Chapter 237 More than half of the world’s population will become slaves to the Empire!!


“Brother Lin Ziqin, I can’t eat it…”


“These two guys.”

In the screening room.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu and Tina leaned on Lin Ziqin’s body and snorted, and from time to time they had a few dream words.

Obviously, the highest level of enthusiasm was Lan Yuan Yanzhu, this guy fell asleep so easily.

However, what surprised Lin Ziqin the most was Bu Shicui.

Perhaps influenced by her companions, or simply bored, she had gone to bed a few minutes earlier.

Bu Shicui would show sleepiness around Lin Ziqin, which also showed that she was no longer as nervous as before.

It’s a good start.

A gentle snap of the fingers.

Three butler robots came in from outside.

“Take them all back to your room and rest.”

Lin Ziqin said softly, as if worried that he would wake her door.

“Do as you are told.”

The housekeeper robot picked up Lan Yuan Yanzhu and moved very gently.

Lin Ziqin glanced at the theatrical version of “Dzi Girl” that was halfway played.

He waved his hand to the point of suspension and closure, but he did not rush to leave the screening room, but instead sat in his position as if he was waiting for something at the same time.

In the reception hall.

Sima Weiwei was sitting alone on the sofa, drinking black tea made by the butler.

The tea was good, but unfortunately, her mind didn’t seem to be here.

Every once in a while, she would glance at the hour hand hanging high on the wall.

At this moment, the butler’s machine ring eyeballs flashed twice.

This is the performance when the signal is received.

Two seconds later, the housekeeper robot said to Sima Weiwean, “Miss Sima Weiwean, the lord of the house is free, please come with me, I will take you to see the lord of the house.” ”


Is this free?

Didn’t you just enter the screening room to watch a movie?

Isn’t this movie a little too fast?

Although he was surprised, Sima Weiwei did not ask much.

She got up and followed the butler robot.

A moment later, she came to the door of the screening room where Lin Ziqin was.

Yes, the reason why Lin Ziqin did not leave here at the first time was also to wait for the arrival of Sima Weiwe.

As early as half an hour ago, he had received the news of Sima Muwei’s visit.

However, at that time, he had already promised to take Lan Yuan Yanzhu and the three of them to watch cartoons, so he temporarily put Sima Wei Kyo on the second side.

Now that I am free, it is time to meet this beautiful woman.

“Miss Sima will not see you in a few days, don’t come unharmed.”

Lin Ziqin’s ten fingers crossed, and Erlang retreated to look at the Tongma bed weaving that was advancing.

She was still wearing a beautiful kimono, but unlike the last time, her long curly hair was not tied into a single ponytail, but was casually scattered behind her, swaying as she walked.

“Sima Weiwei has seen the Emperor.”

Sima Weiwei said slightly.

Now that she was also half an imperial citizen, naturally she could no longer call Lin Ziqin the dean as before.

Lin Ziqin pointed to several positions around him and said, “Sit down and talk.” ”

Sima Weiwei quickly shook his head and said with trepidation, “No, no, as a citizen, how can you share the throne with the emperor?” ”

Lin Ziqin heard that he no longer demanded it.

Sometimes he forgot that he was the emperor.

Hey, no way, I’ve been a good brother to the little Lolitas lately, and I haven’t gotten used to it in three hours.

“So, what is the purpose of your sudden visit today?”

Lin Ziqin no longer crap went straight to the subject.

The majesty and courage that belonged to the emperor gradually emerged, which made the young girl in front of her heart frightened.

She obviously felt the tremendous changes that had taken place in Lin Ziqin at this moment.

Before, he did exude a sense of oppression from the superior, but it was not as obvious as it was at the moment.

If you have to make an analogy, Lin Ziqin, who is in the first two sharp seconds, is more like two big brothers in a high position.

And now Lin Ziqin is more like a being above ten thousand people!

No, he was already a being above all men!

Taking a deep breath and calming her inner emotions, the young girl said, “Lord Hui, I have come here only to report to you on the task!” ”

“Fortunately, the task you arranged has been completed, and Sima Heavy Industry has destroyed all heavy industries in Neon!”

At the end, Sima Wei’s expression couldn’t help but get excited.

The deal was completed, and she and Ma Jiajia were saved.

Not only that, as long as you join the empire, the Sima family will have a bright future in the future!

“Oh? You did it. ”

To tell the truth, Sima Heavy Industries was able to destroy several other large heavy industry enterprises left in Neon in just a few days, which was indeed unexpected by Lin Ziqin.

Although there are fewer neon heavy industry enterprises after the war, in addition to Sima Heavy Industry, there are eight more!

To be able to achieve this in just a few days is indeed commendable.

But what is certain is that they were able to complete the task so quickly, and they must have used some disgraceful means.

As far as Lin Ziqin knew, during this time, Sima Zhonggong’s volume had become several times larger.

It is not difficult to guess what means the other party used.

However, Lin Ziqin did not care about this.

Rather, Sima Heavy Industry can use this opportunity to strengthen itself, and it also proves their value.

“You have successfully proved to me your worth, and this is a gift to you.”

Lin Ziqin submitted a document to Sima Wei.

Sima Wuwei took the document with both hands and then opened it and read it carefully.

No different from the original agreement, Sima Heavy Industry and the Sima family have now become an enterprise of the empire.

Even she and those within her family were granted citizenship of the Empire.


And also?

Sima Wei found that there was a contract on the last page of the document!

Fixing his eyes, Sima Unwoven pupils shrank suddenly, and a trace of cold sweat was left from his forehead.

“This, this is a slave contract?”

Lin Ziqin noticed the girl’s expression, and he explained lightly: “71.3% of the people in this world will become servants of the empire. ”

“I need you Sima Heavy Industry to take over these slave laborers on my behalf.”

He had already thought of letting Sima Chonggong manage the slave workers in this world.

However, just by relying on the size of Sima Chonggong at that time, it was obviously impractical to control the huge body of Nukang Gongjun who was wearing makeup.

In fact, the current Sima Heavy Industry has not yet reached the standard.

But it didn’t matter, since they had completed the tasks they had arranged, he would naturally also contribute funds to support Sima Chonggong.

Sima Wei swallowed his throat and said, “My door will never betray the trust of the emperor!” ”

More than half of humanity has been transformed into slaves, is this the terror of the Empire?

Fortunately, she made the right choice, otherwise she could not guarantee that she would not be in this 71.3%!

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