Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 130: The transformation of the Vinsmoke family

Gage finally understood Luo Wei's ambition, "Do you want to rule the world?"

This is even broader than his dream of unifying the North Sea, because it means that he must defeat the world government.

And just how powerful the world government is, Gage knows very well.

The Wensmoke family once unified Beihai and became the veritable king of Beihai.

But the world government didn't agree with that, so they took action.

After dozens of days, Vinsmoke lost his position as King of the North Sea. Gage has never forgotten this unforgettable lesson, so he knows the power of the World Government better than anyone else.

In today's world, no force can challenge the world government.

Neither can the Four Emperors.

"That's right." Rowe nodded, "I really want to rule the world, do you think it's possible for me to do that?"

Gage was silent. If he hadn't seen the artificial devil fruit created by Rowe before, he would have ridiculed Rowe for daydreaming.

But he now knows that Rowe can create Devil Fruits, and that Rowe's personal strength is so powerful that he is almost a monster.

He said slowly: "If you have a powerful army of capable people, you can completely challenge the world government."

Yes, the world government is powerful, but the devil fruit person is equally terrifying.

A powerful army is fully capable of challenging the world government.

Luo Wei said lightly: "After I dominate the world, I can hand over the North Sea to the Vinsmoke family to manage, on the condition that Leiju must become the leader of the Vinsmoke family."

Among the Vinsmoke family, Reiju and Sanji are normal people.

But Sanji hates this country and is unwilling to return to this country, so Luo Wei plans to elect Leiju to the top, inherit this country, and help himself manage the East China Sea.

"Are you serious?" Gage looked at Rowe in disbelief.

Luo Wei said: "After I conquer the world, I need to form a new government to help me manage the world. I feel that Leiju can completely manage the Beihai."

"If I remember correctly, your dream is to let the Vinsmoke family unite the North Sea and become the king of the North Sea."

"Leiju is also a member of the Vinsmoke family, and is fully qualified to succeed you as the king of the North Sea. What do you think?"

Gage was really moved, and his dream was exactly as Rowe said, that he wanted the Vinsmoke family to return to the position of the king of the North Sea.

If Luo Wei is really willing to unify the world, he will hand over the Beihai to Leijiu to manage.

He could have let Reiju inherit the position of the head of the Vinsmoke family.

He began to pace in the laboratory, thinking about various problems, because he knew very well that once he agreed to the other party, it represented that the Vinsmoke family officially joined the other party's power.

In the future, there will be a fierce battle with the World Government.

Gage is not afraid of losing. After all, his Vinsmoke family has transformed combat soldiers, and Rowe has an artificial devil fruit. Combined, they have the strength to challenge the world government.

But the problem is that he doesn't know much about Luo Wei's character. What if he helps Luo Wei to overthrow the world government and Luo Wei kills the donkey.

After all, Rowe's strength is too terrifying, it is too easy to kill them.

Perhaps, he should think of a way to ensure that the Vinsmoke family is not used by the other party and then thrown away.

Gage thought again and again, suddenly stopped and turned to look at Luo Wei.

"I can hand over the position of the head of the Vinsmoke family to Reju, but you have to promise me one condition."

"Tell me."

"You must marry her. Only in this way can I believe in you."

"Father." Leijiu was shocked, angry, angry and ashamed. She never thought that her father would sell her like this.

Luo Wei couldn't help laughing, "I see, you are worried that I will kill the donkey."

Gage was silent and admitted Rowe's guess.

Luo Wei thought for a while and said, "Okay. Anyway, Leiju is so pretty, so I won't suffer."

Leijiu's face couldn't help turning red. She didn't know if she was angry or shy, she turned her head and left, and quickly left the laboratory.

Gage stayed and started negotiating with Rowe.

The two argued for nearly an hour and finally reached an agreement.

From now on, the Vinsmoke family will hand over the position of leader to Leiju, who will officially join the Injustice League and become a member of the Injustice League, the future king of the North Sea.

The Vinsmoke family started to run a family-run business today and began to transform into a pure technology family.

In other words, the Vinsmoke family will not participate in other countries' wars from now on.

For this point, Gage did not agree at first.

Because most of the income of the Vinsmoke family comes from the war. They would accept employment from other countries and make a fortune in war.

To make them refuse war is to make them lose all their income.

But Luo Wei clearly told Jage, "Even if you keep losing this income now, you will be forced to cut off this income in the future, because you don't understand what kind of world I want to build."

"Aren't you going to replace the World Government?"

"Yes, UU reading That's right, I do want to replace the world government, but don't you think I just want to kick the world government and become the world government myself?"

"Is not it?"

"Yes, but no."

"What's the meaning?"

Luo Wei snapped his fingers and said, "Unlike the current world government, there is no other country in the world I unified. I will unify the world, destroy all the countries, liberate all the people, and establish a unified centralization."

"I am the king of the world."

Gage finally understood what Luo Wei meant, his face full of horror, "You want to be the enemy of the whole world?"

Luo Wei asked back: "Isn't my enemy of the world government not my enemy of the world?"

Gage couldn't help being silent.

In the end, he had to agree to Rowe's request, and Vinsmoke was transformed from now on and no longer involved in other countries' wars.

Because in the future, if Luo Wei really unifies the world, he will establish a unified centralized power.

At that time, there would be no war at all, and the Vinsmoke family would naturally lose all sources. So Jiazhi had to turn passive into active and start transformation.

Fortunately, the Vinsmoke family has excellent scientific research and has a good foundation. If the transformation is successful, they can just take out a successful invention and harvest the world's wealth.

At that time, he might earn more than he does now.

The Vinsmoke family will not only not decline, but will become even more brilliant.

As for whether the Vinsmoke family can do this, Gage does not doubt, and can even be said to be confident.

After all, there are not many countries in the world that are more developed than them.

Some money, they will earn it.

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