
Chapter 139: [Spraying blood]

Today, General Adrik of the 13th Cavalry Regiment is standing in the middle of the Empire. The appointment of the Ministry of the Emperor to the post of Deputy Minister of Military Affairs has been transferred to the Senate.

This move of the Emperor Cantos immediately caused a commotion among the capitals of the emperor, and many sensitive people began to speculate one after another, what was the intention of His Majesty the Lord.

Although it was stated in the code at the beginning of the empire's founding that the emperor's frustration of the appointment of a chief and deputy minister of the empire must be discussed by the Senate, and only after the proposal was approved, the head of the department appointed for registration was signed.

And such a process has actually existed in name long ago. The process of the decline of the Senate, from the beginning to the middle of the empire, experienced hundreds of years of the seal of the throne. During this period, numerous leaders of the Senate, who had democratic restrictions on the imperial power, had many fierce struggles. Because this system of "democracy limits imperial power" has an irreparable congenital defect at the earliest establishment. The old house itself does not have any actual power. This lamb caused that once imperial power was concentrated, The Senate has become a furnishing that can only be negotiated.

It can be said that at the beginning of the founding of the empire, this idea of ​​the Senate was good, but the flaws in the system made it a deformed so-called democracy.

And when the Emperor General and the political power are in his hands, it will stop as soon as he encounters a weak character. Fang, the old house occasionally has a chance to make a sound, but once he encounters an emperor with a strong temperament and a strong desire for power, then The Senate may even become an empty place.

So, more than 200 years ago, an emperor of the empire did it more thoroughly: the emperor then passed a one-time imperial decree, and the emperor had the power to sign appointments, and this appointment only required the passing of the aristocratic parliament. If they agree, they can take the place of the referral process of the Senate and transfer it to the head of the appointed department for signing to take effect.

The so-called aristocratic parliament is actually some imperial noble group that is surrounded by the royal family. The royal family is the largest aristocracy of the empire, and all other nobles, whether from the class itself or the common interests of the general direction, want to be the royal family. Joint advancement and retreat, and even to the end, in the so-called aristocratic parliament, most members are members of the royal family or royal in-laws and nobles. In this way, at least in the empire's personnel appointment level, there is almost no restriction on royal power!

But this time, the various elites in the capital were surprised that the knight who was riding the knight suddenly didn't know which string in his head was wrong, and actually passed a letter of appointment to his face, the old home? !!

senate? !! !!

Everyone knows that in the Senate, for two hundred years, this system of personnel appointments has been abolished. For more than two hundred years, let alone the appointment of a dignified military minister, even a clerk in a deserted department. Appointment, also could not turn a word in the Senate.

Emperor, what is he trying to do? Could it be that Cantos was drunk before he signed the letter of appointment?

Or is this old rider confused, what relationship does he want to get involved in the Senate?

Those speculations are just fine.

The most ridiculous is the Senate itself.

The Senate has not conducted any personnel appointments for two hundred years. It is said that when the messenger in the court sent the document signed by Her Majesty to the Senate, the person at the gate of the Senate suddenly saw the court messenger wearing a robe. Recognizing the other person's costume, the Senate had not received the messenger in the court for many years. When the messenger in the palace arrived, he suddenly jumped a chicken flying dog in the veteran's courtyard that was rarely visited in the weekdays. Several executive veterans at the time hurriedly turned the boxes to find bright clothes, and then how to meet the palace's messenger The question of etiquette steps into the Senate was bickering for more than half an hour. This is the first time in more than 200 years! In the end, I temporarily found a few hundred years ago from the literature.

I really waited for a few yuan. When the old man stepped out of the hospital door to welcome him, the emissary of the palace had already stood anxiously in the sun, and a few elders still stood on the door with a shelf. As he showed, Aung's chest was blocked in the door and he looked like he was afraid he wouldn't even give up even if he was purple.

What does this mean?

The emissary of the court was a little bit upset, and coughed: "I bring the appointment of Her Majesty, please ask the Senate to discuss it."

"Um." The first elder standing in the middle suddenly opened his throat and yelled, and the voice almost scared the court emissary. "Your Majesty knows that civil rights come from people's livelihood!"

The muscles of the messenger's face were stunned, and suddenly he remembered that the Emperor's strict order had previously mentioned the scene in front of him, and he could only shrink his head and bow his head: "Your Majesty knows."

"Very good." The first veteran nodded with satisfaction, and turned sideways with a smiling smile.

The second veteran still stood there, and suddenly drank with a loud voice: "Your Majesty knows that monarchy is taken from the people!"

The messenger gritted his teeth, forcing his trembling ears to tremble: "Your Majesty knows."

"Yes!" The second veteran turned sideways.

The third patriarch seemed to be so old that his teeth were lost. Although the silk robe seemed bright, if you look closely, it has a lot of perforations and a faint palm. I do n’t know if it just came out of the bottom of the box just now.

This old man seemed to be unable to stand still, he was barely reluctant to breathe, and the messenger of Mertin was a little worried, only that the old guy couldn't lift it in one breath, and would always be called by the Lord ... ...

"Your Majesty knows the people, the people come, and the plan", the leaking mouth of that card barely spit out these words, but it makes people hear vaguely, seemingly nothing, the messenger's heart is helpless, this Old guy, I'm afraid the soil is buried in the heavenly spirit cover, what else do you run out of? However, he does n’t care what the other person is saying. He told his Majesty before he came. This introductory ceremony is a deceased ceremony. He does n’t care about the many, and he will answer the question.

His Majesty knew it, and when he opened his throat, he screamed, and the old man nodded, and had to reply "Yes." But the messenger was already anxious, and he took the first step to dig into the willow.

After entering, I took the documents brought by the hands and handed them to the first veteran. Then I was relieved: "The official document written by Your Majesty has been transmitted. If you need to discuss it, please take it as soon as possible. I will Go back and die. After finishing speaking, it seemed that the three elders were standing in a row, as if there was any ancient ceremony to be performed. This messenger felt a little impatient, and quickly pulled away.

Seeing the messenger's departure, the three veterans were all relieved. The oldest one was unable to stand immediately, and two entourages hurried up next to him. One of the veterans took a look at the document: "Yi? Adriatic army, inauguration, emperor, empire, minister of imperial affairs ?!" The other two were also suddenly stunned, and even the old man who was dying out of breath seemed suddenly out of breath. , Staring in surprise at two colleagues. After half a day, all three people suddenly showed ecstasy "Great victory! Great victory! Quickly! Convening order! Convening all members of the Elder Council, must be delivered to everyone today! Great victory! The emperor will Such an important appointment was handed over to the House, and the old house proposed that it would be a big victory of democratic rights over the imperial power !!! "The three of them were all obsessed, and after laughing for a while, the one standing in the middle He thoughtfully sighed, "Well, with such a foundation, the funding for next month should be able to come down earlier. Well, in recent days, it's a bit weary to eat cabbage every day. Now, can there be meat to eat? "The other two elders listened, and their empathic expressions suddenly appeared on their faces. For a time, the throne of the Seal of God was raised, and even the oldest was dancing. I heard one, and the elder could not help saying "meat, eat meat ..." The three elders who were well-known as Reid, looked like this, a few bites aside, and the young servant couldn't help but feel confused. These young servants have never had any books, democracy or civil rights, and so on, they don't know anything, but they look at the three masters.

Uh, this democracy, is it hard to eat meat?

The appointment and removal of personnel was only held once in two hundred years. It immediately caused a sensation in the entire capital. After the convening order that day, the original Senate was registered. There are a total of 113 members with resolution rights. After the convening, the number of people was greatly wrong.

Since the former Senate has fallen, on weekdays, it has only maintained more than 30 standing members for daily work. The so-called work, that is, some celebrities in the imperial capital regularly in the Senate to borrow money to restrict the implementation of imperial power. "Democracy" excuses the current politicians and state policies, and to be frank, they grumble and talk short. There are quite a few of them, "What if I am the Prime Minister?" What if I am the Minister of Military Affairs? Restructuring "Am I how to persuade Gang Ji to be an imperial official?" Among them, Xiao Shao said that there are few people who have the ability, but most stupid people who are full of complaints but pretentious.

The so-called people run high and the water flows low. This Senate has been in decline for so many years. It has no power or power. Where can we keep the true talents?

However, there are always benefits for these people's regular meetings. Some of them are celebrities who like to be artsy and who care for the country and the people's livelihood. One is just a second- or third-class person. Is it really a first-class core level? of. I can only do some empty talk here and sigh a few words of my own arms. It's just that people like this, although they are only in the second or third class, are always quite wealthy, and even some people still bear the biting, noble titles.

These people often make a donation every time, and the funds raised are used to maintain the daily operation of the Senate.

In addition, in order to show the true nature of democracy and civil rights, the Senate also sent the membership with resolution power to the people, leading figures from all walks of life, profound scholars, and so on. This elephant was only seen more than 200 years ago, and it is now gone. Today's Senate is long gone, and even the resolution members of the Senate can't even be sent out sometimes!


The qualification of this resolution is not very useful in weekdays. Where can there be any **** in this huge old Senate? But this resolution membership, you have to pay a membership fee each year, which one is willing to work?

Therefore, in the end, the membership's qualifications have been lowered again and again, and they can no longer be lowered, but they are still inconsistent and really fall. It is difficult to rise again.

Therefore, when the order was called, the emperor was sensational that day, but at night it became dark, and the more than one hundred resolution members on that roster were not counted. In addition, the servants in the Senate court hurriedly returned in return:

So and so members have been around for years.

A member has moved his family.

A member of the group has already worshipped the church, and in this life he serves the deities, regardless of worldly matters.

In the end, counting out those members of the resolution who have died of old age, died of illness, disappeared, or jumped out of the world and are still in the imperial capital, living panting children who can move their brains are fine, but they are actually Only eighty-eight!

The three veterans glanced at each other and looked helpless.

whatever then! Eighty-eight are eighty! Some are better than none.

Later, they sent an invitation signed by the three members of the Senate, and sent it to the residence of the Adriatic Army in the Imperial City, and agreed to discuss the meeting the next day.

8 In the early morning of the next day, the three veterans had been excited for a long night without sleep. They had not encountered a major event for more than two hundred years, but they said that they had encountered one. Ask the gods to imitate this string, is it wrong? Okay!

And thinking that as a tooth, the post of the veteran of the old home experienced 200

Things that do not exist in the new year, in the history books in the future, there should be their own!

It can be exciting and exciting, waiting for the three veterans in the morning to wait for the members who have come to participate in the resolution of the parliament in accordance with the convening order. !!

"This, this," is the sacred member of the Senate, who advocates civil rights, who has the power to decide the sacred people? !! !!

Standing on the steps of the Senate House, the three members were dumbfounded at the same time:

That yuan, at the gate of the old courtyard, a ox cart blocked the steps of the main entrance. The ox cart's bones were deeply buried in a dirt pit on the road. At this moment, he has bounced down, while pulling the bull's head to strengthen his strength, the cow becomes "wheezing".

At the same time, the crowd was surrounded by various people. As soon as the craftsman opened the door of the old courtyard, these people suddenly surrounded them: "The door opened and opened!"

"Wait! Wait!" The slightly younger of the three veterans was frightened, and hurried to call the servant: "Clog the door, clog! People outside, report their names and positions!"

There is a young big sister wearing a small cloth embracing her child's breasts: "My man is a blacksmith, and my man Rui Tian has a job to do, so ask me to come, uh, I have no name."

A man with a **** body and a greasy face and a fleshy face, a boning knife stuck in his waist: "I'm a pig killer!"

There is a middle-aged man with a sleeve and sleeves full of dirt: "I am a gardener who grows flowers."

A thin, small young man stared at him: "My father is dead, I'm here on his behalf."

In the end ... there is a young man with a sense of indifference in the pale face, even in the sun, with a bit of feminine and ghostly appearance "I am I, I am I ..."

With this cut, the hearts of the three elders were already so cold. The last person in the house talked so loudly that one of them could not help frowning and drinking, "What on earth do you do?"

"I" the pale and gentle man suddenly tweaked: "I and I are in the hall ... The three veterans haven't understood it yet. The pig-slayer butcher suddenly smiled and pointed at the man:" Oh, it was a rabbit . "

Three veterans, I am afraid that this is the dead heart! !!

The grand Senate, the symbol of civil rights that was changed at the beginning of the founding of the Empire, has actually fallen into such a situation? !!

Whatever father died, that's it! Surprisingly, actually, even the exemption in the hall has become the Yuan, the old house resolution member? !! !!

The three veterans looked at each other, and finally, the middle veteran coughed and frowned, "Don't make any noise! ​​This is too outrageous! Where do you guys' membership come from! According to the veteran The regulations of the hospital, those who can obtain membership, must have a certain level of cultural education, you, you look at you ... "

The veteran stomped his feet and said, "Don't make a noise! ​​Listen to me! Who among you can read the Byzantine script, read and write, and come up first!"

But I asked this question three times, and I saw: Everyone looked at each other below. You look at me, I look at him, but none of them really move up.

The veteran's heart was sorrowful, and he was about to sigh. Suddenly, the man with a clear face and tender hands raised his hand timidly: "That ... I ...

This veteran is delighted: Sure enough, someone still can read! In any case, there is better than nothing!

But when the gentle man talked, the words were:

"Although I can't read, I can count! From one to one hundred, there is no problem."

counting? Count from one, one, one hundred? ?

If this veteran is not already a little thoughtful, strong, I'm afraid that I really want to die on that step!

Count the numbers? !! Among the elites of this patriarchal court, there are six civilized scholars, researchers, Mings, politicians, military strategists, and many artists. Now, one will only "from one to 100 "The guy has actually become one of the most educated members of the resolution? !! If the predecessors of all ages know ~ ~ I'm afraid they will jump out of the grave one by one!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel sad and sad. The original excitement and expectation had already been wiped out!

The veteran was full of anger. "From one to one hundred ?! Words, you can count to one hundred!"

What he said was ironic, but he didn't expect that the soft-faced man didn't think:

"Ah, yeah! I usually do four businesses a day, and in a day, I can earn a hundred copper plates."

The veteran smiled coldly: "Oh, so, every time you do business, you can earn 25 copper plates?"

The clear-faced, tender young man was suddenly surprised, "Yi? This old gentleman, how do you know? !!! Ah."

Difficult, difficult you have been to me, eh, but I don't have any impression on you "," Oh! "A blood.

"Ah! Lord Gen! Lord Gen, oh! Come on! Lord Gen !!!!"

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