Rowe knew very well that Boya Hancock could petrify and smash part of the enemy's body the moment he kicked it.

Objects can be non-living creatures, such as stones, cannonballs, or machines, etc., can be petrified by this move.

Although Rowe doesn't think his body of steel will be petrified by Boya Hancock's ability.

But the clothes on his body can't support Boya Hancock's ability, in case the other party petrifies the clothes on his body and kicks them to pieces.

Then don't you want to run away?

This is too embarrassing.

So Rowe avoided the attack of Boya Hancock, but Boya Hancock was unforgiving. After one kick was empty, the second kick followed, and the power was even more terrifying than the first kick. .

Luo Wei couldn't help but snorted, and instantly protected his clothes with a domineering look of armament. He stretched out five pitch-black fingers and blocked Boya Hancock's kick.


The huge force collided, setting off a terrifying air wave like a storm, blowing the gravel off the ground.

The earth is roaring.

Boya Hancock's expression changed, and she felt that she had kicked the diamond with one foot. The terrifying shock force made her right foot feel faint, and even felt a little numb.

Rowe blocked Boya Hancock's kick, strode forward, and immediately invaded the defensive circle of Boya Hancock.

Boya Hancock subconsciously wanted to step back.

Because Luo Wei was so close to herself, she had never been so close to a man before.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

Rowe's speed was extremely fast, and when he approached Boya Hancock, he threw a punch.


Although Luo Wei's punch had restrained his strength, it was still like a huge battering ram, with the power to destroy the city gate, and bombarded Boya Hancock's body.

Boya Hancock flew upside down like a cannonball.

In an instant, it flew a distance of tens of meters and slammed into a huge stone.

The hard stones were torn apart in an instant, blasting out in all directions, leaving scratches on the beach one after another.

Boya Hancock was still on the move. After flying out of the beach, it hit the sea, and then was ejected. After hitting the sea, it was ejected again...

After hitting the water for dozens of times in a row, he finally fell into the sea with a plop.

Rowe flew over, plunged into the sea, and dragged the slowly sinking Boya Hancock out.

Regardless of whether Boya Hancock is the king of Shichibukai or not, he is a devil fruit person. If you leave it alone, this guy will not drown in the sea.

After Rowe dragged her out, he returned to the deserted island and threw it on the beach.

Boya Hancock fell to the ground with a thud, his body and face covered with sand, and his posture was very embarrassed, but his eyes did not compromise or beg for mercy.

"You bastard, how far are you going to humiliate your concubine?"

Rowe walked up to Boya Hancock and said, "You brought it all on your own."

Boya Hancock couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at Rowe in disbelief.

"You broke into your concubine's country without authorization, asked your concubine to join your command without authorization, ignored the charm of your concubine, and even beat your concubine without authorization. You actually said that your concubine was asking for it?"

How could there be such a shameless person in the world.

Although she didn't say that.

But Rowe saw the meaning in her eyes.

For a time, Luo Wei couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

But he quickly calmed down. In order to open up a new world and find a way back home, he took the wicked way.

"That's what the world is like, Boya Hancock. The weak will be bullied, and the backward will be beaten."

"Just like when you were weak, you were taken away by human traffickers and sold to Tianlong people as slaves."

"The world has never changed."

He ripped open Boya Hancock's wound naked.

Boya Hancock's body became stiffer than ever before, his face was extremely pale, there was no blood at all, and his whole body was almost suffocating.

She never thought that Luo Wei would know the biggest secret in her heart.

This made her terrified, and she trembled all over.

Rowe couldn't stand it any longer, grabbed Boya Hancock's arm and dragged her from the ground.

"I don't understand why you should be afraid, Boya Hancock."

Boya Hancock's lips trembled and he was speechless.

Luo Wei continued: "You are afraid of the Tianlong people, because they once caught you and ravaged you, but why aren't you afraid of me, I obviously defeated you and caught you."

"On this deserted island, no one will come to rescue you. I can do anything to you."

"But when you looked at me just now, you didn't beg for mercy or compromise."

"You're not even afraid of me, why are you afraid of the Tianlong people who are not as good as me? I don't understand, Boya Hancock, can you explain?"

He stared straight at Boya Hancock's eyes, as if two sharp knives pierced into Boya Hancock's heart.

Finally, Boya Hancock calmed down and regained his previous pride.

"Let go of the concubine, you are hurting the concubine."

Rowe nodded in satisfaction and let go of Boya Hancock.

Although Boya Hancock regained his composure, his face was still ugly, "Why did you know about your concubine's past, did Rayleigh tell you?"

Rowe asked back, "Do you think Rayleigh is that kind of person?"

Boya Hancock was silent, UU reading www.uukanshu. She actually knew that Rayleigh wouldn't say such things to others without authorization.

But if it wasn't for Rayleigh, why would Rowe know such a thing.

Rowe saw Boya Hancock's doubts and said calmly, "I know a lot about the past, and yours is only a small part of it."

"Of course, I also know that you are still afraid of the Tianlong people, and you are afraid that your past as a slave will be exposed."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as you join my Injustice League, you don't have to be afraid of that."

"Injustice will give you more power."

"With this power, you won't be afraid of anyone, including Tianlong people."

"After I conquered the world, the former Tianlong people will fall to the altar and become something inferior to pigs and dogs. At that time, I will allow all the pain you have suffered to return to the Tianlong people."

"Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times are fine."

When Boya Hancock's head is normal, he can still focus on the key points.

"You want to conquer the world?"

"Not bad." Rowe nodded.

"Why?" Boya Hancock didn't understand, the world government has ruled the sea for 800 years, and even One Piece has not been able to overthrow this decadent world government.

Why is Rowe able to do this? Although he can overcome himself, it is far from enough.

Rowe asked back: "Didn't Rayleigh show you something? I have created an artificial devil fruit, and I can form an army of capable people at any time. Can't this conquer the world?"

Boya Hancock: ? ? ?

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