Conquer the World

Chapter 823: Put wings on the tiger

Chapter 823 Putting Wings on a Tiger

The matter of Yongbei Road is not complicated to resolve, and the current solution has taken the absolute initiative. No matter what kind of game, whether it involves rights or life and death, the decision is never in the hands of the weak. Compared to ordinary people, these powers are now worthless to Fang Jie's eyes. If not afraid of causing panic, even if Fang Jie closed the gates of the Crescent City and then went from the south to the north and the east to the west, who could control it?

Holding tens of thousands of elite soldiers in his hand, this is the last word.

There is a man like Dugu Wenxiu, the biggest advantage is that the solution only needs to propose a direction, Dugu Wenxiu can refine this direction immediately. For example, Fang Jie pointed to the east and said that he should go there. This is just a general direction. But Dugu Wenxiu was able to find the most correct path from Fang Jie's words, and down to how many degrees.

On the second day after Chi Hao-nian was killed, Dugu Wenxiu sent a group of civilian officials to stay and govern the place, and then in the name of Fangjie, arranged some of the best in the family to enter the government to do things, large and small There is an official post. This move immediately made these selected people think they had finally escaped and were lucky to be part of the Black Flag. As long as it has a relationship with the Black Flag Army, it seems that it can do whatever it wants in the southwest.

As for those who have not been selected, they will not be angry because of them ... because they don't have that time. The Sui people have much more experience playing nest fighting than the foreign war, so Dugu Wenxiu only needs to reveal a little bit about which family Fang Xie is dissatisfied with, then other families will rush up like a dog on a bone. Without the need of the Black Flag, the person to be removed can be torn apart.

Fang Xie didn't plan to stay in Crescent City for a long time. After leaving 10,000 horses to guard Yongbei Road, the army immediately opened up again, carrying enough grain and weight, because Fang Xie knew that the road below would not be so smooth. When the butcher knife was moved on Yongbei Road, the blood smell could be smelled on Nanhui Road.

Even if Du Jianzhou, the governor of the Southern Anhui Road, is no longer stupid, he will not follow the old path of Chi Hao-nian.

However, Fang Xie did not expect that although Du Jianzhou did not follow the path of Chi Hao Nian, he did not take another path that was more tragic, but his sons did. Fang Xie originally thought that Du Jianzhou would not give up easily, and he would assemble all the forces that Nanhui Dao could mobilize to stop Fang Xie from stealing his stuff. Who thought that Du Jianzhou was more straightforward than Fang Xie expected ... he ran away.

In fact, this is no wonder.

When Fang Xie first entered Yongbei Road, Liu Enjing and Xu Xiaogong, two veterans who had just joined the Black Flag Army and were waiting for some credit, led their troops out of the brigade Mali and quietly entered Nanhui Road. The two generals who led the army for half a life did not have to worry about fighting such a battle. After fiercely marching for fifteen days, they directly touched the people gathered by Du Jianzhou. At this time, the county soldiers in Nanhuidao were still Staring at the Fangjie in Yongbei Road, he did not realize that the death had come.

The unexpected attack directly tore the Nanhui Daojun battalion to pieces, and the army composed of recruits and drop soldiers turned into wolves, using the horizontal knife in their hands to make fangs, killing the corps soldiers across the wild. There was no declaration of war, it was a direct attack, and it was a complete attack.

very successful.

The day after the defeat, Du Jianzhou ran away with his family members. When his men were still busy gathering defeated soldiers in preparation for the decisive battle, only to find that the coach had disappeared. At that time, the feeling of Du Jianzhou's people should be like this ... A charismatic person gave an impassioned speech, calling on everyone to take up arms to defend their status and homeland. After the fight, the charismatic person ran away by himself.

This feeling is extremely sullen and angry.

Therefore, when Fang Xie and his team entered Nanhui Road, Liu Enjing and Xu Xiaogong had already inserted the flag of the Black Flag on the walls of Daozhi City.

The long princess Yang Qinyan felt more and more that she was just a spectator. She once watched with interest how a person like Fang Jie would become a vassal of the party. She was happy for the continuous victory of Fang Jie, because she also looked forward to the black flag. The army is getting stronger and stronger, which will help her to restore the status of the Yang family.

But this excitement and curiosity disappeared after Luo Weiran returned to Changan.

She seemed really desperate, and in her eyes all the victory of the Black Flag was a satire to her. She was so naive that she waited for Luo Weiran to take over the Black Flag's military power, and then took this victorious army to bring Changan back upright.

However, all of this turned out to be a dream bubble.

Fang Jie naturally felt Yang Qinyan's changes, but he didn't explain anything at all. In essence, Fang rescued Yang Qinyan from Changan City, mostly because he didn't want the Yang family to sever it. Although the emperor named Yang Yi had killed him, it helped him a lot. . Now that Yang Qinyan's identity solution is clear, this protection is more like protecting a son of an old man.

Compared to the expedition of Nanyan, it is easier to completely control these three rivers and mountains. Fang Xie just led his soldiers from the south to the north, and all the obstacles came to an end. Sometimes the biggest advantage of fierceness is that it makes people who have the courage to resist you hesitate, and those who have no courage to resist you immediately kneel and surrender.





Two months after leaving Yongzhou, at the end of October of this year, Fang Jie returned to Huangyang Road with the winning division! If the expedition's expedition route is drawn, everyone who sees it will find it a feat. Train troops from the northwest and then suddenly return to Huangyang Road. At that time, Huangyang Road was still under Luo Yao's control. Who dare to slap Luo Yao's tiger beard?

Fang Jie dare, so he succeeded.

Stabilize Huangyang Road, and then take the horse and horses out of the ground more boldly, go through the three rivers and mountains that are hostile to him, kill Nan Man, destroy Nan Yan, and kill the back and forth in the world in the southwest of Da Sui in one breath. The man who once stood above him was stunned by flesh and blood.

Cui Zhongzhen received Fang Jie in the city southwest of Huangyang Road. After the two met, they walked with their arms together. Speaking of it, Cui Zhongzheng can not help but stabilize Suzakushan Camp. The serial solution of the square solution cannot be connected without Cui Zhongzhen.

When Cui Zhongzhen led his troops to attack Xinyang City, he received a secret letter from Fang Xie. Then he deliberately led his troops to pretend to be defeated, and returned to Suzakushan under the pretext of injury. Then he secretly arranged Luo Weiran's arrangements. . This credit is not inferior to the soldiers fighting in the south.

"The protagonist should already know something."

Cui Zhongzhen said as he walked: "The Xiaoqi school team led Zuo Mingchan to go to Muping City, Dongjiang to meet Yang Shunhui and submit a letter from the protagonist. But in Mu Ping, some people secretly traded with foreigners and bought a lot of firearms. Following the clues found all the way down, I found that it was Luo Tu who secretly traded with foreigners ... "

Cui Zhongzhen said: "Others have too thin hands, so they sent someone back for help. The people who asked for help went back to Huangyang Road first to save time. After all, the distance was half faster than the team that met the protagonist. Subordinates dispatched hundreds of elites to follow for help. The people returned, the team set off for half a month, and received a secret letter sent by Zuo Mingchan.

Cui Zhongzhen handed a secret letter to Fang Jie: "I have sent someone to blame this on the principal, this is the original of Zuo Mingchan's secret letter."

Fang Xie took the letter to take a look, and then nodded with a smile: "I have some impressions of this Zuo Mingchan, remember that he is the leader of Chen Xiaoru's group. He was sent to Mu Ping to meet Yang Shunhui because he did things carefully Who would have thought he had made such a great contribution! "

"It's really a credit!"

Cui Zhongzhen sighed with admiration: "Although he did not succeed in bringing more than 10,000 elites from Mu Li to Mara, it is already a great achievement to bring Mu Li. Mu Li knows Luo Tu's people and horses very well. If he fights Luo Tu in the future, this person will be of great use. And ... he can also draw a sailor! "

Cui Zhongzhen said with excitement: "But that is a sailor with hundreds of warships. The most important thing your Majesty is now is the Marine. If this sailor comes over smoothly, then His Majesty will add another tiger!"

Fang Jieheng said, "So I have sent Chen Xiaoru to personally take someone to support Zuo Mingchan, and the sailor must bring it in. In addition, we cannot sit by and watch Luo Tu's firearm camp grow stronger. Duan Zheng already brought our fleet The direction has been changed. For the time being, I will not go to Dali, but first greet Zheng Qiu's sailors. "

Cui Zhongzhen smiled and said, "Now that the overall situation has become a fixed number, Luo Tu is going to hate you."


Fang Xie laughed: "Hate, hate it. You can't even hate people. But even if he hates me, he won't be able to fight ..."

Fang Xie said in a low voice: "Yang Jian's Iron Armor Army has defeated the army of Tonggu Academy. It is said that Yang Jian broke into the Academy and launched a killing ring. The hidden perverts in the Academy were killed by a dozen in one breath. It seems that the Academy There are no more people supporting the facade. The establishment of the Tonggu Academy a few hundred years ago began to affect the entire Central Plains, and today it dies, but it has no effect on the general situation of the Central Plains. "

Because the leader of the imperial court is the emperor Yang Jian, the founder of the Great Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian has not spread, so Fang Xie talked with Cui Zhongzhen with a very low voice. Yang Jian will not reveal his identity on his own initiative, because no one will believe it, but will be scolded by the people for neurosis. Other forces' informed nature will not spread, so only a few people know this.

"How is the situation in the north?"

Fang Xie asked.

Cui Zhongzhen sorted it out and said, "The battle situation in the north is more chaotic. The coalition forces of Jin Shixiong, Wang Yiqu and Gao Kaitai have already invaded Gyeonggi-do, and they will be attacked under Changan City. The commander of the army was Jin Shiduo's third brother, Jin Shiduo, and he sought help from Jin Shixiong. Jin Shixiong then led his troops to leave the rebel group and killed the back road of the imperial court. "

"As a result, he was stopped by the fluttering tigers along the Yangtze River. There was no iron armour in fluttering tigers, but this man was too perverted, and there was no one on the battlefield. They are besieging Chang'an. They don't know that the little emperor is dead, and they are still dying to make the princes dream. "

Fang Xie nodded, thinking of the ugly kid riding the old ox. Fluttering Tiger and Yang Jian are completely different. Yang Jian is obsessed with immersion in his past glory and cannot extricate himself. Fluttering Tiger seems to be more panic and uneasy and resists reappearing in the world.

"Now is our best time."

Cui Zhongzhen said: "The forces of all parties are fighting, except for Southwest Pacific Peace. If you take advantage of this opportunity to make corrections to the team, when the soldiers have recovered their spirits, those people will almost be divided."

Fang Jie nodded with a smile: "They hit them ... when Zheng Qiu's sailor arrived, he immediately selected the appropriate warship to transform it. This sailor was a tiger that the enemy gave me. I want to Plug your wings to this tiger! "

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