Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 119: running out of money

After Rayleigh left, nearly a month passed quickly.

Luo Wei still did not overcome the difficulty of natural devil fruit, and could not artificially create natural devil fruit.

This made Luo Wei a little frustrated, but he didn't give up. His brain was running at high speed, constantly calculating the errors and problems he encountered, trying to find a solution.

But his research seems to have fallen into a kind of dead end, and maybe he should find another scientist to discuss it.

After all, if one person is short-witted, others are long-term.

But which scientist are you looking for?

Vega Punk?

This is impossible, basically there is no drama, and it is so strictly protected by the world government that Luo Wei doesn't even know where to find this talented super scientist who claims to have surpassed the world for 500 years.

And Caesar Kuran was killed by himself, and people can't be resurrected from the dead, so naturally he can't discuss the devil fruit with himself.

Then it seems that only Vince Morocco is left.

This is also a good scientist, although far less than Vega Punk, and the research is on the bloodline factor, not the artificial devil fruit.

But you should be able to give yourself a hint.

Just when Luo Wei was thinking about it, footsteps suddenly broke into his research room.

Luo Wei looked up and said, "It's you, Nami, do you have anything to do with me?"

The person here is tall and tall, with long hair reaching her waist. She is exactly Nami in Shazam's state.

Nami looked at the room full of equipment and said, "I heard that you have been conquering nature-type Devil Fruits recently. What's the result?"

"Failed." Luo Wei put down the experimental equipment in his hand and said calmly: "The research on the natural devil fruit is more difficult than I thought, and I may need the help of others."

Nami couldn't help but said: "So you have encountered problems sometimes. I thought that no matter what kind of problems you encounter, you can solve them calmly."

Rowe said, "If I can solve all the problems by myself, what do I want you to do."

Nami: ...

This sentence makes sense.

Luo Wei asked, "You came to me suddenly today, what's the matter?"

Nami took out a bounty from her body and slapped it on the table, "Look at this."

Luo Wei glanced down, and there was a big smiling face on the reward.

This smiling face Rowe is all too familiar.

Monkey D Luffy!

It's just that Luffy's full name is not written on the bounty order, only the word Luffy the Straw Hat, and the bounty is 20 million Baileys.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, how come there are only 20 million Baileys.

He remembered that the first time Luffy offered a bounty, it seemed to be 30 million Baileys.

It's impossible, because he solved the evil dragon ahead of time, so the future Wang Luffy's bounty has also changed.

Hmm...very likely.

However, he did not expect that Luffy had already appeared during the time he was living in the sky while studying the artificial devil fruit of the nature department.

This means that the plot has already begun.

Just when Rowe was thinking, Nami said, "This straw hat boy should be the one you mentioned."

"That's right." Rowe nodded, "The future One Piece, the grandson of the naval hero Garp, and the son of the revolutionary army leader Long, he should be the captain of you and Robin without my intervention."

Nami looked at the reward order and didn't know what to say for a while.

Rowe asked, "Why, are you curious about this guy?"

Nami rolled her eyes and said, "What is there to be curious about, it's not like you don't know, I hate pirates the most."

Rowe couldn't help but let out a sigh, then remembered that when Nami and Luffy first met, he said that the person he hated the most was pirates.

Mainly because she was bullied so badly by the dragon, so she hated all the pirates.

When stealing money, I only steal from pirates.

It's just that after being rescued by Luffy, his attitude towards pirates changed, and he even joined Luffy's pirate group and became a pirate.

"However, can this stupid guy really become the Pirate King?" Nami was a little curious.

Luo Wei thought about it and said, "It should have been possible before, but not now."

"Why not now."

"Because I'm here." Luo Wei said calmly: "It's not like you don't know, my goal is to conquer this world. When I take this world into my pocket, this world is my property."

"Do you think I'll let things like pirates mess around in my world?"

Nami shook her head and asked, "After conquering the world, are you going to clean up the pirates?"

Luo Wei said: "Not after conquering the world, but when conquering the world, the pirates will also be cleaned up by me simultaneously."

"When I finish cleaning up the pirates, naturally there will be no One Piece."

"So, if Luffy can't become the Pirate King before I conquer this world, he probably won't have the chance to become the Pirate King in this lifetime."

Nami's eyes lit up, "Clean up the pirates? Leave it to me, this is my favorite thing to I didn't have the strength before, so she couldn't beat the pirates.

Now that she has the strength, she can completely help Luo Wei to clean up the pirates.

Well, let's start cleaning up the pirates from the East China Sea.

Luo Wei gave her a sideways glance and said, "Go and clean up the pirates. What should I do with the Hydra Group? Who will handle it?"

"Just leave it to Nuoqigao to deal with it." Nami sold her sister without hesitation.

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain: "I remember that Nuoqigao gave lessons to the boatmen during the day, telling them how to build and maintain sea trains. At night, he also had to process and manufacture sea trains and lay railroad tracks."

"Are you sure that Nuoqigao really has time to deal with the Hydra Group?"

Nami said, "Don't worry, Nuoqigao is fine. She is my sister. Besides, the Hydra Group is full of talented people, and many things don't need her to solve by herself."

"Hydra has so many talents, why didn't I know?" Luo Wei asked.

Nami said, "I'm looking for you today just to tell you about this. The recent development of Hydra has been a bit fast, and a lot of people and money have been added, so we're about to run out of money."

"No money, are you sure?" Luo Wei looked at her suspiciously.

Since they ruled the empty island, they have found the motto of the ark made of gold, and this ark alone has obtained thousands of tons of gold.

Now you suddenly tell me that you have no money.

how can that be.

Could it be that you embezzled this money?

Facing Rowe's suspicious eyes, Nami said angrily, "Am I that kind of person?"

Luo Wei asked: "Then tell me, why are we running out of money, where have thousands of tons of gold gone?"

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