Conquer the World

Chapter 757: Bouldering across the river

Chapter 757 Crossing The River With Boulders


A team of men and horses guarded the two prisoner cars and headed north. There were about a dozen cavalry and a hundred infantry. There was a man in each of the two prisoner cars. The one in front is already white and white, and the one in the back, although it looks a little younger, is at least fifty years old.

The prison car is very sturdy, using willows along the Yangtze River. The thick wood of the thighs is connected by nails. Only the hands and head are exposed outside the prison car. This pose doesn't seem to matter, but if you do this for a long time, your two arms will feel weak.

Not to mention, they still have iron chains around them.

The leader was a captain who looked like he was thirty years old, and the armor on his body could tell that he was a military officer of the sixth grade. From time to time, this man turned back to talk to the person in the prison car, and his eyes were full of guilt.

"Two generals, this meeting is almost out of Jiangbei Road. It must have been hard in the prison car for so many days. No one in the armored army stared after coming out so far. Have you shackled your baile?"

The man in the front of the prison car shook his head and said, "It's not necessary anymore. If we both went to the shackles and got involved with you, we wouldn't be happy. I took your thoughts. Fortunately, although we are older , But the bones are still tough, this trip to Changan, but there is still more than a month away, that's it. "

The person in the back of the prison car said, "That's it. You are both soldiers brought out by us. We naturally know that our hearts are different from the past. We are prisoners and you are escorted. Even if you are not afraid, think about it. The young at home. "

The captain opened his mouth and couldn't help but sighed and yelled, "I **** fuck, where are you so old, a little old, two jerk? Your majesty doesn't know what's going on. It was all about the military affairs. Give it to him! The mess in Changan City, and the mess outside Changan City! Mo said the general, who are the soldiers who convinced us? The general took us to Luonan to Jiangnan, so big I do n’t have any reward for merit, but he still needs to be guilty, **** it! I ’m so **** savvy! ”

"Let ’s go on like this, I ca n’t say that I can't rebel, but the soldiers are also chilling! Who would still be willing to die? I heard that the man was preparing to go south, wanting warships without warships, and wanting logistical supplies without logistical supplies! Luo There are at least hundreds of thousands of people in the hands of Ma Yiyi, waiting to get our sword on the Yangtze River! Besides, even after the river, is it true that the king of Gaokai in the northwest is a decoration? Once the army of the imperial court goes south, Gyeonggi is empty, Wang Yiqu was afraid that he would bring troops to attack immediately! "

The more he scolded his heart, the more angry he said: "We are guarding the Yangtze River and we can return to Changan anytime, but now the court support cannot keep up, the thieves are getting bigger and bigger! I really do n’t know whether Jiangnan is important or Changan is important. At the capital, the guy stared at Jiangnan! "

"Going on like this, Mo said that King Gao Kaitai would be excited all the time, that is, Jin Shixiong in the northwest, and Mufu in the northeast could not be moved!"

The old man in the front of the prison car heard him vent for a while and shook his head and said, "General Iron Armor has been leading the army for many years and naturally wants to get these, so he will let the flutter tiger lead the soldiers to guard the north bank of the Yangtze River, and he will lead the soldiers south. He just ... too conceited. "

"Why did the general come to speak for him now ?!"

The captain became more and more excited, and suddenly stopped the war horse and stopped: "No, even if I am punished, I can't help it."

He took out a steel-making knife and cut the yoke on the old man's shoulder with a knife. This knife was extremely accurate. He cut it through the gap of the yoke and cut open the internal organs with a snap and the yoke separated. He urged the horse to go back and cut off the old man's shackles.

"Two generals!"

The captain of the school garnered a fist and said, "Don't stop humble jobs anymore, the humble functions do so much. If there weren't fathers and mothers in Chang'an City at home, humble jobs could not have broken the prison car with one knife. Opposite! The world is big, there is always something for our men to do! "

The two old men looked at each other, only shaking their heads and sighing.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a person coming out of the woods not far away, holding the chair in the middle of the official way, and this person sat down on the chair so carelessly, but just looked at it with a smile. Team of people. Looking at him looks dark and thin, if not the clothes on his body are still glamorous, his face looks like a refugee.


A few cavalrymen in the front immediately urged the horse to ask aloud, and the people in the back immediately guarded and guarded the car.

The school captain looked at the man with a knife, his face solemn.

"Don't be afraid, I just want to ask for directions."

The young man blocking the road smiled, but his dark complexion had white teeth, so he looked particularly bright and kind.

"I'm going to Huangyang Road. I don't know how to go. Do you know?"

he asks.

The captain rushed forward and looked carefully at the humane: "Following this official road, you can go south to the Yangtze River ferry. Hire a boat against the current and hundreds of miles is the intersection of the Huangniu River and the Yangtze River. Go south to Luoshui and enter Huangyang Road. "

"Thank you!"

The man kept smiling: "Since we know the way, let's go?"


The captain's face changed immediately: "You are trying to hijack the car!"

The man shook his head: "No, no, I just don't know the way, please help me show me the way."

He took an envelope from his arms and handed it to the captain: "This is a letter from an old man. I entrusted it to two generals, Xu Xiaogong and Liu Enjing. Don't say I recognize the wrong person, and quickly send the letter over. .If the two generals decide to go to Huangyang Road after reading the letter, then we will go along. If the two decide not to go ... I have to take one with you. "

"You are so arrogant!"

The captain pointed at the man with a knife.

"Yes, yes ..."

The man smiled: "I'm Yan Yan."



Yangtze River

The wind that rolled over the river carried a slight fishy smell. Because of the war, the fishermen on both sides of the strait still looked for more than ever. Although neither the court nor the Luotu people ransacked the people, but this kind of Ordinary people still choose to avoid it far. The more daring to find fishing away from the barracks, the wealthier family simply moved to a distance.

It was during the time of plumbing fish fertilizers that even in the shallow water of the river, plump big fish could be seen jumping out of the water.

The green scenery on both sides of the strait is picturesque, and the waves on the river are pleasant.

The tiger flung out the bamboo pole, and the rope tied to the bamboo pole was beaten on the water. With a snap, a big fish was directly killed, and when the rope was rolled, the big fish was pulled back. He threw the big fish on one side of the grass, and the old ox came over and began to sting. He seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the fish, and actually hummed from his nose.

Flutter Tiger today seems to have no mood to care about it, looked at the iron armored army in the distance waiting in line, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

Yang Jian stepped over slowly, walked to him and stood, reached out and touched the head of the old ox: "So for a long time, it has been with you ... I always think that people want to live forever and exhaust their means. No, it ’s because of this beast, that he should have died tomorrow morning, but he can live forever. "

The old ox seemed to be afraid of him and ducked aside.

Flutter Tiger remained silent for a while and said, "It's not that it's against the sky, but it took me thirty years to repair it and gave it to it. I didn't expect it to get used to it, and I even changed my temper."

Yang Jian was startled and turned to look at Fuhu: "You ... why is this?"

Thirty years of flirting with tigers, even he has to move! No one knows Tiger Tiger better than him. At first, the three of their brothers fought the world. Tiger Tiger's talent was the best. Even Wan Xingchen was shocked when he saw Tiger Tiger. .

If it hadn't been for so many years in that closed and dull ancient tomb, I'm afraid his repair had already broken that layer. The tomb is so weak that he can live for nearly two hundred years like Wan Xingchen. Why is this repair so amazing? But he actually gave it to an old cow for thirty years!

This kind of thing is unacceptable anyway.

"You sleep in the coffin, and those armored soldiers are waiting to wake up."

Fluttering a sigh, he sat down on the grass and murmured, "In the first three years, a man of my temperament could be sharpened and read a book intently. It was so quiet there that it was so quiet that I turned my book So scary. I have no one to talk to, so I started talking to myself. Because I was afraid that if I didn't speak for too long, I would become dumb. "

"Five years later, I have found all the books I have read, and started reading them a second time. Ten years later, I have read each book more than five times ... In fifteen years, I can read any one. The books are all memorized. You are still asleep, the Iron Armor is still waiting to wake up ... No ... they are dead, so they are not waiting to wake up or resurrect, but waiting for the mission to come. "

"In the twenty-first year, I felt like I was going crazy, so I quietly came out of the grave at night and peeped at the stars. That night, it was as if I was getting new clothes for the first time as a kid. Glad, I didn't dare to toss too much, just dared to smirk secretly. Later, I became more courageous and started to avoid the guards of the Imperial Tomb and go around, but I didn't dare to leave too far, and I was afraid you would be surprised.

"Twenty-five years later, Wan Xingchen found me and told me not to go out again, because my heart is getting wilder and I will leave the Emperor's Tomb sooner or later. He intends to seal a door and only open it when necessary. He had a charm hanging on that door, and it sealed him with a sword. "

"That was the last time I went out and saw this guy in the wilderness, a cow."

Piaohu looked so softly at the old ox, as if looking at his best friend: "I carried it into the cemetery. I was going to eat it, but I changed my mind later, and I left it as if Buddy. But I forgot that there was nothing to eat in the tomb, and soon it became weak. I was scared, I was afraid of being alone, so ... "

Yang Jian sighed: "So you gave it thirty years to repair!"


Flutter nodded: "Fortunately, it survived the first few days of discomfort, and it has been with me for the rest of the century."

The old ox looked back at the tiger and seemed to understand the words of the tiger.

"Then let it stay with you."

After being silent for a while, Yang Jian said, "I'm going to cross the river ~ ~ Huh"

Flutter nodded and said nothing.

"The world belongs to the Yang family."

Yang Jian said.


Flutter nodded again.

"I will kill all enemies."


Yang Jian looked at him and said nothing. After standing for a while, Yang Jian turned and left. He pointed his hand forward, and the armored soldiers began to move. Everyone moved up a big stone prepared by the river, and then stepped into the river.

15,000 iron armours, bouldering across the river!

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