Conquer the World

Chapter 799: So ridiculous

Chapter 799 Such a ruthless thing

Hou Wenji and Luo Weiran whispered aside, Wu Yi went to Fang Xie and lowered his voice and asked, "Even if there is a cause for this, Luo Weiran is still destroying the foundation of the Black Banner Army. The subordinates said so It may seem a bit of a loss, but ... would they be brought back like this? Taking Hou Wenji and Luo Weiran's cultivation as the motives, staying in the Black Flag Army is ultimately a confidant. "

Fang Jie nodded, but did not speak.

Wu Yidao was silent for a while and said, "Did you solve it?"

Fang Xie glanced at him, but still didn't speak.

Wu looked at Fang Jie's face together, then turned to Luo Weiran.

In the distance, Hou Wenji smiled helplessly: "I said a long time ago, it's not time for us to sit in the study in the guard at the Dainai office and do some calculations. It's time for a group of people to suffer. I was so conceited that I thought everything was under my control. This is a problem that has been cultivated for many years in the Inner Guards Office. It may not be possible to change it in a while. But at that time anyway, I also helped you wipe your buttocks behind you. I have to help you make up for anything you have missed. Without me, you are really getting more and more out of bounds. "

Luo Weiran glanced at him: "You haven't run to the northwest for so long, why hasn't it changed?"

Hou Wenji spread his hands and said, "The emperor said at the beginning, I am your shadow. Have you ever seen the shadow deceive the body?"

Luo Weiran seemed to be a little lost. He looked at Fang Jie's eyes a little: "This matter is actually not better than what I expected. I am not surprised that Fang Jie will see through my mind, but if I die Now, it will not be too difficult for His Royal Highness Princess for my death. But now I can't die, and I can't continue to fight, but it is even more difficult. "


Hou Wen smiled and said, "Fang Jie obviously didn't want to kill you. You said something right before. It's not like Fang Jie is a hero who can dominate the world. His kindness is too heavy. .If it were me, I would kill you no matter if I could not see through your mind. "

Luo Weiran said, "You and I both know he is not a hero, but his achievements are not lower than anyone."

"So ... he should have worked a lot harder than a real grandson."

Hou Wen was very emotional, and then asked Luo Weiran: "What are you going to do? Now things have been so clear, obviously Fang Jie guessed what you thought he would never guess, and you are because of the princess Well, if you do n’t die, you ca n’t leave ... Well, it ’s a headache. ”

Luo Weiran was silent for a while, and suddenly sighed to the sky: "When practicing in the mountain that year, the second elder brother should not have brought their husband and wife to the mountain. Without that encounter, there would not be many annoying things now. It is just that See you once ... many things can never be changed. "

Hou Wenji said, "If it weren't for this relationship, would Yang Qi let you go to take over the guard in the palace? Yang Qi's cleverness lies in that he didn't blame you, but let him You go to the Royal Palace to serve in the Inner Guard. He is determined to have this relationship. You will do your best to protect the Taiji Palace and the Yang family. "

Luo Weiran nodded, then shook his head: "Even so, I don't blame Brother Er, but I still miss him. He gave me a chance to see her from time to time. For so many years, this is the only thing I feel satisfied. One thing. That thing was that I was wrong after all. I seduced her, so I always wanted to compensate. "

At this time, Wu came slowly together.

Hou Wenji glanced at Wu and said to Luo Weiran with a low voice: "Fang Jie has a bottom line in his heart, but this person does not."

Luo Weiran smiled: "To this day, what else can I be afraid of? I have been working with you for many years. You have no bottom line to say that you are more thorough than him."

Hou Wenji poked his lips and turned his head to the side.

"Commander, please take a step to speak."

Wu Yiran walked in front of Luo Weiran and said, Luo Weiran nodded and walked out to one side. The two walked into the woods until they disappeared out of sight of others. The more you walk into the forest, the quieter you will be. Even in the summer, there is no trace of summer heat, and the shame makes the back tight.

"The commander should know that it is extremely difficult for the protagonist to make this decision."

Wu Yidao said after stopping.

Luo Weiran also stopped and looked at Wu and asked, "Is Fang Jie asking you to come and tell me?"

Wu Yidao shook his head: "The principal hasn't considered how to settle you, because Ren Nian, he doesn't want to kill you. One is because you helped him in Chang'an City, and the other is because he didn't want to let the princess know. After the truth, it ’s painful. But it ’s the hard work of the protagonist. ”

"I know"

Luo Weiran nodded: "You guessed it?"

Wu Yidao said, "I seem to have been in Chang'an City longer than you, so some things are clearer than others, but this thing is too big, even if I see it, I dare not talk nonsense. After all, it involves the dignity of the Celestial Family. Once it comes out, it's not just you and her that are affected. Even Hou Wenji dare not say, who dares? "

Luo Weiran said after a moment of silence: "You seem to understand my feelings."

Wu Yi smiled: "Indeed, it seems that I am the one who should understand your mood most among the people present. How much can I do for Yin Yu, and naturally you can do as much for Princess Chang."

"She is my daughter!"

Luo Weiran exclaimed: "I can die for her!"

Wu Yi shook his head: "You can live for her, but ... it depends on how you live."

"What do you mean!"

Luo Weiran asked.

Wu Yidao said after a moment of silence: "If the protagonist listens to my advice, why bother. It is a disaster for a person like you. After death, it will be reassuring. But the protagonist obviously does not have this idea, so he As my subordinate, I have to consider it for him. "

"One is to surrender all the strength of the Inner Guard. The second is not to try to take the princess away. The third is to go to Chang'an. There is a person there who needs your guard. Even if you don't believe me, you should I believe the protagonist will not make it difficult for the princess. It ’s the queen ... No, it should be the queen mother. She is alone in Changchun City Changchun Garden. If no one takes care of it, it will be pitiful. "

After saying this, Luo Weiran's face changed obviously.

Wu Yixiao smiled: "But after confirming this, I finally understood one thing ... When the first emperor rebelled in the northwest, it was difficult for the emperor to return to the west of Luoshui by the anti-armies of Gao Kaitai and Wang Yiqu. A decision was made, asking Zhang Dangren from Wudang Mountain to protect him and leave the army before returning. While he was still halfway, His Royal Highness was crowned emperor under the support of his ministers and queen mother. "

"Before the first emperor entered Chang'an, he was stopped by Yang Shunhui and his soldiers died. Wu knew that the emperor said that the emperor was cruel and could kill his own father. But everyone knows how can such a thing like the throne be careless? In case the emperor returned to Changan and appeared again, the little emperor who had announced the death of the emperor was a sinner, and he would be charged with killing his father northward. Instead, the young emperor might as well just kill the father. "

"As far as I know, the little emperor decided to ask the queen mother before. Was it too cruel or filial? ... Nobody thought that the queen mother had no objection. This was beyond the expectations of the Manchu military and military. You must know the queen mother. It is a well-known thing that the relationship with Xiandi is very good. The queen queen can nod this head ... It is so shocking. "

"It turns out ... the queen queen's heaviest man is not Xiandi."

"To shut up!"

Luo Weiran said coldly, "She did it for Da Sui, not for anything else! No one is more painful than her, no one!"

Wu Yi smiled, and did not seem interested to mention it again: "I said just now that it is the best way for you to be the long princess or to the black flag army. You go back to Changan to guard her, long princess There is definitely no danger in the Black Flag Army, and you know that.

"it is good!"

After a while, Luo Weiran nodded: "I surrendered all the people in the Dainai Guards Office, and I would not take the princess, and then I went to Changan City, but if I knew that the princess was in the Black Banner Aggrieved, I will not let you go even if my body is bruised! "

Wu Yidao shook his head: "I am also a father and I also have a daughter. Moreover, the long princess in Heiqijun is not bad for her or the protagonist."

Luo Weiran stopped talking and turned to go outside.


Wu Yidao shouted behind him: "If I were you, I would find a way to bring her out when I arrived in Chang'an City, and then I would find a place where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and I would no longer care about the world."

Luo Weiran didn't look back, didn't talk anymore, and went out with great stride.

Wu Yi looked at his back and couldn't help but sigh: "Daughter ... is always the softest piece of meat in my father's heart, and touch it, it will be painful."



Luo Weiran sat down next to Fang Jie, took the wine sac from Fang Jie's hand, and took a sip. He wiped the liquor on the corner of his mouth and looked up at the sun shining through the cracks in the leaves: "I have to Say thank you. Wu Yi mentioned three things to me just now. The first was to surrender all the strength of the Dainai Guards Office. The second was not to try to take the Princess Long. The third time to go to Changan City, I agreed. "

Fang Jie shook his head: "If you are willing to tell the princess the truth, I will not stop you from taking her away."

Luo Weiran shook his head after a moment of silence: "Let ’s forget it. What supports her now is to reinvigorate the belief of the Yang family. If I destroy her belief again, I'm afraid she can't bear it."

Fang Xie said, "This is not something sooner or later?"

"I'll go to Chang'an City first and bring her mother out."

Luo Weiran drank the wine in her pouch: "If her mother agrees to tell her the truth, it's not too late. I said thank you just now, and now I want to talk to you solemnly as a father In a word ... if you dare hurt her, I will not let you go, even if I die. "

Fang Xie patted Luo Weiran's shoulder: "I'm going to be a father soon."

Luo Weiran froze, then smiled: "Congratulations"

Fang Xie glanced at the empty wine pouch: "If it wasn't for that, maybe I can't really appreciate your feelings, so you don't need to thank me, I should just accumulate some merits for my unborn child. There is something I want to tell you, in fact, when I brought the princess out of Chang'an City, I didn't think of anything to ridicule the emperor to make the princes like that ... Long Princess ... She's not really that material.

Luo Weiran gave Fang Jie a blank look: "She's fine."

Fang Xie nodded: "Because she is too simple and good, even if she starts to learn revenge, but her hard work will not help, and some cruel, she will never adapt."

Luo Weiran did not deny it. He stood up and looked at Fang Jie: "Before I left, I planned to do one thing for you. It was also something I wanted to do a long time ago. But if it weren't for today, I would It should be difficult to get started. "

Fang Xie didn't seem interested in paying attention to what he wanted to do, but just waved his hand: "Let's go, I'll do a great merit and sooner or later reunite your family of three."

Luo Weiran didn't say anything, turned and walked into the distance.



"I'm leaving."

Luo Weiran and Hou Wenji stood side by side in the forest and looked into the distance.

"Let's go"

Hou Wen nodded extremely.

"You were the first to know the private relationship between me and the queen, and the first to know that the princess was actually my daughter. You have been trying to kill me for so many years. Why didn't you go to the Emperor to tell?

Luo Weiran asked lightly.

Hou Wenji was obviously shocked, and then smiled: "Tell the truth? In the nature of Xiandi, only one who knows this will not be able to live, he will kill a clean, I want to kill you without leave, but not It would be stupid to accompany his life. At the beginning, you told me about it, why not? You just want to make me uncomfortable. You have a big handle in your hand, and you dare not say it. "

In his cuffs, he put his fingers together, and his energy kept on his fingertips. He glanced at Luo Weiran, waiting for Luo Weiran to turn around. He stood side by side with him, only to see from the side that he was surprised to find that the bodies of the two people could be completely overlapped, and whether they were Luo Weiran or Hou Wenji, they could perfectly cover each other.

Perhaps because of this, then Yang Yi, Emperor Tianyou, allowed Hou Wenji to stand behind Luo Weiran. The Emperor Tianyou looks at people and rarely makes mistakes. He knew very well that it was far better to let Hou Wenji stand in the front and Luo Weiran to stand in the back, because Hou Wenji was best suited to hide in the dark to do things that others could not.


Luo Weiran took a step forward.



Hou Wenji's **** were on Luo Weiran's back, and a blood arrow shot out from Luo Weiran's chest. The inner strength of this finger runs through Luo Weiran's body, and the blood hole is transparent.

"You guessed I was going to kill you before I left?"

Luo Weiran turned to look at Hou Wenji.

Hou Wenji's face was a bit ugly and scary white.

He nodded and smiled bitterly: "I guessed, but I didn't expect that you didn't plan to take a shot ... I have thought about it many times. If you play against me, I win or you win, even which hand you use to strike me first I tried to solve it by any means, but I didn't expect ... it turned out that Wan Jiantang's sword really couldn't stop ... "

He fell down softly, with a blood hole in his heart.

Luo Weiran looked at the blood hole that deviated from his heart ~ ~ There was something in her heart. He didn't take a shot just now, but did his best to dodge.

"I have wanted to kill you for so many years, and you have always wanted to kill me. Unfortunately, you have never dared to kill me, nor have I dared to kill you, because you and I will never dare to determine who is stronger. When I stand by your side, you must pay full attention to alert me, just as I stand beside you and every hair on my body stands. The first emperor said that you are my shadow, this sentence will detain you and me for nearly twenty He was really vicious.

In the distance, Xiang Qingniu withdrew his sword, and looked at the three injured brothers in silence.

Luo Weiran looked back at him and smiled: "Little brother, good sword."

Hou Wenji died and did not expect that Luo Weiran, whom he had been on alert, did not take the shot, it was Xiang Qingniu. But because his attention was all on Luo Weiran, he simply forgot the moment when he stared at Luo Wei and then prepared to take a shot, which was also the moment when he frayed himself.

Xiang Qingniu also smiled at Luo Weiran: "Get out of it, I can't think you are so shameless, you can do something so ridiculous after sleeping the queen ... Niu-force!"

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