
Chapter 108: [Destiny of the dictatorship]

From the beginning of this chapter, the second volume is unfolded. What, who has a monthly pass? )

When the huge and heavy palace door was closed, it seemed that all the outside air had been blocked out.

The ceiling has a height of six meters, and the dome-shaped ceiling is inlaid with various uneven patterns, simple and full of dignity, and the murals and reliefs left by the most famous art masters of all times on the walls, The dome-shaped ceiling blended into one whole.

There are black curtains floating around, and they are indistinguishable from the black marble inlaid on the wall. In addition to the dignity of this black palace, the mystery of integral black is added.

Twenty huge lamp holders, all made of red gold, each red candle above has the thickness of a child's arm. As if in a dignified atmosphere, the flames of the candlelight had frozen, occasionally beating slightly, and then frozen, only the large candle tears slowly flowing down, condensing into a piece of bright crimson.

The waiters wore gray linen robes unique to the court and stood carefully in the corners, hiding their faces in the darkness, like ghosts, unless the Supreme called out, otherwise they would not perform any movement.

The most prominent position in that palace is a round seat, set against a white jade pillar, surrounded by gold corners, and wrapped in gem cat eyes and agates. In fact, the eyes of the assassins who looked at this seat were as if they were facing the shrine.

Just because the Supreme sitting in this position, his dignity, at least in this world, is not much different from the gods.

By the god's table, two golden candlelights had burned more than half, and the soft candlelight fell on the man's face on the god's table, and the man's face shone like gold paper.

The robe woven from pure gold thread and pale green silk is soft and luxurious, with iris in full bloom embroidered on it. Each petal is delicate and delicate, exquisite as if it were a work of art. But such a beautiful Taobao women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall women ’s winter coat m under the robe, the owner covered, but it looks so


lifeless! !!

The original gray face turned strange gold under candlelight, tall bones, and sunken cheeks, which looked extremely thin, with a sick redness on the cheeks, and the lips cracked like Land that has not been moistened by rain for many years.

Withered and curly head, it seems that it is useless to take much vitality, and the crown worn on the head, even if it is pure gold, is inlaid with various red, blue, and green gems, and chat under the candlelight. Shenghui.

But it is such a glorious thing, and it even shows the owner's tiredness and sorrow. If you suddenly look at it, you will even think that what is wrapped in this costume is simply a corpse!

Except for the slightly co-occurring eyes, there were occasional flashes of light! It was like a flash of lightning across the night!

The Byzantine Empire, the current emperor, owns this two-thirds of the territory, the supreme average of millions of subjects, the noblest and sacred existence of the empire, the supreme dominion of this country, Cantosdolengarosdia, Villacron code -+ —— This great empire who has ruled Byzantium for forty-six years has even been regarded as a hero who has been ranked among the top three among all emperors throughout the history of the Karen family.

It can be said that the emperor deserves such a reputation.

His name was Cantos, and the word Cantos in ancient Byzantine meant a knight's spear. At the same time, the highness of the emperor also has a resounding title: the rifle emperor. His courage, his strength, his tenacity are as sharp as a spear in a knight's hand.

at least. Twenty years ago, he did.

The rifle emperor was only nine years old when he inherited the throne, and the main rights of the empire at that time were in the hands of his mother. He was lucky because he inherited a huge empire. He was also unfortunate. Because his mother had several greedy brothers. At least before Cantos became an adult, the power of the empire was controlled by his mother's greedy brothers, making the imperial affairs of the empire mad, and even his cousins ​​saw the throne.

He had experienced six assassinations before he was a teenager. The most dangerous one was the purchase of his attendant, who cut his saddle in half while riding a horse, and was almost trampled to death. What made him most sad was that when he was fourteen years old, he loved and beloved a court female officer for six months. After a happy relationship, she gave him a glass of poisoned wine.

And Cantos, he survived tenaciously. Live to the day of maturity!

Over the following year, in the throne of the Seal of God, he enriched the Senate known as a conservative force as the heir of the royal family, secretly won the support of the army on the condition of promising to improve the military status, and then at a court banquet , Pretending to have drunk conflict, stabbed a cousin with the greatest ambition on the throne in public. The next day, he mobilized the army into the capital and began a large-scale cleansing.

His mother's three brothers, the entire family, were uprooted, and all members of the immediate line were executed. Within three days, the capital Ostroglia was killed, and all people were empty.

And just after his mother knelt down and begged him, begging him, asking him to leave his mother's youngest younger brother a way out, Cantos finally agreed after thinking about it all night. And the youngest uncle was exiled to the distant east, but on the way to exile, he was killed and killed by a thief group. No one would believe that it had nothing to do with Cantos.

For this reason, his mother has lived in the deep palace ever since. She did not walk out of the palace gate for five years and did not see her son again until the day she died.

Cantos has always been known for its tenacity, determination, perseverance, and cruelty. After he took charge of the Empire as an adult, he once led the Empire Central Standing Forces to fight with the Odin no less than 20 times. As the supreme supreme empire of the empire, this pen is determined and persevering. He walked the front line and attacked with the cavalry, expeditions to the northern kingdom of Odin, and experienced the snowstorm in the northern kingdom together. He now lacks a little thumb It was because of his last expedition to Odin that he was forced to be cut off by the frostbite in the severe cold of the Northland!

He is really like the same spear, the spear in the knight's hand, indestructible, tenacious, courageous, and cruel and cruel!

However, he was getting old after all. As with all the powerful beings in this world, it was gradually destroyed by the years, sharpened the edges and corners, and dried his energy. The original tall body has become thinner and thinner in the last two years due to illness, leaving only a wide skeleton.

At this moment, the supreme supreme master is sitting in a weak seat on the sacred seat with a weak posture, contemplating his head, twisting his brows in pain, the wrinkles between his foreheads are so clear and profound, such as It's the same. Finally, a deep and long sigh cut through the silence.

"The wise Kavishir, the smart Kavishir, the wise Kavishir, I now need your wise and objective advice." The aged emperor sighed, and his hoarse voice seemed to be mixed with anger and Anxious mood.

There was only one person sitting in front of the aged emperor in this huge palace.

This is also an old man. His skin has a sorrowful waxy yellow color, but his forehead and cheeks are still full and shiny, the bridge of his nose is straight, and the lines of his lips are soft. You can see that he must be a beautiful man when he is young . And even if it is old at this moment, the pair of cherished children is still full of the kind of wisdom and wisdom left by the quiet and peaceful after years of precipitation.

Cavie Hill, the most trusted companion in the lifetime of the Rifle Emperor, is an emperor known in the empire's power circle as the "shield of the Rifle". Such emotions are difficult to understand.

It may be this Caviesier, but he has won the only trust of the Rifle Emperor, and this trust is not sad for decades, but there is a growing trend. Throughout the palace, only he could enter and leave the emperor's study and palace at any time without notice. Cantos would agree to any request from Cavill Hill. Although for so many years, Cavill Hill was very clever and never abused these privileges.

And every suggestion of Cavill Hill, even if it is ridiculous, the Emperor Cantos will seriously consider the possibility. However, such a person trusted by the emperor, it is difficult to believe that there is no head of half-duty position on his head! His only title is just an informal royal adviser.

However, any of his words had an impact on the Rifle Emperor far beyond the previous Prime Minister of the Empire!

Cavive Hill, now 56 years old, is one year older than the Cavaliers. When he was young, he was regarded as the most outstanding genius in Imperial College. Almost all the mentors and scholars at Imperial College, whether they like him or not, have to admit that his analysis of affairs has the rare insight and wisdom of ordinary people.

No matter in government, history, art, religion and many other fields, he has profound accomplishments.

His predictions of each state policy of the empire finally became reality, and every suggestion he made to His Royal Highness finally achieved the expected results.

But such a person can't get any official position!

It is not because of his humble origins that he was born in a middle class aristocratic family. Although far away from the giants, he is far from being blocked by the official court. Even his good personal friendship with the emperor has a history of nearly thirty years.

It is said that when the rifle emperor was young, he often sneaked into Imperial College in makeup and micro-clothing to take lessons. At that time, he met Cavie Hill, the most talented star in Imperial College, and was also known for his outstanding wisdom and Conquered by Ji Zhi's viewpoint.

At one point, the excited Rifle Emperor once expressed privately to friends around him; Cavill Hill was the perfect candidate for the Prime Minister of my future empire! But unfortunately, this genius, who could have been an empire-level minister, had no choice but to bid farewell to official career.

It's just that some of his public comments and opinions have angered some people. At the time of the academy, Kavisil, who was already quite famous, had publicly expressed his political views many times; the Byzantine Empire had maintained the "Tema" military zone system for more than a century, which was basically the weakness of the Empire ’s national strength , The biggest source of woe! !!

The Byzantine Empire has ten times the population of Odin and three times the land of Odin, but is at a disadvantage in the battle with the Odins for a hundred years. The Tema military district system is the biggest source at all! It is this backward and decaying military zone system that divides the complete empire into countless individuals, making it impossible for the empire to concentrate all its national power to counter foreign enemies every time it encounters difficulties, and the division of the military area caused the repetition of huge national power. Waste

Such a proposition angered the powerful military that year. The Tema military system is a special military administrative system formed by the Byzantine Empire a hundred years ago. At that time, the empire was unfortunately caught up in an internal rebellion civil war, and while the Byzantine empire was weak, the surrounding enemies Odin and the nomadic peoples of the East took the opportunity to invade, the empire was facing a state of fragmentation.

At the time, the emperor of the Empire set up a brand-new paramilitary administrative system in response to this crisis. Under this system, the territory of the Byzantine Empire, except for the part of the Empire, which was centered on the Empire, continued to be In addition to the emperor's direct jurisdiction, dozens of military districts were established in other areas. The word Tema meant the military's garrison. In each military district, the highest administrative officer was established as the governor. The governor was assumed by the military general. In principle, the peasant and soldier system is implemented in each military region, that is, the government provides a part of the land to recruit some farmers for cultivation, and these recruited farmers can get a part of the land harvest. At the same time, they also need military service, normal farming, and leisure. He conducts some militarized training from time to time and should be drafted into the army as soon as he faces war.

At that time, the view was that as long as the peasants and soldiers' lives were guaranteed, the mobilization and command of the wartime would be very easy; and the soldiers who fought to defend their homes against foreign invaders were generally morale, and the state was burdened with their salaries. It can also be reduced to a minimum. It turns out that this view is correct in itself; the problem is that such a system also has many unavoidable birth defects!

Such a peasant and soldier system is destined to be used only temporarily in times of crisis, and it cannot be used as a long-term national strategy. When he was young, Carvey Hill had expressed his opinion that the system had been degraded and incomplete. The wise man of the Empire believes that, first of all, such a system can only be an excellent emergency strategy in the face of crises.

Although the peasants and soldiers who own the land will have high morale when they face their invaders and protect their homeland, the nature of the peasants and soldiers makes them unable to break away from the essential characteristics of the peasants: love soil! They cannot leave home to fight! Although they are very motivated when they surround their homes, they often have low morale when they need such troops. In a nutshell, such a peasant soldier simply cannot assume the duties of a national defense army!

The second weakness is waste! Such a peasant system can only play a role in resisting the invasion of foreign enemies, that is, when the enemy comes into the house and defends the defense, the peasant's maximum combat power will be used. But war can't be just defensive war! Because of this, the Empire must also build a true professional army as the standing mobile combat force of the Empire. And such a large amount of resources was repeatedly wasted.

The third irreconcilable contradiction is land! The Byzantine Empire carried out its feudal constitution. In essence, the royal family was the largest aristocracy, and there was a noble class centered around the royal family. Every new aristocracy needs to be sealed up. And only after a family lineage is completely cut off does the empire have the right to nationalize its land

But the new aristocracy will always die much faster than the old aristocracy, and much more! Although the empire has vast land, the total amount of land is still limited. There are so many lands in total, or they must be continuously allocated to the new aristocracy, and a large number of lands have been designated by the military zone as special arable land for peasants and soldiers. Increasing land requirements have formed irreconcilable contradictions.

The fourth irreconcilable contradiction is rights!

After the birth of the Tema system, the direct consequence is that the military is unprecedentedly powerful, but for a country's sound standards, such "powerfulness" is abnormal.

The highest administrative post in the military region is the governor, which is a semi-military official position. The governor has always been a general in the army. Because he needs to be responsible for leading the peasants, it is considered a semi-military brain. What disturbs the central government at the same time is that these small military blocs that split the empire into dozens are hardly able to receive the jurisdiction of the central government! Because of the free arable land of these peasants and soldiers, these small paramilitary groups can be almost completely self-sufficient!

Independence in fiscal revenue and expenditure! This directly caused the aristocracy of the military generals! Imagine that each governor in his military area under his control controls free and independent financial revenue and expenditure. With land and troops, he can be self-sufficient without the military supplies provided by the central government. There are even some particularly powerful military areas. The governor can completely distinguish the peasants and soldiers within his own jurisdiction through management, and pick out the elite part to form a standing army! The seal of time has become longer and almost formed an independent military group! And these small military groups have become one small tumor after another on the huge body of the empire!

The aristocracy and warlordization of the military generals became the main reason for the large but not strong Byzantine Empire. In the one-hundred-year period, the Governor of the Imperial Territory Military District commanded more than ten rebellions, six of which were born in the past thirty years!

It may be such a government system that the military has become the most direct beneficiary, naturally it is extremely supportive of this constitution. The emperors of all ages are not without clear minds, trying to cancel such a system, but after a hundred years of nourishment by the military, they have become a huge monster, and even the emperor of the empire cannot completely suppress this monster.

In order to safeguard its vested interests, the military naturally fought against any attempt to endanger such a Tema system. Decades ago, the previous emperor tried to change this situation. At that time, the Prime Minister of the Empire issued a result of the modification of the Tema system. In order to protect their own interests, the military hesitated to make a small-scale coup. The prime minister was killed by the "random army" who broke into the house. Afterwards, under the pressure of the military, the emperor had to withdraw his order.

The compromises of successive emperors have caused the Tema system to be entrenched, and the military's strength has greatly expanded within a hundred years. When the Tema system was just established, there were thirty Tema military regions in the country. By the time Coronth, the rifle emperor was crowned, the entire Byzantine Empire ’s Tema military regions had reached forty-six! !! Forty-six Tema military regions, according to Hu occupy half of the empire's land! !!

And the rest of the general, there are quite a few areas belonging to the aristocratic class, really can be regarded as the land under the central administrative jurisdiction of the empire, less than one fifth of the country's area! !! And the new powers emerging from the army, once the governor of the Tema military region, often become a tenure of office, which can be done one by one, even if some of them are extraordinarily powerful, they can also be the sons and fathers. Industry heredity.

The Tema system is like a monster. It unites the empire's military firmly around huge interests. The army, which should have become a national barrier, has become a burden on the blood of the empire. The military headquarters of the empire almost became another core center independent of the royal family. Forty-six Tema military regions across the country, all government orders, military orders, and even fiscal revenue and expenditure are directly deployed by the Imperial Central Military Headquarters. In order to counteract the increasing and louder military, the royal family can only firmly grasp the power of loyalty to the royal family as much as possible in the standing army of the empire. Only these people are considered real soldiers, and Not those aristocratic warlords! !!

The inside of the military is also divided into two different factions, one of which is the warlord group. This faction occupies the vast majority of the military and has transformed from a real soldier into a maggot that protects its own interests regardless of national interests. Warlord Group. Unfortunately, the power of the warlord faction is far more powerful. Almost ten of the governors of the 46 Tema military regions across the country are members of this faction. The real military factions, for the most part, are the backbone of more than a dozen central standing corps of the empire (Adrik of the Thirteenth Corps is undoubtedly one of them.)

Cavill Hill once offered advice and expressed his political stance to the young rifle emperor, but his hostility to the Tema military district system made the military very disturbed. If someone else is holding such a hostile political opinion, perhaps a scholar in Imperial College, then these military chiefs will sniff at most, even if they dismiss the smile. But this Cavite Hill, he became famous when he was young, the genius reputation rare in the Imperial Academy for decades, and the young emperor's unabashed appreciation for such a guy who can affect His Royal Highness up close. , But how hostile to the military of the Tema military region system?

And just when the young rifle emperor needed the support of the military in order to seize power, he had to make a certain degree of compromise. One of the compromises was that he promised that Cavieshir would never be a full official! And Cavies Seoul's tragedy was not just hostile to him by the military, but also another political patriarch's wish of the empire also expressed dissatisfaction with many of Carvey Hill's views.

The Senate is the oldest polity system of the Byzantine Empire. One thousand years ago, the political proposition of the Byzantine Empire was that monarchy was taken by the people, which may also be regarded as a certain degree of democracy. The members of the Senate are generally composed of some outstanding generals of the military, elite representatives of the aristocratic class, and some ordinary people who have high reputation or status in some industries or fields (not as good as wealthy merchants). Or some respected scholars and artists, etc.).

At the beginning of the founding of the country, the Senate was quite powerful. Even before the founding of the Byzantine Empire, the Senate even had the power to elect and dismiss the emperor. But with the gradual strengthening of imperial power, this system of elders' deliberations on state affairs gradually declined. The Senate, which once embodies the spirit of founding the Byzantine Empire, has become a non-embarrassing existence. The important national policy has no part in the Senate, and some trivial matters they disdain to manage.

Up to now, the existence of the Senate is more of adding titles and auras to the heads of some powerful people.

But there are also some people in the Senate who are still stubbornly guarding their faith. This group of people is called the Yuan Party. They still have not given up the traditional claim of the Senate: the imperial power needs to be restricted! The existence of the Senate, It is the responsibility to limit the unlimited expansion of the imperial power and harm the people's interests! Even in that group of true military factions, many soldiers were also affected by this thinking. If they were members of the House, they would become members of the Senate. And sometimes the royal family, in order to counteract the growing military headquarters, from time to time to draw and support the Senate, so that this ancient political group can continue to exist.

But the Senate hated Caviehill!

Hate this Imperial College's most brilliant genius!

Because under Cavishir's intelligent mind, the hidden is actually a zealous dictatorship! This sane and intelligent wise man is actually a complete dictator of the imperial dictatorship !!

In his eyes, not only the military's Mart Military Area is a tumor, but also the Senate, which historically likes to point fingers at the imperial power, is also nailed. According to Cavill Hill, if the two tumors can be eradicated, and then a powerful and intelligent monarch can be authoritarian, and a strong and centralized central core can be rebuilt, can this ancient empire be truly rejuvenated youth.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Senate, Cavill Hill also became an unwelcome person.

The two major empires of the empire have been blacklisted. Cavieshir is doomed to be unable to set foot in officialdom throughout his life. Although he became a close friend of the emperor, a personal think tank, and even a rifle emperor obeying his words, he could not perform in officialdom His ambition. This has to be said, and it is also Kavie Hill's sorrow.

At this moment, the elderly rifleman looked at this trusted wise man and sighed weakly: "Kavisil, I need your wisdom. I need a candidate! Those **** warlords finally gave up a military service This is a good opportunity for me to score a nail. "

Carvey Hill hid his hands in his sleeves, and gently closed them, raising himself slightly. His voice was a bit sharp and soft: "Your Majesty, I have been thinking about it for a long time, maybe it is time to make some changes."


Cantos, the rifleman's brow tightened immediately.

"The results we got this time are not too many. Although they let the warlord's arrogance slightly converge, the position of a deputy military secretary cannot really hurt them." "Cavihill's voice It is very peaceful, even under this kind of peace, there is a bit of indifference: "I need to understand your will first. Your Majesty, what is the result you want?


The Rifle Emperor suddenly frowned, that is, at such an instant, a majestic sharpness flashed from his face, and the spirit in his eyes exploded instantly, making him seem to be twenty years younger all at once. At the age of, he became the real rifle emperor who rode across the North!

But this radiant light only lasted for a moment on his face, and the elderly emperor sneered whispered: "Consequently, you said 'result'! Cavill Hill, now in this situation, What more can we talk about! "

The emperor's palms do my best, his nails are deeply inserted into his palms, his bones are pale, and the street is enduring the anxiety and anger in his heart: "Thirty years, Cavill Hill! I have been patient, and You have been consoling me to be patient, but what is the result of my endurance? These warlords, assholes, talk about the scars and holes that belong to my empire! Second, these insatiable guys are getting more and more greedy! Cavill Hill, I I have always believed in your wisdom, and even today, I have never doubted it. I really cannot wait.

He gazed at his most trusted friend and whispered, "I am old. Although I refuse to admit it myself, my heart is clear-I am old! The assassinations I experienced when I was young, and Later military career was doomed to become a long-lived emperor. Cavill, do you understand? I am anxious every year now ... No, it should be anxious every day! "

The emperor's eyes looked like an anxious male lion: "My father left me a scarred empire, and I patched it up over the years, but I was not willing to make an equally scarred empire. For my children and grandchildren! But I suspect that it will be difficult ... No, it's not difficult, but I can't do it! I can't get rid of these tumors one by one before I die! "

As he said, the aged emperor looked at Cavill Hill: "Your body has always been much better than mine. I believe that even if I die, you can live at least two more years for ten years. Unfortunately ... If I had a smart son, then I would be very relieved to give him everything that was not done, and then please help him complete our career! But Cavill Hill ... "

The old emperor snorted: "Do you see what else I can do ?! My son is a cowardly and faint guy. He will even contaminate the tumors of the military for a man! Don't think I don't I know, Bonfrett ’s little white-faced rabbit, would my dear son not know what his male pet is? Heston was hurt on the battlefield? What a joke !!! But in order to make his male pet Gaining military merits, actually working with the warlords of the military department! This disappointed me to the extreme! Cavill Hill, my son who made me desperate, has been your student for ten years, but he failed You have learned even one-tenth of your wisdom here !!! This disappoints me. He has been married for almost a year, and he has married the most beautiful Oscary women ’s clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women ’s winter coat m Aristocratic girl, but I actually received the news that he hadn't even shared the bed with his newlywed wife even once !! I even doubt that his dirty liking for men will cause our Karen family to die. Rear!!

After listening to His Majesty's wrath quietly, Carvi Hill quietly smiled, and said gently with his unique calm and slightly indifferent voice: "Your Majesty, you can't control your heart I ’m angry ... Please do n’t forget that sentence: Facing helpless things, blind sorrow or anger or mania, these are acts of cowardice. "

Riding guns Contoston closed his mouth.

"Anger is useless, I need to know, what kind of result do you want?" Carvey Hill's eyelids blinked slowly, as if casually telling: "I said that we need an opportunity, but it seems that fate It is not attached to you, the opportunity you waited for has not arrived. However, this does not mean that he will never come. If you still want to avoid turmoil and risk, can we continue to wait. If you need other results ... ... "

"My son's mind, which only loves men, has made me desperate." The Rifleman roared angrily: "I can't wait any longer! I have no time, Cavill Hill! I have no doubt Once I die, my stupid son will double the number of the Tema Seal in the Empire in less than a year !!! Then in less than a year, the Mark of the Seal, the military ’s headquarters Will move to this palace-I have no doubt about it! This time, I am completely desperate for this stupid! So, I must take risks! I do not intend to continue to wait! I must before I die, Do everything I have to do! "

Facing the emperor's excitement and anxiety, Cavill Hill's eyes were still clear and calm, and he slowly said, "You should understand that there is no such hope."

"I understand!" A smirk emerged from the mouth of the Rifle Emperor: "Then fight for a dead net. If this empire really needs a complete turmoil to regain its youth, then I hope that such turmoil will go through in my hands At least, compared to my stupid son, I have more control over him-although such control is also extremely limited. But ,,,, "

The old emperor suddenly supported his seat with both hands, and barely stood up. Under his wide, ornate robe was a large skinny skinny and skinny. The wind blew and looked empty.

The old emperor had a utter expression on his face: "If this is really impossible, then the glory of the Karenma family will end in my hands! This is my empire, even if it really ends I should also ring the death knell. "

His electric eyes glanced over Cavihill's face, and he said, "Fish is dead! Or, the net is broken! This is what I want, Cavihill!"

Carvey Hill finally sighed. He still folded his sleeves, and then slightly bowed to the old emperor, dropped down, and said in a soft voice, "So, I understand your will."

Then the science of the wise man said in a clear and brisk tone: "The position of the Deputy Secretary of the Military was originally the most suitable person to be the Duke of Minas. The Lord Duke of Minas has always had a strong influence in the army, and these are the maggots several times. I have to give him some face. But Lord Duke Minas has some health problems this year, and I am worried that the current Duke of Minas is no longer the Duke of Minas, and he seems to have lost some of his energy. I'm afraid it's hard to take on the heavy task of confronting the maggots. "

"So, what do you mean?"

"You need a ruthless man." Carvey Hill's tone finally showed a decisive voice: "Since you don't want to stir up a turmoil, then this candidate must have a strong heart and absolute loyalty, and must be bold and decisive Push. There is just one such candidate right now. "

"Well you mean"

General Adrik, leader of the Thirteenth Corps. As a member of the true military faction, General Adrik is unquestionably loyal to the Empire. At the time, we always put him on the thirteenth corps position. The first release was the throne of the Seal of God for nine years. During that time, those guys in the military department tried to attract and corrupt him countless times. General Croat has never been apostate, so he is enough to deserve your trust. Speaking of courage, this posthumous general should not let you down.

The Rifle Emperor seriously thought about Kavisir's suggestion: "I believe your suggestion, but the Thirteenth Regiment is one of the most important combat powers in our hands. If you lose Adrik, then who should Come and be the new leader of the Rodriya Cavalry Regiment? '

There was a playful smile on Caviehill's face: "The Duke of Minas has repeatedly recommended a person privately. This person has been praised by the Duke as his most outstanding disciple, and he has also followed the Duke's time seal. One of the longest thrones, although half of the time the Seal of the Seal is a personal chef who acts as the Duke's Lord

The Rider's face was a bit ugly at once: "Cavihill, are you talking about that rude General, the rabbit character known for his ability to escape? That guy?"

Carvey Hill pouted and smiled. When he smiled, a very warm feeling came out of his eyes: "Your Majesty, please believe that Ruhr's ability is not limited to escape. . "

When the door of the palace was pushed out, several waiters in gray linen robes stood side by side respectfully, watching Cavi hill slowly walk out of the gate, but Cavi hill stood there as high as thirty floors. On the steps, I stood still for almost a quarter of an hour.

The already young wise man looked up at the sky. There were faint dark clouds in the sky, and it was sparsely dripping with light rain. The dim sky seemed to have a sense of lifelessness.

"Finally, I waited until today to make up my mind"

Cavill Hill's face was no longer the kind of indifference and peace when he faced the old emperor, and his eyes seemed to have a hint of profound meaning: "Is it just too late to see? Huh!"

In the sparse rain, Cavill Hill slowly walked down the steps. Under the steps, a tall and thin figure immediately came forward, and supported a wide black cloth umbrella on the top of Cavill Hill.

Cavill Hill continued to move forward slowly, without stopping for a moment, and following the figure beside him, holding an umbrella to block the rain for him, followed silently, and let the raindrops fall on his body, as if completely Not aware.

The figure supporting the umbrella was faltering, the road was obviously lame, it seemed that the legs and feet were disabled, and there was a half-iron face on the face, but only a half of the beautiful but indifferent to the extreme, a smelt purple Pupils, quietly gazing at the background of Carvi Hill,

This woman is really Via.

After walking out of the gate of the palace, a coach stopped at the door, the driver came down and opened the door, Caviesill got into the carriage, and then turned around, as if at this moment, he finally saw Via.

The rain gradually increased, Caviesil was sitting in the car, and Via stood in the rain. The purple eyes and Cavill's cold eyes stared at each other for a while, and the rain gradually wetted the Via show. , Wet her shirt on the shoulders, Carvey Hill finally sighed.

came back?

came back.

"It's over?"

"It's over. I owe ... I paid it off."

Cavill Hill nodded. "How is that guy?"

Via opened her mouth, her face still cold: "It's still weak."

Cavill Hill seemed very satisfied with the answer: "Tomorrow you go to Odin. Everything I explain must be done."

After speaking, Cavill Hill seemed to have lost his interest in speaking. He closed the carriage door, then the wheels rolled, and the carriage slowly left in front of Via.

In the carriage, Cavill Hill finally sighed, and his face finally showed a little tiredness and aging that the old man of his age should have.

He pulled a soft, dry blanket from under the seat to cover his knees, and leaned tiredly on the seat ...

The wise man seemed to sigh.

"Well ... a good dictator, why is it so hard to find. Cantos ..." "I thought he was the best candidate, but it's a pity ... a pity ..." Carver Hill shook his head and whispered in silence:

"Unfortunately, he is not!"

"Well, fat man, so to speak, now the military of the Byzantine Empire is actually divided into two factions?" Xia Ya was riding on the horse, exaggerating a fuss.

A cavalry was slowly advancing towards the inner belly of the empire on the wilderness road.

Ruhr was helpless. He glanced at the soil dwarf. Fortunately, he was surrounded by his own close-knit relatives. He was not afraid that these words would spread. He was angry and said: "Don't always' you 'you'! Don't forget this boy, you are now an officer of the Byzantine Empire! "

Charlie grinned: "Don't fight with you, which faction do you belong to, General Adrik?"

Then Charlie touched her chin and thought for a while, "Well, the aristocratic generals you said are all warlord factions. At first I heard that they were scums like the country maggots. Characters like General Adrik, naturally He will not be associated with this kind of person! He is of course those decent military factions. "As a result, Tu Yuan tilted Ruhr a glance:" As for you ... I think you are probably sent by those roundworms. "

Ruer was so anxious to go up and stab this soil hoe.

Then he patiently said, "Don't talk nonsense! I'm a real soldier! Huh!

Those roundworms can no longer be regarded as soldiers. Many positions in the army are even held by some aristocratic gatekeeper families, such as some military district governor posts, where the son passes the son, and the son passes the grandson. This is not even a soldier! As for our faction, His Majesty founded the Emperor's Academy in Emperor Capital 30 years ago in order to bypass those military powers that have been completely contaminated 丨 your group, set up another stove, and cultivate a batch of troops for the Empire Real fresh blood comes. The officers from Emperor Academy are generally called "Eagle Department". Because the school banner of the military academy is very similar to the emperor's eagle flag. The students who entered the Emperor's Academy were only selected from some small and medium aristocratic families with simple net worth. Occasionally, they also admitted some ordinary but talented guys.

Thirty years of operation, a group of graduated students have been enriched into some of the empire's standing corps, and finally formed the "Eagle Department" in the military, barely able to compete with those warlord representatives! Huh! It is just that some trainees are a bit easier because they have aristocratic backgrounds. And some civilian-born students are promoted very slowly. In addition, those maggot guys are always suppressing the academy officers, and some guys have even been junior officers for more than 20 years. They can mix with me or Adri It was rare that Ke led such a corps. "

After a pause, Ruhr smiled proudly: "The first dean of the military academy was the Duke of Minas. The Duke had great prestige in the Empire's army. He had a lifetime of horses, even those of the Ascaris faction. There are many people who have served as his subordinates, so they have to give the old man a little face. The Duke's loyalty to the royal family has also made him the perfect candidate for the leadership of this new faction. Huh Of all the officers from our military academies, they can be regarded as disciples from the old duke. Laozi is a special case. I served the duke for six years as a cook, and then because the duke saw me as talented, he sent me in. I studied in the Military Academy, and I studied for another six years. Together, I spent 12 years with the old duke ~! Huh, no one else has the blessing of Lao Tzu. "

Xia has no interest in Ruhr's self-promotion, but is quite concerned about Adrik's affairs: "So you say, our general is considered a high-level figure in this faction?"

Ruhr's face was a little weird, and he shook his head: "It's not that ... it's a bit discouraging to say, most of the guys trained by this military academy are somewhat old-fashioned. They are as clever as Lao Tzu There are too few talents who know how to be flexible. Some guys are loyal to the royal family, and some guys are only loyal to their beliefs. They think that soldiers only need to defend the country and should not be limited to a certain faction or an individual in power ... such as yours Adrik, it ’s obviously our hawkish family, but people who read books are stupid. People in the Senate are walking closer. I heard that the Senate is interested in making him a member of the Senate. . "

"What is the Senate?" Xia was curious.

"Uh ... the Senate? ..." Ruhr probably explained it, and Doudou listened, and his eyes widened, and he did n’t know what to think about. After a while, Dodo suddenly grinned and laughed so much. The cheerful appearance made the fat man a little confused.

"What are you laughing, boy ?!"

Charlie scorned: "I laugh at you byzantines doing things really messy, a good country, but there are so many things to do, it's just taking off your pants and farting and wasting time and energy on the throne of God."

"..." The fat man's eyes widened.

"Isn't it?" Xia Ya sneered, "Your emperor seems to be the biggest and can say everything, but as soon as he meets the military, he has to give up. And the military generally gives The emperor's face didn't say anything, but once he said something, he would definitely be the master. As for what kind of Senate, to make such a large number of people, yell at this and that all day long, and say so much, but they can't do anything. "

The fat man sneered, "Don't I understand what's ridiculous?"

Xia shook her head: "Of course it's funny! In fact, the simplest way is one: up and down, just one voice! One voice comes out of one mouth. What this voice says is an absolute authority command. Once the command is passed, no matter what, Everyone must be obedient and obedient! What do you say I say, so many mouths and so many voices to speak, you will be the master for a while, I will not be the master for a while! "

The fat man listened to ~ ~ and wondered in his heart (a voice came out of a mouth, whoever said the voice was an absolute authority command. Once the command was passed down, no matter what it was, the entire body must be obedient.

He moved his face and whispered: "What you said is absolute dictatorship. Although our Byzantine Empire is imperial, the spirit of founding the country does not agree with this dictatorship."

Xia Ya grunted, but seemed to be thinking: "I feel that the dictator sounds very good."

[The original plan was written to fifteen thousand, it ca n’t be written.

憔悴 dancing loudly for monthly tickets

Originally, I wanted to leave three thousand words and put them at 12 o'clock in the evening so that I could go down the recommendation list for the next week. I suddenly thought about it, don't leave it, and take a breath. You don't have to wait at night, you can do it earlier. rest.

Well, as long as everyone is at the starting point of 6 tomorrow, if you are thinking of the kindness of Xiao Wu, remember to throw the recommendation ticket here.

Thank you Quartet]

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