
Chapter 169: [0 sores and 0 holes]

This season is a matter of spring plowing. Busy farmers can be seen everywhere on the farmland, and the healthy farm girl is carrying food baskets to her family to send meals. She runs back and forth between the fields, and her face has a healthy red halo. Wrapped in a coarse cloth skirt, a group of four people riding slowly, could not help but slow down, the rude man of Shalpa was in the same way as in the army, riding directly on the roadside field The young girls in the room whistled.

Xia Haha smiled: "You are a bull, it seems to be thinking spring. The next time you want to save it, don't go to Zhifen Street and throw it in the pockets of those mules."

Shalba didn't care, but he shook his head: "As soldiers like us, we lick blood on the blade and fight for months and months a year. Maybe one day a cold arrow on the battlefield hits us. The Lord has called. Where are the girls of good people who are willing to marry someone like us? "

After a short pause, a shame appeared on the face of this wild cow: "Moreover, even if there is a girl in my heart, I can't bear to harm others. I've been waiting at home all year round, looking forward to it every day, afraid every day, I'm afraid I won't wait for you My husband, the messenger who sent bad news in the army ... Well, look at Yulia ... "

Speaking of the friend who died in battle, Charya also looked sorrowful, sighed, looked at the man like a cow, and looked at Shalpa's face at this moment, but he did not die. The usual hazy appearance, with a faint look in his eyes With a slight loss, Xia asked in a low voice, "Hey, pretty cow, you look like ..."

Shalpa smiled bitterly, his eyes drifted towards a few people walking in the field, one of them was a tall farm girl. The farm girl was wearing a thick skirt with a checkered turban on her head. Several blushing young girls pointed at the four well-dressed people passing by the road, full of curiosity, and a faint laughter.

Shalpa sighed and retracted his eyes. There was a faint ache in his expression, and then he whispered, "In my village, there was a girl named Rona. At that time, if I didn't run out to join the army ... I'm afraid she's already married, and now the children are crawling all over. "

Charlie suddenly laughed and comforted: "Don't be like a damsel, this will be in County More. You won't have to fight anymore if you want to come back. I'll give you a good job. You save. Some money, go home and marry back that girl named Rona, and I will give you a beautiful wedding! "

He thought he could soothe Shalpa in this way, but the wild cow shook his head, looking indifferent: No need ... I went back to visit relatives two years ago, and she was already married.

Xia Ya was speechless, looking at the man who was so careless in this weekday, but suddenly did not know what words to use to comfort each other, but sighed secretly.

When you enter, County More, the speed of the crowds is slower. Especially Xia, when I went south from here, I didn't pay much attention to the surrounding scenery, but when I came back this time, I saw that the farmlands of the villages and towns were all under their own jurisdiction in the future, so I could not help but leave a little more thought. He spent some days in the army and naturally developed some habits. Moreover, this post was also the Chief of Arms, so after walking through some mountains and rivers, he couldn't help but conceive in his mind: here can be camped, there is suitable for doing Blocking, and somewhere in danger ...

What's more, I couldn't help but feel a little bit more about the feeling of my own place. Seeing the richness of Mor County, if it is not located on the border, such a rich production area, I am afraid that it will not be my turn, and it has long been occupied by those warlords. Right.

In this way, Xia Ya became more and more proud of her, and couldn't help but laughed and expressed some emotions.

It's just like my site, the three companions next to me chose to ignore it. In fact, this kind of discourse is quite a bit inappropriate, after all, this place belongs to the empire.

Moreover, Xia is only serving as the armament officer. Although he is in charge of a group of military affairs, the brain of the government is not him. The empire has another administrative and custodian here, but it is seen that Xia is very emotional, and the three people next to him are not good. Just break his good mood.

After passing through a village, the peasant and soldier system of the imperial century is still practiced here. There is a piece of land playground at the entrance of the village. It has always been used to train peasants and soldiers during the leisure time.

When passing by the village, Xia finally played his own identity. The captain of the soldiers in the village naturally respected the exception, but Xia raised the need for horses, but the other party was in a difficult position: In this small village, there are horses for pulling cars in cultivated land. But the war horse is gone.

For the first time Xia Ya was such a big official, she naturally had a little childish vanity. When she couldn't bear it, she watched a peasant soldier exercise in the village. In fact, this season,

Spring plowing in the spring, the people in the village are busy farming, where is there any exercise? In addition, the empire's peasant system has been in existence for a century, and it is close to collapse, and many places are near death.

The peasants in this village perform exercises, I'm afraid that they can't do it seven or eight times a year. Most of the so-called peasants, just throw their spears and then line up in a row on the playground.

As for responding to the annual peak inspections, it is just to select a few strong ones, and to roll out a few good leather armors to the bed in the warehouse of the village camp, and place a few poses in front of the officers who come down for inspection. After a few sips, it's over.

However, the new armament officer suddenly proposed to "review". Everyone loved Uncle Lolly and frightened the village captain in the village. But it was very high-quality as a big brother.

I didn't dare to refuse. I could only send people to the village to gather peasants, but the people who ordered them ran all over the farmland near the village. Finally, it was hard to bring back 17 or 8 people.

Seeing these farmers in rough clothes working in the fields, and even people carrying fence hoes and the like

The farm implements, full of mud, were standing in a mess on the playground, and Charya stood looking aside, and frowned.

He was a man accustomed to an elite unit like the Rodría Cavalry Regiment. Everyone loved Uncle Loli even the army he had seen before.

The Central Standing Regiment has a preconceived illusion in his mind, always thinking that the Byzantine army should be that

Well, you can see the group of muddy legs standing in front of them, disappointed in the heart of the boss.

In front of these people, the procession may be chaotic, but it seems that there are old and young, and old people are afraid that they are old enough.

Everyone loves Uncle Lolly and a few young children. When looking at the tender face, I'm afraid that I'm not yet an adult.

It turned out that when I heard the convening order of the Captain of the Tun Bing, some people refused to send the Zhuangs in their family in order not to delay the farm work.

Here, I just scribbled up the little characters in the family who couldn't go down to work. )

The captain of the Tun Bing also sighed in his heart, sweating on his forehead, and stood in front of Xia Ya with a rash head: "Master, that,

This is……"

Charlie shook her head, looking unhappy: "How many people are here?"

"Er ... 17 ... 18." The captain of the soldiers wiped his sweat.

"Well, you bully me young, don't you understand the military system?" Xia shook her head and said with a dark face: "The imperial peasant army system,

There are a hundred households in your village, and according to the standard of two households, one peasant in your village should be

A full infantry squad, everyone loves Uncle Loli, which is 50 pairs of talents. Why are you standing here so little? "

"This ... sir, now is the time for farming, most of them go out to work, notice

Less than ... "

Xia Ya nodded, he thought for a moment, changed a smile on his face, and looked at the captain who swallowed the soldier, Wen Yan smiled: "Okay

Now, I am not the kind of master who likes to be provocative. I understand the sufferings of ordinary people. Everyone loves Uncle Lori, I only

You, in your village, how many peasants are there, and how many are there? "

Here, Charlie sank: "To be honest!"

Because of this, the captain of the soldiers reluctantly, but after all, they are in front. In case the other party is more real, they will be counted in the village on the spot.

Then the lie immediately pierced, and only gritted his teeth: "A total of thirty-three people."

"Well, that's a third less." Xia frowned. "Your village is not scarce. Why are you dissatisfied?"

The captain of the Tun Bing captain was unwilling, and he slandered two words, but his face became more and more respectful, and he replied carefully: "Master, this peasant soldier has never been so strict.

I took over as the captain of the soldiers here six years ago. My role is pretty good. If my ex, I am afraid that the number is less than half of the full staff. This was a war with the Odins a few days ago. The theater military was set up in our County of More.

A group of peasants were hurriedly brought together to make up the establishment, so this number has increased. In previous years ... "

"I know that." Charlie nodded, no emotions on her face, but casually said, "Is this the case in the other villages around here?"

The captain of the soldiers patted his **** immediately, and said loudly, "Sir, I dare not to brag, I am a veteran from the regular corps. So, the soldiers in this place are in seven or eight villages nearby.

It is the best. At least when I selected the peasant soldiers, I still chose the strong ones. In some places, even the seventies and eighties were drawn out and charged. "

"Oh? Veteran?" He smiled and looked at the Captain of the Tun Bing: "Which army group did you belong to before?"

"The Sixth Corps!" The captain of the Tun Bing raised his chest. "Retired six years ago, my home is here. After I returned with the severance payment, I was appointed Captain of the Tun Bing ..."

"Oh, General Ruhr's old subordinates." Charlie had a little more affinity on his face. Since it was an old subordinate of General Rabbit, then there was a three-point favor in his heart. He raised his hand and smiled: "Okay. Right

You let everyone disperse, I just woke up and looked at it, and nothing happened. "

The peasants and soldiers below had to be dismissed, and they couldn't help but be upset. Although they didn't dare to say anything in front of Xia Ya, but the talents dissipated. Among these people, they were originally busy at home and heard that there was a chief

I called for a review, and I was reluctant to come over to meet the situation. Seeing that the "old man" was very young, and he said two words, he didn't look at his eyes and let people fall away.

A few whispered and whispered in the local language, and then sulked.

The captain of the Tun Bing heard a scold, and his face was a little dazed. He sighed in his heart: fortunately, this officer is new, but I hope I don't understand the local words here.

He didn't know that Charya grew up in Wildfire Town, not far from Moore County, so he could understand the accent here. He could hear the insults clearly, but only

I pretended not to understand, and didn't break. He is from the bottom of the family. He naturally understands the thoughts of the people who are native to the country. However, he also knows that he is busy with his work and changed by himself.

What a forced call and then beat away, it is inevitable that there is anger, it is also common to swear, so it is not angry.

It's just that this peasant-soldier system actually collapsed to such a state that the gratification that Xia Ya had originally taken office suddenly became three points cold.

Although he didn't have a clear idea in his mind, but faintly, what he saw in his life naturally influenced one's mind. He had only seen General Adrik in the Rodría Cavalry Regiment.

It ’s heavy, it ’s forbidden, and the entire corps is like an iron strike! And Ruhr's fat man is

The people were a little funny, but the Sixth Corps came and went like a wind, and Ruhr was even more popular and responded in the army.

He had seen these generals in his mind, and naturally there was a little expectation. It was only hope that after he was alone, he would be able to carry an elite like those two. But now look ...

Xia Ya then suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and by the way looked at the warehouse of Tunbing Point. The warehouse was just two broken wooden houses. The wind leaked in the winter and the rain leaked in the summer, except that the wall was covered with mud.

These days, the weather is dry, it suddenly cracked, and stood inside, and the wind pierced through the cracks in the wall.

The warehouse was almost empty for mice-it was clean, apparently someone had occupied the warehouse to live there. As for the weapons that should be stored in the warehouse according to the military law ...

There were several spears in the corner of the storeroom, and three shields. The shields were rusted and the padding inside was basically rotten. As for the bows and arrows ... Charya searched for a long time, only from the door

An arrow was already used as a latch.

"That's all?" Xia Ya's face grew ugly, and he turned around, staring at the captain of the soldiers, and said with a stern expression: "There are not enough people. It's a busy hour for farmers. I accept your explanation.

Insufficient training, that is the current military discipline, and you can't manage it alone. But ... where's the ordnance in this storeroom! Does it fly with wings? Or did you secretly sell it? "

Don't get me wrong, this native is not really responsible, but since he has become the military leader of a county, the arsenal of the whole county is regarded as his own imprisonment!

by! Someone dare to corrupt their own things? !! Damn ... I haven't had time to be corrupt! !! Too irritating!

But Xia Ya was annoyed, but the captain of the Tun Bing was even more aggrieved. He exclaimed: "Master! You can't do me wrong! I have been the Captain of the Tun Bing for six years here, and I have never corrupted a copper plate in the warehouse! It ’s empty, you ca n’t ask me, you should ask the quartermaster in that county! Every year, I will report the damage truthfully here, and ask for the amount to be replenished. It can be done year after year, and in which year will someone care about us? What you see is that when fighting with the Odins last year, the quartermaster couldn't stand it, so I just managed to come down with such a bit of shabby stuff! "

Then, the captain of the soldiers pointed at his patched shirt: "I'm going to be really corrupted. Is it so miserable?"

Afterwards, he called with red eyes: "When I took over this place, there was only a bundle of wooden arrows in the warehouse, and two short spears with rusty spear tips! Until now, There are more things in the storeroom than when I took office, which is quite unusual! You go elsewhere to see, there are more storerooms than me, and I screwed my head down to give you a kick! "

After that, he aroused his temper, tore his shirt and exposed his chest, and there was a scar on his chest, and he said loudly, "I am also a man in the Sixth Regiment of the Empire! I hate the rats that are corrupting the ordnance!" At that time, I had fought with the Odins, suffered injuries, and personally cut off the heads of the Odins! If you think I can't, just pull me out! I am a long-time captain of the squadron, and I do n’t want to do it anymore. Every year I hold the roster and rush from house to house to urge Zhuangding to fill the army, I do n’t know how many eyes I have suffered! "

When this man was excited, he was indeed the man the Sixth Corps had done, his face was red and his ears were red. Although he was in front of Xia's head boss, he was not afraid, and even the spit stars were sprayed on Xia's face.

Xia listened, frowning tightly, staring at each other's eyes, Shen said: "Are you really not corrupt?"

"Lao Tzu took his life! If I said something false, I wouldn't die, and the eggs would be bitten by the Odin dog after death!"

Charlie examined the man's eyes and determined that the other party didn't seem to be telling a lie, and then nodded: "Okay, I blame you wrongly. I'll check this matter when I go back, and let those guys who have quartermasters have the defects. I'll send it for you. "

The Captain of the Tun Bing heard it, but he didn't take it for granted. I thought that the grandfather of these officials spoke beautifully. I have been here for six years, and I have heard hundreds of words of this promise.

Unbelief in the heart, this kind of rough people in the country will not be false, and can't help showing it. Xia Ya frowned and said, "Why, you don't believe me? I'm a county armament chief. I ordered a pro order, so I won't fake it!"

The captain of the soldiers looked at Xia, hesitated, and closed his mouth.

Xia Ya is a rectum, seeing the other person's words stop and talk, her heart is even more curious: "what do you worry about, let's say it."

After that, he also screamed, "I'm not afraid to tell you, I came from the 13th Corps! It was a former soldier of General Adrik! We Rhoderian Corps, don't you believe it! Your 6th Corps General Ruhr, my good friend! "

The captain of the soldiers finally hesitated. This time, he looked a lot more respectful, and his eyes were more sincere. He said slowly, "Sir ... Since you are from the Thirteenth Corps, you must also be a good man. I might as well say it. What you say, I believe you are sincere, but when it comes to the disarmament ... I think it is difficult! "

"Huh?" Charlie frowned. "I'm the armament chief. These are all within my authority. What's the problem?"

"Master, More County has a total of 21 villages in four cities and six towns. In addition to the garrison where the city is stationed, there are also some army appearances. Although I want to come to the armoury, there is still a shortfall, but at least the door is still passable ... I'm afraid The peasant soldiers in other villages and towns, the storeroom ... hehe! They are all the same as me here, empty to run mice. "The captain of the soldiers smiled bitterly.

It's easy for you and me to get a place, but once you open a mouth, I'm here, can you make up for the coffers elsewhere? If it ’s not complete, all the peasants and soldiers who are being compiled have a staff of six or seven thousand. The weapons of six or seven thousand are outfitted below. I am afraid that this year ’s military expenses for the entire county are filled in. Not enough. "

After a pause, the captain of the soldiers looked at Xia Ya's ugly face and continued: "With the weapons, naturally you have to train everyone, so since you want to train, you must rectify these muddy legs, sir, you are in the army Those who have stayed here have to spend money for this training! It is all money to eat, wear, and live! "

He whispered, "I've been bored and calculated a lot. If I really want to fill all these holes, I calculate a barely acceptable leather armor based on a person's weapon and three silver coins. Long contradiction cards, military uniforms, and food expenses for six or seven thousand people, how can they be counted for three or four thousand gold coins. But I heard that our county's military expenditure for one year is only two thousand gold coins, and these two Thousands of gold coins, as tight as possible, the cost of the garrison in those places is not enough. Where can we still have money for our farmers? "

Charlie stayed.

The three of them who were directly next to Charya, Dodoro was a layman, so naturally he didn't cut in. Shalpa was a rude person, and he didn't know much about these things. But Philip, after listening for a long time, looked a little bit different. Hearing here, he suddenly laughed: "Master Xia, this captain makes sense, but this account is not so calculated."

"Oh? You said I was wrong, then you can count it!" The Captain of the Tun Bing had a temper today, so he just stared at his neck and yelled.

"Well, I didn't say you were wrong, but it wasn't so expensive." After all, Philip was also a figure of a samurai troupe who had led hundreds of people, and hundreds of people used it as his leader. Zhang Luo, naturally has experience.

"In fact, in this money, the weapon armor is a big head, but ... this weapon armor is a one-time investment. After the complement is made, as long as a set of weapons does not fight, it is only used in training on weekdays and only needs to do some maintenance on weekdays. Maintenance, you can use it for three or five years. ”Philip slowly said:“ So, the real annual expenditure is only the soldiers ’food and drink. The peasant soldiers do not have to pay the military staff, as long as they eat and drink. . Therefore, as long as we find a solution to the ordnance problem, the annual expenditure in the future will not be large. "

"That's the truth." Xia smiled bitterly: "Why don't I know? But even a one-time expenditure, you have to be rich. I'm afraid the county's annual military expenditures have no savings at all, throwing thousands of gold coins at once ... I see it hard! "

There was one word in his stomach that he didn't say: Unless the uncle paid for it himself.

But in this sentence, the soil turtle was never spoken. When he came out to be an official, he was already aggrieved without embezzlement, so that he could pay his own pocket to subsidize the public? Are you kidding me? !! The soil can't bear it!

"Oh, it's not too difficult." Philip slowly said, "You don't have to rush to finish things all at once. Since you have this kind of heart, you can move slowly. Let's see how much military expenditure is, then Just select some elite peasant soldiers to supplement, anyway, there is no war at present, I will make up this year, and next year. "

Shayamo was silent and unconcerned.

Then everyone returned to the playground. The captain of the Tun Bing sent someone to bring the horses of Xia and others. The horses had already been fed the feed. Xia said goodbye to the captain and said nothing. He just turned over and took the person away. After going to this village, head north.

Xia Ya and others left, and the captain sighed at the back looking away: "Unfortunately ... it sounds good, and it seems to be another king of gossip, what should I do? , I have a bad heart today, why accidentally tell such a big truth! "


When leaving the village ~ ~, the three of them, Dodoro and others, saw that Xia was in a bad mood, but for a while, the Throne of the Seal of God did not know what to say to comfort the old man.

It ’s Charya. Riding on the horse, thinking about things all the way, after running for a long time, he suddenly pulled the reins and stopped directly in the middle of the road. The three people next to him didn't expect him to stop suddenly. After a few steps, he quickly grabbed the reins Turn the horse's head and run back to him.

"That ... Master Xia ..., you ..." Dodoro tempted.

Charlie looked weird, her eyes flashed, as if she had finally made up her determination. She looked up at the three and hesitated: "This account, I don't think I'm too lost! Those peasants and soldiers, even weapons, What good can it do? You also saw those mud legs, old, old, small, and those who dropped the **** and took the sword, how could they become good soldiers? Even if I grit my teeth and go down, the peasant and soldier system was originally It collapsed, and what was dropped was also thrown in the warehouse and rotted. When I met some guys, I was afraid that they would still be quietly corrupted and sold to make money! "

"..." The three booed to each other, wondering what Xia meant.

At last the soil owl looked up and looked weird: "You said, how about I abolish the peasant and soldier system in County Moore?"

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