
Chapter 113: ["Dog Leg" Dodoro]

It is clear that winter is almost over, but the weather suddenly changes. A sudden heavy snow fell on the northern territory of the Byzantine Empire. The heavy snow lasted for three days, and the snow blocked the road. Many places were under pressure. Broke the bridge. The impassability of goods has caused prices to soar in some areas. In the winter season, the soaring prices of grains have put a lot of pressure on poor people.

But these problems seem to be too far away from the nobles. During a heavy snowfall, the nobles were busy holding various open-air banquets, riding and snow hunting, and admiring the beautiful snow scene, while the noble ladies and noble ladies took the opportunity to display their latest treasures. Fur suit.

Xia and the companion caravan of the Gallons Chamber of Commerce were bothered by the problem of road congestion, and they were forced to stay in Merika, the capital of Armenia.

Armenia County is very close to the imperial capital Osgilia. Administratively, it does not belong to the central jurisdiction of the empire, but a Tema military area. The military district is composed of the county capital of Merika, six small cities around it, and dozens of villages and small towns. It has a population of more than 500,000. Moreover, Armenian Military District is geographically closest to the imperial capital, Osgilia. The city of Merika is also the third largest city in the empire. From the strength ranking of the 46 Tema military regions of the empire, the Armenian military region is also in the top three.

The Armenian Military Region was also the first military region since the establishment of the Empire ’s Tema military region system. The current Armenian Governor General Hughes was a Emperor ’s power figure. The Armenian Military Region fell into his family ’s hands more than 70 years ago. Since then, he has not given up, and has passed down three generations.

After 70 years of operation, Armenia, like most other military regions in the empire, apparently looks more like a country within a country. General Governor Hughes not only owns the Empire Tema, which has more than 50,000 books. The peasant soldiers under the system, more importantly, have developed a standing military force belonging to their own jurisdiction, a corps with a strength of 20,000-of course, this corps is on the order of the Empire's military headquarters. It does not exist, and it still retains the name of "a military soldier in a certain military region"-this is the same as in most military regions.

It can be said that if you want to discuss the territory of the empire, there are so many military regions, that military region has the most emperor emperor's heart, then the Armenian military region can definitely be ranked first!

It's too close to the Capital Territory of the capital Oscilia! !!

The Empire Capital Territory is centered on the Empire Oscilia, plus six Acropolises and the surrounding area of ​​about 1,000 square kilometers. Starting from Merika, the army marches at a rapid pace in all rapid In a favorable situation, it only takes a maximum of three days to be able to form an army under the city of Osgilia! !!

In addition, under the Tema military region system, these warlords and the central government of the empire are incompatible with each other. In this case, how can the emperors of the past feel at ease?

The Armenian Military Region has a very high-quality iron ore area. This iron ore was discovered 60 years ago. As a result, the discovery directly led to the prosperity of the family where Governor Hughes belongs. !! Owning land, population, and iron-rich mines has almost doubled the strength of the Armenian military area! There is even a saying that the infantry in the Armenian military region are better equipped than the Empire's standing regiment.

The best armor and weapons in Byzantium! And the output is amazing.

Because of this advantage, the governor family of the Armenian Military Region is a core figure in the local military warlord party of the entire empire. Armorian weapons produced by Armenia are often sold to other military regions and become the warlord party core power.

The current Governor Hughes, even in Emperor Fang, is a person who can rank in the top ten. Such characters, naturally, will not come to welcome such a small person as Xia Ya.

Although Xia Ya came to Merika City the next day, the Hughes family has managed the Merika City for three generations, and the omnipresent surveillance network has already discovered the arrival of the new and most powerful person in this empire. When he entered the city, Xia's passport showed him his identity.

However, after the news was reported to the Governor's Mansion, Governor Hughes did not have any intention to meet this "empire hero". But then, the agents in the Governor's House in Merika got an order: don't provoke that guy, let him cross the border smoothly.

Unfortunately, because of heavy snow closure, Xia and others stayed in Merika for a few days.

The snow scene in the suburbs made the nobles eager, but the city was another scene.

After the snow on the road was trampled by the horse and the car, it turned into black mud, which looked dirty, and everywhere it melted, it turned into a mud pit. Occasionally a carriage passed by, and the dirty water splashed by the wheels would spill on On passers-by.

The price of grain has risen a lot. Although the Governor has ordered the stocked grain to be put out and also banned those grain merchants from hoarding goods, the price of bread has risen by 40%, and the price of meat has doubled- Although Armenia is rich in iron ore, it is not itself the main grain-producing region of the empire, and the livestock industry is not well developed. Part of the food in the military region is usually trafficked from outside.

In general, the Governor's family has managed the three generations of Merika City successfully, at least there are not many starved beggars in the city.

However, because of heavy snow closures, people outside the country who were trapped in the city of Armenia were not just a group of people such as Xia Ya, but also many other caravans traveling south to north-that's all. After all, people who go out to do business are often quite at ease.

But this time, many mercenaries and samurai groups were gathered in Merika.

Because just after the spring, in the capital of Oscar, there will be an annual competition. The entire Byzantine Empire, as long as you are a Byzantine empire and have a formal samurai title, you can sign up to participate in this Grand event.

This is an ancient tradition of the Byzantine Empire for thousands of years. It is said that at the beginning of the founding of the Empire, such an event was only to promote the empire's style of martial arts. The earliest athletic university event was only for the warriors to register for competition, and finally There will be a group of outstanding winners who can receive the emperor's own personal awards and some honor badges, as well as a generous reward. There have even been examples of court warriors hired by the palace because of their participation in such events.

After thousands of years of empire history, the tradition of this grand event has been retained, but the pattern has been renovated a hundred times.

In the arena, the original samurai individual test was retained, and team battles were developed. The two sides of the game are no longer individual samurai individuals, but groups are allowed to participate! In the arena, under the eyes of thousands of spectators and tens of thousands of people cheering and shouting, the two groups confronted each other, warriors of various professions appeared, melee warriors, swordsmen, axemen, and even archers, assassins ... … Wait, wait, this test is no longer a simple contest of individual courage, but at the same time you must test the team's cooperation and collective combat skills.

Often in a match, the losing party will be severely wounded or even killed on the spot! But the reward for the winning side is also amazing!

In addition to the confrontation between people, there are even more confrontations between people and beasts! !!

Crazy bulls, lions, tigers, leopards, hungry wolves. . . . Later, it even developed to put the captured Warcraft directly into the arena and fight against the samurai who registered for the competition!

And the rules of the game are increasingly cruel! Before the start of the game, all applicants must sign a life and death contract, and once they enter the arena, after the start of the match, when the gates of the arena fall, it is an endless situation! Only the winner who survives can ask to release the gate and end the game!

In recent years, the level of competition has even reached an outrageous level!

Some convicted prisoners can also be allowed to participate in such games, and once you have won enough games, no matter if you have committed any major crime, you can get an amnesty order signed by the Imperial Chief Officer! Get rid of all your crimes!

And some slaves, if they can become winners in such grand competitions, they will also be free!

Until now, there have been many professional samurai groups in the Empire that rely on parameters. These teams recruit brave samurai, organize in the city, and train **** weekdays. Every spring, the emperor will flock to participate in such competitions. Once they win, It is both fame and fortune, and once it fails, it just becomes a body on the arena and is dragged down by the soldiers.

There are also slave traders who sell strong slaves from various places, hire warriors for training, and then sign up for competitions. Once they win, slave traders can get invaluable bonuses, and slaves can get free.

At the same time, the gaming industry triggered by this ancient game has also become a source of evil. . . .

At this time, it was less than a month away from the annual Oscars, but many transit samurai teams were trapped in Merika due to heavy snow. These sturdy warriors prevailed on weekdays. They lived in various hotels in the city, while they were full of wine and rice, watching the snow closed the road, but the day of the game came day by day, unable to vent their anxiety, naturally they could not help but provoke trouble.

There are also some well-known samurai groups that have participated in the competition all year round. In the past years, the hatred of life and death in the competition has grown, and it has grown thicker and thicker. At this moment, it is even more envious to meet the enemy ...

There are some people who have no hatred at first, but just heard about the reputation of the other samurai team, it is inevitable that some people will be ruthless and take advantage of the opportunity to kill potential competitors first ...

Therefore, in the past few days, the security situation in the city of Merika has been almost chaotic. The soldiers patrolling the city have been busy running back and forth all day, fighting and fighting, and even provoking hatred.

Although the patrolling soldiers have tried their best to suppress them, the samurai team and mercenary regiments who licked their blood on the blade lived by their lives. In the face of these soldiers, the deterrent effect was too small, even a few An extraordinarily strong samurai regiment fought fiercely with the soldiers who maintained order, and then left Merika City in disorder.

Anyway, in the snow and ice in the suburbs, the chasing troops in the city will not chase too fiercely. Instead, they will find a small village to hide, and leave when the weather improves.

Charlie and Guro have been living in this hotel in the city for two days. In the evening, they drank and drank in the lobby downstairs of the hotel. After eating for a short while, they heard the yelling and shouting coming from them Then, the sound of the table and the bowl breaking was lifted. After sitting in the distance, the two groups of apparently samurai yelled at each other across the table, and soon they huffed and stood up, pulled out the sword weapon and fluttered. Go up.

"Ah, it's the third time today." Xia sighed, and he took the bottle up and sipped it twice, sitting firmly and watching the battle.

The boss and buddy in the hotel were already scared to hide behind the counter. The boss was lying under the table, his face was trembling with fat, he heard the sound of the table and chair smashing, and the sound of bowls and plates smashing. The pain is endless, but I can only lie on the back of the counter and pray.

The Landis had already quickly surrounded them, and gathered Guro and others in the middle. This scene did not know how many times they had seen in a few days. The crowd was not panic, but just kept watching from a distance.

For the first time a few days ago, Xia was curious to watch this scene, but after watching it for three days, she lost her initial interest, but there was another reason to attract him to watch the game:

In these samurai regiments, they are really crouching dragons and tigers, and quite a few guys with unique martial arts skills exist!

Xia himself knows his own ability. His biggest ability now is Crimson Murder and Dragon Spike. Crimson Murder can also be used as a regular combat power. However, once the Dragon Spike is used, it is basically a one-time exhaustion. I'm finished.

As for tricks, the only thing he will know is a set of "Destroy and Kill Thousands"! This set of martial arts is naturally a very powerful skill, but Dora in the pendant told Xia that although this set of slaying thousands of troops is powerful, it is obviously a group battle technique! In other words, this set of martial arts is very suitable for mass killing on the battlefield. However, if it is a one-on-one battle, it is enough to meet ordinary enemies, but when encountering some powerful enemies, the martial arts of this group battle will inevitably be insufficient.

In the Thousand Armies, the most common move is group killing, that is, wielding out, and the attack area covers a combo. However, in the case of one-on-one, such a move is in speed, attack power and defense. There are no small deficiencies.

Charya didn't care, but Dora's word convinced Charya.

"If you have learned a serious martial art seriously, then if you meet Hastings again, at least you will support him for a few rounds! Otherwise, with your current ability, even if there is crimson murder, you will only be His spike. Even if the Dragon Spike is exhibited, it will only hurt him. You must die. "

But martial arts. . . Update / new / most / fast 1--6 --- om. . . Where did you learn?

Before encountering the enemy, he relied on the strength of Charya ’s physical fitness, and counteracted by the instinct of his body's agile response, strength, and speed. When he met an ordinary enemy, he naturally prevailed. La's evaluation is very mean: "You simply don't talk about routines, you have a lot of power and a small bully. You really meet a master, and people spot your weaknesses, and you can lie down with one sword!"

But serious martial arts, there is no place to learn. . . . . . Although Dora seems very knowledgeable, she seems to know a lot, but she is a dragon after all, human martial arts, she would not.

As for other people you know, Sharba and other friends, martial arts are not as good as Charlie! And a great person ... Hessian counts as one, but could Hessin come to accept himself as an apprentice?

General Adrik's martial arts should be quite good, but if he is to save himself, it may not be feasible, after all, people have to lead soldiers to fight. Seeing these samurai regiments beating now, Xia Ya suddenly developed a bit of stolen learning.

I have seen many mercenaries fight in Yehuo Town in the past, but most of the mercenaries are also from wild road! But in front of these samurai groups, they are all serious samurai origins! Training martial arts for years, and then the biggest goal is to participate! Among these people, most of them are skilled in martial arts. Looking at them for a few days, there are actually quite a few masters!

Leaving aside the actual combat, if you simply look at the skills, I'm afraid that pulling one out is better than yourself.

At this moment, when the two gangs were fighting together, I heard a roar suddenly, and saw a warrior in black leather jumped up, rolled his hands, and shot out a sword, and the enemy in front of him covered his throat. Blood fell from the gap between the fingers and fell.

This black warrior's sword shone with a fighting light, apparently reaching the level of an intermediate warrior, but the sword skills looked fierce and insidious. The sword shadow was repeated, as long as the wrist flicked, it would shake out a ball The appearance of Jianhua is inconceivable, true and false. Every sword comes out, it can always spot the enemy's vitality and weakness, and the sword tip can always pierce through the gap of the opponent's armor. In a moment, five or six opponents fell before him.

Such ingenious sword skills made Xia fascinated. Someone else picked up a fork in front of him and frescoed it. However, it was clear that the imaginary ability of shaking out the shadow of the sword required the skill of the wrist. Where can you learn time, but just stare at the man with wide eyes.

Seeing an enemy holding an axe chopped down with an axe, the black armored warrior picked it with a sword blade and caught the opponent's chop. The homeopathic sword blade was on the side of the axe blade Huaxia. After a **** light, it was cut off The other three fingers! Then a sword went up and said that the man with the axe fell!

Seeing this, Xia could not help but yelled, "Okay!"

This shout was broken. The original group of black armored warriors had won steadily, and more than a dozen opponents had been beaten down. Upon hearing this, the black armored warrior turned around with a look full of faces. Is staring hostilely at Charya.

Charya's acting at this moment is also a bit ridiculous. Others are killing each other, but Charya is surrounded by a group of Landis warriors carrying bows and arrows. He is sitting there, calm and steady, with a wine bottle in his hand. . . . . .

The black armored warrior snorted slowly and came over slowly with the sword. There was blood dripping slowly from the sword's tip. He came to Xia Ya about seven or eight steps before he stood still, and his companions gathered at this moment. After coming over, they glared at Xia Ya, and the others were gearing up, and they were ready to continue the fight without a word.

"This lord, it looks like a samurai too." The black armored warrior sneered, his eyes glanced at the Landis: "I haven't heard that this year's competition allows samurai from other countries to participate, right? Which samurai group do you belong to? , It looks like it's very healthy. "

Xia Ya put down the bottle in her hand, sighed, and smiled: "It's been the most exciting today for three days! Your sword skills are really amazing!"

The Samurai warrior's face sank, and the river was filled with anger: "Wonderful? It turned out that we were playing a life or death, in your eyes, it's like watching a theater ?!"

Xia Ya grabbed her head: "This ... I have a good meal and you have to fight by yourself. Isn't it possible for me to look around? I can't let you blindfold as soon as you fight. Isn't it a woman, what can't you see? "

He said these words, the other party was suddenly speechless, although the words of Tuyu were rude, but it was impossible to answer: the court is wide, you are fighting, should n’t others be allowed to see it?

The black armored warrior is obviously not a person who is good at words ~ ~ Just make a fool of Li Li, and said coldly: "My name is Afrecate, head of the Wolffang Warrior! Your appearance is also a samurai, and I want to go to the emperor to participate in the contest. If you have not heard my name, then I don't mind leaving you a deep impression today! Report your name, samurai! Let Let me show you, do you have a matching ability under your arrogant face! "

Before Charlie had spoken, Dutoro jumped up next to him—at this moment when he was loyal, how could Dutoro miss this opportunity? And although the opponent is fierce, the magician knows his master's ability! There is no fear, no fake danger, no danger, at this moment, as a competent dog leg, it is a godsend!

"Blind your dog's eyes!" The magician started shooting, but shrank next to him next month and dared to point to the black armored warrior Afrikat. "How can our adults be like you?" Jokes! We adults are military generals. Where can you samurai regiments be qualified to challenge? Huh! Challenge our adults? I think you are impatient! You know who our adults are! Do you think If you can fight with both hands, you can see no one in your eyes? What about your sword skill than Odin? Justin! Hum! Justin loves our family and is seriously injured and flees in front of us! Are you stronger than Justin? Dare to challenge My lord !!!! "

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