Conquer the World

Chapter 888: Bonebreaker

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Chapter 888 Bonebreaker

When Wu Jin arrived in Xinyang City, it was the afternoon of the second day when Fang Xie led his army. The sky was a little dark, and he could see that he was struggling all the way, and Meimei was tired. In the two months before and after, I had chased all the way from Anxian to Xiaosheng Mountain on Huainan Road, thousands of miles away. Although I could n’t catch up in the end, I did n’t get nothing. At least, I knew that What is the purpose of freedom.

When Wu Yidao entered the city, he enquired and learned that Fang Xie observed the enemy situation on the other side of the city wall and went directly to the city.

Du Dingbei was standing next to Fang Xie. Although he was wearing the standard armour of the Heiqi Army, he could not see his official position because he had not done enough. This time Fang Jie boldly started Du Dingbei to fight this battle, and ordered a few people to stun many people immediately. Today, there are no fewer famous generals in the Black Flag Army of Xinyang City. Take Li Tai, the deputy commander of the Feibao Army, for dozens of battles with Fang Xie, and he has not yet had a chance to command combat alone.

However, everyone knows that it is not too difficult to fight against North Jiangsu. Even if there is a mysterious Mr. Xishan in the other camp, Sun Yingdian only has more than 20,000 troops and most of them are very equipped. difference.

So everyone also speculated that Fang Xie was using this opportunity to detect new people. If you can find a real general because of a battle that is not too important, then the gain is definitely greater than winning the battle.

When Wu Yidao walked halfway, he basically understood the situation. He was surprised that Fang Xie was going to use Du Dingbei, who was brought back in Eastern Xinjiang. He has seen the young man. Although he can see that this young man does have some talents, but there are so many talented people in the world.

Playing with arrays on sand piles and real leader battles are completely different. Arrays on the beach follow the routine, and the real battle is changing rapidly. Will such an inexperienced person command cause too much loss?

Fang Xie heard the sound of footsteps and looked back. When Wu Yi came, he smiled, "This is a hard work, thousands of miles, and I came to Xinyang before I had time to rest."

Wu Yidao leaned in and said, "Subordinates are not good at doing things, and eventually they couldn't catch the man."

"How can it be so easy."

Fang Xie shook his head and said, "Da Zizuo is extremely high and well prepared. If a person like him wants to hide his tracks, no one will find it easily. It is not easy for you to follow all the way to find the whereabouts. ... I'm going alone, I'm afraid I can't do better than you. "

Wu Yidao was not polite, went to Fang Xie and looked at Du Dingbei: "The protagonist intends to use him?"

Du Dingbei knew what position San Sanhou had in the Black Banner, and quickly saluted. Wu Yidao waved his hands, then clenched his fist: "The Lord ’s subordinates understand that their hearts will not be inferior in this battle, but their subordinates understand that it is a matter of life and death for thousands of soldiers. ? "

Fang Xie glanced at Du Dingbei and said, "You go to prepare first, and I have to discuss with San Jinhou."

Du Dingbei was not convinced, but also knew that San Jinhou's suspicion was not unreasonable. He didn't think about it. If he and Fang Xie changed places, he would never dare to let a young boy who had never led an army command the battle.

"Subordinates retired"

Du Dingbei humbled his salute and then retreated.

"Protagonist, although this boy is talented, but the soldiers who talked about it on the paper did not go through a lot of pains and pains. After all, it is still worse. The protagonist wants to use him. Why not let him watch the battle first?

Wu Yidao is one of the few people in the Heiqi Army who can confess his thoughts, because he knows that this is not the disrespect of the other solution, but the respect of the other solution.

"I know what you worry about."

Fang Xie smiled: "However, I have sent someone to publicize this. Now the garrison on the other side knows that this time I sent a 16-year-old boy Lang who led the army for the first time to command the battle of crossing the river. The war posts have been sent, do I still have a chance to regret it? "

"Master ... what does this mean?"

Wu Yidao really didn't understand the purpose of Fang Jie doing this. Such a humiliation of the opponent's general would inevitably be annoyed, so that this battle would be more fierce. Originally, the three families of Sun, Liu and Zhao joined forces to resist the Black Flag Army. The three parties would certainly not do their best to save their strength at the beginning. Will increase a lot.

"The Sun family took out an unfilial son, Mr. Xishan, and I took out a filial son, Du Dingbei."

He looked at Wu with a smile and said, "Is it interesting?"



Wu Yidao listened to Fang Jie's intentions before he was relieved. This strategy of Fang Jie did not think of it. This is not a wonderful strategy that is unparalleled in the world. It is even a bit cliché to say, and it is not allowed for the enemy There are also precautions, but after adding Du Dingbei, this thing started to get better.

"The protagonist's thoughts really can kill those people on the other side."

Wu Yidao could not help but smiled: "Since this is the case, Du Dingbei is not enough to publicize it. Looking back, let people disperse the matter, call on the people to watch the battle on the shore, and see if it is our black flag army. Dingbei ’s kid is terrific, or Xishan, the filial son of North Jiangsu. ”

Fang Xie pointed to the other side and said, "The biggest benefit of this place in North Jiangsu is that it can be used as a buffer. After winning Yang Jian, the victory between Yang Jian and Luo Tu was actually quite obvious. Now I suddenly thought For one thing, it was expected that it would have been calculated for a long time. "

"what's up?"

Fang Xie said: "DaZiZhi intentionally exposed in the southwest and found me and Xiang Qingniu. One of the reasons is that he must find a person who is good at practicing what skills he practices. Only after he is seriously injured can he molt. Second, if there is a chance to kill me and Xiang Qingniu, he will certainly not give up. Third, ten is to cover for other Buddhists. His appearance attracted our attention to the past, other Buddhas Zong's people can safely pass by ....

"With the help of masters of Buddhism and Buddhism, it is not too difficult for Yang Jian to win Liuzhou. This place in North Jiangsu will be the battlefield in the future. I must guarantee that the southwest will not be damaged. As long as the southwest is stable, even if it loses once or twice And I have a foundation. "

"The Lord is thinking."

Wu Yidao thought for a while and said, "I have left Liao Sheng on Huainan Road. If Xiao Shengshan and Liuzhou City decide the victory, the news will come back as soon as possible. If a large number of Buddhists enter Xiaosheng In the words of the mountain, the people at the school will also be able to pass the news back in time. "

Fang Xie nodded: "Liao Sheng is good at doing this, and he will send some people to support him."


Fang Xie was silent for a while and asked, "Have you ever heard of the kind of perverted cultivation that is free? The human skin is shed like a snake molting ... I'm afraid his cultivation will be improved every time molting, this The method is too incredible, I have never heard of it. "

Wu Yidao thought for a while and said, "I have n’t heard of the subordinates, but the subordinates have been investigating these days. I still remember that there are ancient books that record the method of transmigration. It seems similar to this, but it is just a little bit Places are similar. "

Wu Yidao recalled and said, "Someone wrote a strange story about Jianghu in the early days of Dazheng. They are all weird stories that can't be weird anymore. Some people said that these things were fabricated by the author, and some people said There are so many wonders, those things are true. "

"An alien in the rivers and lakes?"

Fang Jie didn't know there was such a book.

Wu Yidao took a book out of his cuff and handed it to Fang Jie: "Now this book is hard to find anymore. It was bought by a subordinate who happened to see it on a roadside book stand in Huainan Road. Zheng bought it. Zheng Because I saw this book, I suddenly remembered that I had read it before, and there is a certain similarity between the person in this story and Da Zongzi. "

He turned to a page and handed it to Fang Jie: "Bonebreaker"

Fang Xie took a look at it, and found that the rivers and lakes are more like novels.

Wu Yidao said: "This book has been read by many years ago and some of them still remember it. This bonebreaker said that there was a weirdo in the Western Regions. He was weak and sick when he was born. He accidentally fell off a cliff and even thought he was going to die. Undoubtedly, almost all the bones in the whole body broke. He was not dead. Instead of being dead, he was blessed by misfortune. His bones recovered automatically in a short time, and he did not find Langzhong bones. There was nothing bad to recover. . "

"After this injury, he found that his body has become stronger. Those who bullied him can be defeated casually. Because he was bullied in the past, he began to retaliate after being strong and injured him locally. After a lot of people, people were chased after they were outraged. Those people beat him one by one, and he was bruised and bruised. People thought he was going to die. As a result, he got better again and became stronger. After returning, overnight Killed a man in the village. "

"He found that his constitution was so special that he ran to jump off the cliff. As a result, he recovered and became very powerful. Later, he joined the army and became a famous general in the Western Region."

Wu Yi smiled: "But this is only a story, and it is not expected to be true."

Fang Xie flipped around at random, and didn't think that the weird people in this book were real. Some of them seemed to have their own people, but most of them were absurd and bizarre.

"If Da Zong is like this constitution, I'm afraid he would have killed Dalun Mingwang long ago."

Wu Yidao thought for a while and said, "He's okay to jump off the cliff by himself ~ ~, and he fell one point at a time, and so on and on, the big round Ming Wang is afraid that he is no longer his opponent."


Fang Jie frowned suddenly: "He didn't know he was this kind of physique at first? After dying in Dalun Temple, he got rid of the control of Dalun Mingwang, only to find himself stronger than ever ... "

Wu Yi choked for a moment, and suddenly had a chill: "If this is the case, then he has found this special constitution, and he is afraid that he can't wait to hurt himself ... as if ... He's doing it now. "

Wu Yidao became more and more frightened, and his heart became unsettled: "He left Dalun Temple, constantly looking for someone to fight, and then molted again and again, how similar to this broken bone man. Wait until his cultivation is strong When it reaches a certain point, he will find the world's top practitioners to fight, such as ... Luo Tu. For example ... Yang Jian? "

Fang Jie was shocked and murmured to himself: "If this is the case, I also understand why he dared to see Yang Jian, and not afraid that Yang Jian would kill him ... because, in the end, he was going to fight against someone like Yang Jian ... "

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