Conquer the World

Chapter 855: Must die 1

Chapter 855 Must Die Together

The night of the small village is so peaceful. I want people to sit in the courtyard and watch the stars in the sky. Occasionally, there was a barking dog, but it would not disturb the tranquility at all. That was noisy, but it made people think that the barking of dogs was a part of tranquility. Just like the moon in the sky, the clouds in the sky, the flowers in the trees on the ground, there is no difference.

The backyard has been cleaned up, and even the dust accumulated in the corner for many years has been cleaned. Anyone who has had cleaning experience knows that after cleaning, the place has a smell of dust. However, the smell of dust is not annoying.

Mo Ningzhi leaned on a reclining chair and seemed to be asleep. Fang Jie took a sip of wine and turned back to see the face of upside-down sentient beings leaning to his own side. They all said that the more beautiful the beauty is, the more beautiful the face is. It's really more exciting. Fang Xie watched for a while, then got up, took off her gown and covered her.

Then Fang Jie walked back to where he was sitting and continued drinking and looking up.

In the picture is a beautiful woman who can no longer be beautiful, and a man who is slightly incomprehensible.

Foaming slept soundly.

Fang Jie didn't sleep because he was waiting for someone to come.

In the front yard, a middle-aged man in a commoner's clothes eats the last grain of rice, then puts down the chopsticks and says thank you to the old couple, very sincerely. The owner, du honest, has been curiously looking at the middle-aged man's face, whispering while looking at it, muttering that it is really like. His wife didn't know what was going on with her husband and didn't bother, she lowered her head and mended the son's broken cuffs.

"Do you like reading?"

Middle-aged man asked.

Du nodded honestly: "Well, my baby likes reading most, and I don't know what he reads. He reads in the yard all day, and pushes a cart of sand back by himself, spreading it in the yard. I found some stones and sticks. Every day I read the books and fiddle with those stones and sticks in the sand, and I talked to myself. This child is a reading material, I'm afraid he will read silly one day. "

"By the way, how can you tell that my baby likes reading?"

Du honestly asked.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Not only can I see that he loves reading, but also that he is sitting upright when he is reading. It can also be seen that his desk should be some years old, and the desktop is broken. So his clothes Everything else is fine, except that the elbow is very worn out. "

"Sir is really a fairy."

Du honestly admired: "Just a glance at my baby's clothes, I can guess so much."

The middle-aged man laughed: "I'm here to tell you that your son is not messing with the sand in the yard, but it is very methodical. When I entered the door, I glanced at the sand with dozens of stones on it. Gate array, and the stick is the most common attack formation of the Sui Infantry.

"what is that?"

Du honestly didn't understand.

"It's nothing."

The middle-aged man glanced at the lights in the outboard room, knowing that the young man was still reading: "In the future, the splendor and wealth of your husband and wife should not be all about this child."

"Sir is ridiculous."

Du honestly smiled a little embarrassedly: "How good can the children of ordinary people be? Although I haven't read books, I also know that since the ancient times, there has been no success of the Hanmen children."

"Why not?"

The middle-aged man said: "Li Tai, who calmed Jiangnan in Taizong years, came from an ordinary family and became a general by a little bit of military skill. The Li family flew Huang Tengda because of such a person, and he became one of the most powerful families in the Northwest. 1. The veteran of the Three Dynasties, Huai Qiu Gong, also came from a cold door, and the champion and No. 1 were out of control, even if the Great Sui respected the emperor to him. "

"Dare not compare."

Du honestly waved his hands again and again: "That's all legendary characters, my baby is straight and honest, not good."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "From birth to entering society, many people will say that he is not good, whether it is a friend or an opponent. Those who say no are good and malicious, but they cannot be parents. Say to your child that you ca n’t do it, but he really ca n’t do it. ”


Du asked honestly.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to want to say anything. He got up, picked up the chopsticks and prepared to wash it by himself. Du honestly rushed to pick it up, and then glared at his wife: "Where is the reason for the guests to do it, you go!"

His wife glanced back fiercely and reluctantly took over the chopsticks.

"Sir ... were you a businessman before?"

Du honestly asked carefully, he couldn't hold his curiosity.

"Before, now too."

After answering, the middle-aged man was silent for a while and then asked, "One of the people who live in the backyard looks like a god-given son. Have you ever stopped in the front yard when you entered?"

"Some and some, seem to be staring at the sand for a while, and then asked me specifically who said it."

Du honestly answered.


The middle-aged man nodded: "If the boy didn't stop, I won't tell you who I am. Because he stayed that moment, it's your family's luck."

"What's the difference?"

Du asked honestly.

"He stopped and looked, and your family's luck came. And I can tell you who I am, and I don't have to think about telling you that your family may be dead. But he stopped so After a while, I can tell you, and there will be no **** disaster in your home. "

Du honestly was startled by what he said, and he shivered involuntarily.

"You're du honest."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I saw you buy when I went to Dengping City to inspect the business 11 years ago, but I couldn't remember what you entered. Because your name is so special, you never forget it."


Du honestly exclaimed: "You ... are you really in a hurry?"


The middle-aged man nodded.

"You can still remember me ... I don't know what to say."

"I'm a businessman."

Wu Yidao pointed his head: "It takes a good mind to remember a lot of things, tell your wife not to wash the bowl, there is no need ... you two pack up your valuables, and set off with the team tomorrow morning. Tonight Do n’t go out to see what happens in your yard, no matter how curious, do n’t go out. In the future, you can work in the world of goods, your son ... is better than you. ”



Nalanding Dong toured the outside of the courtyard, checked the dark whistle, and returned to the backyard. When he passed the front yard, he seemed to see a familiar figure, and frowned. After confirming who the man was, he was relieved and couldn't help it. He smiled and relaxed a lot.

This is the first time he has led a team to defend Fang Jie, so his heart is inevitable. This time he returned to the tribe. He was always anxious. The first was to worry that he could not protect the security of the solution. The second was to hesitate to stay with the tribe or return to the Black Banner. After thinking about it, I found that I was worried.

Speaking of duties, it is the responsibility of the Xiaoqiang School and the pro-battalion to protect the side, but he also knows that the practice of the Grandpa does not need protection from people like himself. If you encounter any major practitioners, it doesn't make much sense to pull your knife forward. As for staying in the tribe or returning to the Black Banner Army, in fact, you don't have to think about it, you already have the answer.

When he returned to the backyard, he saw Fang Xie beckoning to him and hurried over.

"Withdraw all the dark whistle and everyone is in the backyard room. No one is allowed to come out without my order."


Nalandin opened his mouth, but Fang Xie shook his head to stop: "Follow the military order."


Nalandin went east for a military salute, and hurried out to summon everyone back.

Outside the village

Su Yang looked at the little sparks of fire in the village, and looked back at the little grandfather Mu Xianjun who was sinking like water around him. After thinking about it, he asked: "There are not hundreds of people in this village. Do n’t kill it? It ca n’t be leaked out anyway, so ... ”

"Master, you have only been caring for too much time on Penglai Island, so some things have not been seen so thoroughly ... This village is only a few hundred miles away from Dongding City. If Mufu ruled out of the Tu Village, How to cover up? Fang Xie ’s whereabouts will be dug out immediately. It seems that everyone in Dongjiang obeys Mufu, but there are also many people who are willing to read Mufu ’s jokes. Tucun ... something that ca n’t be done. ”

"But if the solution is dead, isn't it impossible to hide it?"

Su Yang asked.

"Blue teeth are dead, Bai Mei is dead."

Mu Xianjun smiled and said, "They also have a second sibling as a general in the army. Both siblings were killed by Fang. He ran away from the army in anger to avenge himself. It may be known in advance, so it is normal to stop less than that. Pushing this person out at that time will eventually stop some people's mouths. "


Su Yang nodded and glanced back at the perimeter eyebrow: "You are waiting outside the village. If Fang Xie escapes, someone must stop him, and the woman beside him should not be underestimated."

"No one is allowed to kill that woman!"

Mu Xianjun said coldly: "I will kill whoever kills her."

Su Yang hesitated, then shook his head and sighed, "Three brothers, you and I will deal with Fang Jie, and the little grandfather will catch the woman."

"Do not"

Mu Xianjun shook his head: "I'm going to find a solution, Uncle San has helped me, Master, you just grab the woman. Don't hurt her, don't even have a hair. Uncle San, your perception It's best to first explore where the solution is hiding, and don't alarm them. "


The old man who had been standing behind them nodded. He was wrapped in a wide black robe all night, and if he didn't look closely at night, it would be difficult to detect even if he was not far away. He is the third master of Penglai Zong Suyang and a rare perceptual practitioner.

Mu Xianjun looked down at his heart, raised his hand subconsciously and stroked it.

"It still hurts ... Fang Jie ~ ~ You are so stabbing."



far away

The fine sweat beads on the young woman's forehead are faintly visible in the moonlight. She said very lightly in her husband's ear: "There is a perceptive practitioner, I do n’t dare to practice it too close, but fortunately he did not Perceive it outside the village, otherwise we can't hide it. "

Her husband nodded: "You worked hard for your lady. I'll fight first, and you'll deal with me later. I don't think there will be too many people staying outside the village. I will handle it alone."

The young woman shook her head: "I couldn't give you a child."

The farmer-like man stunned: "What are you talking about at this time?"

The young woman smiled and ran her fingers through the hair in her husband's ear: "If I had your bones, I wouldn't dare to die with you. Now I can't have a child for you, so I must die with you. "

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