Conquer the World

Chapter 909: Only come here

Chapter 809 The Good Show Comes

Da Zizuo said: "At that time, King Minglun built three thousand gold monks, and His Majesty built such an unparalleled army ... Sure enough, people standing at the same height have the same vision. (Please search, update the most Quick Novel Website!) "

Hearing this sentence, something unusual in Yang Jian's eyes seemed to be fleeting. He seemed bland at glance at Da Zi, then turned to look at the battlefield.

This response from Yang Jian shocked Da Zixin a little bit. He subconsciously wondered if he was wrong, but he didn't realize what was wrong. Seeing Yang Jian's attention returned to the battlefield, Da Zan did not care much. He just didn't expect that sometimes just an accidental word could ruin a lot of hard-working things.

"Sheng Tu's firearm seems to be stunned."

Yang Jian lifted his eyes and looked forward, and reached out and pointed forward: "Ordered, all horses and horses are put into the offensive, while Jin Shiduo's soldiers haven't had time to gather up, continue to press forward."

After the order was given, the drums of drums sounded.

Hundreds of huge cowhide battle drums sang at the same time, as if Thor had come to earth. The magnificent drum sound is a command. After hearing the drum sound, Sui Jun knew that the final moment had come. The generals commanded by each battalion took out their knives and pointed out, and nearly 200,000 troops immediately began to move forward as a whole.

If you can look down from above, this scene will definitely shock everyone. Ordinary people have a sentence to describe the marching team: a thousand people live in a sky. There are 10,000 people without boundaries. 200,000 horses paved the land.

When the whole army moved forward, it was as if the entire plot was moving forward.

"The Sui army has attacked!"

Liu You's hand was still shaking on the walls of Liuzhou. The unstoppable combat power of the Iron Armor made him panic. At this time, the fear of seeing Sui's aggressive attack was magnified infinitely. In fact, it wasn't just him. When everyone saw the abnormal combat power of the Iron Armor, everyone who saw it felt cold.


Before the battle, a winning soldier's hand holding a crossbow was shaking: "Aren't you fighting against a group of people?"

he asks.

But no one gave him the answer.

The people around him, like him, were all at a loss.

"Protect the artillery!"

A winning general shouted loudly, and the shout awakened many soldiers.

"The artillery's muzzle is too hot! Just find the water to cool down, and the artillery can be used immediately. You have seen it, even those armored troops can't stop the power of the artillery! We must guarantee the armor before the artillery can be used again. The army will not rush over! I want you to know that as long as you protect the firearm camp behind you, we have a chance to win this battle! "

This winning general is encouraging morale. Now blocking the front of the Iron Armor is the left forward of Luo Yao's men. Their combat effectiveness is far beyond that of Jin Shiduo's black people. The reason why Shengtu set up such a team is precisely to worry about what's wrong with the firearm camp.

"Those iron golems are really hard to kill, but we don't have nothing to do!"

The general pointed out that the soldiers had three or four meters of wooden sticks prepared in advance: "The iron armored army will come up in a while and stand on them with wooden sticks! Although these iron golems are powerful, they move slowly, this is our chance ! "

"A stone thrower at the back is ready? If they are ready, let them throw one over and try the distance!"

He shouted eagerly.

The commander quickly urged the horse to ask, and rushed back ten minutes later: "Report! General, the stone thrower is ready!"

Only then did the words fall, a wooden barrel flew over from behind the army array, and it smashed about sixty or seventy meters before the array of winning soldiers. The liquid in the barrel went to the ground, and it didn't look like water.

Seeing that the distance was almost the same, the winning general turned back and instructed: "The reserve team behind, after standing against the Iron Armor, for a while, gave Lao Tzu all the milking power and threw your prepared jar hard. Can't get time for the firearm camp, it's up to us! "

His words were finished, and the soldiers of the Iron Armor opposite had reached almost a hundred meters away.

"Let the slingshot shoot!"

The general immediately shouted, and someone later waved the agreed flag. After seeing the flag waving, the stone thrower at the end of the team immediately began to prestige. About two hundred rock throwers cut the rope almost at the same time, and threw their arms forward, and one wooden barrel flew over from behind!


The winning general almost shouted, "point the rocket!"



One barrel after another was broken in the armored army team, and many armored soldiers were directly knocked to the ground with great strength. Although it was not a stone that was thrown over, the gravity and the inertia of the barrel could also directly Shoot the soldier wearing heavy iron armor to death.

The barrel shattered and the liquid in it fell to the ground.


With an order, the trained former left-back archer immediately loosened the bowstring, and thousands of lighted feather arrows lay down from behind, densely packed, like a meteor shower falling on the earth. The scene was too beautiful. If it was not a war, the fire and rain would even captivate many people.

Just this beauty, hiding behind it is the biggest coldness.

"It's kerosene!"

When Mossa could see the liquid flowing out of the barrel, he couldn't help exclaiming. He subconsciously raised his head to look forward, and then he saw the rain and fire coming from the enemy side.


The flames rose instantly!



"Blow the horns and let the soldiers continue to charge forward, and they will be burned to ashes when left in place!"

By this time, Mossa knew that it was no longer possible to retreat. Once afraid of the sea of ​​fire back, no one dare to guarantee whether the enemy's firearms will regain power. Now only rushing forward, crushing the enemy's battlefield. Moses was confident that as long as the short soldiers met, no one would be an opponent of the Iron Armor.

"It burned!"

The commanding general who saw the iron armour was swallowed by the fire, and his face immediately showed his joy: "The method that His Majesty thought out really worked! Those iron armies were not afraid of the knife and the gun, but they were afraid of the fire! Those iron golems could not run fast Yes! Work harder, the archer keeps throwing arrows! Let the rock thrower behind be faster! "

Shouts followed.

Just then, a figure rushed out of the sea of ​​fire first.

The iron armored soldier still had a flame on his body, but he didn't seem to care about it at all, struggling with a huge weapon in one hand and a heavy shield in one hand.


The winning general shouted: "Stop them out and let the fire burn them for a while! Reserve, wait for my orders, and the enemy comes over before you start!"

Soon after the first Iron Armor soldiers stepped out of the flames, one after another, the Iron Armor soldiers emerged from the towering flames. It can be seen that the areas not covered by the iron armor were burnt and burnt, and their arms holding the weapon were even more desolate. When striding forward, it was inevitable to swing their arms, and the palm and the iron armor touched each other. The skin on the hand was rubbed off piece by piece.

The outer layer of the hand has been cooked, and a piece of flesh falls off at the touch.

"Come here! Hold on!"

With the shouting of the winning general, several winning soldiers poked a few meters long wooden stick in their hands, resting on the first armored soldier who rushed over. Three or four wooden sticks stood against an iron armored soldier, but they were backed up by the iron armored soldier. Several winning soldiers add up, and they are not as powerful as an armored soldier.

More and more Iron Armor soldiers came out of the sea of ​​fire and were stopped when they rushed a few meters away from the victory array. To be honest, no one thought that Shengjun would use such a method. But when I think of it, it is not absurd. The long wooden sticks stood against the armored soldiers, at least they could delay trying not to fight close to the armored soldiers. They were all clear that once the Iron Armor Army was approached, the battle could actually be declared over.

The soldiers of the Victory Army poked continuously with long wooden sticks, and they actually pushed the Armored Army soldiers out three or four meters away. A wooden stick couldn't hold it, three, four, and five went up. They kept poking, and finally pressed the armored army forward.

"it's time!"

The winning general shouted his arm, and the soldiers of the reserve team immediately rushed over from behind holding a jar, and threw the jar with the greatest strength towards the armored army! A porcelain jar hit the soldiers of the armored armour, and it slammed open, the fire oil inside it slowly flowing down the armor.


Hearing the call, the archer of the victory began to focus on the front row of Ironclad soldiers. The rocket hit the soldiers of the armored army. Although the thick armor was still unable to be broken, the original purpose of the rocket was not to kill directly, but to continue firing!

Just a few meters away from the Victory Front, the fire rose into the air!

Although a few meters away, the moment the fire burned, the winning soldiers were forced back by the heat wave almost instantly. At the urging of the generals of the battalions, they gritted their teeth and did not retreat. A moment later, the eyebrows, beards, and eyelashes on their faces were curled up by the heat wave.

"carry on!"

The winning general shouted, "Continue to drop oil on their side!"

The bottles and cans collected from the entire Liuzhou city and even the homes of people within dozens of miles have played a role. After the containers filled with hot oil were broken, they completed their mission. The next thing was that the archers could not even care Le's sore fingers continued to shoot arrows.

The heat wave is pressing.

The fire is sky-high!



Sui Junzhong

On the stage

Dazui looked at the sea of ​​fire in the distance, and couldn't help but change his face slightly: "This victory is really a personal thing ... I actually thought of such a method to resist the Iron Armor."

"He was preparing for today ..."

Yang Jian said with a cold look, "If he was just a person waiting to be beaten, why should he pay so much attention? There were so many people who followed Luo Yao at the beginning, but now he has achieved success. This is by no means a person who can only slip away." What can be achieved. "

"However, Shengtu still overestimates the fire ... If it is the karma of the Great King Ming, maybe it's okay?"

With his words, he lifted his eyes and looked towards the battlefield.

In the sea of ​​fire, the Iron Armor soldiers should have been burned to death, but they are still pushing forward. The distance was so close that the winning soldiers could even see that the eyes behind the armored soldiers were burned. But these people didn't feel the pain at all, and kept waving their weapons to cut off the dense sticks, which were closer and closer to the array of the winning army.

"Can't burn ?!"

A winning soldier shouted in horror, despair in his tone.

"Strange horn?"

City wall

Sheng Tu's face suddenly changed: "I don't understand ..."

He looked farther away ~ ~ the team behind the Iron Armor. Around the tall iron armored general, there were many people blowing conch-like things and blowing at the same time. If you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't notice. Now all battalions are using horns to pass military orders. Who cares about the sound of the horns over the Iron Armor?

"The flaw was there."

Sheng Tu said to himself, then jumped straight from the tower.

Sui Junzhong

Yang Jian saw from Qianli's eyes that someone jumped off the city wall, and he threw away Qianli's eyes, grabbed the huge long bow from the guards around him, and jumped down on the platform. The guard who screamed in pain for his imprisoned guard, the flesh in his hands and hands was worn out.

"Come here ..."

Dazuo looked at Yang Jian's back, and then looked at Sheng Tu swept down in the distance: "This is where the good show begins ..."

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