Conquer the World

Chapter 926: Never fight but why fight?

Chapter 922 Never Fight Together, But Why?

Fang Xie and Yang Jian sat face to face, and the conversation between the two seemed to have come to an end. There was no reason for this conversation to continue, and Fang Xie blocked all the roads of Yang Jian as soon as he spoke. It was impossible for Yang Jian to kill himself at this time.

Dazuo is not angry, always smiling at the two people, even if Fang Jie said so intentionally, he seems unmoved.

Yang Jian was silent for a long time, and then breathed a long sigh of relief: "I always thought that peace in the world is the best thing for anyone. So when I started to fight against Zheng Zheng, there was no trace of compassion on the battlefield. It will end the troubled times and return the people to a peaceful world ... Now, the same is true. "

He gradually calmed down, and said quietly, "He knows what you are doing in the southwest, and many people say that you take care of the people like this because you come from a poor and humble background, and you hate famous people. But He understands, This is something in human nature and has nothing to do with your origin. Even if you are a famous person, this kind of thing will be done the same. But ... "

Yang Jian glanced at Fang Jie: "How big is your ability?"

He reached out and traced a circle in the sky: "This is the southwest."

Then he opened his arms and embraced the whole sky: "This is the world ..."

"The reason why you can promote what you want in Southwest China is because the people under you are loyal to you and will not go against your will. It is also because Southwest is only a stunner after all, you kill some magnificent people, kill They will kill them when they get there. If they ca n’t reach the real family interests, they wo n’t bother to stop them. But when you go out of the southwest? Can you still carry out your wishes with your ability? ”

Yang Jian pointed back behind him: "Make no mention elsewhere, it is Jiangnan, do you think it can be done smoothly? Besides Jiangbei, especially Gyeonggi Province, are you really sure that you can kill the world that opposes you?"

He looked at Fang Xie seriously and said, "Yeah!"

He stood up and walked to Fang Xie: "He is the founding emperor of Da Sui. This world was beaten by him. He is also sure to reorganize this world. No matter how big the family in the world is, it is not too big. Yang family, I will restore my life in the world in the future, and at that time will be promoted to the whole world according to what you do in the southwest. I have thought carefully that what you do in the southwest is very good ... I used to only look at those who live in the family Ashamed, only care for their interests, because he is worried that they are not the same as him. "

"But isn't it because the court relied too much on these people during the Great Sui Rebellion? I guess, if you do it according to your methods, maybe you can really make Great Sui a thousand generations."

After Fang Xie heard him say something, he couldn't help but clap his hands: "It's so beautiful ... but even if it's beautiful, it's just empty talk."

"You don't believe He can do it?"

Yang Jian asked.

Fang Xie once again pointed to great freedom: "What position does the Buddhist Sect have in the western prairie? These Buddhism people do not produce, cook, weave, or pay taxes, but they spend a lot of money on it. You are now using the great freedom With Buddhism, then even if you wipe out all the rebellions, what will happen in the future? Let ’s fight with Buddhism again? Will the world be desolate, will you have the courage? "

Yang Jian suffocated and frowned deeply.

"Wartime and current affairs, postwar and postwar."

Yang Jian glanced back at ease: "This matter, I will think of a good solution."

Fang Xie shook his head: "I never believe in a wish."

He also stood up and walked to the river: "The more beautiful and beautiful the wish, the more illusory it is. Your Majesty feels that you can take care of the people in my way, because His Majesty now hopes to use my black flag army. One hundred thousand soldiers. Your majesty is so high that it is impossible to kill the rebellion alone. The black flag's combat power is known to everyone ... Her Majesty needs me now, so the flowers that can be said are as beautiful as brocade. "

"But in the future?"

Fang Jie looked to the general of the Black Banner: "I have hundreds of thousands of generals, six rivers and mountains, and hundreds of millions of people. I will hand it over just by your next words? When your Majesty calms down the world in the future, my black banner What treatment will the soldiers get? What treatment will I get? Your son ... Emperor Taizong Tai Sui has been generous enough, hasn't he deposed Li Xiao to the northwestern bitter cold place? "

"When I was taking the test in Yanwu Academy, people said that I was the second Li Xiao in Da Sui."

Fang Xie smiled and looked at Yang Jian and said, "But I don't think it's an auspicious word, really."

Yang Jian fell into silence again, and asked a long time later: "Do you think the Black Flag can defeat the puppet? You can defeat the puppet? You said that you were thinking for the black flag, but have you ever thought about it ... once you start the war, these hundred battles How much can Elite survive? How many bones will lie on the ground, and how many people lose loved ones? You don't want yourself, your family, don't you think about these hundreds of thousands of horses? "

"Of course I have to think."

Fang Xie smiled: "Your Majesty is thinking."

He looked at Yang Jian and said, "Why does Your Majesty come to me? Because you don't want to fight this battle. I don't have a firm grasp, why is Her Majesty sure?"

"But I can kill you."

Yang Jian said word by word.

Fang Xie laughed more comfortably: "Your Majesty may not know me very well ... Since I have memories, the most encountered thing is to be killed ... Some people have some things that are not worth mentioning, but some people have some things that are not worth mentioning. ... The King of Great Wheels will kill me, Luo Yao will kill me, and the freedom behind you will kill me ... I am still alive. "

Fang Xieang ang Aung's jaw: "The King of Great Wheel is dead, Luo Yao is dead. Although it was not my kill, at least one thing was proved."

Yang Jian asked: "What is it?"

Fang Xie said seriously: "Fang Juexiao ... he's not good at killing."



Fang Xie walked back to his chair and sat down: "His Majesty has His Majesty's Word, and I also have my own Taoism. Buddha Sect speaks of Heaven, Taoism speaks of Heaven, Emperor speaks of Heaven, and people speak of Heaven, what is Heaven? In my opinion, but the word justice. Can your Majesty do the word justice? "

Fang Jie shook his head before Yang Jian answered, "You can't do it."

"Dongjiang was invaded by foreign enemies, and Mufu soldiers fought in a **** battle. In order to defend an isolated island, 5,000 soldiers Shining died and surrendered, including Mu Guangling's son, all killed ... This is not what Her Majesty should do. Thing? Why does Your Majesty stand in front of me and make a promising future for me? "

Yang Jian asked: "Did foreigners really invade Dongjiang?"


Fang Xie said: "Your Majesty has seen the power of foreigners' firearms? There are only so many firearms in Shengtu's hands, and the soldiers do not know how to operate, and they have caused heavy losses to the Armored Army. If Dongjiang is isolated and helpless, wait until the foreigners invade. , Your Majesty thought that with less than half of the Iron Armor in your hand, you could still fight foreigners? "

"After the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty, we fought everywhere and opened up new territories."

Fang Xie said seriously: "Why?"

"Because Da Sui is strong, neighboring countries are not as good. So Da Sui can send troops unscrupulously and **** everything that can be stolen. Da Sui did not dare to mobilize with Meng Yuan easily because Meng Yuan is not weaker than Da Sui. Now, foreigners Da Sui in his eyes is just like Shang Guo, Nan Chen, and Dong Chu in Da Sui's eyes. Can be bullied! "

Fang Xie's voice suddenly increased: "Your Majesty said that the world is the world of the Yang family, and your subordinates vocally said that there is no king of the earth, no king of the world, can it really be so? Since your majesty thinks this world It's all yours. Foreigners have smashed His Majesty's house, but His Majesty is still looking forward to thousands of generations at home ... It's ridiculous to think of it. "

Fang Xie pointed to the east: "Your Majesty is ready to lead the soldiers to aid Mu Guangling? If you don't have this thought, please make way, and I will dispatch some people to rush."

Yang Jian's complexion was blue and white for a while, apparently he was really angry. If the solution was okay, he could not find anything to refute.

"Your Majesty must be thinking, this must be a trick I came up with. In order to transfer His Majesty's men and horses, I can swallow Jiangnan in one go. Or His Majesty may feel that I am afraid of your Iron Armor, and you are afraid of your cultivation. That's why I came up with this excuse to lie to you ... "

Fang Xie waved back, and Xiahou Baichuan immediately let people wave the flag. Five thousand fine ride slowly to the sides, let out a passage. Looking down the tunnel, there were no less than a hundred artillery.

Fang Xie looked to Yang Jian: "Your Majesty doesn't believe I know what happened in Dongjiang, so I will tell His Majesty why I know. From the moment I arrived in the southwest, I was planning to build a firearm camp. Now, the battle of my firearm camp The strength is not as good as ten wins! I really have to fight the battle, and my Majesty ’s Iron Armor may not win. It is because I know the power of firearms that I pay special attention to the foreigners. ... "

"I know more than that."

Fang Xie said in a chilling tone: "Your Majesty fought against Sheng Tu, I'm not there ... but how do you fight with each other, I know the truth. If you don't have the freedom to borrow the power of the terrain, can your Majesty be easy? Beat Sheng Tu? "

"Don't doubt what I know."

Fang Xie proudly said, "I know much more than Your Majesty, because you lived in the world 200 years ago, not in today's world."

When Yang Jian saw the lined-up artillery behind Fang Jiejing, he felt like he was struck by a sledgehammer. It wasn't the artillery that hit him even more, but the last word of the solution.

"Because you lived in the world two hundred years ago, not today."

In this case, it was like a sharp knife that cut a very tight heart that Yang Jian had originally wrapped.

I'm really too old to know this world?

Yang Jian asked himself involuntarily.

After asking, his heart was even more broken.

"The reason why I want to talk to your Majesty is not about His Majesty's thoughts, but about Dongjiang."

Fang Xie slowly said: "The power of foreigners' firearms is a hundred times and thousand times that of me. If your Majesty thinks that this is still a long sword that can wipe out the world, then it is wrong. If you don't take advantage of the foreigners and have not yet been able to board this country, Block it out, so this majesty that your Majesty thinks is your own thing, I'm afraid there are only sores left behind. Her Majesty feels very powerful, and can easily break the copper mirror with one finger ... But you, you let the copper mirror Is it the same as before? "

Fang Jie stood up ~ ~ turned and walked back: "Your Majesty can prepare for a decisive battle with my Black Flag Army, and the hundreds of thousands of men in the Black Flag Army are never afraid of killing. His Majesty can also let go of a path for my People used to help Dongjiang, if you intercepted halfway ... then you and I will never die. "

"Go back to Chang'an."

Fang Xie said as he walked, "If I am Your Majesty, go back to Chang'an. Then send a message to the world and call on the emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty to conquer the mighty and powerful world."


Yang Jian opened his mouth while watching Fang Xie's back, but he didn't know what to say or what to say.

In the distance, Fang Xie's last sentence came lightly and heavily: "The Black Flag Army is not afraid of war, and His Majesty is not afraid of war, but some battles cannot be fought, and some battles must be fought! How to fight, Who to fight with, I'll wait for Your Majesty to give me an answer! "

Heiqijun Wuqianjing rode back to the firearms battalion.

Leaving a well-known emperor for two hundred years standing stiffly, like a child, at a loss.

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