
Chapter 129: [Trial]

Harris is fifty-four years old, a mid-level sixth-level magician, and is good at magic in the water system. He also has some extraordinary accomplishments in potions. There are also some interesting things: he is the same age as the current Emperor Cantors, both are 50 years old, and coincidentally, his birthday is the same day as the Rifle King.

Mage Harris is a relatively gentle person compared to other wizards. Most magicians are extreme, and like to close themselves to pursue the mysteries of magic. They hide in the laboratory all day and stir up all kinds of strange readings. Then they go to Yingzi to upload strange things. They are not good at communicating with people. Worldly things. (Everyone loves San Niang)

Unlike Harris, he has remained in the magic union since he became a qualified magician. Became one of the few magicians on the Big 6 who was hired as the deacon mage by the wizards union. There are some great benefits of working in the magic union. For example, you can get the latest news from the magic union, use the channels in the union, get some cheap magic materials, and a free laboratory. Ancient magical literature can also be read at will using its powers.

However, there are gains and losses. This principle is not bumpy. As a deacon master, Harris must devote some energy to complete some tasks in the union, although most of these tasks are very easy: Now there are twenty deacons in the magic union. Mage, in order, each mage must set aside one or two days a month for the Seal of the Seal to come to work in the union, handle some daily affairs, and also devote some energy to teach in the magic school to explain the basic magic to those magic students. Theory and potions.

But even though the union has 20 deacon masters, most of the magicians are not interested in these mundane jobs. There may be people in the college teaching the best they can, and it is just hoping to find one or two good seedlings. But the daily work in the magic union, everyone is lazy.

In order to prevent the hired mages from lazily slacking off the work in the union, Master Raphael, the president of the magic union, laid down a rule that, if there are three absentee lectures or absenteeism in the union for each hired deacon master, The punishment of disqualifying the union magician literature review for a month was punished, which barely made everyone a little more serious about work.

But even so, the magic union has offered excellent conditions, and few magicians with real strength are willing to work for the union. Those who are truly powerful still pursue freedom as leisurely clouds and cranes. Most of the deacon mages in the magic union are now of intermediate level.

Harris's job in the union is mainly to use potion, and at the same time, there must be two days a month for the throne of the Seal of God to perform official duties in the union's office. His magic power has reached the top level of the sixth grade, according to the current situation, within the next three years. He may have the opportunity to advance to level seven and become a senior magician. But it depends on luck, and it also takes a lot of time to practice the throne of the seal of God.

Recently, he has considered whether it is necessary to resign the deacon's employment. After all, if he can become a senior magic book before the age of 55, he will be awarded the title of "big magician". It is a very glorious thing for any magician, but His Excellency the chairman of the magic union, His Excellency Raphael, was very helpful to himself, but because of his face, he couldn't open the mouth.

Today, it is the time for Harris to take up the role of deacon mage. The Seal of the Seal of Throne, he bored in the office and signed a few documents about the purchase of a batch of magic herbs, and then closed the door to prepare for a secret meditation. Just then, someone disturbed him.

The guy who came into the room called himself "Dodoro". Harris seemed to have an impression of the name. He felt it for a while before he remembered the name.

The guy who walked in before claimed to be a magician, and Harris was kind, but he remembered who this guy was. A face instantly swelled: it was this guy. What a shame on the magic world!

"What?" Harris impatiently heard Doodor's narrative, frowning. "Mr. Doodor, you are here to ask the Wizardry Union to restore your reputation?"

"Yes." Totoro was very respectful when facing Harris. This respect did not seem to be pretended when facing the soil: "Dear Sir Harris, regarding the debts I owe, I already have I have enough money to repay. I will deal with all these things, my request is to ask the magic union to restore my glory as a magician ... After all, I have a qualified formal magician qualification, and I still Graduates from the Academy of Magic. "

"Sorry, I can't agree to your request." Harris frowned. "Just a few months ago, what you did has caused a lot of trouble for the magic union. According to the magic union regulations, for your Dishonored behavior gives the union glory and shame, the union has officially cancelled your magician qualification. This is the unanimous opinion of the union deacon committee, so ... I have to regret to tell you that your magician qualification has been revoked Now, we tried to recover your magician badge, but we couldn't find you at the time. "

Totoro's expression was a little awkward. At that time, he had ran away in debt and ran to the wildfire ...

"Let's do it." Harris waved his hand impatiently: "According to the magic union regulations, you can apply for re-qualification as a wizard. However, according to the punishment system, you must go beyond the level of assessment, so ... if you want to apply, Then within one month of submitting the report, we will arrange an assessment. "

After speaking, Harris looked at the door with his eyes, which means: If you have something, please get out of the way.

Leapfrog assessment?

Totoro was dumbfounded.

Leaping assessment means that whenever a magician reads a book, he violates the regulations of the magic union and is penalized to cancel the official qualification of the magician. If he wants to re-qualify, he must re-evaluate for a long time, but At that time, you must skip the level examination. And this rule of skipping is to jump two levels!

That is to say, the situation of Dodoro now. His original first-level mage qualification was cancelled. Then if you want to return to the ranks of magicians, you must go directly to the "level three magicians"!

What a joke! !!

At the time of the first-level assessment, I tried my best to pass the third level? !! If I have three levels of strength, will I still be so miserable? !!

But ... if you don't take the exam, then you don't have a formal magician qualification ...

Although strength belongs to strength, the real master. But you don't care what the nominal level is, as long as your strength really reaches level 7 and level 8, whether or not his official has given you an official badge. (Everyone loves Yindang!) Your strength is there anyway ...

But for a grass-roots magician like Dodoro, a formal rank title is extremely important.

First, a formal magician can receive a large allowance from the magic union every year (he also intends to use this money to redeem himself from Xia.) Then, only those who have a formal magician level qualifications You can enjoy the treatment of magicians at the church magic union branches around the empire. It is better to eat and board free of charge, and use the magic circle of the magic union branches everywhere, and you can buy magic materials at a very low price (equivalent to Some of the magic materials are contraband on Big 6. They can only be bought in the magic union. Although they are available on the black market, the price is much higher, and the supply is very small and unstable.)

Also, only legal wizards recognized by the magic union can enter the magic union to read some magical literature-for a lonely ghost like Totoro who has no teacher. If you want to further improve your strength, this is an essential link.

The most important point: Only official magicians recognized by the magic union have legal immunity and legal protection in the empire! !! Wizards who commit common crimes can be exempted from punishment and protected by law. This is also extremely important for grassroots figures like Totoro! At first, he was able to run alone from the imperial capital to Wildfire Plains, relying on a magic badge, and those robbers and thieves did not dare to provoke him.

Dodo's face was extremely ugly. He looked at Harris and saw that the big man seemed a little impatient. Dodo hesitated again and again, and finally his face showed a decisive, hoarse voice: "So ... Master Harris, Can I choose ... Trial! "

"???" Harris froze, and he sat subconsciously straight, unable to help but glance at the guy in front of him.

Trial? He actually chose to test?

Judging from previous records, this first-level magician named Doodor was timid as a mouse. Despicable, sly, greedy, and every courageous guy, that's why he caused so much reputational problems for the magic union.

Now this guy ... how did he become so seedy? !!

"Do you really decide to test?"

"Really." Doodor took a deep breath.

There was a faint glow in Harris's eyes.


As Doodor stepped down the stairs. "The expression is like a patient who has been declared terminally ill" (Everyone loves brother), crying, and it seems that he can't even move his feet.

After walking down the stairs, he saw that in the hall, Charlie was looking at a magician, both of them had strange looks, Charlie smiled strangely. The magician was obviously a little timid, his eyes dodging.

But seeing the other side's face, Doodor couldn't help it.

"Huh? Bidardo ?!"

Biddardo was struggling to get rid of Xia, and suddenly he was called. He looked up and saw Doodor coming down the stairs, and his face was surprised: "Ah? It's you, Doodor!"

Totoro strode down and hugged Biddardo warmly, as if his old friends met, but they held each other warmly. After holding each other, he split instantly. Totoro pinched one of Bidaldo's wrists, the hand was reaching into Dodoro's left pocket, and Bidaldo snorted, strangling another one The hand, the finger of that hand has penetrated into a skin in Bidardo's waist ...

The two looked at each other and both smiled with some speculative looks. At the same time, Haha was young, and after being separated quickly, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

"Haha! It's you guy, I can't think of a day of reunion!"

"Bidaldo, you guys look so good. It seems that the magic has been improved a lot recently."

Xia, who was next to him, was stunned, watching the two people hide their knives in their smiles. Could not help asking: "Do you know each other?"

"Of course." Dodoro called a haha: "This Bidardo, but my classmate at the same time at the Academy of Magic! We are good friends."

As he said, Doodor's eyes jumped. Bidaldo was guilty of being guilty because of Charya's side, but still secretly returned Doodor's fierce look.

Xia Ya was so funny, looking at the two guys that she really was a "good friend".

"Since it's the reunion of old friends, we must find a place to have a good drink."

Bidaldo immediately said: "It's good! To celebrate your return to the imperial capital, I ask! I know a tavern is quite good."

After a pause, Bidardo looked at Charlie: "But this gentleman, are you?"

Doodor hesitated and looked at Charlie. Xia sighed and smiled. "Well, I said Master Doodor's warrior obeyed."

Dodoro immediately stole a grateful look, then raised his chin high to Bidaldo.

In the circle of magicians, being able to have your own samurai obedience is a status symbol.

Bidaldo sneered in his heart as soon as he froze. Samurai flee? Don't make a joke, if it's someone else, can Charya, Bidardo know this guy's fierceness. This Totoro is similar in strength to himself, where is he qualified to solicit obedience?

But ... look at Xia Ya, Bidalduo sighed. When he met this guy, he was unlucky. Take them away first, then go outside and find a chance to get rid of it. Fortunately, it seems that this demon hunter named Xia has no intention of revenge ...

Todoro had Charya support, put a foot in front of Bidaldo, raised his chest and walked out of the magic guild door. After the three of them came out, Dodoro deliberately talked with Bidaldo about the past. There was a gun and a stick in it, but Totoro was with Charya, and Adaldo didn't dare to be arrogant. Even if Totoro satirized a few words, he didn't dare to talk back, but it made Dodoro's heart refreshed, but he felt that he was fighting with this guy. After all these years, I finally exulted.

After walking out of the magic union, going out of the cathedral through the central square, after going outside, Xia La took Dodoro to deliberately take a few steps slowly and whispered, "What do you have to do with this guy?"

Dutoro whispered, "Hum, grab a meal."

A few words were briefly explained in the Todo Building. It turned out that both of them graduated in the same period from the School of Magic, and both had limited talents, and their achievements in the field of magic were not high. But the nature is shameless, greedy and cunning. In order to make a living, the two can only find a way to read some little nobles and fat sheep in the imperial capital.

But the emperor is so big, and the two have the same way of discussing life. It is inevitable that there are some frictions and collisions. Occasionally, they encounter some fat sheep that both of them fancy. They secretly fight each other, and secretly dismantle each other. After a few years, they end up A lot of resentment. It was just that Bidaldo had more layers of forbearance than Dodoro. (My name is Nian Lingshou, the hunting kingdom.) In the end, Dodoro succumbed to the throne of the Seal of Insignia most of the time, and Bido was honored to worship. A real magician is in front of him, and Doodor is a bachelor. He also lost too much momentum. Gradually he was squeezed a bit by Vidal. In the end, even his livelihood could not be maintained and debts absconded. Among them, there are quite a few "merits" in Dadal.

Charya could not help but be a little funny. Then he whispered something about his understanding of Vidal. After reading Luo, he glared at his eyes, and a thought came into his heart, so he deliberately indignantly said: "What a good guy! He bullied me most of the year, even if he didn't dare deceive your master! This time you must learn a good lesson Just a moment! "

Xia Ya snorted and gave Dodo a glance: "You want revenge, but you want to trick me into giving you some money. That's because you have practiced a spell of life yourself, and just use him to try."

"This, the magic of life is all life-consuming, I worry ..." Dodro flinched, Charia stared. "Nonsense. Since you changed this power, you can't bear to use it. Are you waiting for it to be moldy?" Do n’t dare to use this, and do n’t want to use that. What else do you do for life? ”

Then, he took Doodor to catch up with Vidal, who was walking in front of him. Vidal was thinking hard about the countermeasures, and wanted to take them to the tavern, where there were many friends he knew. And the other three of Wang Chengsixiu are also there, but they are so provocative. In the place of the imperial capital, after all, they are earth snakes. At that time, there are many people in the crowd, and they also revenge on Wildfire.

The three men left the church on horseback and talked along the way. Xia asked about the progress of Dodoro ’s work in the union, and Dodoro ’s emotions suddenly fell down, and he sighed heavily: “Oh ... they need to understand my A wizard, so I have to do a trial! "


"Trial !!"

Hearing this sentence, Charya and Vidaldo spoke at the same time, but Charya was puzzled, while Vidaldo was surprised.

"What is trial?" Xia asked. Bidaldo looked at Doodor in wonder, "You ... did you choose the trial?"

Duto Luo snorted: "My magician qualification has been cancelled, and you can't even know it in the emperor. Why should you be so surprised?"

Bidaldo smiled: "Old friend. Don't say that. No matter what, you and I have been together for years, and watching you fall, I feel uncomfortable." He said secretly in his heart: "I knew you were disqualified, I even drank three glasses of wine that day to celebrate. "

Totoro snorted and ignored the guy. Explaining to Xia Ya, "Trial is a special assessment method for magicians punished for violation of regulations in the magic union. For me, I want to restore my reputation and my magician's qualifications, except to re-accept the leapfrog. Apart from assessment, there is only this path. The so-called trial is the inside of the magician union. Some tasks announced in some unions will be reported, and in general, they are applications for some requirements uploaded by magic union branches in various places. For example, there is a shortage of certain magical materials, or where there is a horror of Warcraft, which requires people to calm down ... There are many levels of difficulty in the task, and luck is good, the trial task may just require you to go somewhere to dig a few ordinary Magic ore. Or collect some magic plants. If you are unlucky, maybe you will be sent to destroy the advanced Warcraft that is raging somewhere ... 地方 ...... "

Xia Ya froze, and Bidaldo next to him was gloating: "If you can choose to try, you can choose three tasks at a time, and then the testee will pick the one that he thinks is the least difficult to complete. Unless ... you Unlucky, the three tasks drawn are very difficult ... Well, Dodoro, look at you, I'm afraid the tasks drawn are not difficult! "

Although he resisted the smile, the smile lines on his face had already accumulated.

Doodor snorted, and found three scrolls of sheepskin from his arms.

"These are the three tasks I randomly choose ... hey ..."

Speaking, his frowning appearance drew Charya's curiosity, he took it over, and quickly opened the first ...

Just as he broke apart, Dodoro's face suddenly changed, and he yelled, "Don't! Don't open it!"

But he was late!

Charlie's movement was too fast, and he unrolled the scroll, and the wooden shaft of that scroll flashed a silver light immediately, and then the handwriting on that scroll soon became silvery!

Charlie glanced at it, and saw a simple sentence written in Majik on the parchment. And after this line of words flashed through the silver light, the flame of the scroll was soon ignited by the corner of the scroll, and the sheepskin roll was turned into ashes in the flames. Xia was startled, and quickly let go, but saw Dodoro next to her eyes wide, her face ashamed, staring at Xia.

"Well? You ... why are you so ugly?"

Dodoro rode on his horse, shaking his body, crying without tears: "You ... you can't open it! Once you open it, it means you have accepted this task ... Finished! Finished! The scroll is drawn. The magic contract Effective! Hell ... when I came out, I already signed the name with the magic seal! "

Bidaldo finally couldn't help but laughed out: "This ... this brother, you are moving too fast. There are three types of tasks to be extracted. When extracting, I can watch it once and take it back. I can think about it carefully. When I decide to choose one of them, I can open the selected scroll. Once opened, it means that the magic contract is in effect and cannot be reversed. "

Looking at Dodo Luo's faceless appearance, Xia realized that she was only in trouble, and frowned, "Sorry, um, is this task difficult?"

Dodoro cried: "Three tasks are very difficult. I originally wanted to take some time to consider the Throne of the Seal carefully to see which one might be accepted in the end. Maybe I simply give up the trial as long as the scroll has not been opened, and You can switch back, now. "

Xia Ya grabbed her head and chuckled, "Can you return now? If it's too difficult, I'll accompany you back and tell them to cancel the trial."

Bidaldo interjected: "Cancel it, it is not impossible. But, is it a trial? It is not compulsory to choose a trial. But once the pledge is in force, if you want to cancel it, or you cannot complete it, then Even if the mission fails, once the mission fails. In accordance with the magic union regulations, the tester can never get the magician qualification forever. "

Totoro listened, and gave him a stern glance. Bidaldo rolled his eyes: "Old friend, it's no use to you to be angry with me, and it's not that I made your scroll"

Although Xia Ya scolded Dodoro at will, but after all, Dodoro was his man. He was too fast just now, causing trouble for this guy, and he was a little embarrassed in his heart. After thinking, he said, " In this case, I will help you complete this test ... if it is not possible, this magician is not appropriate. Well, what is the task of the scroll of the contract? "

Totoro swallowed, whispered, "Requirement: Ten taro kisses. Time limit: one hundred days."

"Magic kiss taro?" Xia thought for a moment, "What is this? Is it hard to find?"

The next to Vidal, when he heard the name, he immediately widened his eyes, looked up and down at Dodoro, couldn't help taking a breath, and exclaimed: "Magic kiss taro? You actually smoke Arrived at the task of the devil's kiss taro? My God uploaded it in sixteen! Duodoo, I haven't thought of your luck for so many years! ''

Xia was a little impatient, and gave him a big look at him: "Shut up to Lao Tzu! Let me just say another word and I will kill your mouth full of teeth!"

Then looked at Doodor: "Isn't this hard-kissed taro hard to find?"

"Well, it's not hard to find. It can be said that its location is clear, and almost any magician knows where this kind of thing grows."

"Uh, then, it must be dangerous? It must be a very dangerous ~ ~ a magic plant with great lethality?"

"No," Dodoro sighed. "The magic taro is a beautiful flower. This kind of flower is not harmful, but it has a magical effect. It picks the flower and puts the flower stem on it. On human skin. Flower stems can grow in human skin and then extract the host's own emotions at the same time, and the flowers will bear fruit. For example, if the host is in a panic state, the fruits will be filled with a spirit of fear Strength. If you are a brave warrior, you can bear the fruits of courage. There are other fruits, such as hatred, joy, sorrow, etc. What is the emotion of the host, the fruits are different. The fruit can be used in spiritual magic, it is a very precious magic plant. "

"Then why are you looking like you are going to die?" Xia was puzzled. "It's not hard to find, and it's not dangerous."

"This" Dodoro gritted his teeth. "Evil kiss taro, everyone knows where it grows, but where it grows, it is a bit difficult."

"Where exactly?"

Dodoro gritted his teeth: "This is the kind of territory in the Chaos Leader Elves' territory, and also in the territory ruled by the Black Elves.

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