Conquer the World

Chapter 747: Be alive!

Chapter 747 Be Alive!

Burnt out

On the second day of the Heiqi Army's formation in the north of the city, Fu Zhengnan felt that he had never been so anxious. Ever since he inherited the seat of the Qingyuan City Lord from his father, it has been smooth sailing. He experienced the destruction of the Shang Dynasty and also experienced the founding of the State of Nanyan, all of which did not touch Fu's status in Qingyuan City. Speaking of those who have the most rights in Nanyan, he can still make it into the top 15.

He even felt that he was lucky. When Da Sui attacked the Shang Kingdom, he was still young, and he was still not the master of the city. At that time, his father was worried all day, because they all knew that Qingyuan City could not be blocked. The Da Sui army who lived in the sun and the sky, but luck was that Da Sui did not continue south.

Then Nan Yan founded the country, and Murong Sha didn't dare to offend the local Wang clan, because Qingyuan City is the gateway to the north of Nan Yan, and he knew that Fu Jia Murong Shao was even more enthusiastic. Just because he knew how Murong Sha didn't dare to pay him for his family, otherwise he wouldn't brazenly retain Murong Yongduo's booty, because he knew that Murong Shame blame one or two words at most. Without them to pay for the house, who will guard the northern gate of Nanyan?

But this time, he found that his luck was gone.

Fang Jie brought back five kills, and then shot thousands of text messages on the city wall, which made the people in the city resentful. I heard that the people were afraid to go to the city to help defend the city when they saw the tragic destruction of the city by a stone thrower. In the past two days, some soldiers even took off their livery and lost their weapons and ran away.

If this continues, it won't be long before the people will start making trouble.

If the matter is really that simple, it will be over to send the people of Pingshangdao out, he is more willing than anyone else.

But he also knew better than anyone else that this was Fang Xie's divorce.

"City Lord!"

A partial general ran quickly to hug fist, "Go and see on the wall."

"what happened?"

Seeing that his face was anxious, Fu Zhengnan followed closely.

"You ... it's better to see it for yourself."

Fu Zhengnan was greatly annoyed by his partial expression, but he still had time to take care of it at this time. He immediately rushed to the city wall with armor, and the Black Flag did not attack in the past two days, but it was even more Worrying, busy with the people in the city, he didn't close his eyes for two days.

When he reached the wall, he took the clairvoyant handed him by his soldiers and looked out, and Fu Zhengnan sweared immediately: "Fang Jie! You shameless!"

About six or seven hundred steps away from the city wall, a team of about several hundred people stopped there. There was a table at the front of the team, which seemed to be full of drinks. Three people were sitting around, pushing cups from time to time. And Fu Zhengnan saw through the eyes of those three miles who the person facing the city wall was ... his brother, Fu Zhengming.

"It's Er Ye!"

A soldier lowered his voice in surprise and said, "Er Ye is drinking with the general of the Black Flag Army!"

"And General Shi!"

The sharp-eyed soldier saw the other person clearly.

"You see, even the Second Lord and Stark were not punished ... They are still drinking there, and it looks like the Black Flag Army is not bad for us."

"Yeah, it's said that the Heiqi Army never stays alive. It seems to be a rumor. Even the second grandfather can have a delicious and delicious hospitality. We must not be killed, right?"

Soon the soldiers started talking.

"I want to say, this is what people do on purpose. Just want us to see, as long as they surrender, they will not be guilty, and they will be delicious and entertaining. In fact, there is another meaning, if you resist, whoever Don't want to sit down and drink as well as Er Ye and General Shi. "

"Shh! Keep your voice down!"

"I tell you, in fact, all of us are just death pieces. The black flag army wants the people of Pingshangdao, even if we want Qingyuan City, must we have to kill everyone in Qingyuan City? If that's the case, who dares to open the door to surrender in those big cities behind? "

"In fact, it is not us who cannot surrender, but the city owner ..."

Someone lowered his voice and said carefully, "Let's surrender or be a soldier. It's a big deal to go home and farm. I can hear that the Black Flag Army over Pingshang Road is dividing the fields for the people! Every family planted their own fields. It ’s not working for the rich households! But the city owner surrendered, can he still be the city owner? The city owner ordered death guard to be afraid of losing their home, and we just janitored their home. For the things of other people ’s lives ... 唉! "

"I'm thinking about it. If Heiqijun said that he would slaughter the city, it would be worth it even if he had fought this life for our grandfather, my mother, and my relatives. There is nothing to hesitate. But now people say that as long as they return it, The people in Pingshangdao will not kill innocent people. Even the city owner is unwilling to agree. Is it worth our life to sell? If the city owner does not agree, after the black flag army breaks the city, everyone who wears armor will be armed. Do n’t stay, who harms us? ”

"Stop talking! Be careful to be heard!"

"At this meeting, who doesn't think much!"

These arguments are not loud, but they are everywhere. Not just the soldiers, but even the lower officers. In the city, people are gathered on the street, and the feelings are excited. If someone carefully observes, they will find that in every place where there are many people, there will be someone excitedly speaking something, faintly pointing the finger at the city owner Fu Zhengnan. After the emotions of the people are aroused, these people will disappear into the crowd without knowing where they are going.

Outside the city

Fang Xie looked at the wall with a glass of wine, then smiled and asked, "Two of you, sitting here with me toasting and drinking, I'm afraid that the city owner will not be happy?"

Fu Zhengming and Stark looked at each other, their faces were bitter.



In the afternoon, a group of cavalry came out of the city like a cloud, and after the city got under control, the warrior was strangled. The head of the man pulled out a bow and shot a feather arrow, poking a poke on the tower.

"Tell your homeowner that I will not return my Great Sui people until sunrise tomorrow. After the city breaks, I will blame my general for being ruthless!"

After the man shouted, he turned around and left, and all the guards on the city wall listened clearly. When they saw a letter tied to the feather arrow, they naturally understood that it was written by Fang Xie to the city owner, and it must be a letter of persuasion. So they are playing drums in their hearts. Will the owner agree?

Someone climbed up and pulled out the arrow, dared not read the letter, and sent it to the city's mansion intact.

Fu Zhengnan, who had not slept for two days, was awakened as soon as he lay down and rested. He put on a piece of clothing and came out. His men said that the enemy from the city had shot a letter and saw that the envelope was written by the general of the Black Flag. Autograph. Fu Zhengnan took the letter and sat down behind the desk, looking dismal.

"Fu Chengzhu Qi: I heard that Fu Chengzhu learned a lot. Today, while outside the city, He Lingdi and General Shi had a good drink, I heard an interesting story about Nan Yan. It is said that a kind of old turtle This is like a millstone, and a big one is like a boat. Unlike the common tortoise, the carapace behind this old tortoise is not strong. Although it is shaped like a castle, it breaks instantly. Whenever it is at risk, immediately retract your head and feet into the shell, thinking that You can protect yourself. The fishermen first saw it, and thought that the turtle shell was very strong, so they used eggs to make it. On the touch, the eggs were intact and the turtle shell was broken ... so my brother did n’t know the name of the turtle, I do n’t know. Anxious, so my brother immediately said, my brother is the most knowledgeable and learned the name of this turtle. Therefore, I personally ask the name of the turtle, Fu Cheng, Nan Yan? I do n’t know this turtle, its longevity? I do n’t know this Turtles can be brave? I don't know this turtle, its taste is delicious? I came to Nanyan to enjoy the mountains and rivers, and it is also beautiful to catch turtles and boil soup. It ’s actually drooling, and it ’s really unscrupulous. I hope the city owner thanked him for his enlightenment. ”

"The solution!"

After reading the letter, Fu Zhengnanqi's shoulders trembled, and he tore up the letter like crazy. His clothes fell off, but he didn't notice it at all. Angry Fu Zhengnan tore up the letter and was still deflated, and kicked the desk in front of him.

"I don't live with you! If I don't kill you, I swear I won't!"

An angry roar came from the study, and the people outside were all confused and frightened. They didn't know why the lord of the city was so angry.

However, news spread quickly. When the garrison on the city wall changed its defense, he said that the Heiqi Army sent a written letter from Fangjie, which should be the ultimatum. When the sun rises tomorrow, if the people of Da Sui are not exchanged, they will have to attack the city.

Then the second message came out quickly. It is said that the owner of the city shattered Fang Xie's handwritten letter and roared to settle a deadly battle with Fang!

That night, people were incited to gather outside the city's main government, shouting for the Sui people to be released from the city, and the furious Fu Zhengnan ordered the army to expel the people, and many people were injured.

"The general has created opportunities for us. If we don't make good use of it, how can we afford the arrangement of the general?"

In the middle of the night, several people gathered in the corner to discuss lowly: "You go to the place where the people of Pingshangdao gather, and tonight they are ready. If you see the fire in the city, you will rush to the city gate and block the gate. Stones move away! "

"A few of us went to incite the people in the city and let them besiege the city's main house tonight, forcing Fu Zhengnan to release people. On both sides, the garrison in the city must be restrained, and the manpower in the barracks must drop sharply, and the others slip in Set fire, then stole a few Nanyan soldiers' coats, spread rumors in the barracks, and said that Fu Zhengnan would kill all the Sui people tonight, and would never return to the Black Flag Army! "

"When the city gate is upset, they will be convinced! Then we open the gate while we are in trouble. If it doesn't open, we will burn him in the city. There is such a mess, Where can those defenders keep their minds? "

The headed person lowered his voice and said, "Fire in the barracks ~ ~ Fu Zhengnan will inevitably lead someone to slay him. I will stab him with a crossbow in the crowd on the street. I definitely cannot kill him, but As long as he orders a search of the assassins, our people will encourage the people, saying that Fu Zhengnan will kill Liwei and kill the people who have gathered to let him go. "

Several people hesitated for a moment, and they all knew that the group was less prone to do it.

"Group rate, you have to be alive, we have insisted that the generals lead troops, after the city breaks, we can go back, take a good sleep, get drunk! We said that we have to go shopping Go for it! "

"it is good!"

The group rate nodded vigorously: "Drink a pot of wine and go to a green house!"

He looked at the sky and waved his hands and said, "Everyone should do it separately, the sooner the better!"

A few people disappeared into the night, before turning around and holding their fists: "Live!"


At night, the voice was so quiet, but so firm.

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