
Chapter 154: [Absolutely dark]

In the dark, the two rushed into the room. Come in, there is a black cricket inside, even if it is night cat-like eyes like Charya. Some are not very comfortable. But after closing the door quickly, the cold behind him couldn't tell the cold, as if falling into the ice cellar!

The two met together in the darkness, and Poor Worm was stepped on by Xia, who almost sighed. Fortunately, he covered his mouth in time, so he did not scream.

Charya heard her ears on the door, but her heart was weird.

Actually ... can't hear? !!

Is this door strange? The tentacles felt cold. It seems like an iron gate, but why is the sound outside isolated? Touched his hands. Can't find anything weird.

Just then, the fire suddenly lit behind him, and it turned out that the poor worm lit a candle that he had been holding in his hand. By faint candlelight. This finally saw the surroundings.

It looks like a room that hasn't been abandoned for a long time. Seeing that the walls are all exposed brick walls, without any decoration, the bare walls are a bit run-down, and there are some spider girl nets covered with dust on the corners.

The poor worm was a girl, after all, she saw so many spider webs that her face suddenly changed. Subconsciously posted a sticker next to Xia.

The room inside didn't seem very wide. But inside it is extremely deep-rather than a room, it is better to say that this is a secret way and more vivid.

After taking two steps at random, a foot of dust started to scare, leaving footprints on the ground—Xia Ya looked at the footprints on the ground and sighed: I'm afraid I don't know how many years no one has come in.

There is nothing in it, the only thing that is strange is the feet: the ground under the feet is not flat, but the layers of steps go down, showing a lower arc.

Xia Ya was curious and looked at the poor worm. The two looked at each other, and the poor worm was also blank. Anyway, the old duke and Cavill Hill were in the room, and they couldn't go out for a while. I just walked inside.

The descending steps are about dozens in total. The farther down, the colder the inside becomes more intense. Thanks to the shaking candlelight, the two stomped on the champion. The legend came to the end of the steps. The dust that stirred the footsteps caused Xia to want to sneeze, but he forced his hands to cover his mouth. Red, tearful, and the poor worm leaned on his side a little fearful.

At the end of this secret road, there is no way out. At the end, the space is slightly larger. It is roughly the outline of a square room, but based on the feeling of the two people walking down the road, the room at the end is afraid to come down. local. The height should be at least three meters lower.

"Like ... is a cellar?" Charlie looked at the poor worm.

Adeline shook her head, blinked her eyes, and lowered her voice, "Don't look at me, I don't know where it is. I just borrowed this place with Minas to meet you, and I have never been here.

Charlie felt the harsh chill. Even with his strong body, he couldn't bear it, and the poor worm shivered.

"Hell, why is it so cold here?" Charlie frowned.

The two took a closer look in this room. There was nothing in this empty room. The empty walls were only spider webs except for the dusty Wenxin Pavilion. Charlie touched the wall with her hands. The palm of the hand touched the wall, and then shrank back, wondering: "This wall is so icey!"

The poor worm also tentatively reached out and touched it, and then quickly exclaimed and retracted his hand, rubbing his palm vigorously: "It's really cold."

Then the poor worm bent over and looked at the corner of the ground, and suddenly his eyes lightened, and he bent over and picked up a small thing from the ground with a smile: "Ah, I know where this is."


The poor worm grinned, and stretched out his palms in front of Xia Ya: "Look, this!"

The palm of her slender palm was holding a small round wooden strip only the thickness of her thumb.

Charya looked at it, "What is it?"

The poor worm smiled: "This is oak. Generally, noble families use this oak to make wine corks. I think that here probably married a lower wine cellar in the past. But it has been abandoned for many years, and the wine in it has been abandoned. Evacuated. "

After thinking about it, the poor bug squinted his eyes and said, "Well. It's so cold here, it must be built on the ground floor of this manor. Have you forgotten? This manor was built on the mountainside. If you dig down, it's not Is it in the hillside? "

Looking at Xia Ya's blank expression, Adeline sighed, knowing that the native was born poor. Unfamiliar with the luxury enjoyment of these aristocratic families, explained: "In general, such wine cellars are built in the shade of the ground, and in order to maintain the temperature, such cellars are usually built into mezzanines. I think, It may be on the other side of the outer wall of this cellar. It may be an underground ice cellar that stores ice cubes. It is now just after winter that a lot of ice cubes are stored in the ice cellar, so we will feel so cold here. Right. "

This explanation seems reasonable, but Xia was silent. There was a strange feeling in his heart-he couldn't say why, but he felt that there was a strangeness that was difficult to describe here!

The poor worm relaxed, and she held a candle. Sighing: "We only have to wait here and wait for the outsiders to leave before we can go out ... Well, I just hope that the old Duke and Cavill Hill don't talk too long outside, if I go back late. I'm afraid There will be trouble. "

Charlie frowned, and suddenly remembered that she had just overheard the conversation between the two, and could not help but have an idea in her mind: the two old guys seemed to be talking about the past, especially when they mentioned an old man, as if bother There are some complicated grudges ...


"Hey, Xia." Just as the worm was out, the poor insect shouted, pulled his clothes gently, and whispered, "What are you thinking?"

Charya shook her head and said nothing. The poor worm was right: "What you just heard, you ..." Don't say anything! Although I don't know what they are talking about, as the two of them, the things they are talking about must be some old secrets! If you rush to listen. Leaking it out will cause trouble! "

Xia waved his hand: "I naturally know this."

Adeline's tone is very serious: "Sia, you have to know that you are different now, and the people and things you have contacted are very different from before! The circle you are in now is different from those before, these It ’s more complicated and more dangerous. If you do n’t take a step, you might cause trouble! ”

Although Xia was a little impatient, she also heard the concern in the poor worm's tone, took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Okay, I remember these things. Do you think I have a big mouth? Hear What are you talking about? "

Adelin grinned, "You're not a big mouth. You're ... Aunt!"

Xia Ya smiled, watching the poor worm's smiling face swaying by the candlelight. He suddenly moved in his heart and suddenly caught an idea!

"Ah !! I thought of it!"

Xia Yahuo jumped up, then grabbed the poor worm's hand holding the candle, snatched the candle, and watched the candlelight carefully, his face suddenly changed!

Seeing Charlie's weird response suddenly. The poor worm choked: "You ... what are you doing?"

"Candlelight! Candlelight !!!" Charlie blinked, looked at the candlelight and looked at the poor worm: "Don't you think this place is strange?"

"What's strange?"

Charya's face became a bit dismal, hesitated, looked at the poor bug's face, and whispered, "You ... I said, don't be afraid."

"?" Poor Worm stared at Charlie with a puzzled look.

Charya lowered her voice, and suddenly she couldn't help but stunned, pointing to the ground: "Look around ... don't you really see anything weird?"

"Uh?" Adeline saw a hint of shock from Charya's eyes. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and looked around to see that there was nothing strange in this room? The empty walls, without any furnishings, only dust, spider webs ...

"Look at it again." Charlie's eyes flickered, and she already held down the hilt of her waist with one hand.

After all, the poor worm is not a fool. After carefully looking at it, it suddenly changes color! !! She turned pale for a moment, exclaimed in shock, and almost shrank into Xia Ya's arms!

"Shadow, shadow !!"

Xia He laughed twice, how strange and weird his face was: "Are you finally here?"

It turns out ... in this room, a candle was lit, but on the ground it looked out. On the wall ... all ...

No shadow! !!

The two young men glanced at each other ~ ~ This weird situation made both of them have some hearts at the same time, as if there was an inexplicable coldness Wenxin Pavilion running down the back of their heads! !!

Adeline panicked, shaking her hand. The candle fell to the ground, and a sizzle went out. Suddenly dark, Adeline exclaimed, instinctively hugged Charya's tickle

Just at this moment, Xia suddenly heard Dora's voice in her head!

The mother dragon's tone seemed extremely solemn and serious: "Boy, be careful! This is a field of magic! I feel a very strong magic wave!"

"What?" Xia blurted out.

Adeline in her arms screamed, "Xia, what do you say? Who are you talking to?"

"This is, absolutely dark, realm !!"

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