A day later, Kuzan woke up from a coma.

Warring States, Garp, and Lieutenant General Crane rushed to the ward as soon as they received the news.

Karp took the lead, slammed the door of the ward open, and strode in, his voice was so loud that he could even be heard in the corridor outside.

"Kuzan, I heard that you were beaten and embedded in the city wall of the headquarters. It's a shame, hahaha!!"

"Shut up, Karp!"

Sengoku rushed up to cover Garp's mouth, "Shut up if you can't speak. Do you really want the entire navy headquarters to know that the general was beaten?"

Karp unceremoniously broke up with Sengoku, "Ha, is there anyone in the entire navy headquarters who doesn't know the news?"

"Yesterday, Kuzan was embedded in the city wall. How many people saw this."

"How could it be concealed?"

"I guess even the restaurant aunt in the logistics has heard about it now."

Sengoku was shivering all over, but he had to admit that what Karp said was not wrong at all.

Although Xiaohe immediately issued a gag order yesterday, the news still spread throughout the Navy Headquarters.

Fortunately, this matter was also known to the Navy Headquarters, and it didn't make the news, which caused shame to the whole world.

He sighed, pulled out a chair, sat down in front of the hospital bed, and looked at Kuzan, who had already sat up.

"Tell me, Kuzan, what happened yesterday?"

Garp and Lieutenant General Tsuru each pulled a chair and sat down around Kuzan.

Looking at the three people sitting in front of him in a fan shape, Kuzan couldn't help asking, "Yesterday? That means I was in a coma for a day."

"Yes, what happened, Kuzan, why are you embedded in the city wall of the headquarters?"

Kuzan's brain turned, recalling what happened yesterday, and said slowly, "To be honest, I don't know why?"

Warring States:  …

Karp: ...

Lieutenant General Crane: ...

If they hadn't understood Kuzan's character, they would have almost thought that Kuzan was playing tricks on them.

Kuzan said: "After I arrived in the Chambord Islands yesterday, I soon saw Rowe, the righteous man who claimed to have eaten the fruit of justice, and then..."

He slowly said all the things he remembered.

Karp's face was solemn, and he muttered: "Don't blink, focus all your nerves, and raise the arrogance of seeing and hearing to the extreme. It is best to predict the future and protect your body with the arrogance of armed to avoid injury."

"Because the victory and defeat are over in an instant."

"Warring States, what do you think about this matter?"

Sengoku's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were even filled with unprecedented horror and disbelief.

"That is to say, you were completely dealt with without even seeing the enemy's shot, is that so, Kuzan!"

Kuzan said: "Although I wanted to deny it, since the other party said this, I felt like I hit a big mountain and fell into a coma."

Karp said, "You didn't hit the mountain, but the city wall of Marin Vando."

Speaking of which, he paused for a while, then turned to look at the Warring States.

"In an instant, he took Kuzan from the Chambord Archipelago to Marin Vando. Could it be some kind of space fruit, Warring States?"

Warring States rubbed his temples, "I don't know, but it's very possible."

Lieutenant General Crane couldn't help but ask, "Is there any news from the Chambord Islands?"

Sengoku told the news he received, "According to the report from Major General Caron, when he saw Kuzan and Rowe confronting each other, the two suddenly disappeared out of thin air."

"About half a minute later, Rowe appeared out of thin air again, but Kuzan never appeared again."

"But we all know that Kuzan was sent back to the Navy Headquarters by this guy."

"The victory was indeed over in just a few seconds. The guy was unscathed, but Kuzan was in a coma for a full day."

Lieutenant General Crane squinted his eyes and said, "Judging from the opponent's current performance, appearing out of thin air and disappearing out of thin air is indeed very similar to the characteristics of some kind of space fruit."

"But none of these matters. What matters is this guy's strength."

"This is a guy who is more terrifying than the Four Emperors."

Sengoku nodded, regardless of whether this mysterious Rowe ate the fruits of space, or the fruits of justice that he snorted.

Judging from the current performance, this guy solved a general in just a few seconds.

This is the most terrifying thing.

Since Roger started the era of the great pirates, the sea has entered the era of rampage, and there are as many pirates in the sea.

One strong one after another rises rapidly.

But the admiral is still the highest combat power of the navy, and the top combat power to suppress this runaway era.

However, with such a combat power, he was almost instantly killed by the enemy.

What is this concept.

Once the news was spread, the world would be shaken.

Because the powerhouses in the sea are very clear, even the masters of the four emperors level, it is impossible to solve a general in a few seconds.

The Four Emperors are indeed very strong, but they are only stronger than the generals.

When the two generals joined forces, even the Fourth Emperor would bow his head.

When he was still a general, he and Garp joined forces to capture one of the three legendary golden lions.

He never thought that there is still someone in the world who can solve a general in a few seconds.

This is too dreamy.

"All in all, this matter is absolutely not allowed to be revealed, Kuzan~www.readwn.com~ You can't tell other people about this, understand?"

After Sengoku understood the importance of the matter, he immediately issued a gag order.

Kuzan scratched his face and said with a wry smile, "Do you think I'll spread this shameful thing to everyone?"

Of course, Sengoku knew that Kuzan would not publicize this matter, "I mean, you have to rot this matter in your stomach, you are not allowed to tell anyone, and don't even mention it in the future, understand?"

Kuzan nodded, saying that he would be tight-lipped.

But he still has a question, "After I was in a coma, what did that guy do after returning to the Chambord?"

Warring States said: "The guy returned to the Chambord Islands and captured all the slave traders on the island, and then left with people, without knowing where to go."

Kuzan nodded and remained silent.

Karp clasped his nose and said, "Even if Kuzan would keep this secret, what about the guy named Rowe, would he keep this secret?"

"Defeat the general is just an opportunity for everyone to improve their fame. Do you think he will let this opportunity pass?"

Lieutenant General Crane shook his head and said, "On the ocean, no one will believe that Kuzan will be defeated in a matter of seconds."

Warring States nodded slightly and said, "Yes, no one will believe such a thing beyond common sense. Besides, we have a way."

Karp gave him a sideways glance and asked, "What bad idea did you think of?"

Warring States said: "I will issue a reward of 500 million. Do you think there will be people in the ocean who believe that a pirate of 500 million can defeat the general?"

Lieutenant General Crane said, "Good idea."

At this point, the meeting officially came to an end.

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