Conquer the World

Chapter 777: Congratulations

Chapter 770 Congratulations

"You can't beat me"

The man in white looked at Fang Xie very seriously.

Fang Xie took down the knife from behind and ticked the corner of his mouth: "There are some rackets that you can't beat before you fight."

The man in white was silent, and then resolved directly.

Perhaps for him, such an action was enough to respect the solution.

Fang Xie tilted the blade forward, and the five-pulse cyclone flew out of the blade's tip, quickly growing in midair, and covering the man in white like a huge umbrella cover. The five-pulse cyclone twirled the surrounding heaven and earth's vital energy, which actually peeled it off from the air, forming a large cyan air current swirling around the five-pulse cyclone.


The man in white looked at the five-pulse cyclone and muttered, "Why didn't I think of it?"

The blade of Fang Xie pressed down, and the five-pulse cyclone fell down fiercely. The man in white took a step backward, but his body was already dozens of meters away. Suddenly, Cyclone Wumai fell to the position he was standing in before, and then a huge pit was stirred up on the ground after a bang. The Cyclone Wumai was like a propeller pierced into the soil, turning the land upside down.

The mud was stirred up into the air, forming a huge tornado!

The man in white looked at the power of the tornado. Thinking long, long time ago, he never thought that he could create exercises like this, his adversary was somewhat admired. The strong stormy wind brought the soil with darkness to make it extremely dark. No one on either side of the tornado could see anyone.

Fang Xie pointed his blade forward, and the tornado began to move towards the man in white. The wind like the mad python beat fiercely at the man in white. The man in white stretched out his left hand. A faint white brilliance appeared on the palm of the hand, and the violent wind rolled over and hit the white light, as if the violent current hit the boulder and separated on both sides.

The tornado moved and soon swallowed the man in white. However, the man in white completely isolated the tornado under the shroud of light, and the power of the five-pulse cyclone swirling in the wind frantically rubbed the light and made a sharp sound. The power of the five pulses kept pounding, but the light around the white man never disillusioned.

At this time, the white man stood in the eyes of the tornado, and was surrounded by darkness.

He looked up at the sky with some admiration in his eyes.

At this moment, his face suddenly changed, and then he suddenly pulled up and left the ground. Suddenly, a huge five-pulse cyclone actually got out of the mud under his feet and pursued him. The glory in the eyes of men in white is getting stronger and stronger, that kind of look is like seeing a mediocre artist drawing a good work, seeing a naughty boy can finish writing a text.

The force of the five-pulse cyclone came out of the ground, and the five impellers kept striking the brilliance protected around the body of the white man.

This level of offensive, even Shen Qingfan and others in the distance were trembling. Perhaps because they are so close, they don't really understand how strong the solution is. And they themselves are arrogant people, and the impression is that the strength of the Chinese side is obviously worse than them.

But at this moment, they finally determined that they had been chasing behind their solution, and had already strode over.

The man in white floating in the air lifted his foot and stepped on it. The white light group suddenly became a mountain-like weight, and fell suddenly. The light hit the cyclones of the five pulses. At the moment when they touched together, It seems that time has stopped for a while. Then the violent breath rolled out around the man in white, and the storm slammed the dirt rolled up by the five-pulse cyclone, shaking out all the floating things like the explosion of the waves.

The five-pulse cyclone was suppressed by white light, and the ground was cleaned by the strong wind!

At the moment when the Cyclone Wumai was stepped on, Fang Jie suddenly appeared in the tornado's eyes, and the knife in his hand was severely chopped in white light with a golden flame, while the white man stepped on After that my eyes are still on the ground!

The timing of this knife cannot be grasped more accurately.

The golden flame of the flames fell on the white light, and after a loud noise, the flame was bounced by the white light. The golden flame roared and bounced like a wounded beast, forming a sea of ​​fire in the air. . The Chaolu knife was really chopped on the white light ball.


Fang Xie's arm was numb, and a pain arose from the tiger's mouth.

This feeling has been a long time since Fang Jie. The strength of this knife is enough to split a boulder, but it does not split the white brilliance around the man in white.

As Fang Jie expected, this is the world!

This man in white is the third person to use the realm that Fang Xie has seen, and relatively speaking, this seemingly plain realm is more solid than the realm he has seen before! Fang Xie only solved many doubts after the first battle with Luo Yao. For example, Yang Qi's white light group condensed at the last moment in Yang Qi's battle against the Great King of Ming Dynasty.

That's the world, but at that time, Fang Jiewei was still very low. I couldn't understand what kind of practice that was. Later, Fang Jie understood it. At that time, Yang Qi used his own realm to control the king of the big round, so that the king of the big round couldn't break free, and Yang Qi, who had the same heart, burned his realm and turned the big round of the king into ashes.

Perhaps because of that realm, half of Luo Yao's body that should have returned to Xiu was trapped and died in King Dalun Ming. Fang Xie thought that at that time, the barriers of the soil created by King of Great Wheels turned into a tiger and kept rushing left and right but did not rush out. It should be that half of King of Great Wheels who was trapped was trying to hit Yang. Odd world, but no success.

Therefore, what Luo Yao has been waiting for has not happened. If there was no Yang Qi's realm at the beginning, and the half of King Dalun Ming was repaired to return to Luo Yao's body, perhaps Luo Yao would not lose in the battle between Luo Yao and Yang Jian. If Luo Yao did not lose, he would not rush to find solutions.

It was under such circumstances that Fang Xie realized his own realm.

Yang Qi, Luo Yao.

These two people have created their own realm, and the man in front of him in the white dress thinks that Luo Yao is still seriously injured! Such a person, Fang Jie has never heard of it! This doesn't make sense!

In fact, the square solution is an alternative.

Look at the people who can create their own realm, Yang Qi, King of the Great Wheel, who is not the one who shocked the ancient times? The cultivation of these two people is still above Zhang Yiyang. If it was Yang Qi in the heyday or King of the Great Wheel, there was no need to put Wudang Zhang Yiyang in his eyes.

When Zhang Yiyang was about to kill Tiger Tigers some time ago, the kind of strength demonstrated had already made it difficult for everyone around Fang Xie to add up. If it wasn't for Xiao Yijiu's return in time, no one could stop Zhang Yiyang that day. So Fang Jie is a special case. He created his own realm, but he is far away from those who own the realm.

The solution is bounded, and perhaps he is the weakest of all major practitioners who have been able to open up the world.

According to the truth, it is impossible to open up the world with the cultivation that he barely stepped into the bright realm.

Fang Xie even suspected that Zhang Yiyang had no realm of his own.



The white light bounced off the golden flame and burst into the open knife.

Fang Xie's body tossed back and fell in the distance. The force of the shock made his arms numb, but if it wasn't for his physique, he was afraid that the knife had already cracked his tiger's mouth.

The white light faded away, and the white man walked slowly in the wind.

He looked at the golden flame still burning in the sky, his eyes were a little complicated: "Someone once magnified the power of this flame as much as he could claim to burn everything."

Fang Jie knew that he was talking about King Dalun Ming, and his karma was indeed scary enough. Luo Yao, who owns a small and a half of the Great King of Ming Dynasty, can crush a group of practitioners by using only the practice of karma. And listening to the tone of Baiyiren, it seems that he once saw the karma of the Great King Ming.

"Do you know why he had to delve into the power of this flame?"

The man in white suddenly asked.

Fang Xie was a little surprised, and suddenly the opponent started asking questions, which was strange.

"You're talking about King Dalun?"

Fang Jie asked deliberately.

The man in white nodded his head: "Apart from the dirty man, who else worked so hard to show the power of this fire."

He seemed to have one more sentence to say below, but he finally put up with it. Fang Jie suddenly felt that what he didn't say might be the key to the person's origin. In his words, King Dalun Ming used the word 龌龊 filthy, which shows that there is no pleasant past between him and the Buddhism.


Fang Jiewen

The man in white smiled: "You really didn't expect it? That's because ... the power of the five pulses, he can only use fire."

Fang Jie was shocked!

Yeah, why is it so simple that I never thought of it? Luo Yao's own body, the enthusiastic greedy solution in his eyes still remembers it. But Luo Yao, who can only use the pulse of fire, still can look down on the heroes. So how much potential does he have?

"Don't fight again."

The man in white slowly raised his head and opened his mouth to suck, and the golden flames floating in the sky were sucked in. Then he penetrated into the mouth of the man in white and was sucked by him very quickly. In this scene, Fang Jie's shock is infinite.

"This method is called Tiangong. You said, you've seen it."

Man in white.

Fang Jie's eyes had a kind of coldness that grew thicker. In his mind, he and Luo Yao appeared in an instant. A white shadow ripped Luo Yao's realm, and then repaired Luo Yao into all Swallow it. That scene, now Fang Jie has not forgotten!

"It's you!"

Fang Xie clenched Chao Ludao, he took a deep breath, and then took a step forward.

"it's me?"

The man in white seemed surprised, and then smiled calmly: "Whether it's me or not, you can count on my head. When you talked by the river, you said you've seen people who are fascinating ... … It seems you are disgusted, but why are you disgusted? It ’s just a method of practice, but… it ’s a bit of a coincidence. ”


Fang scolded: "I stole your wealth so I have money ~ ~ Is this just a trick?"

The man in white thought for a while and answered, "It turns out that you still distinguish good from evil like this."

He seemed a little disappointed: "To be aggressive, shouldn't you just look at success or failure?"

Fang Xie took a step forward again: "I don't know how to distinguish between Xiongxiong and others, but I know some things can be done and some things can't."

The man in white asked: "What if the person who devours the power of heaven **** the practice of the wicked? Isn't it good? It's like you've been killing, but it's good."

Fang Jie couldn't answer.

"Go back, I told you ... I'm just a spectator."

The last sight of the white man stayed on mulberry and said for a while, "Congratulations"

After speaking these two words, he turned and left.

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