
Chapter 191: [Desperately]

"Here, this is ..., * ..., what ?!"

Charya winked. :

"Juya! Juya!" Suddenly Azu laughed wildly!

spider! This is a spider, and this is indeed a huge spider. I'm afraid that even if you dream, you never dreamed of such a huge spider!

Giant Tooth's disgusting eyes looked down at the moment, as if at the moment, no matter whether it is a human or those lizards, in the eyes of this huge monster, there is only a small existence.

The lizards were clearly afraid. They shivered and stepped back, but it seemed as if they had no courage to escape, and Giant Tooth's body slowly climbed forward two steps, and at this time, Azuo suddenly shouted at Xia Pushed hard, "Remember me, the map for you?"

Summer lice nodded.

Ah Zuo took a deep breath, and suddenly his expression froze: "That's what I'm doing! It's now! Run !!!!!!!!!"

Xia Ya immediately responded, and opened his throat and shouted fiercely. It was no longer necessary for him to shout. The mercenaries had already escaped, and Shalpa almost carried Doodor on his shoulders!

Xia Zheng only ran two steps, and suddenly he was wrong!

Ah Zuo didn't run! The three remaining masters didn't even run! Ah Zuo growled, but still grabbed his weapon, took three masters, and rushed towards the lizard group! !!

A superior short-fang stabbed directly into the head of the lizard in front of him, and those cruel green monsters seemed completely stupid. Just letting the short spear pierce into the body, but he stiffly forgot to dodge, just one A silly raised his head and stared at the "giant tooth".

The giant tooth still seemed to crawl over slowly. One of its huge forelimbs lifted up, and after waving it down, it cut a lizard in front of it into two pieces! The dense barbs on the forelimbs were like a sharp blade, and the lizard Instant Division was dismembered.

At this time, the collar of that lizard finally roared. It held its head and roared at the giant teeth, and was shocked by it, and all the lizards awakened from their fear and gathered together. Yell.

The huge body of Juya quickly plunged into the group of lizards under the fast sliding speed of eight thick and strangely long feet! The lizard collar was roaring, and the lizards who reacted quickly rushed up and opened their mouths to bite, but the body of the giant teeth was too large. The lizards could only bite its legs and feet, but in the huge body Next, these giant lizards are like a little gecko. They are severely shaken by the giant teeth slightly swinging their legs and feet. The two lizards are thrown and hit the rocks directly, and they suddenly fall open and fleshy. That is powerful The force even smashed the rock out of the crack, and a lizard was thrown and flew out, and fell far away in the cannibal forest. Neither was able to come out again.

A lizard bit the huge forelimb and was bounced by it. When the cowhide was empty, the two huge sharp front guards looked in the past and gently clamped it.

People in Zaku almost rushed into the group of lizards. The goal of Azuo was very clear. That was the collar of the lizard. The two masters waved their spears, and Azuo swooped up with a tiger roar. The half of the spear in his hand swept heavily on the back of the lizard collar, smashing the guy into a short figure. The lizard screamed with a grin, his forelimbs screaming desperately, and Azuo had turned over and sat on the back of the lizard. His weapon was gone, he only clenched his fist with the left hand and smashed it hard! A bang, just like Xi Biaogu!

The giant tooth has killed four lizards in an instant, this huge monster, quickly put the target on the body of the lizard collar! This monster obviously possessed high intelligence. In the huge roar, it suddenly ran wild. The long foot, which was more than three meters high, took a step and passed the gallop, and soon rushed to the lizard collar. In front of him, there were two lizards trampled on the body, and they were trampled with muddled sounds!

The lizard collar struggled hard and dumped Azu on his back. The guy also felt danger and despair. He opened his mouth and yelled at the giant teeth in fear, his body pulled back nervously, only leaning on his teeth. The attitude barely deterred the huge adversary in front of food.

The two front guards of Juya slid gently, engraved like a huge pair of scissors, and made a sound of "嚓嚓 嚓". At this time, a scream was made, because a Zaku master was too close to Juya, The long limb covered with barbs was cut in two, and the other master strove to roll under the body of Giant Tooth, raised his spear and slammed it up against his head, but soon, " Alas, the short spear was bounced off by the hard shell. Instead of causing any damage to the monster, it just lived up to this guy. The giant tooth did not look so awkward. Its large body, but its head was sensitively bent down Next, a huge long Gu like scissors explored the past, but with a sigh, he clamped the master into two!

The lizard collar is still shrinking, the giant forelimb's huge forelimbs are trying to step on it, the lizard collar rolls twice, and soon this guy is in a circle with the giant tooth: this seems to be the way it delays the giant tooth attack, after all, the giant tooth has a body It's huge, and the lizard collar seems to be recognized. As long as it is around the huge side and back, there is no threat to the huge front.

So the lizards and spiders started, the lizards struggled to swim, and the other poisonous lizards shouted and shrank into the brakes.

After Xia Ya and dozens of mercenaries ran dozens of steps, Shangyu suddenly heard the screams behind him, turned his head, and saw that the Zaku masters did not run away together, but put on a stance to die, directly toward Rushing forward with a group of lizards! Watching the last figure of the superior rushed into the green lizard group, when Xia saw Azuo's body with a broken arm sitting on the back of the lizard collar, he quickly fell after a punch. When she was thrown away, Xia saw this scene, and suddenly a "hum" in her head, instantly, as if blood was pouring into her head!

The upper lame stomped his feet fiercely, roared, turned his head and ran back.

"Charya! What are you doing!"

"Run with your brothers! Don't bullshit!" Shang yelled angrily. He ran into two steps, already holding the fire fork in his hand, and finally leaped forward. The foot jumped out five or six meters high, and the bone camphor tumbled, and fell on the back of the giant tooth. The back of this huge spider was covered with thick yellow fluff, and it was very creepy to step on it. Moreover, the fluff was full of a kind of disgusting, smooth, dry fluid. Xia Ya jumped up, felt the softness of her feet, and immediately slipped away, slipped to the edge of the spider's back, and fell down lightly, fortunately. The middle hand grabbed the spider's back fiercely. At this moment, the spider is struggling to circle with the lizard. The spider's body is hovering in place, and the body of Xia is hung on the edge of its back. The Xia is hung by the huge centrifugal force several times. Almost tossed up, and under his feet, the spider's legs and feet covered with sharp barbs, as long as they fall, they will not be cut into pieces, I am afraid they will be trampled to death!

"Oh shit!!"

Charya was dazzled, almost black, and fainted, and barely climbed tightly on the spider's back. At this time, the giant tooth has tried to turn around several times to attack the lizard collar, but the lizard is swimming quickly with a much smaller body. The giant tooth's two pieces like giant scissors are almost pasted several times. Passing by the lizard's body. At this time, a branch suddenly flew beside him, hitting the head of the lizard collar heavily!

It was Azuo. Azuo got up from the grass, his whole body was covered with blood, his face was beginning to turn black, he looked poisoned, but he jumped up, shouted and smashed two stones again.

The lizard collar was smashed into the head, and it suddenly slowed down a bit. The front teeth of the giant teeth were finally cut on its body. With a bang, the huge lizard was cut off by the back half! Countless flowery internal organs flew out, sprayed with blood, and the lizard's collar opened its mouth wide, as if roaring silently, and finally bit a bite on one of the spider's feet.

The lizard collar was dying and biting. It was extremely powerful. The sharp teeth actually pierced the shell on the lizard's long legs!

The giant tooth gave a shrill scream, struggling to lift his leg and tried to shake off this thing, but the sharp teeth of the lizard collar nailed the spider's feet e. After a few shakes, he still couldn't shake and dragged the giant tooth, The huge front Gu quickly swept a few times, and immediately cut the lizard's broken body into pieces! But there was still a head pinned on its feet, and the spider seemed extremely unconvinced, and it could only make a few turns in situ.

At this time, Xia felt that he could no longer hold the spider's back with one hand, and the sticky liquid in his hand was too slippery. He felt that he had dropped off a little bit, and finally got up all his strength and would The torch in one hand stabbed fiercely on the spider's back until it was stalkless!

With a bang, the fire fork finally penetrated the spider's hard shell, and the giant monster twisted wildly with pain, eight long legs bent, and then jumped up in the air! At this moment, Charya flew out on her back. Xia Ya landed in the grass, rolled twice, and stumped on a rock, suddenly dark before her eyes, and almost fainted.

At this moment, his hand was empty, and the torch was stuck far away on the spider's back. The giant tooth was shaking and twisting his body, as if trying to shake off the torch on the back, but in vain. Finally, the spider's eyes stared at Xia Ya in the grass, and it fluttered wildly, shaking his forehead and making a "squeaky" sound.

Xia Ya was lying in the grass, her head was still a little groggy. Seeing that the long tooth had taken care of her, a figure next to him suddenly rushed over and controlled Xia Ya to roll away!

It's Azuo! A Zuoyi and Xia were hugging, but his expression was distorted and he screamed! Although the two rolled away, a broken leg broke directly under the teeth of the giant teeth. The broken limb was thrown high with blood, and Azuo and Xia rolled into the bushes and they were already hurting fast. Fainted and passed.

"Why did you come back! Why didn't you run !!!" A Zuo's expression twisted into a ball.

"Crap! Liuzi never abandons his companions!"

Xia Ya got up quickly, dragging Azuo back.

It turned around, this time, the spider seemed to be much calmer. It deliberately slowed down, forcing it little by little. Xia had no weapons in his hands and could only pick up a stone on the ground with his backhand. Smashed it hard.

The stone ridge was as large as a small grinding disc, but it fell in front of the spider. The giant tooth just waved the forelimb and easily blocked it. The giant front guard was still one piece together, with a loud roar.

"Fuck." Xia has no way out. His biggest fatal weakness is that without the fork, his ability is greatly reduced. Even if he is crimson and has no weapons at his disposal, it is difficult to correct. How much damage does such a huge guy cause.

At this moment, Azuo's blood had stained Xia's clothes, and the two desperately rolled back. At this moment, there were several growls.

"Big spider! Let's die!"

"Come here! Big guy! Here! Here!"

The voice came from behind the spider. The guy Shalba took the mercenary who escaped and did not know when he would run back. The mercenaries raised their arms and shouted loudly ~ ~ also called Jumping again, Shalpa lifted the stones on the ground and smashed them one by one. Several stones hit the tooth's head accurately, and soon annoyed the guy. The tooth turned and the mercenaries immediately Just rushed back.

At this time, Xia was about to cry, and suddenly heard a voice around him: "Master, are you still alive?"

Looking up, Dodolo looked at him in a wolf, and drew from the grass:

"Come on! Shalpa said he steered away from this thing, and you run away!

Charya's eyes were red, her expression was terribly distorted, her hands were so fierce that she took Dodoro's neck, and hissed and yelled, "You bastard! Use magic! At this time, don't care about your **** one. Vitality! If we do n’t use it again, we will all die here !!! Magic! Use life magic soon !!! "

"Kee, today ’s update is a little bit less, because it ’s almost clear. Going to the grave, my family ’s habit is to go to the grave a few days in advance every year, while this weekend, lest more people start next week ... …… ... so be considerate.

Minger started, all the way crazy to the end of the month! "

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