
Chapter 164: [I'm a beauty! 】

Throughout countless people in Xia ’s life, no one is as majestic as the one before him, no one is as majestic as the one before him, and no one is like the one before him ... This is not like a woman!

Ok! Although Charlie ’s aesthetic standards are a bit messy, even if it was misled by the old guys, she just said that she likes women to be stout, has a thick hand and works well, and has a thick waist to support her. This one is out of the human category. Entered the realm of the beast!

The "big boy" opened a pair of Tongling-like eyes and stared at Xia, who was sitting at the door. Anger burst into his face, and then a roar suddenly sounded like a thunder in the sky. general! The roar shook Xia Ya's ears, and she heard the fierce male elder sister screaming: "Where the wild hybrid came from, dare to stop Miss Ben from marrying!" Xia Ya took a deep breath. Finally, he evened his breath, looked at the fierce boyfriend carefully, and finally sighed secretly: No wonder the boss said it was as miserable as the death of his father and mother. Whose house, such a daughter-in-law, has long wanted to cry without tears. I heard that the son of the owner of this hotel, who hid in the room all day and cried tears, changed to be my uncle, I'm afraid I've already run away!

The "sister of fierceness" stared at Xia, seeing that Xia was silent, it seemed that she was familiar with it, and sneered, "Kangdang, where are you from these mercenaries? How much did they spend asking you to come forward? Tell you, if you want to live, hurry up and kneel down and hoe, then roll over again! Miss Ben is married today and doesn't want to kill. If you ask for mercy to say two beautiful words, maybe During the ceremony, he could get a glass of wine to drink. "When Xia Ya heard it, she was happy:" I intercepted "to block it:" He stood up and laughed:

"Marrying and marrying is originally what you want, and you and your elder sister forcibly marry. It's a bit unjustifiable. I won't drink your nonsense today, this gossip, this man is in control!" Meng 丨 male When the elder sister heard it, the eyes widened a little, and she laughed angrily and yelled, "Okay! You are looking for death!" After that, she yelled, raised her huge palm, "lifted my hammer Come !!! "A few of the follower horse thieves were worried, and one of them came over and whispered:

"Leader, we are here to marry and salute you today. Your weapon is too heavy to bring." The fierce man snorted, grabbed the horse thief, and pulled out from his waist. Sword came, and shouted, "Retreat! Today's book." My sister must see the blood first, and then get married! After finishing speaking, Jian Feng rushed towards Xia as soon as he crossed. Xia was about to pull the fork, and Philip smiled next to him: "Sister, sit down, this rural thief, let me do it for you." Philip had confidence in his face. Although he was abolished by Xia, he lost a lot of power. He was originally a high-level samurai with weak swords in his hands, but the remaining strength was so sloppy compared to a middle-level warrior. I want to come to this kind of backcountry. How capable can a horse thief be in a small place?

On the other hand, Philip is now with Charya and naturally pleases the uncle.

I saw Philip's straight sword greeted him, and a silvery fighting spirit burst out naturally on his long sword. Philip was confident in his face, but the fierce male elder sister looked like he didn't care. There is no fancy skill in holding a sword, just call out, with a gust of wind, a sword splits straight!

Philip raised his sword one block! Just heard a loud noise! I saw a long sword folded in two and flew directly into the sky! Philip, like a disconnected kite, flew straight backwards, crashing through the hotel's walls, and people were gone!

Meng 丨 The elder sister stood there and looked at Xia Ya with a cold eye: "Is this ability to come out for help?

Humph! "Xia Ya froze!

He certainly knows that Philip's strength is now greatly damaged, but anyway, he also has intermediate strength! But I didn't expect to be so uncomfortable in front of this fierce male elder sister, that he couldn't hold up a face and was dropped in seconds? !!

Looking back, there was a huge hole in the wall, and the bricks fell to the ground. Philip had fallen into the wall and couldn't get up.

As soon as Xia Frown her eyebrows, she pulled out her fork and sang, "Uncle Ben will meet you!" After that, he swooped up. The fierce male sister sneered and lifted his sword, and Xia crossed his arms After a note, he immediately heard "Om," he felt as if he was not facing a human, but a monster. If not, he should be a dragon!

With such a powerful physique, Char ’s arm was numb, and he could not help but take a few steps back. The fork was almost released! The fierce male elder sister also made a mouthful, a light hand, under the sharpness of the fire fork, her long sword was already short!

The two weird guys faced each other for the first time. They almost made no difference in strength. Both of them took two steps back. Instead, Xia took the sharpness of the weapon and cut off the opponent's sword.

"Oh! A little, skill! ... Meng 丨 The elder sister's eyes lighted up, and she stared at Xia carefully:" Good strength! I have never seen anything stronger than me! We have the ability to use no weapons, we come again Bibi! Xia ’s heart was also shocked. She was shocked by the other side and saw that the other side was a woman. Under his self-esteem, beating men with women, and not having the upper hand in strength, he was quite unhappy, and he refused to win with weapons. I inserted the fork into the ground, half-nailed it into the ground, and slap. "Come!" "The two rushed up again, and immediately twisted together, like wrestling, you fisted up with your hands empty-handed!

This fierce male elder sister's strength is astonishingly strong. With the physical qualities of Charity such as Charm, both of them are entangled in their arms. After that, the seal of the throne of God can't stand for a while. You hit me with a punch My arm blocked, I pushed it with one palm, and you stopped with your fist. After a few face-to-face meetings, Xia felt the pain in her arms faint, the two sides punched each other, both of them suffered a pain, both grinned!

(Hell! Lao Tzu's body has been strengthened with dragon blood!)

Xia Ya screamed in the heart, the two hit the end with equal strength, arms twisted together, no one can hold anyone down, Xia Ya was anxious, could not help but destroyed the crimson murderous, eyes red, suddenly a strength Rushing out of the body! He yelled, "Get up!"

With infinite strength in his hand, he suddenly suppressed the fierce male elder sister. The fierce elder female raised his face to purple, struggled to resist, but finally resisted, but was given by Xia Ya. She lay on the ground, then Xia grabbed her arm with one hand ... waisted her with one hand, lifted her up, then exhaled, and threw out with a bang! The horse that was hitting her in the back, pitiful that horse, stood there well, and suddenly a huge dark shadow fell on her head, and the horse slammed down!

One man and one horse turned over together, the fierce boyfriend struggled on the ground for a long time, then barely sat up, shook his head, stared at Charlie, with an incredible expression on his face: "You! Why are you so strong? ? "

The horse thieves under her hands were also frightened, looking at Xia's expression full of respect and Xia gasped and was about to say something, but the fierce male elder sister showed a smile on her face:

"Come again!"

She rolled over and jumped up again. This time Charlie was rude, and Crimson Murder was destroyed. With the mental power of Crimson Murder, she only felt that the other party was slow and there were flaws everywhere. , Easily beat the fierce 丨 male eldest sister for three or five times!

For the last time, the fierce male sister was thrown out by Xia Ya. On the ground, he hanged for a while, but after standing up, he couldn't even stand still. Finally, he had no strength to fight again, and looked at Xia Ya. He stopped the followers who were about to throw the sword up, and whispered, "Give me back!"

She took two steps, and Xia hurried to get ready. At this time, the fierce male elder sister was "bold, smiled, and said," Haha! You are amazing! Really a hero! I'm convinced! His eyes flickered and he couldn't express the joy.

Although Xia Ya won, he was uncomfortable. He just took a hard hit between punching and kicking. At the moment, there was some pain in the ribs. He took a breath and stared at him. "Since I am here, I am here today. It's impossible to force your marriage! Get off early! Don't harass the boss's son again in the future ... That's not a trick! "

This fierce male elder sister suddenly tweaked her physique, and with such an expression, she immediately felt that Xia had erected her hairs, and heard the fierce male elder sister said:

"Well, do you think I look after this boss's waste son! It's just because of me! I won't tell you that! Since I met you, I won't marry the boss' waste son!"

With that said, she turned and waved at the next hand: "Let's go!"

This group of men saw that Charya was so powerful that even they did not look like god-like leaders in their usual days, so how could they dare to find something? Quickly obediently got on the horse, and someone gave up the horse to give the fierce male elder sister.

Xia Ya stood at the door, holding her chest up, staring at these people to leave, but the other party only took a few steps, the fierce male elder sister suddenly turned back, and immediately on the face, a little flushed: "That! Hey! Say you What the **** are you? I lose to you today, and you must leave a name for me! "

Xia coughed: "Uncle Ben is bright and light, my name is Xia Leiming, Baron of the Empire, Officer-in-Chief of County Moree Armament! If you are not convinced, you can ask me to compare!"

"Xia Ya Lei Ming ..." The fierce male sister whispered several times, as if to remember the name firmly, and grinned at Xia immediately: "Okay, I remember!"

Seeing the horse thieves leave, Xia Ya breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to the hotel, and saw Philip rising from a pile of rubble, spitting blood in his mouth, shaking his head a few times, pressing his chest, and then he said, "It's terrible Woman! ...

Charlie pulled him up in the past, looked at him, and smiled: "That guy is really good, you are not surprised to lose."

The moment was when the hotel owner hid inside, seeing Xia ’s magnificent power, and running away the terrible guy in the endangered area, he immediately ran away with great joy, and flung him in front of Xia, hugging Xia ’s thigh, grateful words The tide is pouring out ~ ~ Xia Ya comforted two words at will. The boss cheerfully called out his son to be grateful. Xia also looked at the boss ’s son with curiosity. It is an ordinary old solid wood country boy. Although he looks handsome, there is nothing too curious. I don't know what the fierce male fancy is.

The owner was grateful and moved all the good wines and dishes in the shop. He didn't accept any money, and Charya couldn't bear it anymore.

In the evening, Shalpa and Dodoro got up to eat, and Xia told about the daytime things. They were also surprised. I didn't expect that there was a freak in this place that could compare with Xia. n and still a woman.

Shalpa was also a strong man. After hearing this, he was a little unconvinced, and mumbled, "I am convinced of your strength, Charya, but to say that there is still the same manpower as you, and that I am still a ten woman, I will not believe it! It's a pity! If I had the chance, I would have seen it. "

There was no speech overnight, the four took a good rest, and the boss was grateful for the thoughtful service, and the horses of several people were fed with good feed.

Early the next morning

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