
Chapter 104: [Earth Jail]

The second is even more!

Chapter 104 [Earth Jail]

If according to Char ’s own temper, he would n’t have been a **** officer in the Byzantine Empire. He could just leave it. Although there are many opponents, relying on his dragon-strengthened body, ordinary attacks are almost inaccessible. There are Dragonscale Heartguards, Firefork Sharp Warriors, and the indomitable state of Crimson Murder in the short time of the Seal of Thrones. Although there are many people on the other side, it seems that there are no powerful masters. Running away is not a big problem. >

But now, after all, he ’s different in identity, and he ran away. Once he started fighting, these comrades in the Rodría Cavalry Regiment will certainly not sit idly by and pull out their swords to help. Once they fight, they run away, I ’m afraid these cavalry brothers Will be guilty! They are all true Byzantines, they have a family, a mouth, and a military post ...

Taking a deep breath, Charya's face calmed down gradually, he raised his hand, the other officer's officer suddenly became nervous, took a few steps back, and raised his sword.

Charlie sneered, pressed her hand on the back of Shalpa's hand next to him, pressed down the hammer in Shalpa's hand, and then went two steps forward: "I and you."

The cavalry next to them suddenly clamored, but Xia Ya turned back sternly, and shouted, "So much nonsense! Shut up to Lao Tzu !!"

His eyes glanced at the cavalry and slowly said, "What do you want to do? Do the killers rebel? Don't forget your identity. Um ... I'll go with them, for other things, please everyone!"

Sherpa immediately knew that this rude man had the best friendship with Charlie, and immediately said: "You can rest assured that you should move our Rhoderians to ask the general whether to agree or not!"

Xia Ya looked at the army and sneered, "Need to tie me?"

The officer hesitated: "No need. It's just an arrest warrant that takes you back to the trial."

Xia Yam said, "So. Can I bring a personal belonging?"

"Neither weapons, horses, or armors can be strapped." The officer thought for a moment, "Clothing is all you need."

Xia pulled back the fire fork: "Is this a weapon?"

The officer glanced. The torch was dark and inconspicuously the kind of thing that was commonly found in the hearth. Although he was a little confused. But after all, he shook his head: "His joke and laugh at something is naturally not a weapon. It's just. After all, it's iron ..."

"This is my beloved thing. The only relic left by my adoptive father has brought it everywhere." Xia shook her head.

The officer thought about it, it was easy for this guy to cooperate. Since there is no need to hit, then a broken iron fork is just fine for him. What waves can he make? Then he nodded.

Xia changed his clothes and brought a carry-on baggage to the soldiers to check some, and determined that there were no iron objects such as daggers.

Xia yelled to Sherpa: "That goblin has saved me from taking care of it, and when it hurts, he will let go and let it go."

Immediately several soldiers left Chara and left here. Sure enough, there were already hundreds of heavily armed Byzantine infantry holding Ya. They were swarmed into a carriage. Before entering the car, the officer whispered in Charya's ear. A sentence: "I also respect the Rhoderian Cavalry Regiment. This time the military order was in my hands, and I had no choice but to offend!"

The soil turtle always eats soft but not hard. When others are kind to him, he treats him politely, nodding his head when he hears the words, and doesn't get into the carriage without a word.

Then the wheels rolled and left under the guard of the infantry.

The cavalry behind them kept chasing to the street, Shalpa flushed with anger, screamed angrily, slammed the edge of the hammer on the ground, and stomped his feet fiercely. Some anger, some frustration.

"Go back to the room! Prepare the shape and immediately send someone back to the station to report the general urgently!"

The cavalry hurrah went back and prepared.

Dodoro walked to the end, the magician's expression of hesitation.

This earthworm was arrested ... well, do you want to find a way to inform His Highness Adeline? Oops ... it's really difficult ... Your Highness won't let me reveal her identity ...

Xia originally thought that waiting for him would be a severe interrogation, torture, torture, hot whip burning, tiger stool pepper water and other legendary things.

Anyway, he has a dragon-strengthened body, and he doesn't have much fear in his heart. He just needs to find a chance and fights for escape. At that time, the cavalry brothers should leave Wildfire Town long ago and return to the 13th Cavalry Regiment. Derek's asylum, they will not be in danger of measuring, when they escape from prison by themselves, the sky is high, the birds are flying, and the birds are leaping. After the Byzantines have retreated, they will become the demon hunters or the mercenaries. .

However, the expected interrogation did not arrive.

He was taken directly to a courtyard in the city by a horse-drawn carriage. This courtyard is on a street next to the garrison house, with a thick wall in the courtyard, guarded by two teams of iron infantry, and Charya was sent to the innermost house, the house. Inside it was the bed table Charya was told to wait for the arrival of the military.

The officer who brought him quietly sent him a thick blanket and left.

Anyway, Xia was under house arrest.

He was told that as long as he didn't leave the house or go to the yard, his

Freedom to move, but after staying less than two hours, there was an unfamiliar official with a waxy yellow face, a mean face, and a stern face, as if someone owed him a hundred gold coins. A quill pen and a bottle of ink were thrown on the table.

"Here, put yourself in charge of escorting Sir Bonfreet, and the assassination of the Sir, and write about your negligence!"

The guy walked away after speaking.

Xia Ya froze for a while, and laughed, naturally ignored, fell to the bed, wrapped the blanket, and fell asleep.

Waking up at night, there is a food tray on the ground at the door, there is a kettle, three meatloaf, Charlie also did not care about cold water and swallowed a half full, then sat at the table and looked The stack of paper felt the cooing in my stomach, quickly grabbed the stack of paper, and transferred to the latrine behind the house for half an hour before walking out with a sigh of comfort. As for the paper, naturally ...

On the first day, someone sent him a piece of paper and pen to make him blame, but no one came to him anymore.

It ’s three meals a day, and the food is constantly coming. Although it ’s rough, it ’s a bit of water and cold cakes, but it ’s also used to hard times. It was a bit cozy.

As for the confession material, of course, it is a big character who has never written enough to eat and sleep. When he is full of sleep and is bored in the room, he chats with Dora in his mind and plays the time seal.

Dora is naturally much more ridiculous of Charya's situation, and the soil owl is also not very calm but peaceful.

In this Byzantine army, he would not be killed or questioned, but he would be raised in the same way as a pig. Xia also realized a happy life like a pig.

Although the food is not good, but the hands are more dependent than the old guy who used to eat it, but it is better than heaven. The only regret is that there is no drink.

In this case, Xia Ya can't rush away. I'm afraid that I'll run away and sleep in the wind. Where can I find such a cozy place?

Sometimes, the owl can't help thinking:

If the Byzantine Empire were so comfortable in jail, Lao Tzu would simply go to jail for two years and live such a comfortable life.

After staying like this for more than ten days, finally, at noon on the fifteenth day of Xia ’s house arrest, someone came to see him.

Charlie finished eating at noon and was throwing herself on the bed to satiate. This half-month life was too easy. Charlie even felt like she was gaining weight. She was patting her belly comfortably and the door was pushed open. Come in alone from outside.

This man had a large body, a large round waist, a face like a disc, and a face full of flesh, but he smiled with his eyes narrowed into a line. When he came in, he looked at Xia on the bed and laughed, "You little Xia, so soothing, knowing not You know, it's going to turn around for you! "

As soon as Xia Ya looked at him, she jumped out of bed.

"General Rabbit ... ah no, General Ruhr?"

The person who came was Ruer, but Ruer seemed to be a little thinner. He strode forward with his arms around, and sat beside the bed with a big grin. He didn't mind the name of Xia ’s aphasia, and he stared at Xia. With two eyes, he shook his head and shouted, "It seems that I'm right, you kid, it really is a heartless and heartless thing. Live a good life here? Eat, drink, and sleep, not fight on the battlefield. I think you're blushing, and even your face is **** round, and if you continue this way, I'm afraid I will catch up with me. "

With a smile, Xia Haha just sat down, leaning his head against the bed, "General Luer, what are you doing? Did the military send you to interrogate me?"

Luer's eyes glared. Although he deliberately made an exaggerated expression, the smile in his eyes couldn't be hidden: "Interrogation! What a joke! You guy who has run away with shit! You are here now! In the military department Which **** dare to interrogate you now? Aren't you afraid of being drowned by the spit star? "

Talking ~ ~ he patted the bed and yelled, "Okay! Stop talking nonsense, organize things, and go with Lao Tzu!"

Charlie said "um", the subconscious was about to get up to clean up, but suddenly his heart moved, faintly heard the cheap from the rabbit general's words, this soil dwelling on the bed again, with a rogue expression, looking at Lu Er: "Catch it, grab it, let it go! Who is Lao Tzu? If you don't make it clear, Lao Tzu will stay here! Don't go! Resolutely don't go"

He actually climbed up to the bed with a cheeky face, holding his hands on the edge of the bed, burying his head, shouting: "Do not leave! Do not leave! I do not want to explain to you, do not want me to leave here! "

[Everyone, Charlie, let me convey a word to all my brothers and sisters:

"Dancing, please tell everyone, I'm on the way to slaying the thorns, and the empire has not hunted, the river has not yet passed, and the dragon has not been killed, and the niece of Sofia's uncle has not bubbled ... at this time, you cannot get stuck on the monthly pass Come on! "

Well, that's what it means ... Tutu wants a monthly pass, let's take care of it, haha ​​~~]

To be continued, such as

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