Conquer the World

Chapter 967: A brotherly enemy

Chapter 967: Enemies Who Can Be Brothers

A boulder rolled down from the stone wall and did not know on the way that it broke a few pine trees growing on the cliff. The boulder trembled from a height, so huge, that when it fell, it carried an overwhelming power. Twenty or thirty people on the boulder may not be able to come together and smash heavily on the wall.

The huge force directly smashed a section of the city wall down, and the wall at the corner would have been narrowed a lot. The boulder fell, and the wall was smashed directly. The shattered city bricks fell one after another, and piled up a layer below the city walls. The boulder fell on the wall and shook it a few times before rolling down again.


Andrew couldn't help cheering.

The continuous bombardment finally dropped the boulder on the stone wall and smashed the wall down.

"Go over there!"

Xiahou Baichuan immediately pointed Hengdao over there.

A black flag military captain took a team of more than 300 soldiers and rushed over there. At the same time, Yan Zeng on the city wall was anxious, and the pro-captain captain took someone to defend the collapsed side.

"Strike positive!"

Xiahou Baichuan pointed to the city gate and shouted, "Share the pressure over there."

At this distance, the archer began to play its due role. The archer of the Black Flag Army formed an arrow array and began to suppress the defenders on the wall, dispersing the garrison for the same robes attacking the collapse. At least 2,400 Black Flag infantrymen carried a ladder to attack the city gate. This kind of attack cannot be completely called an offensive attack. If the enemy divides the troops to the side of the collapse too much, it will be on the front side. Immediately turned into a main attack.

"Follow me!"

The Black Flag Captain Yanse took his subordinates to climb up the collapsed city wall, and the Gao Jia soldiers on the wall ran like crazy. The first few archers who came over opened their bows and arrows, and climbed to half of them. A black arrow in the middle of the neck of the soldier, an arrow cut the artery, and blood poured out like a fountain.

The Black Flag soldiers at the back dodged the corpse that had fallen off, and held a horizontal knife in their mouth to continue to climb upwards. Although the city walls have collapsed a lot, they are also very steep, although it is not easier to climb than climbing a ladder without using a ladder. The garrison soldier above picked up a stone and smashed it down, hitting a black flag soldier's head below. The stone smashed the leather helmet directly, and then the smash was the brain of this Black Flag soldier.

Bloodwater brain brain burst out, dripping behind the Black Flag soldiers.

The attackers were the elite of the Black Flag soldiers. They took off the refined crossbow they carried and began to fight back. The dense crossbow arrows forced the defenders back, but more and more defenders gathered at the fracture. The defensive defenders have the absolute advantage.

Finally, the school prince Yan Se climbed the corner of the wall with one hand, took the horizontal knife out of his mouth with his right hand, swept the trend, and did not know how many legs had been cut in the past. Several defensive soldiers standing densely at the fracture immediately fell down. Someone rolled down the fracture, collided with the Black Flag soldiers who climbed up, and then the two of them hugged and rolled down. After landing, people have actually been injured and stumbled. The soldiers of the Black Flag Army were pulled up by their companions, and the countless knives that greeted the defending soldiers were chopped down with a knife, and after a while they became ground meat.

Yan Se swept across, and the defending soldiers fell down a lot. Yan Se took the opportunity to leap forward and broke into the dense crowd of defenders with a knife. He swept away the enemy's neck in front of him, and the blade turned round and cut off the other half of the head of the soldier.

Yan Se used a knife to have no knife at all, and he had not experienced the instructions of a famous teacher. His knife was completely learned from the battlefield killing himself. Each knife was simple, but absolutely practical. I don't know how many times it will be easier to use than the cumbersome and gimmicky knives.

If it is on the rivers and lakes, this method of accumulation based on experience is often regarded as a wild road by people, but it can be said that no matter what way the fastest way to kill is a good way.

Yan Se's blade sometimes spit out letters like a viper, sometimes down a mountain like a tiger, and sometimes fluttered like a pack of wolves. The knife didn't seem to have a track to find, but it touched the enemy's key at once.

In just two minutes, seven or eight people were chopped to the ground by him.

It was within these two minutes that he persisted that more and more Black Flag soldiers could climb up the wall in this small area under his tight control. Without Yanse's persistence, subsequent soldiers were afraid that they would still be suppressed below.


A spear pierced through the gap of the crowd and pierced the shoulder of Yanther.

The impact and pain made Yan Se scream subconsciously, and after that, Yan Se felt white for a while, and it seemed that the whole world was white. Maybe even Yanse himself didn't know that this was a human instinct reaction, but it was actually fear.

However, people like them who have experienced countless lives and deaths have learned how to suppress their fears.

He grabbed the spear, cut it straight, and cut the spear with the tip of the gun in his shoulder socket. At this time he did not dare to pull out the gun, otherwise he would faint because of too much blood loss.

"Get off or die!"

At this time, a voice came from behind the crowd, and Yan Se saw an enemy rushing forward with a mace. Looking at the momentum of the man, he knew that he must have fumbled many times on the battlefield.

"Either win or die."

Yan Se took a sip of **** spit and greeted it with a sneer.



The mace was too heavy, and Yanser's crossblade was broken the first time. The injuries on his shoulders made him slower to come out, but the enemy who made the mace want to hurt him was not easy. Yan Se's upper body leaned back to avoid the mace swept by him. While leaning back, her feet leaped heavily and kicked the enemy. This time the force was very strong, and the enemy took several steps back from the captivity.

Forced to drive away the enemy, Yan Se picked up a spear from the ground without knowing who dropped it. She shook her hand and speared it out like a poisonous dragon. The enemy held her body and had not stood still. Into the right arm of his weapon. With a twisted hand, Yan Se turned the gun's head into the enemy's arm, and blood spewed out of the wound immediately.

"Abandoned weapons!"

Yan Se roared.

The enemy will grit his teeth, with his left hand pulling out the short knife hanging on the right side from the waist, cutting his right arm with a single knife. The gun was stuck in his right arm, and if he didn't, he would always be controlled by Yonser.

"You won't know when the invincible enemy will appear in front of you."

The enemy will chop off his right arm and slam forward, taking advantage of the moment when Yan Se was surprised, sending a short knife into Yan Se's abdomen. Yan Se subconsciously kicked the enemy generals out without giving the enemy time to rotate the blade in his stomach. If the knife stirred ... he would have no way to go.

With one foot kicking the enemy general, Yan Se didn't hesitate, holding the lower abdomen with one hand, holding the short knife handle with the other hand to pull the knife out, and then the knife was rotated to cut the upper armour. He held his short knife in his mouth, held the wound with one hand, wrapped his ripped clothes with one hand, and then struck him fiercely.

The enemy general's injuries were also very serious. Yan Se's kick hit the center of his heart before, almost making him pass out. The soldiers on both sides fought next to each other, and no one noticed the tragic relationship between the two. Because the people who are fighting at this time are exactly the same.


The enemy was struggling to stand up, and touched the blood on the corner of his mouth with one hand: "I have spent half my life on the battlefield. I haven't seen a few real men. You guys are interesting! But I still say that. Either roll down or die! "

"You're good enough guys, but you're an idiot."

Yan Se breathed heavily, tightly tightening her lower abdomen again. He knew that the war was not over, and if the clothes opened, the intestines would follow.

"Now that Lao Tzu is up, his mother wants Lao Tzu to go down?"

Yan Se felt that he had blocked the lower abdomen wound, and chopped the short knife in his hand: "Have you rested enough? If you have enough rest, continue to do it!"

"it is good!"

Niuben took a few breaths: "I will not surname Niu without killing you today!"

He touched a knife from the ground and roared towards Yanse. Yan Se flashed away to avoid the knife, and then turned around and stabbed out at the moment when the two bodies were staggered. At the same time, Niuben also acted exactly the same. In fact, both people have the same background and the same experience. They do n’t know how to cultivate. Both martial arts are learned from actual combat. The moves are not beautiful, but they are definitely overcast and ruthless.

The blade left marks on the backs of the two men, and blood bleed out in an instant. Yanse's knife is relatively short, and this time she suffered a bit.

Niu Ben grinned in pain, cursed his mother's strength, turned and continued to flutter forward. At this time, a relative from Yanse climbed up from below and happened to see the back of Niuben. He even aimed at the crossbow and pulled the machine without thinking. At this distance, there was almost no waste of even a crossbow. Nailed on Niuben's back!

The crossbow is deeply embedded in the flesh, and the flesh turned out is a kind of white.

Yan Se froze for a moment, but didn't take the opportunity.

"I won't be a hero in this way! But rest assured, I will give you a happy life!"

He said something, and then strode toward Niuben, but did not notice the garrison soldiers behind him rushing in, stabbed in severely from behind him with a spear, stabbed from behind and stabbed from the lower abdomen, The clothes that wrapped him in the wound were torn apart, and a gut was also picked out.

Yan Se yelled in pain, then turned around and cut off the half of the brain that wasn't there yet.

"Haha! You are no better than Lao Tzu!"

Niu Ben, who has been lying on the ground, can hardly stand up, can still laugh, and then clenches his teeth and crawls forward: "Now it is not necessarily who died in whose hands!"

Yan Se looked down at the spear in the lower abdomen. After losing strength on both legs, he kneeled down on one knee ~ ~ He wanted to cut the spear with a short knife. , The spear moved in his stomach a bit, and at this time he could not feel how severe the pain, because there was no pain in the whole body.

"In the end you were killed by me."

Niuben struggled to crawl to Yan Se, and then tried his best to poke the horizontal knife into Yan Se's heart. At this point he was almost exhausted, and the knife was poked in slowly. The coldness in his heart made Yan Se, who had fallen into a coma, awake again, and saw Niuben pushing the knife forward. He grinned and smiled, and the blood poured out from his mouth like a waterfall.

"You **** really embarrassed ... If you are in a team with Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will be your brother, right?"

Yan Se murmured, and then raised the short knife with all her last strength, holding both hands down and stabbing sharply, poking the knife into Niu Ben's neck, nailing Niu Ben's body to the ground. After piercing the knife, Yan Se could not hold it anymore, and his body fluttered down softly. He threw himself on Niuben with his head resting on his head.


Fusion together, regardless of each other.

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