District 11 Governor’s Palace.

Less than ten minutes after Euphemia was captured, the entire Doge’s Palace, including the base, entered the first level of alert.

“Find! Must find me Yuffie! Even if it’s digging three feet into the ground! ”

Cornelia gathered her own right-hand men.

At this moment she was on the verge of going crazy.

She worries about her sister’s life all the time.

She was afraid of what those mysterious robots would do to her sister.

Even worried about whether his sister would have been poisoned!

Whenever she thought about it, she felt like she was about to collapse.

Gilbert pushed the black eye socket on the bridge of his nose and said, “Lord Cornelia, according to you, the enemy appears through a space jump and then leaves in the same way, we have no way of knowing where the enemy went, if we want to find the enemy, I am afraid it is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.” ”

Despite what Cornelia said was incredible, as a loyal knight, Gilbert believed her.

What’s more, he knew Cornelia and she would never be joking about Euphemia!

After hearing the rumors, Cornelia finally calmed down a lot.

After a moment of silence, she spoke again: “Whether it is useful or not, first seal off the concession!” Then launch a carpet search for everyone! ”

Whether she can find it or not, she has to give it a try!

Even if it’s finding a needle in a haystack, she’s willing to try!


Gilbert nodded.

Just then, a soldier hurried in.

“Report to Your Highness, we have received an encrypted communication! The other side claimed that Her Highness Euphymia was in their hands! ”

As soon as these words came out, it undoubtedly made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Euphemia is still in the hands of the enemy, judging from the willingness of the other party to contact them, the other party should not hurt Euphemia for the time being.

And since the other party is willing to communicate, it means that there is an opportunity to redeem the hostages!

Cornelia grabbed the soldier’s collar and said angrily, “So what are you fighting?” Pick up that encrypted communication! ”

“Obey, obey!”

After a while, a handsome and personable man appeared on the big screen in front of everyone.

Although the man was very handsome, the moment he saw him, Cornelia had only one thought in mind.

That’s tearing him up!

“Guys, how are you, have you all eaten?” The hope of the big night did not disturb your rest. ”

Lin Ziqin’s tone seemed polite, but he all revealed contempt for everyone.


Cornelia clenched her pink fist and slammed it the table.

“Where is my sister?!”

“Don’t worry, let’s talk.”

Lin Ziqin said unhurriedly.

“So what do you want to talk about?”

“Of course I’m here to talk about life!”

“Hahaha, just kidding, isn’t that funny?”

Cornelia held back the anger in her heart.

“What the hell are you trying to say?”

Lin Ziqin plucked out his ears and said, “Actually, there is nothing, that is, when I first came here, I found that this is a good place.” ”

“Although it is not as good as my hometown, but after this, there are patrons, there are green dragons on the left, there are white tigers on the right, there are case mountains and bright halls in the front, and the water flow is tortuous, which is a treasure of feng shui.”

“So, I want this place, you should know what I mean.”

After saying a lot of nonsense, Cornelia understood a sentence from the words, Lin Ziqin wanted District 11!

“Do you want the whole District 11?”


After thinking about it, Cornelia nodded directly.

“Good! As long as you give my sister back to me, I will give you the whole 11th district! ”

It’s just an 11th district, and it’s not as good as his sister!

Not to mention that District 11 is gone, you can still grab it back!

She has confidence in her own strength.

The corners of Lin Ziqin’s mouth raised slightly, “Very good, very good.” ”

“Then can you release my sister now?”

“Want to empty gloves white wolf?” You think it’s beautiful, I’ll only give you two hours, two hours, get out of my turf with your people, otherwise you won’t want to see your sister in your life. ”

After speaking, Lin Ziqin directly cut off the video communication.

“Little love, start the jamming stick!”



Soon after, Cornelia called all the Britannian military leaders in District 11 to her and announced that she would take everyone out of Area 11.

“Your Honor, do you really want to surrender District 11?” Without the order of His Majesty the Emperor, you did this without permission, but it is a felony! ”

An officer spoke in a slightly warning tone.

He didn’t want to leave District 11, which was worth to him as heaven.

Here, he can enjoy superior treatment!

The Japanese troops stationed in Japan show that they are very familiar with this!

But he apparently didn’t yet know how important Euphemia was to Cornelia.



Cornelia drew her pistol and aimed it directly at the officer’s head, then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A bullet sent the officer straight to heaven to see God.

“Is there anyone against it now?”

Cornelia looked around, and those who touched her gaze quickly bowed their heads, and everyone trembled.

“Very good, it seems that no one objected.”

“Now I’ll give you an hour to prepare!” Everyone must evacuate Zone 11 within an hour! Otherwise die here! ”

After dropping the death order, Cornelia left the conference room with her loyal knights.

She wasn’t sure if the man was monitoring their movements.

But in order to take a stand, she was the first to leave District 11 from the concession port in a floating battleship.

Soon, several more floating battleships and surface transport ships left the concession laden with Britannia troops.

Two hours passed quickly.

When the last transport ship carrying the Britannia Army left the port, Lin Ziqin finally contacted Cornelia again.

“Now I have withdrawn all Britannia troops from Sector 11 as you have commanded!” It’s time for you to keep your promise! ”

Cornelia said in a deep voice.

As long as the other side released her sister, she immediately ordered the troops to re-attack Area 11!

And dig three feet into the ground, find this guy and peel it alive!

However, Lin Ziqin sneered, “Oh, woman, do you think I don’t know what you’re thinking?” ”

“Are you thinking that as soon as I release your sister, you will immediately attack with a large army?”

Cornelia’s heart sank.

Was it discovered?

“So what do you want?”

“It’s simple.”

Lin Ziqin hugged his chest with both hands, turned to Xiao Ai beside him and said, “Xiao Ai, lock on to the target and use phase transfer.” ”

“Obey orders!”

Cornelia didn’t understand what Lin Ziqin was saying.

But the next second, she was enveloped in a light.

Before she could react, her figure disappeared from the bridge of the floating battleship.

When she came back to God, she actually came to Lin Ziqin’s face!

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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