
Chapter 171: [Green Trouble]

Sure enough, Charlie listened to Philip's words, but he laughed a few times, and that weird look turned around Philip's face, then raised his whip and sneered, sneer: "You, guys do n’t come and listen. My idea, do n’t I get confused and learn the governors? Huh, I ’m just an armament chief now, but government affairs are not in my hands. Where can I be a warlord? ”I said, ignoring Philip ’s weird expression and raising his whip. , Gallop down.

Shalpa gave Philip an uncomfortable look, and said "You are nonsense, annoyed Charlie, and talk in a mess later." Be careful, I dismantled your bones. Dodoro also looked at Philip, said nothing, and followed him. Philip fell to the end, with a cautious face, but a cold smile in his heart.

Huh, these two families, one is a reckless man, and the other is a wise little smart man. There is no real insight. There is no talent in Xia's hands. As long as I can try to get his trust, I don't have no way out.

The three continued to hurry, and Xia said nothing about the peasant and soldier system. On the way, they encountered villages and towns, and there was no interest in previous inspections. They just hurriedly asked for a few horses and kept on. What made Xia a little curious was that when she ran to the end and occasionally stopped to look at the back, she didn't reappear the macho elder sister who followed her all the way, which relieved Xia's heart, and she was a bit surprised: Did she know that Return? That's the best!

The four of them went to Mesta, the capital city of More County, which is the most populous city among the four cities and six towns under the jurisdiction of More County. The permanent population has exceeded 30,000, plus mobility. The business group also has temporary personnel who are looking for a livelihood in this small county-level city on the frontier. The population of this city maintains around 50,000 per year. In addition, Mesta City is a little far from the border and is safe. The top is also the best in More County. Because of geographical reasons, Mesta City is on one side and the plains are flat on three sides. The land is rich, and it is the center of the rich food producing area. Businessmen come here to buy and traffic in food, which has stimulated the vitality of this city. The food trade has stimulated other industries in the surrounding area, especially the transportation industry. The most vehicles and horses in this city are the horses and horses. As a result of the horse market and livestock trade, the timber industry needed to make horse carriages has also prospered, and the top craftsmen of the surrounding areas have gradually gathered in this city.

The current County Sheriff, Clincia, County Morel, is 46 years old. He is a standard empire middle-level bureaucrat without a noble title. There is only a title of jazz. Yes, it ’s just a glorious title.), Charya had seen the profile of this person before he came. The Klinsia ward has been in Moore County for seven years and has not moved. His evaluation was: cautious and prudent, capable.

At the same time he was a firm official loyal to the royal family.

At this kind of border, the county stayed there for seven years, and during the war with the Odins, no matter what, the emperor team gathered at the border, gathered nearby grass and grass, and guaranteed the supply of military supplies without any mistakes. Anyway, the ability of this county guard is also worthy of recognition. After the war with the Odins, various final arguments for this war have been settled, the reward, the fight, but this in the war The officials who worked hard to provide food did not do any good. It can be seen that the county guardian is probably not backstage. Otherwise, being an official in such a small border county is so close to the border, and in each battle, Moore County is the first to provide food for the army, and he is also a warrior (every battle, County More is a front-line theater, and the military headquarters are located here. Naturally, the big men from the Imperial City will not look at this small frontier county guard, but he will try his best to serve those big men.) Therefore, in the county bureaucracy of More County, from the point of view of the bureaucracy of the empire, it is not so bad. It can be said that it has eaten again and has no face.

I haven't been able to move after seven years of work. This is because if Klinsia is not accidental, I am afraid that he will die in this official position.

Charya came to Mesta City and did not see the Klinsia Sheriff. In the sheriff's house, she only saw a few civilian officials in the county. Upon asking, I knew that the adult Klincia went down In the countryside to inspect the progress of spring ploughing.

On the contrary, Xia Ya felt a little more favorable to the county guard who had never met before. In any case, a person who was a local governor could attach so much importance to farming. Instead of enjoying a blessing in a bustling city, he went to the countryside to inspect the farm Duties can be considered a due diligence.

Of course, Xia will not think that the county guard deliberately lost his face. He ran all the way, and the other party did not know when he would arrive. After normal time, the Seal of the Seal of Throne, he should have arrived one month later. Correct. So Charya's arrival surprised all officials in the county government: Is this anxiety officer so anxious? Is something going to happen again?

Mesta City is the capital of County More and is the county's administrative center, but Charlie has no blessings to stay in this bustling and stable city.

He must get Denzel to take office.

The power structure of the place where the empire was used was divided between military power and political power. In County More, the Lord Klinsia is in charge, while Charlie is the leader. Moreover, the empire has an unwritten rule: the military administration is generally not in the same place as the government office.

This is not a legal provision, but it is one, a hidden rule.

The original Moorish County Defence Mansion was located in Denzel, which was temporarily moved in response to the dog battle of the Odins, and this happened to be the case in addition to the grant by the Charlie In addition to his post, he also serves as a defensive clerk in Denzel. That is to say, although in County More, the government affairs must obey the order of the Klinsia county, but in the city of Denzel ... in the city, Xia was arrested by military and administrative power.

Moreover, the above command also has a very obvious meaning, implying that Xia will set up County Defence House in Denzel City.

It is also imperial practice for a county ’s armament officer to serve as a county administrator ’s administrative officer, and according to this,

As a general rule, as long as Charlie goes to take office in Denzel, the affairs of Denzel are called county guards, and it is generally irrelevant. As long as Charlie does not rebel, or do anything irritating to people, generally speaking, the county Shou opened his eyes and closed his eyes. As long as the taxes for the last season are turned in, even if you close the door in Denzel and the whole city plays hide-and-seek, Clincia will not interfere.

Xia ’s management of this officialdom was not well understood at first, but it was Philip that explained it to Xia ’s, and the more he frowned, the more he could n’t help but look at Philip ’s eyes and thought: This guy is real Some insights, the people around me are rough people who fight, this Philip has been a samurai leader, and has not been mixed before, I want to come to have some means and effort, such people, but they just happen to be lacking, It's just that this guy used to be bad, but he can't trust him too much.

Upon questioning, Xia Ya knew how many soldiers the county armament chief had.

According to the imperial system, a county ’s full strength is a mixed flag group of local defense forces. Xia Ya is the chief of armament and also the head of the flag group. The local regiment ’s banner regiment should be full of 3,000 men. The so-called hybrid regime is the infantry and cavalry regiment, which does not distinguish between arms as strictly as the Central Standing Corps.

The strength of the paper is distributed as follows: six battalions of soldiers, each with 350 men. There are a total of 2,100 combat forces. In addition, the flag regiment also has transport logistics auxiliary personnel and a total of 900 people. These 900 people include a transport battalion and an auxiliary battalion.

The transport battalion is responsible for logistical transportation, and auxiliary soldiers are equivalent to miscellaneous soldiers. What to build fortifications, build camps, repair city walls, etc., can be regarded as the scope of the engineering soldiers.

Of course, this is just the data on paper. When it is calculated, there is not so much.

First, due to the collapse of the peasant system and the Tema military district system, half of the empire's land was divided up by the military district, and the central government was tense. This military region is just a symbolic payment of taxes, which is basically the same as a small warlord country. The loss of half of the country's territory in the middle of the empire means half the loss of fiscal revenue. With financial constraints, military spending is naturally scarce.

The following places have garrison troops, and due to lack of military expenses, they are rarely full. Therefore, although Moore County is located in a key area of ​​the frontier, the banner regiments of the local defense forces here have maintained their establishment at about 70% throughout the year.

And this 70% is still on the "paper"!

Historically, in this kind of miscellaneous army, some traditional maladies in the army are necessary: ​​take empty, drink soldier blood!

The flag group that Charlie took over is currently only composed of 2,000 men and four battalions, and one of them is stationed in the city of Mesta. " It is already out of Xia ’s control. This is also official practice. Once you are an armament officer, you are equivalent to cutting out a city from the county to give you. It is equivalent to the county defender missing one site, so in exchange In fact, the battalions stationed in the government are also regarded as the county's custom. For a battalion for a city, no one can say that it is a loss.

This is an official practice, and Keya can only recognize it by pinching his nose, but the problem is that the remaining battalions, the transportation battalion and the auxiliary battalion, are ignored, and the remaining three battalions are also far away. Insufficient. Three combat battalions should have a thousand workers, but the actual number of people can be five or six hundred. Those remaining heads are just the names of the pages that exist on the paper. If you really look for it, you can only find a ghost! It's just that each year's military battalions, these vacant military battalions, naturally flow into the pockets of the middle and lower rank officers of the local garrison.

Even some places are serious. Some battalion officers are influential in the area. Even relatives and friends at home, seven aunts and eight aunts, and servant servants at home are registered in the army's roster. Being a soldier's head, it is considered that every year the country spends money to support him with a family ......... and the remaining five or six hundred real heads must be carefully selected to remove those old, weak and sick ... Half the elimination rate, and finally able to draw 300 people, even if it is good.

After finishing the calculations, Xia Ya sighed: "*, I really thought it was a fat, and after a long time, Lao Tzu's men would be able to play three hundred, three hundred people ... it is equivalent to being demoted to camp officer. "

After the bad debts are calculated, there is of course good.

The armament officer of a county, then the peasants and soldiers of a county are also under his management, and the income of Tuntian can be withheld by him to supplement the military expenses, as well as the patrols of the local public security bureau, and the tax inspection prison. He manages.

There are twenty-one villages in four cities and six towns in More County, with a population of about 400,000. The county's peasants and soldiers, in theory, if the poor soldiers are mobilized, it is entirely possible to draw tens of thousands of troops.

Tuntian is owned by the state, and the income is used to feed the Tun soldiers, as well as rich. Every year, there is a small amount of savings to allow Xia to enrich the local defense military expenses.

In addition, security patrols, prisons, and tax inspections ”are all oil and water. In a word: in County More, all weapons are under the control of Xia Ya.

After spending a long time in Mestal, Charya handed over the document procedures in the county guard's house in exchange for a county's military account book, and then took people to Denzel City to take office.

Anyway, there is news that Xia Ya comforts a lot.

Mad Dog Green has taken office many days ago, and served as a battalion officer in the Local Guard Corps of More County. The original Klincia County defender also met Green, knowing that Green is a very famous person in the army. He stayed in Mesta and asked him to lead Mesta's battalion, but Green declined it politely and insisted on going to Denzel to take office. Although Clincia is a local official, she also knows some imperial politics and knows that Green is a character of the emperor's hawk. The hawk's character obviously came to this small frontier county and partnered with Xia. This adult, Xia Ya, is also a figure valued by the hawk department.

Guessing this, naturally did not stop, quickly let Green take office.

Green had gone to Denzel ten days ago and took over a battalion.

This talent, who is acknowledged to have the "capital of the famous generals" in the Eagle Department, has stood in front. Presumably, the military affairs in Denzel should have been rectified by him.


Charlie was so anxious that she couldn't wait to leave Mesta and rush to Denzel.

Denzel is the city closest to the frontier. From Mesta to Denzel, it took a day for the horse to run.

This is the second time that Xia has arrived in this small frontier city, and hurried all the night. When it arrived in Denzel, it was just in the morning. Although everyone was tired, under the rising sun, looking at the end of the road in the distance, that The outline of the wall of the small city gradually became clear. This city wall built in accordance with the standards of the military fortress seemed to be sprinkled with gold under the rising sun. The empire eagle flag flew on the far wall, and the farmland on both sides was still lingering. In the morning mist, Xia Ya couldn't help feeling a little warm. On the one hand, she could see Green immediately. On the other hand, looking at this bustling town that she had seen before, her heart was eager: in the future, This is Lao Tzu's nest! !!

The four of them raced along the road and came under the small city. They looked up at the city wall. The eleven-meter-high city wall was towering because they had just experienced the Odin war. As the frontline military headquarters, the city wall was just repaired. Looks majestic.

Although it was a drought in the morning, because this is just above the frontier trader road, the city gate has been crowded with a lot of passing caravans waiting to enter the city. Those taxis have blocked the city gate. The foreigners with the accent of Tiannanhai are called Huohuo. Many of them are dressed in exotic styles, and some of them look like they are tall Odins. At this moment, the two countries have just fought one another. Dare to come to Byzantium to do business, the feet seemed bold, but the people around Odin were far away from them, and some locals looked away from them and spit on them.

Charya frowned when she saw the congested gate. With so many people lining up to enter the city, why is the release rate at the gate of the city so slow?

Relying on his height and strength, and a strong man like Shalpa to open the road, he quickly crowded in front of the crowd. In this view, Xia Ya became furious!

I saw under the gate, although the gate was wide open, but under the gate, two sharp wooden horses moved from the barracks stopped the place under the gate half. Dozens of city guards wearing local armors stood lazily under the city gates, everyone with a grin on their faces and a look of indecent looks. They were two older officers. With a greedy face, another thief was sitting at a table, and every business group who had entered the city had to register first. This is in line with the imperial decree.

It's just that these guys are clearly harming the public, and the two officers are sitting there with arrogance, one with a whip in one hand, and the other with a mimeographed seal. The passing documents of the past caravans' chamber of commerce. The two are responsible for cross-checking and then releasing.

But Xia Ya looked for a while, but she looked pale.

The two **** were sitting there, and the other people handed in the papers. They just glanced at them and did not verify them, but they made an arrogant look, and then they were picky, and those past caravans were all It ’s a person who used to go north and south, but still do n’t understand the meaning? Someone came up, and when passing the traffic documents, there were some hard and shiny things hidden in the sleeves, and they were quietly stuffed into the officers' hands.

These soldiers who defended the city simply waved and let go of those who gave bribes. Those who refused to pay bribes deliberately made things difficult and detained their convoys. A group of soldiers immediately rushed up like wolves. Cars were turned over and over and examined carefully, and some packed boxes of goods were turned upside down.

As a result, the degree of release is naturally much slower.

Seeing that the city gates were clogged, the anxious caravans lined up behind them, and everyone dared not scold these greedy officers and men for bribery, but had to scold the caravans who were blind to each other and refused to turn in bribes.

Charya looked at it for a while, so she couldn't stand it anymore, and strode away from the crowd and rushed up. Seeing a caravan leader rubbing his hands, he hid a few hard currency in his sleeve and passed it. Xia stepped forward and held the businessman, pulled him back, stood at the table, looked down at the two officers sitting there coldly.

The two were about to pick up the money, and suddenly frowned when they saw a person squeezed in front of them. One raised his eyelid and looked at Charlie. Seeing Charlie's grim look, there was a subtle smell in his eyes. First a cold heart.

After all, Xia is a person who has experienced war. He was originally extraordinary in strength and was killed from the dead several times. At the moment of anger, it naturally brought a stunned power, so it seems that it is quite a bit The former Admiral Adelaide had the style.

"Master, what are you doing!" An officer shrinks his neck, but he can't help getting angry when he sees all his men around him.

"Into the city!" Xia Ya snorted.

"Line up behind." The officer frowned, raising his chin: "Quickly go to the side, if you dare to disturb the order, grab you!"

For the convenience of getting on the road, Xia did not wear armor, but instead wore a robe. Otherwise, his armor of Qiu Shan came out, and these officers did not dare to be so presumptuous.

"Disturbing order?" Xia was so angry that she stepped forward, and when she pressed the table with both hands, she lifted the table, and in the exclaim of the officer, a table slammed an officer directly down. Then, the other one ran up to the side, rolling to the ground with a grey face, before he got up, and when one of his companions was pressed under the rotten table with blood on his face, he screamed immediately: "Come Catch! Catch! Catch !!!! "

Dozens of soldiers in the surrounding area immediately pulled out their arms and came over to see how these people looked, one by one, with hippie smiley faces and rogue faces, just like the streets. Where does a half-day soldier look like?

Charya looked angry and angry, and the two garrison soldiers who rushed to him were picked up by his neck and lifted up, throwing them far away towards the wall.

Two bangs, two rogue soldiers smashed into the city wall, suddenly fell to the bones without knowing how many were broken, and fell to the ground and vomited blood. There were still some people who raised their swords arrogantly, and some of them were simply scumbags, and they put on military uniforms to eat. Seeing that Charya was so outrageous, she just hid behind her and screamed and threatened

Not dare to go ashore for a while.

Xia Ya, who cares so much, rushed into the crowd of rogue soldiers, punched and kicked, and drew seven or eight in a moment. Fortunately, he had mercy on his hands and did not kill the murderer, but these people also Must be broken legs and feet, the rest shouted, dropped the weapon in his hand, a swarm of bees swarmed towards the city, shouting while running and shouting "robber attack the city! Run away !!!" Xia Ya was so angry Almost vomiting blood!

This is Lao Tzu's nest? This is Lao Tzu's army? !!

Crazy Dog Green! You 丨 * have been here for so many days, what did you eat! !!

Seeing Chara alone ran away dozens of officers and soldiers guarding the city gate, the caravan passersby who were waiting to enter the city immediately cheered. For a moment, the throne of the Seal of God was clamoring, and some shouted "Good fight". This group of **** called "嚷", it's time to kill them! However, there are two mature people coming over and holding on to Xia, and he kindly advised: "Young man, run away! You've got the horse honeycomb, and after a while they got together, you have to suffer!" Xia Ya snorted and thanked the other person for his kindness. He bit his teeth and said, "Is the garrison in this city all such assholes?" Occasionally, there are some benefits, but I can still live. However, a few days ago, Lord Green came to hear this adult. The adult heard that it was from Oscaria. The backstage was very hard. After that, he got worse. He was taken into the army by all the rogues on the ground. These people made the city smokeless. They also set up cards at the gates of the city and openly demanded bribes. We are too angry to speak at this moment. The other several battalions in the camp, seeing that Green had a lot of money, also had all kinds of learning, all colluded with Green. Two, the gates of the city were like this. These rogue soldiers are even worse than robbers! " Then one said, suddenly drew in line with others, a time stamp throne of God outrage after another, the city's military garrison lambasted.

Charlie was surprised!

Green? !!

Green? ? !! That crazy dog ​​Green? !!

The one who salutes silently in front of the statue of the Duke of Osgilia, the rigorous soldier who is not afraid of the warlords! !! Why did the emperor come to the place as soon as he came out, and became so unbearable? !!

Is the prestige he had before him all pretended? !!

Furious in her heart, Xia went up and grabbed the officer who had been smashed on the ground, lifted him up, and yelled, "Say! Which battalion are you! Who is your officer!" The officer vomited blood in Xia's mouth. Under the majesty of his feet, his legs were already crippled, and he shouted, "I, I am in the first battalion, and the head of the battalion is Lord Green." "Damn!" Charlie threw him to the ground with a anger .

Just then, a noise was heard in the city, and then footsteps were heard. A group of soldiers ran out, holding sword weapons, for one, a samurai wearing a battalion officer's leather armor. Tall and thin, it was Green who hadn't seen him for days.

Green was wearing the uniform of the army, and immediately saw the emperor. The depressed soldier was different, and his whole body burst into an exhilarating spirit and spirit. Seeing Charlie from a distance, Green just laughed and drank, "Put away your weapons! Hahaha!" A good person next to him hurriedly urged Charlie to "run away! This is a great guy. ! "

Charya stood there, staring at Green stubbornly, and Green strode up, embracing Charya with open arms, but Chara turned away from him, staring coldly at Green, gritting his teeth:

1. Green, what a crazy dog! You've been here for so many days, it's so beautiful! * Beautiful! As soon as I came, I saw your means! Green's face didn't change, and he smiled slightly. He looked arrogant to the people behind him, and at first glance, he was not a good person. The soldiers said, "Be honest, don't make trouble!" This is our new armament chief, Baron Charya! All have received weapons and come to salute! As soon as this word came out, there was a sudden uproar around me. Someone next to me had accused the army in the city. My face was suddenly scared. I thought these officers and men were all snakes and mice. I just scolded in front of the old dog. After those words, I'm afraid it will be unlucky!

Many people withdrew these thoughts and flinched into the crowd.

Xia Ya stared at Green and yelled, "You little * give me a break! Green, what **** are you doing here! If you don't tell me clearly, Lao Tzu will not care what you are from, military law chops yours Head! "Green saw that Charlie's eyes were full of anger, and it was obvious that he was really murderous, but he was not in a hurry ~ ~ smiled slightly and said:" This is not the place to speak , Advanced City, let me tell you slowly. "After a pause, seeing Charya's look still full of hostility, Green sighed." Reckless boy, do you still believe me? Listen to me once, I will naturally give back You explain that when you want to kill or kill, you are free. "Xia Ya snorted. Although he was annoyed in his heart, he still had some expectations: Ruhr and Adrik are so respected characters, and In the way Green has acted in the past, how could he, as a human being, make such an unbearable move?

Green was finally persuaded, and Green took Xia to go to the city, and ordered a few officers at will to take over the gate guards and maintain order.

Charya took a few steps, but suddenly stood still and yelled, "Shalpa!" Shalpa responded immediately.

"Laozi enters the city, you stay here to stare !!!" Xia Ya said coldly. "You stare at me with a big eye! If anyone here dares to mess things up, ask for a bribe, and cut his left hand with his left hand, Cut your right hand with your right hand! If someone makes a mess, you just cut your head to see me! "Shalpa immediately straightened and responded by pulling out his sword and standing in the doorway. He was born burly and majestic. It ’s like a door god.

After Xia Ya said, the killing eyes glanced at Green's soldiers, and everyone was afraid.

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