Conquer the World

Chapter 930: 1 person I know

Chapter 226: A Known Person

The palm of his hand rested on his palm, and a palm-sized white lotus rose in the palm of his hand. As his palm rose upward, the white lotus disappeared immediately, and then appeared at high altitude and then burst like a gorgeous firework. 79 Free At this time, there were at least 28 red robe monks in the Sui Army camp, and there were hundreds of Buddhist disciples. This white lotus was a signal to them.

"拈花 阵"

He whispered at ease, then turned his hands outward.

Suddenly, Yang Jian's side suddenly turned into at least a hundred white lotuses. These white lotus flowers appeared out of thin air, but it seemed to have been ambushing around Yang Jian's body long ago, waiting for a free call. As the hands were freely combined, those white lotus flowers burst into bursts, and the fierce impact rushed to Yang Jian one after another. From a distance, Yang Jian seemed to be swallowed in by numerous flames.

Bailian became a fire demon.

In the middle of the flame, a heavy weight was getting bigger and bigger, like the pillar of Optimus, straight up from the sea of ​​fire, straight into the sky, but no matter how tall it was always in that hand. As the big hand stunned, a huge weight swept through a circle and opened the sea of ​​fire. The wind brought out by the heavy cricket was so severe that the flames could not be lifted up.

Yang Jian stepped out on the flame that was overwhelmed, and his face was calm.

He lifted his weight with one hand, and then slammed it down. With a heavy blow to the ground, he felt compelled to avoid it. The moment his figure left, he fell heavily on the ground, and a bang smashed a deep trench of tens of meters in the ground, as if a crack had opened in the ground, and suddenly a Canyon-like.

The free body avoids it and flicks your fingers, and every time you flick a finger, a white lotus quickly flies towards Yang Jian, which is much faster than the crossbow. Bailian is like a bullet, its speed is amazing. Yang Jian held the heavy cymbal across his chest, rubbing his hands on the pole, and then the heavy cymbal spun up. During the rotation, a wind gust was blocked in front of Yang Jian. The wind twisted the air and blocked those white lotuses.

The sound of crickets was endless. It was the sound of the wind shield blocking the rainstorm of lotus. Every time the lotus hits the wind shield, it will cause a severe vibration of the air. The vitality of the surrounding world was mobilized by two major practitioners, and its scale was shocking.

If there are other practitioners watching the war at this time, they will be scared by the two of them. Regardless of being at ease or Yang Jian, the use of the exercises when the two played against each other was hand-in-hand, and the use of the vitality of the heavens and the earth had already reached the point where the fire was pure.

Yang Jian never stopped moving forward, revolving across his chest, and the wind shield blocked all Bailian's offensive.

Perhaps there are few people in this world who are more determined than Yang Jian and more vigorous than him. Leaving aside his character, he has never compromised with his enemies since he started his army more than 200 years ago. In the nitrogen war, the founding emperor of Da Sui will go all out.

The unrestrained Li Huahua is used, and its power is not as strong as the original Fang Jie encountered in Chang'an. This is the practice of the great practitioner, and the same exercises are used in the hands of the great practitioner as miracles.

Ever since there were practitioners in this world, ordinary people have already regarded those extreme practitioners as gods. For example, the herdsmen on the grassland have always regarded King Dalun Ming as a unique god. Even when Meng Yuan and Buddhism fought, almost half of herdsmen chose to support Buddhism, while most of the other half just stood idly by, and few people helped the Golden Family.

If this war is not too obtrusive, if it is not Mongolian Yuan who has an absolutely powerful military force, if there are no master practitioners from the Central Plains to restrain the master of Buddhism, if it is not the end of this war, it will be quick, and it will be consumed. Negative is still unknown. The faith of the Meng Yuan court in the herdsmen cannot be destroyed, it can only be deterred.

This shows that when divine power is compared with imperial power, the divine power often has advantages. But if it wasn't for this reason, how could Yang Jian kill himself? If not, why did the Emperor of Da Sui refuse to push up a sectarian door all the time? Until the day of Emperor Yang Jian's succession, in order to prepare for the battle with Mongolia and Yuan Only then pushed Daozong to a high place.

People like Yang Jian know more about the threat of Zongmen's faith than anyone else. Therefore, the first thing after he became emperor was to ask Wan Xingchen to dissolve Wan Jiantang. Wan Xingchen was then promoted as the director of Yanwuyuan, not a leader.

The free-spirited Huahua finger was invalid, and he immediately put his hands together.


With this soft drink, a big Buddha suddenly appeared in the clouds in the sky.

It was a Buddha who seemed to be able to calm the whole world, sitting cross-legged on Yuntou. With the free hand pressing down, the Buddha opened his eyes fiercely. At that moment, the anger in King Buddha's eyes was released uncontrollably!

This is karma

Dalun Mingwang's best karma.

Dazuo is not proficient in karma, so he knows how to borrow.

The Buddha's karma was released from his eyes, and a golden flame poured down from the sky, just like a waterfall. This is a spectacular picture to the extreme. There is a big Buddha in the clouds. The karma fire is released in his eyes, and it hangs from the sky like two magnificent waterfalls of flame.

Fire is like the water of a dyke.

Yang Jian's footsteps didn't stop. He strode forward, and a layer of internal armor appeared on the outside of his body. The style was the same as the iron armor he often wore. However, it seems that the armor transformed by the black inner strength is more solidified.

Not only that!

As the flame poured from the sky, the inner armor of Yang Jian's body suddenly changed!

On each piece of armor, a sword appeared, which was very small at first, but then became larger as the illusion radiated into the sky, and then became larger, the size of a normal long sword.

These numerous swords interweave a sword net in the sky, which actually blocked the fire of the Buddha's profession from heaven!


Unparalleled spectacular!

Has anyone seen that the flames hang in the air and burn? The sea of ​​fire blocked by the sword's air in the air is far more frightening than the thick dark clouds that are pressed to the lowest level. Sword net, sea of ​​fire, under such a scene, if it is seen by herdsmen on the grassland, they will be scared to kneel and worship. However, this is the Central Plains, and the people here are in awe of the great practitioners, but they will never fall to the ground.

"No wonder……"

Da Zizui looked at the net array composed of Jianqi murmured: "No wonder you can defeat Luo Yao ... No wonder Luo Yao's karma did not hurt you ... It turned out that you are still relying on Wanxing. Sword array, I am afraid that it is the power of the million stars you cannot absorb, and you hide these swords in the armor. "

Yang Jian still didn't have any expression changes. He ignored Da Zan and actually wanted to laugh at and ridicule his words, but kept moving forward, while Da Zan began to retreat.




Da Zong seems to be suddenly realized in the constant retreat; "I guess you must have room when you fought with Sheng Tu before, you dare not let me see all of your cultivation. You know that there are some means to stay in you and me Can only be used when fighting ... At first Luo Yao ’s Diamond World was far stronger than Sheng Tu ’s unformed world. The reason why I ca n’t hold you back is because of this sword array ... The realm of self-reliance and the realm of self-reliance are not on the same level at all. You don't know that realm is right, but you know how to use what you bring ... Is this sword array not a realm? It ’s just not your own You borrowed it! "

"Whether it was your own or borrowed."

Yang Jian strode forward: "It works and works well, that's enough."

"Excuse me!"

Da Zizu couldn't help sighing: "I never thought that the world could even borrow it!"

In fact, it is no wonder that even people like Da Zan are so surprised, because the practitioners who can realize the realm know that the realm is their own unique thing. In the realm, the people who perform the realm are the masters of this circle. Once the enemy has entered this realm, it is actually possible to declare defeat.

The world is an original thing belonging to the great practitioners, and every great practitioner who can open the world is undoubtedly powerful. Although the realms are different, one thing they have in common is that they only belong to the practitioners in the show world. Because of this, Da Zong will be surprised and shocked. Yang Jian does not know how to create his own realm, but he can actually borrow the realm of ten thousand stars!

No one doubts, and there is no need to doubt.

The world of millions of stars cannot be separated from the sword.

Just looking at the sword world, you can see the unique style when the million stars were at their heyday!

So Da Zun could not help but sigh a long time: "I ... far worse than Wan Xingchen. It was the King of the Great Wheel during the heyday and the Wan Xing during the heyday. I was afraid that I would not dare to speak easily. The power is borrowed by you, and you can only play it less than one-tenth of the power when Wan Xingchen used it ... So strong, Wan Xingchen is really strong! "

"You don't need to be sarcastic!"

Yang Jian snorted coldly: "Wan Xingchen is indeed strong, but he is dead. His cultivation is on the body, then it is the body."

The sword world cuts off the free fire of the Buddha, and also cuts off the fingers of the flower. Yang Jian holds the free weight in his hand, and pierces the big freely without any fancy!

"People in the rivers and lakes each cultivate their own path, Luo Yao cultivates his profession, you cultivate white lotuses, Wan Xingchen repairs swords ... These are not the same as those of you and the rivers and lakes. The ones you repair are the way of the armor!

With Yang Jian screaming, his heavy stab was stabbed out like the war halberd of the gods. The blow was nothing complicated, as simple as a straight stab. But it was just this simple blow that made the big free face look more dignified!

Bingjia Road!

Yang Jian leads his life!

After he integrated the practice of Wan Xingchen, he finally realized his Tao!

Suddenly I realized that when Yang Jian defeated Luo Yao at the beginning, it was bound to be this blow! With the sword world unexpectedly blocking Luo Yao's Vajra kingdom, Luo Yao was shocked when he was surprised. And at this time, Yang Jian made this extremely simple move.

A mediocre stab.

However, Da Zan found that this thorn ... no solution!

Can only face!

Da Zi's hands quickly printed, and a huge white lotus appeared on the way halfway forward, but it was crushed before it could bloom! Immediately after the second white lotus appeared, he was crushed again by a heavy hammer. Along the way, Bai Lian kept appearing and was constantly being crushed. Seeing that one of them would be in front of Da Zizi, and the succession of white lotuses was just to reduce the speed of some heavy slugs!


At this moment, I felt a loud sigh!

A figure appeared to appear out of thin air and suddenly appeared in front of Da Zizi.

When this person first appeared, it was as thin as a layer of paper, but he became a person as soon as he was blown up! This man stood in front of Da Zhe without fear, and blocked his inevitable gain with his own body!


Heavy stabbing on that person, the gravitational force on the stabbing and the force of that person's entire cultivation caused a huge explosion, which is equivalent to the power of a major practitioner to explode all the cultivation! This man was blasted backwards by his own cultivation, but he also blocked Chongyu in front of Da Zizi!

At this moment, Yang Jian's eyes widened suddenly!

"You actually!"

His eyes were incredible, because he didn't expect that there was such a preparation at ease!

So weird!

It's so hard to believe ~ ~ that person ... Yang Jian knows it.

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