the war horse. This method of hurting the horse and forcing the horse to run wild is too unwise, but in this case he can only do so. Because the war horse would run desperately under the pain of the injury, the blood of the wound kept flowing out, and the horse would collapse after a short time. Even if the steed is lucky, the ten will be gone.

Fortunately, the battlefield is only a few miles away from Qingyuan City. If nothing unexpected happens, the horse can persist to run back, and there are still teams in the city to cope, so the vice general had to do this in order to make Fu Zhengming hurry.

Fu Zhengming cursed, in order not to be thrown down by the war horse, he had to grasp the reins and cling to his body. The injured horse hissed, and spread out its four hoofs, rushing out, and knocked down several Nanyan soldiers who had missed.

Seeing that the defeat has been settled, unless a large number of troops come to support, it is impossible to keep the river bank. However, at this time, Fu Zhengnan would never be able to bring everyone to support him. In that case, Qingyuan City would become an empty city. If the Heiqi Army still has a rear plan, maybe Qingyuan City will be defeated lost.

Fu Zhengming felt the wind blowing in his ears, as if one after another slapped his face fiercely. Why doesn't he actually know that he shouldn't go out of town to fight, but as a general, who doesn't want to make a record enough to make a name for himself in history?

He originally intended to hold on to the Black Flag ’s initial offensive. When the Black Flag was unable to control the South Bank under repeated shocks, he immediately sent a reserve team to counterattack. Crossing the North Shore, you can be caught off guard by the Black Flag Army. Even if the Black Flag Army cannot be damaged by that time, it will be enough to boost the morale of the Nanyan Army.

However, the reason why miracles are called miracles is because they happen too little.

Luck happens only when it can happen, it can't happen when it can't. It seems like a nonsense, but Fu Zhengming understood the meaning of this sentence. He expects luck to defeat the Black Flag Army, but when the opponent's strength is so strong that he can't shake it, no luck can appear.

Fu Zhengming's relatives rushed all the way behind him, and the soldiers of the Six or Seven Thousand Nanyan Army ran after him. The team pulled away and there was no array of sheep.

Vice Admiral Nan Yanjun stabbed Fu Zhengming's warhorse's ass, basically to make Fu Zhengming safe, but he forgot, under such circumstances, Fu Zhengming would have a hard time restraining the retreating soldier. When a person spreads his legs and runs in a state of fear, there is no more heavy person to restrain him ... The result can be imagined.

Where can the team see the formation of the system, there are running along the official road, there are running along the wilderness, like the ant colony being dispelled, a large black crowd, but with a swarm of wolverines that cannot be concealed.

"General, see someone in the city answer!"

A relative shouted with unbelievable joy, pointing his hand forward in the direction of Qingyuan City.

Across the Jinshui River and Pingchuan, it is easy to see the Qingyuan city. When Fu Zhengming saw a pair of men and horses coming out of the city gate, he couldn't help feeling relieved. He looked back and saw his team fleeing in a shameful manner. But at this time he didn't even have the anger, and could only bring the majority of people back with emotion.

At this time, in order to bring back some people, he was glad that he still had the previous spirit?

On the south bank of the river, the surrendered soldiers of the Nanyan Army, when they realized that resistance was no longer able to survive, surrender began to spread from individuals to groups.

Some soldiers saw the same robes and threw down their swords and knelt down to beg for mercy. After hesitating, they also chose the same approach. At this time, only the idea of ​​surviving was supported by them. As for the glory of the Nanyan people, it had long been wiped out by the murderous murder of the Black Flag soldiers.

"Follow me!"

Qin Yuan had long been ordered by Fang Xie, knowing that at this time it was not the end of the war but the beginning. The general was not arranged for this small victory on the bank of the Jinshui River, but for the Qingyuan City.

Just before the war, when Fangjie stood on the city wall and watched the battle, he pointed to the south and said that it could be used there.

When this sentence was said, today's situation has actually been set.



Stark led Ren Ke to run forward. He knew that the Lord of the City had a good relationship with the Second Lord. The Second Lord was the right arm of the Lord of the City. According to the nature of the city owner, I just want to hold fast and don't want to counterattack.

When the army of Nanyan went straight to Ping Shangdao under the leadership of Murong Yongduo and gained a lot, even the people of the few families in the south couldn't help it. Murong Yongduo grabbed the trophy, but he was beaten up by the Black Flag Army just after he met him. In the beginning, Nanyan's army was indeed fruitful, and Murong Yongduo's newsletter was sent to Dali City almost every day.

At that time, I couldn't help but change to others. As the closest city to Da Sui, Fu Zhengnan did not send troops to plunder the Ping Shang Road until the end. It can be seen that this person's caution has reached a timid state.

For Feng Ping, which is basically parallel to Qingyuan City, Zhu Zhutian, the city's owner, sent nearly 30% of the troops north. Of course, because of this, Feng Pingcheng lost that 30% of his troop strength.

The Black Flag was almost invincible in the field.

The south is different from the north, and more different from the western prairie. In fact, there are not many places for war horses to run, but the southwest is better. The river south is full of rivers and waterways. The reason why the southwest is the most important rice production area in Dasui is because of its unique environment.

The climate is warm and humid, but it is not staggered by low-lying waterways. In such an environment, a fertile plain is naturally a treasure land. But because of this, the black cavalry's light cavalry is rarely blocked by the waterway, so that tens of thousands of soldiers in Nanyan, and millions of murderers have been washed away.

Stark was very aware of the combat effectiveness of the Black Flag Army, and he was also very aware of the feelings of the Lord of the City towards Er Ye, so he was anxious. Now the situation looks weird. The progress of the Heiqi Army ’s crossing the river is fast enough. The Second Lord ’s army has failed to retreat for even an hour. The key is that the Heiqi ’s light riding has never appeared!

According to the truth, the people of the Heiqi Army forcefully crossed the Jinshui River, and the light horses of the Heiqi Army in the lower reaches were able to come over.

This is not reasonable!

Although no war had been fought, Stark was keenly aware of this weirdness.

When he saw that Fu Zhengming's banner was getting closer, he couldn't help feeling a little relieved. There is no need to fight this time, as long as you can take back the second elder.

Then he saw the terrain ahead.

On both sides of the official road is a thick grass of reeds. At first, the Jinshui River flooded thousands of acres of fields in the south and formed several small lakes. I do n’t know how the reeds came out so quickly. It took a year to become a scale. Now that the small lakes are gradually withering, the reeds are still so dense.

Looking at that place, Stark always felt a little panicked.

"Second Lord!"

When he saw Fu Zhengming's face clearly, he immediately called out, "The Lord ordered me to take you back!"

"it is good!"

Fu Zhengming looked back: "You order the array first, wait for the people behind. If you go back now and immediately close the gate, at least 80% of the soldiers can't come back!"

Stark wanted to refuse, but watching the Black Flag Army's chase behind Jinshuihe was still far away, he nodded, and ordered his 5,000 troops to form a square.

The follow-up soldiers ran sparsely, and when the team reluctantly assembled three or four thousand people, Stark began to persuade Fu Zhengming to retreat immediately, but Fu Zhengming insisted on waiting for a while. With barely more than 5,000 people, Fu Zhengming ordered to go back.

Stark breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered to return to the city. Just then he suddenly felt that it was getting dark, and the sun didn't know what was covered by it. He looked up subconsciously, and then ... saw an arrow rain that could block the sky.

From that reed.

In one round of arrow rain, the array of the Nanyan army was loosened. Stark called out to the soldiers not to panic. The second round of arrow rain came and covered the sky. Soon, the ground looked like a layer of white grass suddenly, almost covering the ground.

After two rounds of arrow rain, suddenly a small piece of reed fell down from the inside. A tall warhorse jumped out of the reeds with a black knight, followed closely by a bunch of reeds. Punch out one after another!

"Fine Riding of the Black Banner!"

I don't know who shouted in fright ~ ~ The fear spread immediately.

Stark and Fu Zhengming finally knew why the Black Banner light cavalry did not show up when they stopped on the river bank. Because ... they are here already!

At this time, Stark suddenly understood one thing!

It turned out that every night, the cavalry of the Black Flag Army came outside the city to harass, not simply harassment. Fang Jie sent a group of light cavalry outside the city every night, so that the garrison in the city could not rest well. It was only one of his purposes. The batch was sent to the south bank of the river, and then hid in the reeds at night! The garrison in the city thought that it was Fangjie sent cavalry to take turns, in fact, they were deliberately paralyzed for today!

Fang Jie waited for today!

The Hussars rushed forward with a crossblade, like a group of death wielding a sickle.

For a moment, Stark was ashamed. He glanced at Fu Zhengming, as well.

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