Conquer the World

Chapter 766: Born so

Chapter 766 Born To Be So

Unlike Qingyuan City, the Heiqi Army encountered fierce resistance in Fengping. After the invasion of Qingyuan, there were no fierce street fights, but every street in Fengping was slaughtered. There had never been a fierce slaughter. Although the number of Fengping defenders has been seriously insufficient, they have no choice to give up in the face of enemy attacks.

Han Qu, Yu Mingli, and others led people, streets, streets, and black flags to fight back and forth, and almost every street was covered with corpses.

When Fang Xie entered the city, the Heiqi Army advanced less than a third into the city.

"Master, the defender Feng Ping is very tenacious, our people have not even been able to successfully occupy any street!"

Chen Dingnan was all **** and came back, panting, and didn't know how many people had been stained with blood on his hands, and how many Black Banner soldiers died here.

"Except for the continued onslaught in important places, you should ignore the enemies who are standing on the streets. Organize the troops to take down the city's main house, granaries, treasuries, and I will let others fight."

Chen Dingnan commanded, turned and ran back.

"Kirin, Nie Xiaoju!"


Fang Xie instructed: "The people who took my relatives and the Jingbu Battalion took me out of the street occupied by the Fengping Guards in a team of one hundred. This kind of street fighting is still good at the Jingbu Battalion. I ’ve been training for a few years with my own hands, and they should come in handy. What I want to see before dark is that the entire Feng Ping has been cleaned up. If it is not good, the people in Jingbuying will not be qualified to lead one higher than others. Double army! Same with my relatives! "


Kirin and Nie Xiaoju responded, and rushed out with the pro-battalion and Jingbu battalion.

"Where is Snap Riding School!"

Chen Xiaoru, who had just returned from Peicheng's army, immediately ran over: "Subordinates are here!"

"The person who took you sealed the doors of all the big officials. Someone resisted the killing, and cleaned up the masters in the city. If you encounter difficulties, please ask Daozun to help!"


Chen Xiaoru was ordered to leave.

Fang Xie led a group of people to continue to move forward, all the ears heard shouting and killing. The whole city is filled with a strong **** smell, and the smell irritates human nose and irritates human beast. Murder was going on everywhere, and the Black Flag soldiers, being annoyed by the stubbornness of the garrison, pushed forward like wild animals, stepping on the blood at each step.

Kirin led a pro-battalion, and Nie Xiaoju led a fine step battalion to clear up the guards on the street. The number of these two soldiers is not large. There are only a thousand people in Fangjie's pro-battalion and only 1,500 in Jingbu battalion. However, these soldiers were carefully selected and trained by Fangjie himself. For several years.

In fact, this is a truly special operations force.

On a street, a hundred households of the Jingbu battalion appeared at the intersection with a hundred elite soldiers. Every other section of the street was blocked by the table and chairs of the garrison, forming barriers one by one. And those staunch defenders stood behind the barriers, holding the weapons in their hands tightly.

"We wear better than the average soldier, we take more than the average soldier, why?"

The hundred households named Nalan Dingdong came from Beiliao. Nalan is the largest surname other than Wanyan in Beiliao. Many of the dignitaries under Wan Yanyong from the northern Han Dynasty came from the Nalan family. High status. Nalan Dingdong was a warrior under Wan Yan Chongde. He was seriously injured when he fought with Fang Xie in the northwest, so he missed returning to North Liao Dynasty with Wan Yan Chongde.

After the injury, he stayed and worked in the heavy camp. After recovering for a few years, he became strong again, and then he went to Jingbu Camp to sign up. Nie Xiaoju retained his ability to see him. The hundred households in the Jingbu camp are not appointed, but have a test every six months, and the winner replaces the previous one. If the incumbent households win three times in a row, they will rise to a thousand households.

Nalan Dingdong had good luck. He joined Jingbu Battalion and caught up with the competition in the camp shortly after. He easily won the two battles of Tactics and Martial Arts and was promoted to 100 households by Nie Xiaoju.

In order to better adapt to living in the Han people, Nalanding Dongdong cut off his big braid and kept the same hair style as the Han people, but his eyes and face shape can still distinguish the bloodlines different from the Han people.

Almost 30 years old, Nalan Dingdong has a beard and a huge body. Although he is not as aggressive and abnormal as Nie Xiaoju and Kirin, he has a shocking explosive power. When he was fighting, he still kept the habit of the North Liao people. When he got up, he would take off his clothes and carry his sword forward with a knife.

He asked, and the soldiers behind him answered in unison: "Because we are strong!"


Nalanding Dong said loudly: "Because you are strong, so you get more people! But now no one knows you are strong, only you know! Who tells me, what is the simplest way to tell others that you are strong ! "

Someone answered, "Kill the enemy!"

"Go on!"

Naland Dingdong pointed forward the slashing sword with a length of more than one and a half meters in his hand: "Let everyone know that Jingbu camp people get more than others!"

One hundred elite battalion soldiers rushed into this street before and after each of them divided into a squad. The garrison behind the first barrier immediately released a feather arrow, and the people in Jingbu Battalion approached the enemy at a staggering speed with the help of terrain and flexible skills.

Each of them behaves like a cheetah, without slowing down because of the terrain and because of the enemy's obstruction. Jumping, tumbling, dodging, all the movements are completed during the high-speed forward rush. If someone can record this picture, they will still be deeply shocked when they watch it again.

The faces of the defenders began to change. Each of the 70 or 80 soldiers behind the first barrier sent at least two feather arrows, but did not hurt one person at all!

And those beasts exuding murderous spirits have come near.



Naland Dingdong put the saber-knife aside and began to rush forward, sideways to avoid a feather arrow coming forward, and clasped his hands on the wall, like a cheetah holding a tree trunk. With two kicks, the body rushed forward four or five meters like a shell.

After landing, he evaded the second feather arrow, and then the cat ran forward. She supported her hands on a table, swept her body forward, swung forward in midair, wrapped her legs around a defender's neck, twisted his body by inertia, and the soldier's neck passed immediately. A few clicks.

The reason to give up the saber sword is because it affects the action too long, but this does not mean that he has no weapon for killing. He found a dagger from each of the skins on the sides of the waist, and held the knife with both hands. In the garrison.

A garrison soldier slashed it with a knife, and the knife was lifted. The dagger in Nalandingdong's left hand had pierced his armpit, and then pushed the garrison soldier back three steps. Among the three steps, the dagger in his right The garrison's heart stabbed at least six or seven times.

It's almost impossible for the eyes to keep up.

The second garrison swept across from the back, and Nalanding Dong looked down and hid as if he saw it. The knife slashed directly on the dead garrison door in front and cut off half of his head. Nalanding turned around half-squatting, daggering with his two hands in the rotation, swept back and forth on the stomach of the second defender, and blood and internal organs poured out instantly, hanging on the slimy one of the soldier's stomach Big group.

The next second, his dagger swept across the garrison's neck, and a blood line was carried in midair.

The next second, the dagger in his left hand pierced the throat of a garrison soldier, and the dagger in his right hand poked into the eye socket of another. He was like a spinning top spinning back and forth in the crowd, but those defending soldiers could not touch him at all. In just two minutes, at least seven or eight defending soldiers were overturned by his dagger.

Elsewhere in this area, soldiers of the Jingbu Battalion staged such massacres.

The first barrier was quickly breached, and this time the seventy or eighty defenders were not able to fight for their lives like their robes. Most of them were overthrown without even seeing the appearance of their opponents, and never had the opportunity to stand up again. The soldiers of the Jingbu Battalion were too fast, whether they were running or killing.

They know **** people, but they can avoid the attack of the enemy flexibly. Faced with such an opponent, the defending soldiers have no way.

Without damaging one person, the Jingbu battalions of the two groups killed 70 or 80 defenders.

On average, seven or eight people were killed by each person in less than three minutes.


Some garrisons climbed to the roof and began firing arrows at the soldiers of Jingbu Battalion, but the soldiers of Jingbu Battalion avoided all feather arrows by means of the eaves on both sides of the street. A soldier of the Jingbu Battalion crouched down to build a bridge with his hands, and another soldier stepped on his hand bridge. The soldier underneath lifted it up, and the second soldier fluttered onto the roof.

He was like a wolf rushing into the flock, facing the archers who were very weak in defense and close combat, he used his killing skills to the extreme. Each shot of the dagger in his hand can send an enemy into the ground, and the six or seven archers on the roof are cleaned up in an instant.

The defenders behind the second barrier will not be afraid and shocked in their eyes. Before that, they used the stubborn defense to make the Black Flag Army pay a small price, but later the Black Banner infantry was withdrawn and replaced. Everyone is so perverted. This way of fighting was so weird, he felt that he couldn't trace the enemy's trajectory at all.

Because those people have no trace at all.

In his horrified eyes, the eagle with the wings holding the two daggers fell down from the roof like an eagle. Do n’t cut it back, but it was faint with a knife, but he turned too fast. Slowly, being close to Nalandingdong is equivalent to being sentenced to death. Not to mention, it was still close to Nalandingdong from behind.

You should know that when Fang Xie is inadequate in his cultivation, he is best at melee combat. In the face of strong enemies, he can only have a chance to win if he is close. The experience of Fang Jie caused almost every fight in his fight to die, either the enemy died or he died, so the experience of solving above melee combat is extremely rich. These abnormal step camps inherited this wealth of melee killing skills from Fang Xie.

Nalandingdong's two daggers stabbed into the back of the defender, don't pinch them on the shoulder blades, and twist the daggers against the bones. The two arms of this dagger instantly lost their strength. He followed it with a dagger and poked it sideways into his neck, the blade stabbed from the other side of the neck.

In less than half an hour, hundreds of defenders on this street were cleaned up, and the most incredible thing was that Jingbu Battalion did not lose one person.



There is another battlefield in the battlefield ~ ~ There is no **** killing and no fierce fighting can be seen. Few people even know the existence of this battlefield, because this kind of battle starts quickly and ends quickly.

When Xiang Qingniu took someone to clean up those who were good in the city, the soldiers of the Black Flag were still killing. He jumped into a high-rise building and sat on the top of the building, looking at the city's main mansion, that was the last battlefield. The remnants of the garrison retired under the leadership of Han and others, and the number has not exceeded seven or eight hundred.

An old man stood next to him and asked lowly, "Teaching, so that we can revive our attitude?"

"Not necessarily"

Xiang Qingniu shook his head: "But ... what can be guaranteed is that Qingle Mountain will always exist in the future."

"Teaching seems to value General Fang."


Xiang Qingniu said with a bit of emotion after a moment of silence: "He was born to adapt to the troubled times, or ... he just appeared because of the troubled times."

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