Chapter 226 I am the whole control!!

“Ah, what a cute little sister!”

“Come, come into your sister’s arms and let your sister hug you!”

“Cough, Mu more, pay attention to eating phase!”

It turns out that Ti Yi which is really limited to cuteness.

When Euphemia and Tendo Mu saw Tina brought back by Lin Ziqin, they were instantly overwhelmed by Tina’s cute appearance!

“Hello two sisters, my name is Tina, and I am Lin Ziqin’s big brother Tina Sprente!” Please advise me~! ”

Tina pinched the hem of her skirt slightly, and she smiled at Miss Renjin.


Ti Yo, the introduction behind is superfluous!

Euphemia didn’t care, and Tiantong Shubei looked at Lin Ziqin with perverted eyes.

“Oh! It’s Lin Ziqin’s big brother Tina, you are really good, I didn’t expect you to be a Lolita! ”

Lin Ziqin immediately retorted: “What Lolita control, I am not Lolita control, I am the whole system control!” ”

Tiantong Mu raised an eyebrow, and this family Qiu’s face was really thick.

“Let’s go, let’s ignore this pervert, sister take you to know the other friends!”

The next morning.

Lin Ziqin had a special guest here.

The blue-and-white hair hangs in the air like a silk thread.

The sun shone through the window on her snow-like skin.

“This is the relic of the Seven Stars you want.”

Saint Tianzi placed a special silver suitcase on the coffee table.

Lin Ziqin opened the suitcase, which displayed a rusty, already twisted children’s tricycle, because he had long known what the relics of the Seven Stars were, so he did not feel strange.

Instead, Tiantong Muzen and Yuphemia, who were sitting next to Lin Ziqin, looked at this worn-out children’s tricycle with surprised eyes.

“How could this relic of the Seven Stars be this thing?”

Tendo Mu first thought that the Saint Heavenly Son was playing them.

After all, the relics of the Seven Stars felt tall just by hearing the name, and no matter how they looked at it, they did not match the identity of this dilapidated children’s tricycle.

Lin Ziqin closed the suitcase again and said, “Mu Geng, do you know what Erqi Xing’s relic II is?” ”

Tendo Mu bowed his head and said, “I have heard some rumors, which are said to be the remnants of the Seven Star Village.” ”

“Do you know what really happened in Seven Star Village back then?”

Lin Ziqin then asked.

And this time Tendo Mu shook his head even more.

She only knew that there was a big battle between the government army and the protozoa in Seven Star Village, and she didn’t know what exactly happened there.

After all, she was too young to understand things at all.

Moreover, most of the information about the Seven Star Village was destroyed by the military.

Lin Ziqin said: “In fact, the protovirus does not occur naturally, but is artificially researched! ”

“The experimental base of the protovirus is located in Qixing Village.”

“One day, the virus suddenly leaked, instantly infecting the villagers in Qixing Village, and most of the villagers there became the original protozoa later, including the current Class Five!”

“And as far as I know, there is a class five that only a few children have become!”

As soon as these words came out, Tiantong’s eyes widened even more.

She pointed to the lockbox with a majestic face and said, “Is it true that the children’s tricycle in the box is actually the child’s life?” ”

Lin Zi Qin said, “That’s right. ”

In fact, the reason why the relics of the Seven Stars can summon Class Five is because Class Five retains a number of memories from before they were born.

When it sees what it was before, it instinctively wants to get it!

Tendo wood is more complicated inside.

I didn’t expect that the guy she had always regarded as the enemy of mankind was actually just a child!

If that child is still alive, will he be the same age as himself?

For a moment, the hatred in her heart for Class Five was less.

The Holy Heavenly Son, who was sitting opposite, was silent.

She had wanted to speak out to stop Lin Ziqin from speaking out about these secrets.

But it suddenly occurred to her that she didn’t seem to be able to manage others.

In the end, she could only sigh helplessly and let Lin Ziqin tell these unspeakable secrets.

However, Lin Ziqin’s ability to know these secrets also proved the strength of his ability!

You know, this kind of secret even she only knew after inheriting the position of Saint Heavenly Son!

“When does Mr. Lin Ziqin intend to use it to summon the Class Five Protozoans?”

“Why, is the Holy Son interested in this?”

Saint Tianzi just nodded faintly…

It’s not so much about being interested as being worried.

Although Lin Ziqin agreed not to use the relics of the Seven Stars in densely populated cities.

But she was still a little worried, not worried that Lin Ziqin would renege on her word.

Although he had only known Lin Ziqin for a few days, he did not feel like someone who would break his word.

All she worries about is whether Lin Ziqin’s use of the relics of the Seven Stars will have an impact on the protoinal animals around Tokyo.

If she could, she wanted to know exactly when Lin Ziqin would use the Seven Stars’ relics, so that she could at least estimate and prepare in advance.

Lin Ziqin didn’t know what Saint Tianzi had in mind, and he thought that this lady wanted to watch him carry out the experiment of summoning Class Five.

“I haven’t decided exactly when to use the relics of the Seven Stars, so I’ll tell you when it’s decided.”

“Then thank you.”

“That’s right.”

Lin Ziqin suddenly turned and said, “I heard that the New Law on Protozoa that you have been trying to promote has finally passed?” ”

Saint Tianzi lightly led the way.

“Yes, it was passed yesterday.”

“That’s really gratifying.”

Sure enough, without the old yin of Tiantong Ju Zhicheng, the “New Law of Protozoans” finally passed the same.

The reason why it could not pass before was because Tiantong Ju Zhicheng secretly obstructed this old yin in order not to let Saint Tianzi suspect his body, and pretended to vote in favor.

Then behind the scenes, everyone else voted against it.

Worthy of being an old!

“But it’s only now passed, it seems a little late.”

Lin Ziqin said something pointedly, and to this Saint Tianzi did not deny that people’s hatred for the Cursed Son is now deeply rooted, and it is difficult to make changes.

And all this is caused by the Tendo Ju no Yu.

When Tendo Kikuyuki was still alive, he didn’t spend less money to invite artificial rumors and smear the son of friendship!

But even if it was a little late, Saint Tianzi still wouldn’t give up!

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