Conquer the World

Chapter 805: Muscle and bone joy

Chapter 805 The Joy of Muscle and Bone

Dali City

Imperial palace

In front of the main hall is a spacious square, and Nan Yan's ministers must pass through to enter the main hall when facing up. If in the past, both sides of the aisle have been filled with samurai holding long halberds, under the guidance of the housekeeper, Civil and military officials went up through the halberd channel.

But today, this square looks extremely empty.

I can't see the formidable palace guards and the eunuchs who are rushing and busy. Only an old monk wearing a grey cloth monk sitting cross-legged in the middle of the square with his eyes closed. There was a puff grass cluster under him, no crickets on his body, no wooden fish in front of him, no beads in his hands.

There was only himself in the square, but the guards around it were already heavily guarded.

The 800 Hundred Slaughter Gods had already been arranged around according to the plan, and they were ready to arrange the battle at any time. All the guards inside were gathered around the hall, ready to protect the emperor.

And the emperor, let a person move a chair and sit at the entrance of the hall, watching the old monk, waiting for someone to come. To be honest, to this day, Murong Sha didn't understand the purpose of Fang answering the decisive battle between the imperial palace and the monk who had mistaken himself. After thinking about it for two days, the answer he got was not very positive. He thought that either Fang Xie was trying to defeat the first master of Dali City in Nanyan's palace and set back the morale of the soldiers and civilians of Nanyan. Either Fangjie intends to take the opportunity to enter the palace to kill himself, after all, as long as he is dead, Nan Yan will survive in name only.

Standing next to him was a young man in his twenties, with pretty eyes. The bright yellow clothes on his body showed his identity, which was Nan Rong's prince Murong Changlan.

Unlike the dignity on Mu Rongmu's face, the prince of Jinyiyushi, who was a child since childhood, has only scorn and disdain on his face.

"Father Emperor ..."

Murong Changlan looked at the mischievous monk who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the square. After a long time, he couldn't help but asked: "Is it a bit sloppy to put the state affairs on a martial artist? My son thinks that the enemy must be driven in It ’s best to meet at Bingge. The Israeli army defeated the enemy with uprightness, and raised the power of our great Yan country. These incompetent rivers and lakes, even if they have a strong cultivation, will not be on the stage after all. It is not impossible for a guest to serve the country, but he cannot take it so seriously. "

Murong Sha knows his son very well. He knows that Murong Changlan has all the conditions that a wise monarch should have. Perhaps the only drawback is that he is too confident and confident to not understand himself. He looked down on the rivers and lakes, but Murong Sha could never tell him that Mu Rongsha was a rivers and lakes himself. This so-called famous character was actually inherited from the throne, but it was just a dark and **** joke.

"Laner, I know your mind."

Mu Rongxi took his eyes away from the monk who had mistaken himself and said gently after seeing his son: "You have learned military skills since childhood, you have learned a lot, you have also participated anonymously in military demonstrations, and have repeatedly won first names. I know that if you really give you a powerful army, you will surely sweep the world. "

Hearing this sentence, Murong Changlan's face showed a touch of pride.

"But, Laner ... you don't have such an army."

Murong Shao sighed slightly: "Since the Great Yan State has been independent, it has not experienced war. Although you are bent on opening up territory, you haven't given you this opportunity. Do you know why?"

"And the minister did not know"

"Because whether you admit it or not, the national strength of Dayan is still too weak."

Murong Shao said sternly: "I have always endured the burden of humiliation. To the Sui country, why not want to survive under the oppression of the enemy, then develop and strengthen ourselves, and wait to one day step on all the enemies under your feet and raise your eyebrows and exhale? It seems that the four cities in the north were destroyed by the enemy one after another, precisely because the people of Dayan's court were not united. What they saw was their own interests, not the interests of the Dayan State. "

"So, I want you to remember one thing."

Although Murong Changlan didn't care about Murong's words, he still said, "Children listen to the teachings of the Father and Emperor."

Murong Sha watched him solemnly and earnestly: "If the Great Yan State can survive this calamity, the first thing you will do after inheriting the throne in the future is not to expand the territory, but to stabilize the dynasty. The enemies in the Great Yan, far away It ’s more terrifying than the enemies outside ... As long as no one dares to question your throne, and only if you have a country with absolute uniform obedience in your hands, you can take a solid step outside. "

"Father Emperor"

Murong Changlan said: "The sons and daughters think that opening up the territory and expanding the soil is not a way to unite the country? Now some people in Dayan do take the interests of their families seriously, but what they value is Interest, it is not that there is no way to obey them. In this way, the children think that they are going to war. If they can get enough benefits from the war, they will gradually obey and obey the court. "

Mu Rongmu shuddered for a moment and couldn't help shaking his head: "Laner, you can see things to a certain depth, but they have bypassed the surface."

"Father Emperor taught ... But Father Emperor, can't destroy those families, they can only find ways to divert their attention from the interests of dividing the Great Yan Kingdom, don't they?"

As soon as Mu Rongsha was about to say something, he saw someone rushing outside and screaming, "Your Majesty! It's a bad event!"

The mistaken monk sitting cross-legged on the square heard this eager shout and opened his eyes. He seemed to think of something, but he did not respond, closed his eyes again, and turned a blind eye to the running man. The person who ran over to report the letter glanced at him before passing by, and rushed straight to Murong Hui and said something quickly.

Mu Rongsha's face changed dramatically, his teeth biting.

"Zhu Zhijian ... you really made me underestimate!"

The man who reported the news gasped, "Hei Fang Xie's coach Fang Xie only took two people outside the city gate and asked to open the city gate to enter the city. The general who had guarded the city did not dare to open the gate, but the prime minister said that the other party had only three Personally, if you do n’t open the door, the enemy will look down on us, plus the black majestic division sitting in the town, so the city gate is opened ... But who thought that the solution is not to come to the palace at all, his goal is to let Dali City Open the door! "

Mu Rongsha's body shook involuntarily, the anger in his eyes was burning like fire.



City gate

Blood flow

Xie Fuyao stood outside the city gate hole. One person stood there, but everyone couldn't get closer. When the guards of the city found that the three had no intention to move forward after entering the gate, they realized that the three were not going to the palace to fight against the monk, but to steal the gate. . But who can think that only three people on the other side dare to do this?

Unless a lunatic, who would think of such a solution? Even if the military strength in Dali City is limited, it cannot be resisted by three people. Even if they are great practitioners, when they will eventually be tired, how long can the three people persist in the face of endless rebellions? Killing is exhausted, but it doesn't take long.

The side solution inside the city gate is standing there, and he is fighting with Hei Shangguo. The power of the two people at the time of the fight did not allow others to approach, even if some good people wanted to avoid the two of them and rushed into the door. The gate was closed again, but the fat man who looked harmless in the doorway became a big mountain blocking the road. Anyone who wanted to cross him had to pay the price of blood.

At this time, the garrison began to think of other ways. Some people proposed to use a hanging basket to drop the master off the wall, and then rushed into the gate from the outside.

So they face a young man with a sword.

Obviously, the other side had figured it out. The young man with the sword stood outside, the solution was inside, and the fat Taoist urged them in the middle. As long as they could persist for half an hour, the black flag cavalry could kill. But this is only a theoretical matter, because Nanyan people cannot watch the Black Banner cavalry come in. During these half-hours, the cavalry of the Black Banner Army was rushing here, and the Nanyan garrison began to move on a large scale, going out from the other city gates to the North Gate.

If the Nanyan army stopped the Black Banner cavalry, it would not be easy to solve the three of them for half an hour. By then, the three of them will face tens of thousands of Nanyan soldiers and practitioners in the entire city of Dali.

This method is really something that only a lunatic can think of. Once the Black Flag cavalry was blocked, the three of them lost their support, or they tried their best to kill the siege and return, or they would die because of exhaustion. It is not the case in history that there is no army who fights to kill the practitioners. It is only at this specific time.

Because the prerequisite for the army to desperately overhaul practitioners is that they do not retreat but fight to the end.

"Lianyi Sword"

Xie Fuyao spit out three words from his mouth gently, and the killing began immediately. Those practitioners who came down from the wall and wanted to hit the gate from the outside started to fall down one after another after the three words exited. At this moment, they finally understood what is called Jian Ruo Long.

There were more and more corpses outside the door, and Xie Fuyao's forehead gradually came up with a fine layer of sweat beads. He took a moment to look back at Fang Xie's side, and found that although Fang Xie faced only one person, he was far more stressed than himself. The guy in the big red robe seemed difficult to entangle.

Chess every opponent!

It's not that Fang Xie hasn't met anyone with a similar physique, Luo Yao is one of them. However, when Fang Xie and Luo Yao were in a decisive battle, Luo Yao's powerful body was already injured by Yang Jian. At that time, Luo Yao relied on strong cultivation, not physical body to fight with Fang Jie.

But the man named Hei Shangguo actually had a physical solution to the problem without any effort!

This had to surprise Fang Jie.


The fists of the two people slammed together again. Under the tremendous strength, both people stepped back by the strength of the other side. This pure muscle wrestling makes people shudder, and their power is even more powerful than the inner strength. Direct shock! The battles between major practitioners are often completed at a certain distance. Fang Jie and Hei Shangguo used more direct methods.


For the first time, Fang Xie encountered someone so melee.

From the beginning, the two people gave up the long-range attack by accident, but chose to fight close to the opponent. Fang Xie has always had such self-confidence, who would have thought that Hei Shangguo also had such self-confidence?

After this punching pair ~ ~ the clothes on the arms of both men have been shattered by each other, and the bare arms are bulging like dragons.

"Are you surprised?"

Hei Shangguo smiled awkwardly: "Do you think that no one can fight with you close? Today I will show you that what comes from the innate is not necessarily stronger than what comes from the following day! "

At his feet, he stepped on the pavement made of green bricks and stepped out of a large pit. His body rushed to the side like a cannonball. Fang Jie did not retreat in the slightest, and greeted him straight!

But at this moment, Fang Jie had to think.


Does this black master have such a strong physique? And he said that he did not come from the innate but the day after tomorrow? What happened to this person that made him such a huge change?


The fists bumped together again, and the bones of both people made an excited sound, which was a joy of chess against each other. The faster and faster the two men played, the harder they hit.

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