Conquer the World

Chapter 869: Hope on the enemies of yesteryear

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Chapter 869 Hope On The Enemies Of The Past


Ruyi City

The Dongchu Imperial Palace was built on the mountainside, and the huge palace building is quite different from the construction of the central plains. The biggest feature of the construction of Chang'an City is the city wall, which is tall and has a sense of weakness that cannot be surpassed. There is nothing new in the construction of the city. The tofu block is planned out, and it looks a bit monotonous. After walking a few streets, you basically don't see much change.

The construction of Ruyi City is planned according to the mountain, and the most majestic is the Royal Palace. This imperial palace is very different from the imperial palace in the impression of the Central Plains. The Tai Chi Palace in Chang'an City is a huge building complex, but it is also a large hall connected with each other. The Royal Palace of Ruyi City is a whole castle, very tall.

Because Dongchu is not short of money, the cost of building this palace is definitely not less than that of the Great Sui Emperor on the wall of Chang'an.

Especially the emperor Dongchu's palace was very special. Although this palace is part of the castle, it is built according to a large protruding boulder on the mountainside. The side of the palace is open, and the side of the palace, which is tens of meters long, has a folding door. Just like a fan, it can be closed at night by leveling and pushed away during the day to see the endless sea under the mountain.

A platform was built outside the gate, with a radius of 30 meters. Standing on this platform, more than half of Ruyi City has a panoramic view. Looking into the distance, it is the seascape with thousands of sails.

The palace is made of marble, and the interior decoration is extravagant. As the richest royal family in the world, naturally will not hesitate to spend money to build the most beautiful and comfortable palace. The Dongchu royal family had a surname of Chu, which is rare. Since ancient times, few country names have been named after the royal family name. Throughout the ages, only Dongchu and Nanchen have been like this. And these two countries have one thing in common, that is, they have almost never won a foreign war.

"So comfortable"

When Lyman came out of the palace in bare pajamas made of silk, he couldn't help but groan with his arms stretched. Two Opulu girls in milky white dresses slowly opened the folding door, and the refreshing sea breeze poured into the palace at once, and everyone became energetic.

Lehman was barefoot, walking on the marble floor to the platform, overlooking the sea.

"The emperor of Dongchu is the most enjoyable person in the world."

He smiled and beckoned, and the two Opulu girls came over immediately, one nestling beside him. The sea breeze blew away his satin pajamas, and there seemed to be something special on his furry chest. Lyman put his pajamas in order to block the place that seemed to have a black birthmark on the palm.

"what is that?"

One of Opulu's girls raised her beautiful hand curiously to touch the place, scared by Lehman's eyes, the hand stiffened halfway. Lyman looked at her with a very low voice but said extremely coldly: "There are no outsiders here, so let me go once ... Don't you forget what I said? Whoever touches here, I will chop off his hand. "

The Opulu girl was so frightened that she didn't dare to take her hands back, and her face turned pale for a moment. She knew that every word of the great Lehman was unquestionable. In the Opulu Empire, Lehman's words were God's orders. She knows more about the cruelty of Emperor Lehmann, how many people were killed by him, I'm afraid it can't be counted.

This huge empire was completely in his palm.

"Don't forget it next time."

Lehman kissed the young girl's face and opened his arms as if to embrace the whole sea.

Just then, a few dark things suddenly flew up from the cliff below the platform and snapped on the platform. Lyman's eyes changed, motioning to the two Opulu girls to return to the dorm. A few steel claws flew up, clasped on the edge of the platform, followed closely, and four or five assassins in black strong clothes climbed quickly along the ropes of the claws.

This palace was built on the side of a mountain, and the dormitory was built on the side of the cliff. Below the platform is the cliff. Even the major practitioners are not able to hike up. So to get to the dorm, you have to rely on tools. Obviously, these assassins were prepared. Know that there will never be a guard on this side of the cliff.


Lehman seemed a little impatient. He looked at those black assassins in the already fluent Dongchu language and asked, "You emperor who has given up his dignity and escaped can only use this method to recover from failure? If it was mine The country is perished, and I will never let my loyal warriors use this suicide attack to do meaningless things. I will keep them, fight with me, and prepare to rise again. "

No doubt this is an absolute genius.

When Muping arrived, he began to learn Chinese, and when he arrived in Dongchu, he began to learn Dongchu dialect. And it didn't take long to express my thoughts almost fluently, but the tongue was a little stiff, so it sounded a little strange.

"Yamako, I want you to die today!"

One of the assassins whispered, his body leaped into the air, the long knife in his hand struck a piercing blade of light in mid-air, and a few meters of knife gas then split down, splitting towards Lehman's head. drop. This assassin's repairs are not bad, he is sharp and fast.

But when the sword reached about two meters in front of Lyman, it suddenly disappeared.

Nothing at all.

It was as if there was a void door two meters away from Lyman's body. After the knife gas penetrated the door and went to another world, it disappeared completely. The assassin apparently froze a bit, and then chopped a knife again. This knife was used for a heavier repair, and the knife gas was almost the same, and it came instantly.


The sword gas disappeared about two meters in front of Lyman, and Lyman still stood so lazily, without any reaction.

"how can that be?!"

The assassin exclaimed, staring at Lehman magically.

"Let's do it together!"

Four or five assassins fired at the same time, and the power of spiritual practice raged towards Lehman, but without exception, all attacks disappeared two meters away in front of Lehman. No matter how many assassins shot, they didn't hurt Lehman at all.

"I am the child of the gods."

Lyman opened his arms and looked at the assassins proudly and said, "The gods gave me a body that will never be killed. Even if you do everything you can, it won't help. The gods in the sky let me rule this world. This It is God ’s will that no one can disobey. If you are willing to surrender at my feet, I will spare you not to die. Stop being obsessed and tell me that you are willing to surrender. "

Several assassins looked at each other, and no one knew what it was for!

At this moment, countless guards rushed out of the dormitory and raised muskets to target the assassins.

"Let's go, this man is too evil! Go back and think about the countermeasures and then kill him!"

The headed assassin yelled and turned to grab the rope to jump down. One of the assassins stood in front of the crowd, his hands spread out, and a magnificent inner strength was exhibited. Just then, the rifle sounded. The assassin was clearly prepared for bullets against the musket. After breaking, the man was the most powerful, so he stayed to stop the bullet. Before they came, they tried it on purpose. They fired at this man with muskets. They were blocked by the inner strength and could not hurt anyone at all.

So few of them cared about the musketeers and turned to leave.


Just then weird happened again.

As the rifle sounded, the assassin who stayed was broken into a sieve almost instantly. Blood mist exploded on him, and bullets left blood holes after blood on his body. And the majestic inner strength has no effect on the bullet!

Those bullets easily passed through the inner strength wall and killed the broken people!

The broken assassin's eyes widened, it was incredible to look at those musketeers. After shaking his body a few times, he slowly went down, dead so unwilling. As the musket continued to puff the tongue of fire, the remaining few assassins were overturned unprotected, the blood mist burst, and the practitioner's body and inner strength could not stop the bullets.

The headed assassin was hit in the chest, blood ran down the wound, and surged down his throat. He lay on the ground and looked up at Lehman in a difficult look: "What the **** is this ..."

Lehman seemed too lazy to look at these people again, and glanced back at the guards: "All the guards under the mountain are caught. They are not fit to wear the guard uniforms I gave them, pull their uniforms, and then throw them all Feed the sharks into the sea. If you don't find the sharks, feed the dogs. "

He turned around and walked slowly back to the dorm.

The guards stepped forward and dragged the dead bodies down.

Lyman walked into the hall, stood in front of the huge bronze mirror, and parted his pajamas, exposing a black palm-sized trace on his chest. It was so black, it was like a large piece of dead skin. The difference is that instead of being dead, this black exudes a very strange glory.

He reached out and picked up a gold cup from the table, drank the wine from it, and digged into the palm of his hand. The glass was rubbed into a golden cup by him. Looking at the muscles on his arm, Lehman couldn't help laughing: "Change, really good."



There is a small village called Xiufeng on the western border of East Chu. It is almost isolated from the world in the depths of Xiufeng Mountain. The people in this village are very simple and simple. The villagers hunted in the mountains during the day or planted some food on small plots of land, and went home to bed as soon as it became dark. In Dongchu, where the commercial atmosphere is so serious, the existence of this small village seems so different.

However, it was also because of this small village that Chu Ju, the emperor of Chu Kingdom, was able to avoid hunting. In fact, there are at least 20 such small villages in Chu. These villagers are not ordinary villagers, but are shelters prepared by the Dongchu royal family in order to cope with a crisis that may come one day. These villagers lived in such a small village generation by generation, regardless of world affairs, just to wait for Her Majesty, the emperor who suddenly arrived one day.

Dong Chu's business is so developed that it is so well informed. Therefore, the emperor of Dongchu had made such a refuge secretly in the country long ago, and it was not known.

"Your Majesty ... I can't imagine a minister waiting for you."

The village head was an old man in his sixties, with sad eyes: "Chen's grandparents didn't wait for the emperor, and they were very happy when they left. And the minister waited for you, leaving only pain and no joy in my heart."

Chu Ju smiled bitterly: "I also thought, I'll never use you ..."

"The border gate has been closed."

Tan Wenyao, the chief of the guard, said angrily: "I can't imagine that the border guards will be bought out! These **** scums will sooner or later cut off their heads!"

"The Twelfth General, nine of them fell without a fight, and the foreigners secretly did so many things that they didn't even notice. In these years, the trade exchanges with foreigners have become more and more frequent. I actually thought it was a good thing. This is the layout of others long ago. He is a failed emperor, and most of his subordinates have become the subordinates of others without even realizing it!

"Your Majesty trusts those people too much!"

Tan Wenyao said: "His Majesty handed all matters related to foreign trade to his Prime Minister ~ ~ But Prime Minister became a traitor!"

"I used the wrong person!"

Chu Ju was sighing to the sky: "Hundreds of years of foundation, buried in the hands of You, what face does You have to meet the ancestors?"

"His Majesty"

The village chief advised: "As long as Her Majesty is still alive, there is a chance. Although the border is closed, the road behind Houshan is only known by the vein of our guarding the mountain. In Houshan, there is a narrow gap across the mountain. Through another mountain forest, you can see the Phoenix Terrace of Sui State. "

"I can't think of it!"

Chu Ju was sad and said: "One day, I actually want to go to the Sui people! And the only hope of rejuvenation is also in the Sui people!"

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