Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 102: abnormal brain woman

Although the Devil Fruit Douglas ate didn't match the Flash at all, Rowe didn't care.

The main reason why Rowe liked this Douglas was that this guy was very useful. Not only was he powerful, but he only believed in his own strength.

To put it bluntly, this is a believer who only believes in "power first".

And such people are relatively pure, and to put it bluntly, they are easy to deal with.

As long as Rowe showed his great strength and defeated this Douglas, he had twelve points of confidence to subdue this Douglas and turn him into his most powerful subordinate.

At that time, you can add a general to your Injustice League.

He has some confidence in conquering the world by himself.

Of course, Reilly didn't know that Rowe had already targeted his former partner as a candidate for The Flash. After the dinner, he said, "It's not too late, I plan to go to Nine Snakes Island tomorrow."

"Okay." Rowe readily agreed, looking at Nami, "You and Rayleigh go to Nine Snake Island tomorrow and bring back Boya Hancock, if you start, you're welcome. "

"Why do you have to do it on the premise?" Nami was puzzled.

But Luo Weike is all too clear, "Boya Hancock is the most beautiful woman in the world. This woman has an abnormal head. She acts on beauty because she thinks she is beautiful, and she will be forgiven no matter what she does."

"That's why people like her, who act their own way, will most likely reject the olive branch we offer."

"Huh?" Nami couldn't believe that there were such people in the world.

Luo Wei continued: "This is normal. After all, her head is abnormal, and this woman is very proud. This is related to her past experience, so when you do it, don't be polite and beat her hard."

Reilly said thoughtfully, "You seem to know Boya Hancock very well."

Luo Wei didn't deny it, "Forget it, I know a lot of things from the past, including the fact that she used to be a slave of the Tianlong people."

"What!!" X3

Nami, Nokigo, and Nico Robin were shocked and shouted at the same time.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? The world's most beautiful woman was once the slave of the Tianlong people?"

"Is this kind of thing true?"

"Does the world government know about this?"

Reilly couldn't help laughing bitterly. Rowe and Boya Hancock hadn't met yet, and as a result, one person's bottom line was revealed by another person.

This is only for Nine Snake Island, but it is overwhelmingly disadvantageous.

He didn't even know what to say.

Luo Wei said: "Boya Hancock and her sisters were caught by human traffickers when they were young and sold to the Dragon people as slaves, and they were tortured."

"Later Fisher Tiger climbed to the red soil continent, broke into the Holy Land Mary Joa, and rescued the slaves at that time."

"That night, I don't know how many people ran out of that devil's cave."

"The three Boya Hancock sisters were one of them. After they ran out of the magic cave, they met Rayleigh, and then Rayleigh sent them back to Nine Snakes Island."

After everyone listened, they all looked at Rayleigh.

Reilly smiled bitterly and said, "That's what happened."

Nami sighed, "So you have such a relationship with Nine Snake Island."

Rowe continued: "Boya Hancock concealed the fact that she was a slave in the past after returning to the Nine Snakes Island, but because of this incident, she felt extremely inferior in her heart, and at the same time she was very proud in appearance."

Nico Robin said lightly: "This kind of person is very common, and there are countless people like this in the sea."

"I know, but it's a little abnormal to be so arrogant to the head, so Boya Hancock is the only one." Rowe couldn't help but complain.

Reilly: "So that's how you see Boya Hancock."

Rowe glanced at Reilly and nodded. When watching the plot, he felt that Boya Hancock's head was abnormal.

Of course, there seem to be few normal people in the One Piece world.

Most people have abnormal brains.

But Boya Hancock is one of the best among this group of people, and his brain circuit is simply strange.

Nami sympathized with what happened to Boya Hancock when she was a child, but said in her mouth: "Don't worry, boss, if Boya Hancock really dared to refuse the olive branch we offered, as you said, I would absolutely There will be no mercy."

"You must be merciful about this."

Rayleigh said with a wry smile, he once tested Nami's strength, which can be described in an unfathomable sentence.

Boya Hancock is probably not an opponent.

If the two of them fight and Nami insists not to release the water, Boya Hancock may be repaired badly.

Rowe ignored Reilly and said, "After you've beaten Boya Hancock, tell him that our goal is to conquer the world."

"The world government is destined to stand against us, and the dragon people living in the Holy Land Mary Joa are destined to be our enemies and the objects of our cleaning."

"When we succeed, it's time to sweep the Tianlong people into the garbage."

"At that moment, I can allow Boya Hancock to personally kill all the Tianlong people."

"I believe that when the time comes, Boya Hancock will not refuse you."

Reilly couldn't help but complained: "Since there is a way to convince Hancock, why do you have to beat him up?"

Luo Wei said calmly: "Some people won't listen to you if you don't beat them up."

"You think Boya Hancock is such a person."

"Of course, after all, her brain is not normal."

"Enough is enough." Riley couldn't help defending him. "Although I don't know where you got the news, I can tell you for sure that Hancock is a good boy."

"Are you sure?" Rowe asked.

"I'm sure, at most she just thinks differently from others." Reilly said tactfully.

Luo Wei pointedly pointed out, "That's because the head is abnormal."

Rayleigh sighed, instead of talking to Rowe, he looked at Nami instead.

"Can I handle the matter of persuading Hancock to join the Injustice?"

Nami did not refuse, "Of course you can."

Reilly pointed to the devil fruit on the table and said, "I need this artificial devil fruit."

Rowe nodded, "You can take it."

It's just a devil fruit, he doesn't care at all.

So the banquet came to an end.

The next day, Rayleigh took the artificial devil fruit and went to Nine Snakes Island with Nami.

Nicole Robin continues to work on the Baroque Works.

And Nuoqigao stayed and helped Luo Wei to expand the production line. She demolished most of the unused steel buildings in the institute and used them to build the production line of Devil Fruits.

These include SAD's production line.

This thing is the most important thing. Without this kind of thing, Rowe has no way to make Devil Fruits.

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