Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 108: deformed world

Although Rowe was attacked by Boyahan Cook, he was not too angry.

He could feel that Boa Hancock's blow just now had no killing intent at all.

Of course, the sword was surprisingly fast, but when it reached Rowe, it had a tendency to stop. It can be seen that Boyahan Cook did not want to shoot himself, but wanted to scare himself.

As for why Boyahan Cook did this.

it's actually really easy.

Not long ago, Rowe beat Boyahan Cook, really thought that this arrogant woman with a problem in her head didn't hold any grudges.

After Boyahan Cook gained great power, he naturally wanted to scare Rowe.

It's just that Nami shot a little faster, and blasted him out with thunder.

But Boyahan Cook was not injured.

After all, Shazam's thunder came from Zeus, and Diana was Zeus' daughter, so of course she wouldn't be hurt by Zeus' divine power.

Boyahan Cook snorted, put away the sword of Vulcan, and looked at Nami.

"You also gained the power of Wonder Woman?"

She felt a power from the same source from the thunder that Nami released.

Nami glared at her fiercely, still angry that she had shot at Rowe just now.

Although she has also reacted now, Boyahan Cook just wanted to scare Rowe, not completely turn his face.

But Rao is so, she still doesn't want to pay attention to this woman, even if she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

"That's not true." Rowe shook his head and took the initiative to take up the topic, "Nami obtained the power of Shazam, and Shazam is guarded by the power of six gods, among which is the power of Zeus."

Boyahan Cook said: "This Zeus really likes to give his power to others."

Rowe said with a smile: "Actually, this Zeus not only likes to give his power to others, but also likes to give his seeds to others."

"Seed, what is that?" Boyahan Cook looked curious.

Even her two younger sisters, Sandasonia, and Marigold were curious.

Although the three of them are high-level officials of a country, one of them is the queen of a country.

But after all, he is the king of the daughter country.

As a man, Rayleigh immediately understood the meaning of Rowe's words and complained loudly, "Hey, hey, is it really good for you to say this to a king's queen?"

"Dirty." This time even Nami reacted and glared at Rowe viciously.

"Ghost, shameless, perverted."

Luo Wei is very innocent, what I mean is the truth.

Zeus' illegitimate children should not be too many, okay?

It was clearly what he did, why was he the one who was being scolded.

"What the **** is a seed?" Boyahan Cook seems to have a tendency to break the casserole and ask to the end.

Reilly quickly changed the topic, "You'll find out about this later, Boy Rowe, don't you have other things to do? Why don't you go and do your work first, I'll leave it to me and Nabeautiful here."

"and many more."

Boyahan Cook said, "It's lunch time. It's better to stay here and have lunch before leaving. Some people in the province say that we Amazon Lily don't know how to treat guests."

"Besides, the concubine really wants to know, where is Paradise Island, and is there an Amazon lily there too?"

"Or, the former Paradise Island is the current Nine Snake Island."

Luo Wei shook his head, "No, you think too much, Paradise Island is Paradise Island, and Nine Snake Island is Nine Snake Island. Although both islands have an Amazon, they are not the same island."

The two islands are not even in the same world, how could they be the same island?

Unexpectedly, in addition to his abnormal brain, Boyahan Cook also has a big enough brain hole.

Fortunately, I am a little expert at patching holes.

But in the end, Rowe did not leave, but stayed at Amazon Lily and enjoyed a hearty lunch.

The food in Nine Snake Island is really good, especially the sea king barbecue, which is really a must.

Not only is the quantity large, but the meat is extremely delicious.

Rowe eats his mouth full of oil.

During this period, Boyahan Cook kept asking about things related to Wonder Woman, and it seemed that she believed that the Amazon where Wonder Woman was located had a precise connection with her own Nine Snake Island.

Rowe didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After lunch, Luo Wei had something to do, so he left first.

After leaving Nine Snake Island, Luo Wei arrived at the Chambord Islands for the first time.

The reason he came to witness this time was to take away the slaves in the auction house.

As we all know, when the navy did not completely give up Marine Vando and moved its headquarters to the New World, the only illegal areas in the Chambord Islands were areas 1 to 29.

Each area has an auction floor.

Every day, thousands of people are auctioned out by these auction houses and left in the hands of major nobles.

And the navies stationed on No. 60 to No. 69 turned a blind eye to this place for various reasons.

Rowe had to admit that the world was really crazy in a sense.

There is no doubt that this is a deformed world.

This time, Luo Wei revisited his hometown and found that Auction No. 1 had recovered from the blow of the treasury theft not long ago. UU reading www.

This time, they hid the treasure in a more secret room, and even arranged several guards at the door of the room.

But under Rowe's perspective, there are no secrets at all.

But this time, Luo Wei was not interested in the treasures in the warehouse.

He was only interested in traded slaves.

Some of these slaves are pirates, but most of them are ordinary people with good skills, such as cooks who can cook, dancers who can dance, singers who can sing, or beautiful sisters and so on.

Even a robust workforce is among them.

When Luo Wei entered the auction, he happened to see a seven-meter-tall man at the auction. The man was five-thousand-three-thick and strong, but because of the collar on his neck, he didn't dare to resist, let alone run away.

In the Chambord Islands, everyone knows that the person who wears this thing is a slave.

Once you run out, you will be caught.

As for taking off this collar and running away, that's even more of a nonsense.

Because this ring will explode, and its power is amazing, it can completely blow the neck of the human body into pieces.

Only those who are proficient in domineering can open the collar without a key.

But the problem is that all those who are proficient in domineering are masters, and they will never be caught and auctioned as slaves.

Those who are captured as slaves are basically not domineering, so until the fatal threat of the collar is lifted, there is no way to escape.

This is also the reason why most slaves shivered and did not dare to resist.

Because if you resist, you will really die.

This is also the reason why the seven-meter-tall brawny man could knock over the people around him and escape the auction, but he never dared to take a step.

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