Conquer the World

Chapter 950: Lose and gain

Chapter 950 Loss and Gains


Chiyan City

This small town with a history of six hundred years is now beyond recognition. This town, once praised by countless poets as the most suitable place for living and nurturing, still has a bit of the former style, and some are just scarred. The not-so-thick city gates were smashed, the walls were pits, and the shattered city bricks piled up on the ground, like a wild grave.

The boots of the Grand Duke of Lawrence stepped on the rubble and walked into the city gate, and the sound from his feet seemed to step on a layer of bone. He didn't care about the sound, what he cared about was the uncomfortable soles of his gravel. He is an old man who seems to be more and more picky about life.

There were many corpses at the gate, and he chose to avoid them.

"Send someone to collect the corpse and find a place to bury. Remember to set up a monument in accordance with the customs of the Han people."

He gave a command, and then saw a few soldiers in the distance chatting on the body of the Han soldiers, chatting with great excitement. He frowned, pointing to the other side and saying, "Catch those people, and no one fetches thirty whip and repatriates."

One of the generals under his commandment took a brief look, and apparently felt that the punishment was a little too heavy. In the Opulu Empire, the honor of soldiers is inviolable. For a long time, the empire officials have led the people to respect a soldier, even if it is just an ordinary soldier, they have many privileges in the empire. It took Imperial officials nearly a decade to make all the people understand that there is nothing more glorious than adult men joining the army.

Because of this, soldiers repatriated face not only the ridicule and cold eyes of others, but also the level that they will never pass by in their hearts.

"They ... are just too proud."

The general advised: "No one ever thought that such a small city would hold on for so long. We lost no less than 500 soldiers outside this small city. Because of this, the soldiers may be a little annoyed. "

"That's not the reason."

Shurence shook his head: "How many places have the Empire's proud soldiers hit since the Empire sent out troops? If victory is just to be forgotten, then failure will come unexpectedly. Do you all forget Lehmann's teachings? Binger, you tell me, what did Emperor Lehmann say about his attitude towards the enemy's body? "

The general called Binger immediately stood up and said: "His Majesty once said that it is not the dignity of the dead that is deprived of the foot of the enemy, but the loss of his identity. The dead body of the war dead is the same as the victor Possess the purest honour and cannot be violated. If someone abuses the body of a war dead, whether it is an enemy or his own, then such a soldier is not worthy of wearing the imperial uniform. "

After he had spoken, he glanced at Schurence, knowing that he had no more words to persuade.

"Although I have said it many times, obviously you still don't understand."

Sourance glanced at the broken city wall, the collapsed house, the corpse on the ground and the Han people gathered together in the distance.

"Conquered ... never was land."



"The Han people are really a strange people."

Sourance stood respectfully, bowing his head slightly. As a duke with great military achievements, there seems to be only one person who can put him in such a humble pride in the Opulu Empire. The Oprah Empire was not built by this man, but it was definitely this man that made the Empire great.

When speaking to Emperor Lehman, Schulz tried his best to make his voice clearer. He knew that Lehmann the Emperor liked to use young generals, especially the young generals with determination. Sourance knows this because the battlefield needs more directness and bloodiness, and more sharpness and courage. So he always pays so much attention to details.

He didn't want himself to be hoarse and old in his voice when he talked to Lehman the Great, and he tried his best to make his voice as penetrating as young people.

Penetration does not equate to loud sounds, of course, many young people do not understand these.

When it comes to the details, Schurens cares about some incredible.

There is always a large basin of water in his study, and he maintains this habit no matter during the battle or at home. It's not just the study, it's everywhere he lives. When Emperor Lehman summoned him, no matter how eager he was, he would immediately take a bath and use it as fast as possible.

His wife once did not understand why he was so, and Sirius told his wife somewhat reluctantly: "Whether you believe it or not, the older the person, the more smell there is. I call it a decaying smell. Your Majesty smells the scent that the older people have on me, which is equivalent to reminding me at all times that I am old. "

When people reach old age, the demand for meat is actually very low, and they prefer lighter food. But Schurens wouldn't be that way. Although he also began to hate eating meat, he forced himself to eat some meals. Because he firmly believes that meat can keep people strong.

Sometimes he even thought what he was afraid of.

Afraid of being deprecated?

With his merit, even if Lehmann the Great no longer uses him, he will reward him with a beautiful destination. One day after his youngest son, Jao, finally became a general and the leader defeated an enemy city, he heard the younger son cheering, "This is a great time!"

Yes, this is a great time.

The rise of an empire will inevitably experience various magnificences.

He finally understood that he wasn't afraid to go home to care for the elderly, but to stay away from this era. All that remained in his life was a small card with a group of equally old people curled up in a chair to win or lose. He wanted to associate his name with this great age, and when people mentioned the great Lehmann the Great, he would not forget what a man named Sirius had done.

"What's strange?"

Lehman the Great, sitting on a chair in Huanghuali enjoying breakfast, asked casually, this seemingly ordinary four-legged square table in front of him was made of the same precious wood as the chair he made. Unlike some of his subordinates who do not understand the luxury of the details of the lives of the wealthy Han people, Lehmann the Great regards this as a culture that must be taken seriously.

He can now use chopsticks proficiently, and the research on antiques in recent months has given him a better understanding of the history of this country.

"There are only less than two thousand defenders in this small town, and most of them are still the valiant minions. They do n’t even have enough bows, armour, and reinforcements. When Mu Guangling had to retreat, the small town was doomed After being abandoned, the people in the city were destined to become orphans ... but none of them chose to surrender. "

Sailors said.

Emperor Lehman put down his chopsticks and seemed not very satisfied with the food on the plate.

"Do you know what this dish is called?"

Emperor Lehmann pointed to the dish closest to him and asked.

"Fish Flavored Pork"

Sourance answered.

"Well, it's too sweet ... I heard that the most authentic fish-flavored shreds have the faint sweetness of lychee, rather than this strong sucrose sweetness."

Emperor Lehman waved his hand to the people to withdraw the dishes: "This is a dish prepared by the chef I brought with Sui Jun. It looks no different from what the Han chef made, but it still tastes different. It is Han Is the dish weird? Isn't it ... it's my chef who doesn't cook well enough. "

Emperor Lehman slowly said, "When conquering a place, we only saw the stubborn resistance of the enemy soldiers. We should respect such enemies. But don't forget that no one surrenders sometimes and it is not necessarily How proud and determined our enemies are, but we are not good enough ourselves. "

"The minister understands."

Schurence bowed his head, his eyebrows trembling involuntarily.

Ryman the Great picked up the hot dish that had just been delivered and gave a sip, nodding slightly: "The Han people have a lot of places to learn from, but except for me, the speed of learning these should be slow for any of you. .I said at the outset that to conquer a place, you must first understand the place, not to let you learn to enjoy the most luxurious living habits of the place. "

"I'm a little worried now, Schurrence, do you know what I worry about?"

Schurence quickly shook his head: "I don't know."

"You look at these things."

Emperor Lehmann pointed to the table: "It is said that the cost of such a table is not much different than making an equally large table with sterling silver. When my subordinates knew this, they were surprised, and then they would think if they own such a table A table is awesome. Because in comparison, a table made of sterling silver looks so vulgar. For example, this tea, when my subordinates know that a pot of top-quality tea may cost a wealthy family's living expenses for several years, they I was surprised, too, and felt like I should try some tea like this. "

"Jade, for example, looks like a small piece of value that can equip a team of thousands or more. I heard that the most famous jade in this country can even change to a city. When my subordinates knew that there was such a jade , I think I should hang this thing on my belt. "

"For example, I have never seen a nation that values ​​the way food is made with such sincerity. They will strive to make the best of their dishes to satisfy the pleasure brought by the tongue. My subordinates are used to eating Monotonous grilled meat and potatoes, when they start to taste such foods, they will make their tongues more greedy, and feel that the winner should enjoy all of them ... food, brocade, furniture, houses, antiques. "

Emperor Lehman slowly said, "But Xiurens, do you know? These things are our enemies, even far more terrible than the opposite enemies on the battlefield. It may not take long for our generals to go on like this. Will be taken away by the exquisite enjoyment. Some people say that personality will not change, this is wrong, life is enough to change a person's personality, raising a tiger for several years, although it can not be turned into a The cat will make it lose its former power. "

"The minister understands."

Sourance didn't quite understand, but he dare not say.

"I'll pay attention to this later."

Lehman the Great said: "Now, let's talk about the reason why no Han people are willing to surrender."



Emperor Lehman stood up and looked at the sky in the distance: "I once said that I want to extend the empire halfway to the edge of land ~ ~ I have done this. Bringing it after success It's greed. What I want now is not just a piece of land, but all ... And you guys are the warriors who come to fulfill this wish for me. Sirius, do you know what a real warrior is? "

After waiting for Shrewns to answer, Lehman the Great slowly said, "Warriors, it is not just as simple as daring to work hard, but also wise. We need to reduce the enemy to reduce resistance, but the way to reduce the enemy is by no means only killing. The simple killing will make the enemy more and more united. You did a good job before the war. Why do you forget it now? Because you don't think it is necessary to spend money because it seems that we have set foot on this continent ... "

"The minister knew it was wrong."

Sourance hurriedly said, "When the minister returns, he will send someone to do it."

"We plundered countless treasures."

Emperor Lehman smiled: "Use these treasures to turn the enemy into friends, or use their own things. Isn't this business good? When we do n’t use them, we get the treasure back, what have we lost? ? "

He smiled brightly: "Nothing was lost, only gain."

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