Chapter 185 The addition of the cauldron lid!!

With the capture of Charles, the battle for the position of lord of the city finally came to an end.

“After all, is Mark slightly better?”

Morgan looked up at the gloomy sky, his thoughts racing.

In this scramble, he did not help either side.

The city defense army also did its best to protect civilians (Shangmin) and did not participate in it.

The liar hunters, who were not outnumbered, eventually won the battle.

Maybe this is the end of the destiny.

Morgan sighed softly, feeling a little sad inside.

He had already guessed what kind of punishment his son would face in two hours.

Despite a brutal battle, Mark eventually ascended to the throne of the lord of the city.

Looking at the people below who supported themselves as the lords of the city, Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

He had thought that he might not be able to complete the succession ceremony today, but the result was good, of course, and the city defense army was helping.

Although these people did not participate in the battle before, after the battle, they fulfilled their duties perfectly.

After taking over as the lord of the city, Mark summoned the high-ranking members of the lighthouse to him and began the first high-level meeting of the lighthouse after he became the lord of the city.

The other side.

After completing the task, Karen and Anya also returned to Lin Ziqin’s side.

“You’re doing a great job, but it’s a pity…”


Anya’s head tilted slightly, and there was some doubt on her cute face.

Lin Ziqin explained, “It’s a pity that you haven’t been able to fully test your current ability. ”

The main reason why he would send the two to help Mark ascend to the position of lord of the city, in addition to completing the transaction, was naturally to test the current combat power of Karen and Ania.

Since using the Angel Potion, they have become more powerful.

But Lin Ziqin wanted to know where their limits were, so he used the lighthouse as a small experimental field.

Unfortunately, he still overestimated the Order’s soldiers on the lighthouse.

Not only did it not force out the true strength of the second daughter, but it was also ruthlessly crushed.

According to Lin Ziqin’s guess, the two estimated that they had not even used 10% of their strength! However, although it failed to achieve the goal, it was not without gains.

Lin Ziqin watched the entire battle, and even after a period of time, he was repeatedly light film.

In the end, Lin Ziqin came to a conclusion: now Karen and Ania’s armor could not keep up with the strength of the two and must be upgraded!

Obviously, I just upgraded some time ago, and as a result, I have not used it a few times before I have to upgrade again.

But that’s a good thing.

The stronger the two men, the better for him and for the Empire.

“Go down and rest, and then have time to write me a combat briefing, preferably with you how you feel about the outfit.”


In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Early in the morning.

The people at the base got up, washed up, ate breakfast, and left their homes to get ready to get the day’s work done, as usual.

But when they left the room, they soon found that the base today seemed to be a little different from usual!

A closer look revealed that there was an extra cauldron lid in the airport of the original base! Two CRS-class light cruisers are circling this cauldron.

It seems to be surveillance, but it seems to be protecting.

Ordinary people don’t know what that is, and they don’t care what it is.

So after many people have experienced the initial curiosity, they no longer pay attention to the matter.

However, compared to the people on the ground, the people living on the lighthouse are curious about everything below.

“The Lord of Mark City certainly didn’t lie to us! There really is a city here! ”

“I heard that as long as we join the city, we can live on the ground in the future!”


“Of course it’s true, word has spread!”

“Great, we can finally get back to life on the ground!”

“Yes, the ground is our human home!”

“But aren’t you afraid of the Polar Eater attack on the ground?”

“What are you afraid of, don’t you see what is flying in the sky?”

Some people are full of expectations for the future, and some people are worried about it.

Words speak of two ends.

When the lighthouse docked with the port, Mark first came to the surface with a delegation composed of high-level members of the Liar Hunter Squad.

They were greeted by a circular robot floating in the air.

That’s right, this circular robot is Little Love.

More precisely, it is the subsystem of Little Love.

“Gentlemen, please come with me, my master has been waiting for a long time.”

Mark nodded and said, “Then it will trouble you to lead the way.” ”

Under the leadership of the little Aizi system, Mark and the others got into a stretch car.

“It’s almost like the old world.”

In the back seat, Jing Nan looked through the car window and carefully observed the scenery in the city.

The road is lined with trees called ginkgo biloba, and pedestrians drive on the sidewalk.

Occasionally, vehicles pass by the side of the car.

If they hadn’t been in the lighthouse a few minutes ago, she would have really thought it was all a dream!

“Is this what the old world looked like?”

It is also not only Jing Nan who looks out through the car window.

Mark, Ran Bing, Mo Cheng, and Erica were all lying on the car window.

Only Fei Xue was calmer, and she honestly sat in her position with her hands on her chest

However, the sideways head also shows that she is actually curious about the scenery outside.

“Speaking of Jing Nanjie, how did you know that the old world looked like this?”

Ran Bing couldn’t help but ask curiously.

Jingnan smiled, “Oh, I’ve read a lot of books about the Old World.” ”

Erica was stunned, “Eh? Is it really because of the status of the people who are forbidden to read Old World books on the lighthouse? ”

Is this the legendary privileged dog? Jingnan smiled awkwardly and did not answer.

In fact, it is.

Originally, the lighthouse was forbidden to read Old World books, which was to maintain the three laws.

However, Jingnan’s status is prominent, he is one of the high-ranking members of the lighthouse, and he is also the adopted daughter of the former Morgan City Lord, so naturally he has some privileges.

Take the right to reproduce.

Most people cannot defy the reproduction task of the Church of Light and Shadow.

But she was different.

Up to now, she had not been to the legendary Golden Hall or even once!

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