
Chapter 186: [Damandras]

Chapter 186 "Damandras" A sparse forest is located on the hillside north of this valley of the tribe, and a small depression is naturally formed on the hillside. Obviously, the goblin tribe attaches great importance to this place. Actually, a path was dug on the hillside, and the forest can be directly reached from the tribe.

When Xia came here with Tian Gong and a few goblins, she was quickly attracted by the strange trees around her.

The trees here, at a glance, are obviously much thicker than those half-dead trees on the hillside.

Every tree is straight, with thick trunks and lush canopies. The bark and leaves hanging from branches are faintly dark metal. When he came to the woods, Xia picked up a leaf on the ground and played with it for a while, and couldn't help sighing. What kind of leaf is this? However, the weight is much lighter than real iron.

Looking at the lush canopy on the surrounding sky tree, the wind blew, and the canopy shook gently, and the branches and leaves swayed and collided, but there was a gurgling sound of Jin Ge.

Soon, under the attack of Tian Gong and the two earth trees, Xia found the poison emperor of the goblins.

Spring Eye was sitting in the middle of a rotten rock in the depression. Most of the rocks were buried deep in the hillside. Only a small, half-length, rock gap appeared. A spring eye appeared from the ground.

Obviously, this spring eye is already dry, and even the soil around the spring eye is covered with dry gravel, but there are water marks on the rocks of the summer eye that have been blasted over the years.

Grabbing a handful of dry sand from the ground, Charlie's brows tightened into knots.

The sand has been dried up, and obviously the dry tone of this spring eye has been the Seal of the Throne for quite some time. He looked up and asked about Tian Gong, and the other side only said that this poisonous spring had never dried up since its memory. This time, Qian Yu also happened after he left home to find his wife last time, so he did not know about Tian Gong himself.

Xia Ya thought about it, and she could only sigh, and was unwilling to ask dozens of questions, but these goblins are too stupid, what, dry season? Naturally, they do n’t understand anything. I'm afraid I haven't expected any valuable news here.

Now that the spring is dry, Xia put the last trace of Greek wings on the legendary "poisonous mushroom".

Unfortunately, these goblins tell Xia that the poisonous mushroom originally grew around this spring eye, under the tree closest to the ghost's eye, and will grow mushrooms one by one on the trunk all the year round. When the spring begins each year, when the weather is humid and warm, these mushrooms will burst out.

But when the spring water dried up this year, there was no more mushrooms in the dry gravel.

"What does that thing look like?"

Xia Yawu was still a little impatient, and asked such a sentence.

Several goblins looked at each other for a while. Under the attack of Tian Gong, a dozen goblins looked strange, and they drew them in their arms for a while, and finally found out ten, and wrapped them in small pieces of animal skin.

The animal skin was dirty and greasy, and the black paint could not see the original color. After opening it, it showed a crown-like umbrella-like thing like a Tibetan mushroom!

It's only a palm-sized piece, it's air-dried, and it's black.

Charya's eyes lighted, and her hands took over: "That's the ten, thing?"

The goblin murmured a few words, and Tian Gong told Xia Ya that the remaining m slices were the goblin quietly hiding. This guy knew that these things were poisonous, so he hid them together and prepared to sap and apply them on the weapon.

Xia Ya took this dark thing, only glanced at her, and heard an exclaiming voice deep in her head!

Dora's exclaiming voice seemed to be extremely shocking and seemed to be full of surprises. The shouting voice was very abrupt, and Charlie was so surprised that she almost dropped the last mushroom in her hand to the ground.

"It's this thing! Sure enough it is it! Hahahahahahahaha! These foolish goblins actually say what ridiculous this is, mushrooms ?! It's so ignorant and stupid !!! The number of mushrooms? Hahaha! Mushrooms ?! This is simply Flame Flame Grass! It is Flame Flame Grass! Hahahahahaha !!! "

Dora's laughter was extremely arrogant, and Xia was solemn, carefully looking at the palm-sized East Devil's Flame grass in her hand? What it is?

"Haha! Ask these goblins. If the poisonous mushrooms they say are accidentally eaten by accident, what is the reaction when they are poisoned and die?"

Soon, Xia asked Dora's question again, and these goblins answered with a lot of rumors. Said Charya was dizzy and dizzy, but in the end it came down to concrete: Anyone in the Goblin Horde who has ingested this and this thing will suddenly go crazy, and his eyes will become protruding, and suddenly the madness will be as sudden as violent Like losing consciousness, he died so madly in the end, and when he died, he was drawn from the whole body.

Xia listened, and her heart was a little strange: Where did the poisoning react? What is this toxin?

"Stupid! This is not poison at all! It is an extremely rare good thing! These gnome ignorance will make this thing poison on the spot. Huh!"

Dora paused: "You have heard what this goblin said. Those goblins who have died of poisoning are not so much poisoned as exaggerated, they become violent, and then they will die madly. It's not poisoning, it's too excited, and the level of excitement is beyond the limit that the goblin itself can bear. "


"Pig brain." Dora sighed, and suddenly sneered: "I don't blame you, you are not a magician, alas, even the waste magician under you, you should know the name of this thing, he should He hasn't seen anything like this, but the name of the thing, he knew it as soon as he heard it. "

Xia Yashen stood for a while, raised his head and glanced at Tian Gong, and made a few gestures. Biao Yun himself wanted to stay here for a while.

Naturally, the goblin would not refuse such a request. Anyway, the poisonous spring in the woods had dried up, and there was nothing valuable.

After Tian Gong Ling Tao's several goblins had gone, Xia Ya circled the woods around this spring's eye again, and determined that there was no one, and he whispered: "Dora! What the **** is this, you give Let me be clear! "

"Huh, the magic flame grass is the most amazing thing that our dragons have now. After the magical use of this thing by other dragons, other races have gradually come to know. Speaking of which, the name of this flame flame grass is still We are named by the dragons. "

"Say important." Charlie frowned.

Dora snorted, and seemed a little bit dissatisfied, but after a pause, she continued: "You idiot in the field of magic, if you want to explain the wonderful use of this thing, you have to spend a lot of time. Tongue, well, let me start with the simplest, you know the magician? "

Charya stared: "Crap! Who knows no magician?"

"So, what kind of power is it like to know the magic of a magician?"

Charlie had only shaken her head this time.

"Well, to put it simply, the magic power of a magician is actually the spiritual power of man. But the use of magic is to refine the spiritual power little by little through some strange cultivation methods. Powerful energy, this energy is called magic.

Speaking of which, you human beings are the worst talented among the races that can use magic.

Because of our dragon and elves, we are born with very pure mental power. Without cultivation, we have abundant magic power. However, the spiritual power of your human beings cannot be directly converted into magic power, but needs to be refined and sublimated through some cultivation methods. In this regard, you human beings can be called a bit of wisdom, and they have become clear. I do n’t think that the method of refining your own spiritual power into magic power is also amazing. "

Having said that, Dora concluded: "In a simple sentence: In fact, magic power is mental power."

"Well, what does this have to do with what or what?"

"Of course it does matter." Dora sneered. "Whether it is our dragons, but also the elves, and your human magicians, the most direct manifestation of magical strength lies in the strength of magic. The stronger the magic, the more natural it will be. The greater the magic power, and some powerful magic can not be exhibited without strong magic power. In this way, magic power is of course the most important for magicians. But after all, a creature, even our dragon family Such a powerful creature, there is a limit to how strong the mental power is. Once the mental power costs too much, and the strength naturally loses, then at this time, in addition to self-cultivation to supplement, er, you humans use is Meditate on this method. In addition to these methods of recovery, you can also use some external forces to recover. "

Charya looked dignified. "I see, isn't this, what grass?"

"It's the Flameflame!" Dora seemed annoyed: "Stupid! It's the Flameflame!"

"Okay! Devil's Fire Grass." Charlie stared. "This Devil's Fire Grass can add magic?"

"Precisely, it is a supplement to the spirit!" Dora could not help but show a little greed in her voice.

"Cut ... the medicine that makes people feel agitated, I haven't seen it before." Xia Ya couldn't help but wonder: "There are also some plants in the mountains. No matter how small, after the heart eats, it will also make people feel agitated. Became extremely weak. "

"The things you said are not really supplementary mental power, but only a short-term stimulation of their own mental power. That is to say, to blast out all the spiritual power that you originally had in a short time, and It is not a real supplement for you, it can only be regarded as an ordinary stimulant. "Dora is very disdain." How can these things be compared with this magic flame grass! This magic flame grass can really supplement the spirit. That ’s a good thing! ”Dora ’s voice is somber:“ Although I have n’t seen this kind of thing in person, and I ’ve heard all its wonderful uses, the effect of this kind of thing will never be False! The role of the magic flame grass is the most direct and obvious for our dragons and elves, because our dragons and elves do not need to cultivate, and the natural spiritual power is magic. After taking the magic flame grass, You can add a lot of magic. In the weak state, you can quickly recover as usual, and a small amount of skillful use in the normal state can also improve your strength! Of course, for you For human magicians, this thing is also a rare treasure. Although you human magicians have to practice magic to gain magic power, the foundation of meditation practice also comes from spiritual power. After taking this magic flame grass, You can make your spiritual power base much stronger, and then the base is bigger, and the magic power you cultivate on this basis will naturally increase a lot, and I ’ve heard that you have The genius magic pharmacist had known for a long time. He mixed this magic flame grass with other potions, made some wonderful formulas, and finally formulated a very useful medicine called magic potion! After taking it, you can directly add magic! And the main ingredient of the magic potion is this magic flame grass!

Speaking of this, Dora added: "When encountering a battle, if the magician runs out of magic power, it is tantamount to no resistance. At this time, Kuoguo can have a bottle of magic recovery potion in Humming around! It almost equals double your strength! What a good thing, do you say it is important? "

Charlie nodded and swallowed: "It's back to its full state ......... Sure enough the cow fork!"

"Well, just a big piece of magic flame grass in your hand, don't look down on such a thing, if you dare to take your human world, it will be enough to cause a duel between two high-end magicians!"

"How much is this thing worth?" Charlie asked a question that mattered most to her.

"Money?" Dolahaha smiled. "This thing, when it is said by ordinary humans, is of no use!"

If ordinary people eat it, they will be excited to death because of too much mental power! But it is priceless for magicians! Money ... a joke! If you are willing to give this thing to those advanced magicians, even if you offer 100,000 gold coins, there are magicians who break their heads and buy them! Those advanced magicians are never more rich than you can imagine! "

Seeing that she was still a little unbelieving, Dora said again, "Do you know Mithril?"

Although Xia Ya is a magical idiot, he still knows such famous things as Mithril. This is the only metal in the legend that magic elements do not repel, and it is an extremely rare and expensive magic material.

"If the magic flame grass is used to exchange Mithril, is it based on the price I knew that year ... about four times! That is to say, this magic flame grass in your hand can be exchanged for four times its weight. silver!"

Xia Yashen got down and stood there, staring tightly at the devil's flame in his hand, and stopped talking.

After a while, Charlie's eyes flickered, and her look became more and more strange ... "This devil's flame grass, since you are so precious and magical, oh, these goblins, ignorance, ignorance, don't know this is a good thing But what about those Zaku? They are not as stupid as goblins. Those Zaku will use so much gold and food every year to exchange magic flame grass with goblins. Those guys must know the role of this magic flame grass. .They changed the magic flame grass ... what's the use? I heard that Zaku has no magic ability? "

"Do you still need to ask!" Suddenly Dora's voice became harsh and harsh. "The Zaku masters call up so many flameweeds every year ... naturally, Damandalas, take it!"


"Huh! It's the little mouth you saw," Dora's voice hated.

After Fuya bitch, she returned to the cow. Dora was talking about the big snake ...


Shang sighed, indeed ... If compared with the body of Dora when he was alive, that big snake can only be regarded as an earthworm in front of the real dragon.

But then Dora's voice became somber and stunned, with a faint look like an enemy. "I never imagined that there was a Damandralas hidden in the tribe of Zaku .... Earthworms !!! I thought they were all extinct. I didn't expect that there was a living Damanderas ""

Dora's tone was full of hostility, and Charlie frowned, "Isn't this Damandalas a snake, you seem to be afraid of it."

"Dread it! Haha! Joke! My mighty dragon race! The most powerful race, afraid of Damandras who are too small to be earthworms ?!" Dora suddenly shouted ~ ~ shocked Charlie's head was a little dizzy.

But then Dora sank for a while, sighing long, and whispered in a serious and frustrated tone that Xia had never heard: "Xiao Shangyou ... you are right, I am indeed It's dreadful ... it's not an ordinary snake, it's Damandras! If you don't know what it is ... tell you in the simplest terms, they are the Damandras, and they used to be us The enemy of the Dragons! "


Even Xia was speechless now.

The name of the deadly enemy is not something that can be casually spoken. It must be an enemy of the dragon clan ... you must have at least strong strength! Otherwise, it is not eligible to be regarded as an enemy by the Dragons. If a grasshopper is a deadly enemy of a male lion, wouldn't it be a joke? Those who can be called "dead enemies" by the Dragons must at least have the strength to compete with the Dragons!

And ..., the dragon race?

Xia remembered the majestic look of Dora when she was alive ... A few magicians just turned into scum in front of her. This kind of race ... the enemy?

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