Conquer the World

Chapter 802: Get together and parting

Chapter 802 Gathering and Parting

Dali City

Imperial palace

Mu Rongsha stood in front of a tall bronze mirror and raised her two arms to arrange the robes for him by the maiden. The four maidens either stood or kneeled to arrange clothes for him, even the smallest folds would unfold. His Majesty the Emperor in the bronze mirror looks majestic and tall, and the emperor outside the mirror is full of worries.

There is a quirk of Murong Shao. Many people have quirks, all kinds of quirks. Murong Shame's quirk is looking in the mirror. His favorite thing to do is to let his subordinates sew a dragon robe and put it on, standing in front of a bronze mirror and admiring the appearance of the dragon robe on him. This was a quirk that began on his first day on the throne, and is now a habit.

It is said that there is a side hall in the palace dedicated to storing his clothes. He has no longer worn a dragon robe that can fill half of the side hall in these years.

"Monk, Fang Xie really agreed?"

he asks.

The monk who had mistaken himself standing at the door seemed to be asleep, his body was shaking the circle, and the palace ladies who looked at him from time to time were worried, and he would plunge to the ground next second. But no matter how he shook, he still stood.

"He said he would come."

The squinting monk answered.

"Hey can't figure it out ..."

While admiring himself in the bronze mirror, Mu Rongsha said exactly, while admiring the clothes worn on his body in the bronze mirror, he said, "Now I don't have anything in my hand that can make Fang Jie jealous. Fighting forces, outside the city now There are no less than 100,000 Black Banners, and it is said that tens of thousands of horses have already arrived in Yongzhou ... Well, how many soldiers are really willing to die for him? He doesn't know and dare not think. "

Mu Rongxi waved his hand and motioned the palace ladies to withdraw. He carefully walked back to the chair and sat down, as if he was afraid to make the finished clothes uncomfortable.

"I know what the ministers are thinking below. The reason why they haven't fled is because he ordered the embargo to close the door. They haven't got the courage to gather their hands to attack the gate from the inside. But when I didn't expect to guard the city, these people would Out of ten. "

He took a sip of tea: "Because of this, why do you have to answer your request when you have the advantage? The one-on-one test with yourself is puzzling. He dare to promise you to come to Dali City. A decisive battle in the palace? "

The monk who had mistaken himself shook his head: "I didn't say I would fight against him. I came down to find me and asked me to do that. I went because I lived in Dali City for so many years and I have food for half a lifetime. The clothes I wore were given by the court, and it was that simple. Why did Fang Xie agree to fight with me, I do n’t know, and did n’t want to know. All I had to do was wait for him in the palace, and he would fight. He did n’t come, I won't go out and call him again. "

"I understand ..."

Murong's face changed, and it seemed a little unpleasant, but he remained polite: "朕 Please ask the monk to find a solution. In fact, you have broken the rules of the monk's indisputable rule. You can promise 朕 to do this, 朕Already satisfied. And yes ... no matter why he came, as long as he came, I would never let him leave alive. "

"with all due respect."

The monk who mistaken himself looked at Murong Sha: "Your Majesty's cultivation is not as good as before."

Mu Rongmu was silent for a while, then nodded: "He knows that after he ascended the throne, he will deal with the affairs every day, and his heart is on state affairs. Where can I practice? It ’s reasonable to practice as bad as before. Yes. But ... I don't think it's better than a solution. "

He asked the monk who had mistaken himself: "Have you seen him, can he be bright?"

The monk who had mistaken himself shook his head: "I don't know."

"do not know?"

Mu Rongmu stunned: "You can't see through?"

The monk who had mistaken himself shook his head again: "See through."

"Since you can see through, why don't you know?"

The monk who had mistaken himself said: "It is not necessarily the truth that can be seen through. I and Fang Jie side by side, feeling that his cultivation is not the pinnacle of Jiupin. It seems that one foot has stepped into the bright territory. But ... this is not necessarily true Yes, as far as I know, Fang Jie is not a master practitioner who has not killed the bright realm. "

Mu Rongsha's face changed: "Even if he can kill the practitioners in Tongming Realm, there is nothing to worry about. I have you, black master, and myself."

He pointed to the outside: "I still have the best of the six hundred Tu Shenwei. These six hundred people were trained by myself. If the large group of Tu Shen is laid out, the spiritual practitioners in the bright realm can also be trapped. As long as the solution comes, He is sure to kill him. "

"Congratulations first, Your Majesty."

The monk who had mistaken himself gave the gift slightly: "If your Majesty has nothing else, I want to go back first. The day after tomorrow, I will try to solve the problem and I want to go back to rest."

"Monk, based on your cultivation, don't you have the confidence to win easily?"

Murong asked.

The monk who had mistaken himself shook his head: "There is no absolute thing in this world. I heard that King of Great Wheel Ming once found an solution, but eventually King of Great Wheel Ming died. I also heard that Luo Yao found an solution and eventually It was Luo Yao who died. I can never match these two people. I also went to find a solution, and I was afraid of death. "

A flash of sarcasm flashed across the corner of Murong's mouth: "In this case, the monk will go back to rest first, and he will enter the palace tomorrow night and wait in the palace."


The monk mistakenly nodded, turned and walked out. When he walked outside the door of the palace, he suddenly stood still, and looked back at Mu Rongsha with a strange voice, and asked, "Your Majesty's clothes are so beautiful."

Subconsciously, Murong looked down at the new dragon robes on his body, and did not understand if the monk had misunderstood something else: "He likes ..."

The monk who had mistaken himself smiled: "By the way, suddenly thinking of Fang Jie seems to have said that he came to the palace and met me without worrying about being trapped by His Majesty, because he also wanted to come in and kill His Majesty you. I asked him you The emperor is recognizable. He said that the emperor wears a dragon robe. As long as he wears a dragon robe, it is not terrible. "

The words behind him did not continue to be spoken. He wanted to tell Mu Rongsha, if you would take half of the time to dress yourself up to practice, how could you fall so badly? Fang Jie explained that wearing a dragon robe is not terrible, because he knows what you can't afford now.

Murong's eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth twitched.



Sang Yan looked at Fang Jie, and his eyes were confused: "You really want to go into the city to fight with that great monk? Even if you fight, why do you have to enter the city? Even if you want to enter the city, why do you have to go to the palace?"

Fang Xie faced such problems all day, but he was not impatient.

He moved a small stool for Sang to sit down: "Don't worry, you're special now, so you're in a hurry."

Sang Yan looked at him and sighed helplessly: "Can you answer me seriously?"


Fang Xie smiled and said, "In fact, it's very simple. I'm deceiving Murong."

Mulberry stunned: "Cheat him?"


Fang Xie said his plan with a smile, and after listening to it, Sang Yi was still uneasy: "Although so, after all, it is dangerous. Even if you don't let me go with you, take Sister Shen and Sister Mu, Then bring Dao Xiangzhang Qingniu, the three elders who have a view of Qi, and Wu Yidao, who are also very good at cultivation. And Aunt Du, Mr. Qiu Yu, Mr. Yan Qing, and Xie Fuyao. "

"With so many people, how can Murong Shame be fooled?"

Fang Xie laughed: "It's enough for me to take Xie Fuyao and Xiang Qingniu. The fan and the small waist are left. I am worried that Murong Sha has other thoughts. If all the masters in the camp go out, maybe Murong Shame will send someone, and he knows that I will take you. Aunt Du, Mr. Qiu Yu and Mr. Yan Qing all have injuries. The four of them have no injuries to Xie Fuyao's injuries, and the others have to recuperate. As for Wu Yi, I asked him to be a backup. "

What did Sang Yan say, Fang Jiechi took her shoulders and said, "Rest assured, you should understand me, and I regret my life as always."



A large account in the Black Flag Army Camp

Fang Xie poured a glass of wine for Du Hongxian and handed it over. Du Hongxian took it and smiled at him: "Speaking of it, I never imagined that you would have this achievement today. When you were in Fan Gu, you came every day Eating dog meat and drinking pear flower stuffing, Su Tugou and I have never felt that you are a big man. At best, it is just a small person with a lot of eyes and money, but it is kind. "

"Are you kind now?"

Fang Xie asked with a smile.

Du Hongxian was silent for a while and said, "To be honest, where else can anyone make me feel kind? After Su Tugou went west with his grandfather, all the people in this world are outside except myself."

Fang Jie's nose was a little sour. He took off the wine pouch from the waist and handed it to Du Hongxian: "After I arrived in Yongzhou, I found that there is actually an old wine sold in a wine shop that tastes very similar to that of pear pear. , Then according to the taste in the memory, I added something to it, and now it looks like a seven-point drink. "

Du Hong took the wine pouch subconsciously, unplugged the stopper, took a sip, and then shook his head after tasting: "You can tell from the taste what the pear flower stuffing has been added in, and it can already imitate the taste ... Fang Xie, this barracks and this place are not suitable for me. In other words, I and the world are a bit rusty, so I want to leave. "


Fang Xie nodded: "I know, you are here, but you will leave sooner or later."

"Will the Yangtze River?"

he asks.

Du Hongxian shook his head: "I won't go back. I stayed there because the guys who fiddled with the ship were honest, just like Su Tugou. They would smile stupidly, and they would drink. Drunk and dancing and singing faintly have his shadow ... but since leaving, there is no need to go back. There is no my concern there, my concern is in the lone tomb on the grassland of the Western Region. "

"The grave is at the foot of the Daxue Mountain ..."

Fang Jie said, "But I don't worry about going on your own."

Du Hongxian smiled: "You can rest assured, I will not go. You are not reassured. If Su Tugou knows, how can he be reassured? He should not want me to go, he never wants me to be A little hurt. "

Fang Jie had a sore nose and rubbed the corners of his wet eyes: "Where are you going?"

"Just go to Yongzhou."

Du Hongxian raised the wine bag in Yang's hand: "Would you like to send me this wine shop? I want to make pear blossoms again ~ ~ Fang Xie sent Du Hongxian for thirty miles, Du Hongxian said, The ancients said that no matter how deep the love was, it was only thirty miles away. Actually, you and I didn't have any deep feelings at all. Even if it wasn't meeting each other, there were only occasional intersections. If you send too long, I will You will remember this farewell, and the shadow of Fan Gu's small frontier is blurred.

Fang Xie stopped and said yes, then no more.

Du Hongxian smiled at him: "Child, full moon, I will send you a cart of pear blossoms."

Fang Xie nodded vigorously: "I'll pull it myself."

Du Hongxian waved his hand

Fang Jie also waved

Life is a constant gathering and parting.

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