Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 128: information at hand

Leiju didn't expect that the proud warrior of the Vinsmoke family would be easily solved by Rowe in this way, and she couldn't help but look at her father.

"What should I do now, father."

Gage felt the coldness floating in the air, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

In the face of this situation, he didn't know what to do, but if he wanted him to hand over the research on genetic factors, it would be a waste of money for the **** in front of him.

He escaped from the meeting room at the first time, preparing to gather a large number of soldiers and continue to fight with Rowe.

He didn't believe that Rowe could destroy his kingdom of Germa by himself.

"I want to leave, but that's not possible."

Without even thinking, Luo Wei ran away from the soldiers blocking him, rushed out of the living room, and caught up with Gage who was running away in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, soldiers from far and wide were coming from all directions. After seeing Luo Wei, they rushed forward without a word.

bang bang bang bang...

However, no matter how ferocious the group of people was, they still couldn't delay Luo Wei's footsteps.

They couldn't even get close to Luo Wei. Whenever they tried to get close to Luo Wei, Luo Wei would slap them and slap them in the face, knocking them all away.

Therefore, before Gage ran out for a long time, Luo Wei caught up.

This guy is also a ruthless man. Seeing that he had no hope of escape, he immediately aroused the courage in his heart, turned around and kicked Luo Wei's chest.

Explosive Shot Flying Kick! !

High-pressure energy was ejected from the back of his high-tech shoes, producing an explosive propulsion force. Under the impetus of this force, Gage's right foot rumbled and kicked Rowe's chest.

Then, Rowe was kicked out... This is impossible.

When Gage kicked Luo Wei, Luo Wei didn't move at all. The body of steel gave Luo Wei a strong defense.

Gage's blow did not shake Rowe's body, but shattered it.

To be precise, after his right foot kicked Luo Wei's chest, the flesh and bones shattered directly like an egg smashed on a stone under the huge driving force.

Luo Wei looked at the man who was lying on the ground because he lost a foot, and asked curiously, "Are you tickling me?"

Gage's pale face turned red and purple, as if the paint bottle had been knocked over on his face.

This sentence is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Even someone like Gage couldn't stand it.

"Monster." He gritted his teeth and looked at Rowe, full of despair.

He kicked the opponent with a confident kick. Instead of kicking the opponent, he abolished his right foot. As a scientist, how could he not understand the difference.

It is precisely because of clarity that despair occurs.

How could there be such an unreasonable monster in the world.

Luo Wei was used to being called a monster by now. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Gaji's neck and pulled him up from the ground. The soldiers around him threw rodents and dared not go forward.

Luo Wei looked at the other party's eyes and said, "Now, can you give me the research on the lineage factor?"

Gage felt that the opponent's hand was getting harder and harder, and his breathing was getting harder and harder, as if the opponent would crush his neck in the next second.

The shadow of death drowned his body and mind like a tide.

But he still didn't let go. He made up his mind that even if he died, it would not be a waste to Luo Wei.


Luo Wei couldn't help but snorted. The reason why he exchanged research materials with Gage at the beginning, instead of directly **** it, was because he was afraid of this happening.

The other party would rather die, so he sat on the wax himself.

After all, in this world, there are not many people who regard death as home.

For the sake of their ideals, many people don't take death seriously at all.

Death can scare many people, but not those who have ideals.

Gage is a man with ideals, although his ideal is to rule the North Sea.

Wait, maybe you can start from this point.

"Wait a moment."

At this moment, Reiju's voice came from behind Rowe.

Luo Wei looked back at Leijiu. Leijiu resisted the fear in her heart and walked over step by step. She said to Luo Wei calmly, "Don't kill him, I can give you what you want."

Rowe is a little different, Reju actually pleads for Vinsmoke Gadge.

This is very strange.

Luo Wei remembered that in the original plot, the Vinsmoke family used Sanji to form an alliance with Charlotte Lingling, the aunt of the Four Emperors.

But Charlotte Lingling never thought of forming an alliance with the Vinsmoke family at all, she just wanted to use the wedding to annex the Vinsmoke family.

On the eve of the wedding, Reiju was shot in the left leg by Sanji's fiancee Charlotte Brin in the castle. She was then held in the room and told of the plan to wipe out the Vinsmoke family.

And this plan happened to be overheard by Sanji who was delivering the food outside.

Immediately, Brin used the memory fruit ability to wash off Leiju's memory, and then Leiju was sent to treat her injuries.

When he woke up again and saw Sanji sitting next to him, Sanji explained the situation to Reiju with a solemn expression.

After hearing this, Leiju trusted Sanji and believed that the Kingdom of Germa should disappear just like that. UU read and encouraged Sanji to flee quickly.

From this, it can be seen that Reiju doesn't really care about the Kingdom of Germa.

Even if his younger brother and father were killed, he never disclosed his plan to anyone.

Even oneself had to die calmly.

But now, why did Leiju suddenly appear to save people?

Hasn't she been completely disappointed with the Vinsmoke family, and still has the slightest affection for her father?

But this was just right, Luo Wei slightly loosened his grip on Gaji's neck, "Do you have what I want?"

Leijiu said, "I know where my father put the research materials."

Luo Wei couldn't help laughing, "Very good, take me there."

"You have to promise not to hurt him," Leiju said.

When Jage saw that his daughter was going to sell her research results, she immediately became angry, "No, absolutely not, Reiju, I order you..."


Luo Wei slapped him with a slap, knocked Jiazhi unconscious, and threw it to Leiju, "Now you can rest assured."

Leiju took her father and handed it to the soldier beside her, "Take him to the treatment room."

The soldier nodded and left with Gage.

"Come with me."

Leiju turned her head and left, and Luo Wei followed.

She took Rowe to a huge laboratory, and the corner of the laboratory was filled with various books and materials.

"This is my father's laboratory. All his materials are in it. You can watch it at will."

Luo Wei said thank you, walked over, picked up a research material, and flipped through it.

After a few seconds, he finished reading this document, and then picked up another document and read it.

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