Seeing Lin Ziqin’s arrival, everyone present stood up from the sofa.

“Are you?”

The opener is another male soldier besides Layla.

It can be seen that this person should be the representative of this time or something.

“My name is Lin Ziqin, and I am the commander of the Resistance Army.”

Lin Ziqin came to the sofa opposite several people and sat down.

At this time, Layla also returned to the sofa from the window.

Lin Ziqin also noticed this special young girl.

But I wasn’t surprised.

Because he had already seen the list of missions.

“Commander of the Resistance?”

Everyone except Layla showed a hint of surprise.

After all, they had always thought that the commander of the Resistance Army should be a middle-aged man of about the same age as himself.

Moreover, whose head does not even bring a guard or an adjutant or the like when he receives envoys from other countries?

Anyway they hadn’t seen it.

Instead, Layla on the side behaved more calmly.

She guessed Lin Ziqin’s identity, because she had seen many soldiers saluting this person through the window before.

After a brief moment of surprise, the soldier man immediately recovered.

“Mr. Lin is really… Young and promising, a table of talents. ”

Anyway, let’s pat it first!

It is easiest to win the favor of young people.

However, Lin Ziqin’s reaction was unexpected by this person.

“Thank you Mr. Seus for your compliment, but I’m a man who doesn’t like to bend over backwards and tell me directly what you’re here for.”

A delegation from a certain country visits a certain country?

And build friendly relationships with a certain country?

It is okay to say this to civilians who do not know the truth.

A real visit is never as simple as a high-level person from several countries sitting together and talking about future developments.

There must also be some unspecified purposes attached to it.

However, according to the information that Lin Ziqin now possessed, he could probably guess what these people were running around to do.

It’s nothing more than buying gear or calling for help!

According to the latest intelligence, the EU Alliance and the Britannia Empire have officially started war.

Previously, the two countries had often had friction on the border.

But those are small fights after all.

But since the defeat of the Britannia Empire in Asia, that is, on this side, the EU Alliance suddenly found that the Britannia Empire, which had been considered invincible, did not seem to be very strong.

The EU League then did not hesitate to declare war on the Britannia Empire.

In the beginning, the EU League did achieve good results by relying on surprise attack tactics.

But when the Britannia Imperial Army reacted, the EU Alliance began to rout all the way!

Not only were the previously occupied cities lost, but many of the country’s cities were occupied by the Britannia Empire.

It can be said that he lost his wife and folded his soldiers, and lost people to his grandmother’s house.

And the worst thing is that there is a logistical problem!

With the Britannia Empire a large number of sixth-generation aircraft and a small number of seven-generation aircraft were put into battle.

Those fifth-generation machines equipped by the EU Alliance are not opponents at all.

Knightmare is playing less and less!

Even the emergency additional production lines are built twenty-four hours a day, but they still can’t keep up with the consumption rate.

In addition, most of the soldiers of their EU Alliance were young master soldiers, and their will to fight was not high.

It was almost impossible to defeat the Britannia Empire.

The only thing they could do now was to narrow down their defenses and hold on to their little piece of land.

It can be said that the current EU league has been completely beaten.

If it weren’t for the loss of face, they might have surrendered immediately.

And then Seus’s answer also confirmed Lin Ziqin’s conjecture.

“Since Mr. Lin doesn’t like to bend the corner, then I’ll just say it.”

“Can your Knightmare be sold?”


Lin Ziqin said with a straight face.

This instantly blinded these people.

So direct?

Even if they don’t listen to their offer, they just refuse it?

“But what about …”

Just when the Seus people still wanted to fight for it, Lin Ziqin turned sharply.

Several people tensed up instantly.

“But what?”

“But I won’t sell you the Knightmares I use now, but I can sell you another Knightmare!”

Lin Ziqin grinned and looked at the eyes of the Saius people as if they were looking at the slaughtered lamb.

Seus was a little hairy by Lin Ziqin’s eyes.

“How does the other Knightmare you talk about compare to what you have now?”

“That Knightmare is the seventh generation.”

Lin Ziqin did not answer positively.

However, hearing the three words of the seventh generation, the eyes of several people of Seus suddenly lit up.

Why was the army of the Britannia Empire able to enter no man’s land on their land?

Isn’t it because there are seventh and sixth generations of Knightmare?

If they also had a seventh-generation Knightmare, they would be on par with the Britannia Empire!

Most importantly, with the seventh generation of aircraft, they don’t have to waste money to develop Alexander!

(PS: Alexander refers to the white deformable mech piloted by W-zero’s unit in The Fallen Akid.)

All the money can be spent on the blade to buy more seventh generation Knightmare!

Thinking of this, Seus quickly asked, “Is it really the seventh generation Knightmare?” Are there any limited purchase conditions? How much does it cost to have one unit price? ”

Seus asked three questions directly in one breath.

Looking at his impatient appearance, Lin Ziqin’s smile became even stronger.

That’s what he wants!

“Don’t be in a hurry, I’ll take you to see the physical machine first, and you will first see what happens after you are not satisfied.”

Hearing this, Seus finally calmed down.

Yes, this kind of thing can not be rushed, we must find out the performance of this seventh generation of Knightmare.

“Then it will be troublesome for Mr. Lin to lead the way.”

Subsequently, Lin Ziqin led a group of people to the training ground.

At this time, there is a white gold-rimmed streamlined airframe.

Someone must have guessed the identity of this mech.

That’s right, it’s Lancelot, the landline of the original hub wood Suzaku!

In the last battle with the Second Prince, Lin Ziqin not only captured the floating battleship Avalon, but also captured two airframes placed in Gnaku.

They are Lancelot and Gawain in front of you!

In line with the principle of making the best use of things, Lin Ziqin did not destroy these two mechs, but took them to reverse research.

Now as long as Lin Ziqin thought, he could make the war factory in the shield world produce hundreds of Lancelot and Gao Wen in one day!

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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