Conquer the World

Chapter 971: That hell

Chapter 971 The Hell

The old monk is really old. From the phrase he was a demon, Mengge had to pay attention to the old monk. This sentence completely introduced Mengge's volatile mood to the old monk. The devil is still a demon among the Buddha. Someone who knows a little about Buddhism knows that Buddhism disciples have only one attitude to understand the devil ... annihilation.

Lord Buddha said that the Buddha represents the most true, kind, and beautiful thing in human nature, and the devil is the opposite of the Buddha. The existence of demons is to destroy this world. But the Buddhism, which advocates compassion and forbearance, has an extremely stern attitude towards demons and has no room for return.

The old monk said he was a demon.

"You mean there is a demon in Buddhism?"

Meng asked subconsciously.


The old monk shook his head: "You can't think of it anyway. The Buddha was created by a demon."

"You talk too much."

The sound rang suddenly, as if in my ear.

When the old monk heard this, instead of having no fear, he smiled indifferently, raised his head and looked up at the heights: "You don't have to scare me. What am I afraid of being so old? I spend most of my time in this temple Just waiting to die, even if you kill me now, I have no regrets. "

Mengge's attitude towards the old monk is very surprised, and in his current cognition, this voice is supreme. No one can question him, especially the Buddhism, how could it be possible to speak to him in such an attitude?

"I don't kill you because you are useful."

The voice was cold and restored the attitude of no emotion at all: "Even if you are old, you are still very useful. But if you think that your role can make you do whatever you want, you are wrong, and no one in front of me can Do whatever you want. "

"Yeah ... you killed him a while ago ... it's scary to think about it."

The old monk shook his head: "You are truly supreme in this world, and no one can resist. But there is a word I don't know if you have heard of it, it is called a puppet ca n’t be taken away. This is why so many people know they will die I still choose to resist you. Although I dare not resist you, I still have the courage to say a few bad words about you. "

"Do what you should do."

After saying this, the voice disappeared again.

"Who is he?"

Mongo asked urgently.

"He is a demon."

The old monk gave Mengge a contemptuous glance: "Didn't I tell you just now ... how can you be an emperor so stupid?"

"I want to know what he is!"

Mongo yelled.


The old monk couldn't help laughing, "What do you say he is? Don't you be afraid he will kill you now?"

Mengge said: "I suddenly realized that he also needed me for the time being."


The old monk nodded with a smile: "You know that some people are terrible, but at some point you don't need to be afraid of him, that's when he needs you. Even if he doesn't look good to you, he won't kill you. You I'm here to find an answer, and I'm here to give you an answer. You see, I didn't say bad things about him behind the scenes, he knew it, but he didn't kill me. "

"To shut up"

The voice sounded again: "You are forcing me to give you up ahead of time?"

The old monk grinned and said, "It's not much ahead of time. Don't I know I'm going to die now ... don't be afraid he ignores him, let's talk to us."

The old monk accompanied Mengge as he walked and said, "What do you want to know the most? Tell me quickly, you also saw that I was going to annoy him. In case he couldn't help killing me, I still had nothing. Would n’t it be regretful if I did n’t tell you. Of course, I can tell you everything you want to know, and he allowed me to tell you. As for what he told me, do you know how much I want to say, but ca n’t say ... "



"Who created the Buddhism? Isn't it King of the Great Wheel?"

Kokotai Mengge was sitting tightly, he watched the old monk with great concentration waiting for the answer. He asked several questions before, and some of the old monks did not answer. However, from this point, Mengge also analyzed some things, that is, he is still very important to that "he", otherwise that "he" would not specifically allow an old monk to receive himself and explain some confusion for himself .

At the same time, because of this, Mengge became more worried. Because he found that "he" is giving alms to himself, these things are called secrets. Yes, it is alms. He used this secret to introduce himself, and then he really lost himself.

However, the attraction of this secret is so great that even Montgomery knew he would lose himself in a trap like this.

Once he knew some secrets, he would become his next puppet.


When thinking of these two words, Mengge suddenly laughed at himself. Nothing terrible, nothing terrible. When King Dalun Ming was still alive, wasn't he just a puppet?

"Big round king?"

The old monk shrugged his lips in disdain: "While King Dalun Ming is here, you are his puppet. Why is Dalun Ming Wang not his puppet?"

"King of the Great Wheel is also a puppet?"

Brother Meng is puzzled: "King of Great Wheel Ming lived for more than a thousand years, isn't it just a puppet?"


The old monk slowly said, "It is not only the Dalun Ming King who is his puppet, but the Buddhism is just a gate he created to control people ’s hearts, and even the entire practice world was created by him. You know when the Buddhism was established Yes, you also know how long Dalun Ming lived, so you should also know the name of the person who initiated the practice? "


Mongo asked.

"Yes, Sanran ... that's a stunning person, and only people like him can become the first pawn."


"Yes, chess piece."

The old monk pointed to Mengge: "You are a pawn, and I am also a pawn, but the **** and the **** are different. People in the world see him as a pawn, but the **** also has a size. In contrast, you are his hand There is a big chess piece in it, and I am also a big chess piece. Those ordinary people are far worse than you and me, and you and me are far worse than Sanlang, how far? Stars are so far away from that star. "

"Sanlang is the first chess piece he controlled in order to control the world. It is also the largest chess piece. With the emergence of Sanlang, the development direction of the entire world has also changed. Without Sanlang, there is no practitioner. There are no practitioners, is this world still this world? "

Some of these words were stunned, but Meng didn't understand.

"Where is the world going?"

Mengge was silent for a long time, and suddenly understood something: "If there is no practitioner, then it will go in another direction? What is that direction? A world without practitioners? Without practitioners, no one can threaten the imperial power ... that is really a good world. "

"You're so stupid, how do you become emperor?"

The old monk spoke this sentence for the second time today, as if an old man was pointing a child.

"If there are no practitioners in this world, then there is naturally something else to develop. A practitioner is powerful enough to control the world. Without a practitioner, there is nothing else to control the world?"

The old monk glanced at Mengge: "Of course, you can't imagine it is normal, because you are already used to the existence of this world. I am too lazy to explain anything to you. I heard that an interesting young man in Zhongyuan saw this. , So I took an unusual path. If you have a chance to see him, you may understand what I mean. "


Mongo asked.

"The person you are about to face."



The old monk took a sip of tea and moaned comfortably. He seems to enjoy every minute, and only a person who is too old to give birth to the emotion that every minute must enjoy.

"The words are a bit crooked. Now I will explain to you what Buddhism is. This is the task he entrusted to me. He wants to tell you through my mouth why the Buddhism appeared and why the Great King Ming appeared. Why does San Ran appear? When you know all this, you will understand that he is the ruler of this world. He just makes you understand that he is the ruler and the ruler that cannot be violated. "

Mengge listened seriously and didn't ask any more questions.

That voice just appeared again, reminding the old monk not to waste time.

"The development of the world always has its laws."

The old monk cleared his throat: "When the earliest and earliest people appeared in this world, they were not yet enlightened. They lived like wild animals, ate raw flesh, and were wrapped in leaves. This period is the best period for people to start learning At that time, people started to learn about whale sucking water and learn various living skills. People changed from beasts to humans, began to wear clothes, began to eat cooked food, and began to use tools. "

The old monk paused after speaking about it. It seemed that he wanted to say something but couldn't say, the look of the bones in his throat was clearly seen by Mengge.

The old monk wanted to say that he didn't dare to say that this expression made him look very uncomfortable ~ ~ forget it, let's be serious ... "

The old monk sighed: "Before that, he already existed. It can be said that he watched people appear, watched people develop, just looked so coldly, never intervened or asked. At that time he was really a God, at least it is watching the world as cold as God. But more than a thousand years ago ... he suddenly stopped watching, but directly intervened in the development of the world. "

"He told me that he has experienced real hell. He can't let **** come to this earth again, he wants to let people explore in another direction. The old way is hell, and he wants to let people take a new way. Now I have also I firmly believe this sentence, because I am also a practitioner. As long as I am a practitioner, I am afraid that after hearing his words, I will believe that he is right. And, he has shown me ... the hell. "

The old monk stomped lightly before looking up slightly.

"So although I always have some disrespect for him, he is really God. In any case, it is God who can change the process of the world? In order to make people no longer experience such hell, he can be God or incarnate Magic. If you really want to know what **** is, I can take you to see it. After you've seen it, you can't help but think ... he's right. "

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