Conquer the World

Chapter 917: Thank you for your tolerance

Chapter 917 Thank You For Your Tolerance

The first battle of the foreigners attacking Penglai Island retreated in the Han's cheering cheers. Although the battle was not very long, the severity of it will make every person who experiences it personally never forget it. The bodies on the beach were layered, and the opuldi team, which was dominated by firearms, did not occupy the island as easily as expected. They saw the decisive fighting spirit and unyielding fighting spirit of the Han people.

After the enemy flees, Yan Li can't help but fall to the ground.

His gaze has been looking at the one-armed man, the rich man who grew up in Jinyiyushi. In this battle, Mu Xianjun showed something that shocked his heart.

Yan Li never thought that Mu Xianjun would fight so **** the battlefield.

Don't try to fight.

The moment he saw the bright and bright smile on Mu Xianjun's face, he suddenly felt that he should congratulate Mu Xianjun.

At this time, Yan Li had only one feeling in his heart ... Little Grandpa, came out.

Mu Xianjun sat down next to Yan Li, a little tired.

He looked sideways at his empty sleeve, his eyes were free of the previous depression and sadness, Yan Li understood Mu Xianjun's eyes, so he couldn't help laughing. He laughed, and Mu Xianjun laughed.

"Little Grandpa ... you are different today than before!"

Yan Li said with a smile.

Mu Xianjun gave a hum, and couldn't hide his joy.

If there is a demon in everyone's heart, take everyone to take the key step. The devil in some people's heart is born with natural fear, natural cowardice, or natural laziness. Some people's demon is given by others, such as ... to Mu Xianjun's solution to the demon.

The broken arm had been a barrier that Mu Xianjun could not get around after Fang Jie left. He was depressed and he was stunned all day long. He knew he had a problem, but the demon was there. The man named Fangjie is better than him, more decisive than him, and stronger than him.

I often see my bare shoulders, especially when taking a bath, Mu Xianjun even had his own thoughts of breaking up many times.

He felt he would not succeed no matter what he did in the future.

But today, on the battlefield, Mu Xianjun found himself. I found myself who was once proud and domineering.

"Perhaps this is the most correct decision I have ever made."

Mu Xianjun patted Yan Li's shoulder: "Fight alongside you."

Yan Li can feel the change of Mu Xianjun, and that change is so obvious. He lay back on the **** beach and smiled at the blue white cloud and said, "I'm not afraid that you will hate me, my little grandfather. In fact, before today, I really don't want to be a companion on the battlefield with you. If you think too long, you will become weak and dare not face the danger directly. What is needed on the battlefield is a direct man, not a smart man ... "

"It seems I'm stupid."

Mu Xianjun laughed, not angry at all with Yan Li's blunt words.

"Little Grandpa, I admire you!"

Yan Li turned his head to Mu Xianjun: "If I have experienced all that you have experienced, maybe I can't get out. You are the most admirable warrior on the battlefield today. Without you, this battle today may be Much harder. "

"Because my surname is Mu."

Mu Xianjun also lay down, ignoring the fact that his white clothes were stained. In fact, his white clothes were already very dirty. On the Supper ship, he was almost sent to the sea by artillery fire.

"Maybe I didn't understand what the last name of Mu was most important, so I went a lot wrong. But today, I finally understand what my father's belief in supporting Dongjiang has been for so many years. I suddenly understood ... When I face Fang Jie, I will feel so uncomfortable. When I saw Fang Jie, I felt that I was not as good as him at all, so I started to hate. I always thought that I can break the happy demon only by killing him, especially After he broke my arm ... "

He smiled: "Maybe I should thank Fang Xie for cutting my arm."

Yan Li said: "Every time you stand, you are in a desperate situation ... do you not hate him, Grandpa?"

"Don't hate?"

Mu Xianjun laughed and laughed: "How can I not hate, if I meet again, I will definitely revenge my arm. But now I understand that even if I resist again, I must admit that I am indeed inferior to him. Before, I did not hate It's jealousy. Jealousy can make a person lose their sanity, which is more serious than hate. Hate can make people lose their senses, and it can also make them more sober. "

Yan Li could not help but wave his fist: "This is a man!"

Mu Xianjun pillowed his one-armed arm: "I found myself ... this feels good."



Beginning in the afternoon, Mu's reinforcements intend to forcefully come to support Penglai Island, but there is no doubt that the dominance of the people of the Opulu Empire on the sea is unshakable. Mu's fleet was fragile in the face of foreign artillery, and neither large boats nor small boats could cross the sea blocked by the Opryu Navy.

In other words

The next, maybe a few days, or until the death of all the soldiers, Mu Fu soldiers and voluntary fishermen on Penglai Island can only fight alone.

"The pressure on the brethren on the island must be shared!"

Mu Fu, General Mo Lei's eyes were flushed, and several attempts could not penetrate the blockade of the Opry Empire navy. He was as anxious as a fire. However, he was useless in anxiety. With Mu Fu's fleet, he was far from competing with the gunboats of the Opal Empire Navy.

"How long can supplies on the island last?"

Mo Lei asked.

His subordinates replied with an ugly face: "I was in a hurry when I was on the island, and the follow-up supplies did not have enough time to be sent to the foreigners. If you save a little ... 5,000 soldiers on the island can support for half a month. However, the enemy If you attack with all your strength, the people on the island may not be able to persist for fifteen days ... "


Moreton slammed into the big tree next to him: "If something happens to the little grandpa, how can I tell the grandpa!"

After a few moments of silence, he gnashed his teeth fiercely: "Go! No matter how much you go forward, you have to pick up the little prince from Penglai Island anyway! Even if the little prince is good at repairing, it is impossible to cross this long The sea area. Tell the following people, I will lead the team myself and rush again! "

His words were finished, and there was a gallop galloping in the distance.

"Grandpa's Military Order!"

The commander rushed to Mo Leiting, and did not dismiss the shouting loudly: "The Grandpa has arrived at a place less than fifty miles away and already knows the war on Penglai Island. The Grandpa has ordered that before his arrival, No one is allowed to lead soldiers to force the blockade of foreigners! All horses are strictly guarding the coast to prevent foreign voices from hitting the west! "


Mo Lei Ting excitedly: "What if the little grandfather does something!"

The expression of the commander was obviously stiffened, and it took a while before he said, "The Grandpa said ... Mu Xianjun is his son and a man from Dongjiang. Now that he is on the battlefield, Mu family members and soldiers It's the same, there is no qualification to enjoy the privilege. To save more idle soldiers and join the lives of more soldiers ... Grandpa said ... he can't do it! "

After saying this, the commander did not seem to want to say anything anymore, turned around and rushed back to his life.


Mo Lei stomped and looked so weak.

Foreigners' second offensive soon came.

And the people on the ground can only look at Penglai Island, but they can't do anything. The foreigners came far faster than they thought, so that the back-up supplies were trapped before they were sent to Penglai Island.

Sorens had a chair moved to the bow. He sat down, shaking slightly with a glass of wine. The sunlight on the sea in the afternoon was extremely strong, and it was difficult for young people to bear the sun. For an elderly person like him, it seemed that the sunlight could warm him more than anything.

This is also where he is annoyed.

When summer comes, young and athletic men have changed into singles, and even the upper body to relieve the heat. And even in this season, cotton was still wrapped around his knees. He used to laugh and pride on the waves, and once went crazy on the battlefield, but as he was older, he could only surrender to the sea breeze and humid climate he despised on the battlefield.


Rabis looked at the flames rising again over the island and shook his head. "I don't think there is any good way for Reze to take those Han people. In fact, Suppel has done what he can do. Everything. Even I was a little surprised. How could the backward Hans not be shivering under the power of artillery, but fighting spirit. "

"This island is important."

Schurence casually said: "I didn't think it was a loss to accompany Supper in order to take this island. But this island is not necessary. When the loss exceeds the benefits, abandonment will follow. Let Lezzer do his best ... order the fleet to approach the coast. "


Rabis was startled: "Attack directly on the coast? There may be more Han Chinese troops assembled there. And on the shore, so wide open, the Han Chinese throwback vehicles and crossbow vehicles will exert even greater power."

"Do not"

Sharons shook his head: "Did you not find it, Rabbis ... The Chinese reinforcements have been hitting and blocking again and again. What does this mean? It is just their fighting spirit? If you think so, then you are wrong ... In my opinion Here, the Han Chinese desperately want to support Penglai Island. In addition to their fighting spirit, I am afraid that there is another factor, that is ... there is a person on the island who must rescue. "

Rabbi froze for a moment, and suddenly understood what Schurens meant.

Schurence looked at the side of Penglai Island: "Let Reese go and fight, you take someone to cope, and no ships are allowed to come out of the island. I will go to the coast to see for myself, maybe there will be any great gains. When I saw the owner of Mufu appearing on the coast, maybe the answer came. "

He stretched out: "To fight, never rely on courage. Wisdom ... wisdom is the most important thing."



Mu Ping

Yang Shun snapped the coffee table around him: "Dare you!"

The foreigner standing in front of him smiled slightly, and seemed not surprised or worried about Yang Shunhui's anger. As the special envoy of the Opulu emperor, this foreigner named Dege showed a sense of confidence and pride.

"I'm not here to see you lose your temper or to discuss something with you."

He looked at Yang Shun with a smile and said, "I just came to inform you ~ ~ The Empire ’s navy has begun to attack. If you feel that you are still qualified to fight for the Hans, I do n’t mind that our next meeting is on the battlefield. But the general ... do you think you are still qualified to fight for what? The dignity of the soldiers? The dignity of the Hans? Oh ... oh ... these things have already slipped away when you received a box of gold. Go, don't you? "

"And you can't stop anything."

Dege picked a corner: "In addition to informing you this time, I have to thank you. Because of your tolerance and hospitality, the warriors of our Opul Empire have infiltrated in batches these days. Come in, where are they? If you can keep a general awake, you will never guess. "


He waved his hand politely: "Hope you will be present at the welcome dinner of the great Lehmann the Great, and I hope you will kneel on one knee and accept the gift of Lehmann the Great."

Yang Shunhui's face was as white as paper. At this moment ... he finally knew what mistake he had made.

But is there still room for regret?

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