
Chapter 226: [Master of wiseness and martial arts] (8000 words ~)

Chapter 226

The wise master, after arriving at the place, Xia finally confirmed one point: if no one leads the way, I am afraid that even if he has been in this wood for a lifetime, don't even want to find this place!

On the morning of the fourth day, the four people in the jungle finally arrived at the final destination of the trip: it wasn't a magic kiss taro that looked like a huge trunk in front of it. Like the tree. (See novels)

When Xia first saw the big tree, he only sighed, and the earthworm glared at his eyes and swallowed: "Damn ... this tree is bigger than the house where I live!" With such a thick trunk, I am afraid that dozens of people will be able to hug us. Standing under this tree and raising your head, you ca n’t see the sky at all, and the area of ​​the dense branches is very large!

"I feel standing under this tree, as if we have all become dwarf dwarfs." This is another sigh of Xia.

Dodoro changed his normality. After seeing this huge old tree at first glance, the magician glowed his eyes. He whispered, and stumbled to the side of the trunk. He raised his claws and stroked them back and forth. After a while, Totoro muttered: "Poor Master, I really don't have any insight. What kind of ancient tree is this? It's a giant tree spirit!" After saying this, the magician seemed to return No addiction, muttered his voice and muttered, "Ignorance is a sin."

As soon as he finished speaking, one of his back legs stretched over and kicked Dodoro's **** heavily. He stunned him aside, and the magician turned his head, and saw Xia ’s smiley face. Xia looked With this servant of his own, he sneered, "The next time you speak bad words about me, remember not to say it. It's okay to meditate in my heart. My ears are very spiritual ..." Then, he looked back. Cai, A Cai's face was a little nervous at this moment. The Zaku teenager looked around and looked around. Xia Ya walked over and patted him vigorously: "What are you looking at? What about your people? Why haven't you arrived yet? A Cai shook his head, he whispered: "The location of the holy snake's lair is a secret. Not many people know the secret. Only the chief and the sacrifice in the tribe are eligible to know. Each time the snake woman is selected, They were all brought here by the Great Sacrifice ... the fighters selected this time for the snake show were the most loyal and devoted to Dachang, but for the sake of safety, the big chief only told me the location of this place , Others must follow the signs I left in the woods to get here.

"That is to say, we have to wait for a while?" "At most for a long time. A Cai looks confident:" They are all true elite warriors in the tribe. If I guess correctly, my uncle must be the leader. Good friend ... Galin.

This weird name made Charia grin a little. The names of these Zaku natives are very interesting.

Looking at the bizarrely large tree in front of him, Xia was curious: "The cave entrance is on this tree? How can we get in? There are no holes in this lining," said the chief warrior, waiting until evening. At midnight, the tree cave will not be seen. It ’s impossible to get in during the day ..., Charlie nodded, but heard Dora's voice in her mind: "Heng, so make mysterious, Dayendras's physical illusion. It ’s enough to deal with you ants. Now. "

Xia Ya snorted, patted her head lightly, walked aside, and whispered: "You better be honest, I said. Either you provide some substantial help, or you shut up. But we're going to do a dangerous job, don't mumble nonstop, disturbing "" I'm sad for myself "Dora taunted in his mind:" you ignorance arrogant Guy, go to assassinate Damandras? Ha! You do n’t even realize how powerful a real purebred Damandras is! It ’s definitely not your view that you can challenge at this level! You will die I ca n’t return to the Holy Sepulchre with my soul here. ”In fact, Dora has said countless times along the way, but every time Charlie just hit a haha, she just ignored her mind. The mother dragon here. Anyway, with her legs on her body, where she wants to go, this female dragon can't help herself. In addition, the soil is originally a kind of donkey temper that "does not drive and run backwards". If it is the normal state, knowing that the danger of things is too high, maybe using his temperament, he would have greased the soles of his feet and ran. Gone.

But the situation is different, he owes a favor to the Zaku people! To be exact, he owes one.

Zaku people called "Azuo" a kind of friendship! Azuo and his group of soldiers died on the road in order to cover Xia, and they all died in a fierce battle. With Xia ’s temper, even if there was a sword and fire in front of them, they closed their eyes and hardened their heads. "Go *, then head on.

Su Ling is obviously the most idle of the four, and Xia Ya has made up his mind, and before leaving the cave, he will leave a person to take this chick away from the tribe. Is this the right person ... of course, Gong.

Before dark, Charlie took a short time to rest. He even found a stone, sharpened the dagger and knife again, and carefully checked other equipment, especially the "Juxiao Bow" Lantis. The gift bow will become his own big killer. As for the fire fork that is inseparable, Xia Ya has been solemnly inserted in his waist.

Behind Juju bow, there is also a quiver, which contains ten iron ridged armor-breaking arrows, produced by the Byzantine Palace arsenal, of good quality. A dagger was inserted in the boots, which was given by General Adrik The handle is made of gold and stainless steel, which is sharp enough. The short knife on the left hand was brought from the Zaku tribe. In addition, there was a water bag. A leather bag was tied around the waist, which contained some bits and pieces. Coupled with a dragon scale hidden in the underwear, this is all the equipment that the soil turtle has to deal with this adventure.

I also lose the natural power of the native soil. If I change someone else, such equipment is already tens of kilograms, let alone risk, and I will get tired and get down for a while.

The group in the tribe that A Cai said was "elite, and arrived faster than expected."

When it was not dark, there was a rustling sound in the jungle, and then a group of Zaku native soldiers jumped out.

These Zaku natives did not torch, but suddenly came out in the night. Everyone's face was covered with oil paint of five colors and six boils, looking like ghosts. There were not a few people in the group, exactly twenty. Xia Ya looked from the outside and expressed satisfaction with the quality of this group of "Allied Forces."

Each of these Zaku natives is sturdy and strong, most of them are burly and majestic. The lead of a guy, the atmosphere of that body, Xia Ya immediately thought of the dead Azu.

The leader of the Zaku native is almost as tall as Charya, healthy and wide, but with a narrow waist, a leather armor hanging on his body, and strong muscles on his arms. Like most Zaku men, his nose is slightly broken and his eyes clear Slender, with a long weapon behind him, looks like a double-edged tomahawk. This weapon immediately made Xia very envious: because of his origin, Tuyu always favored heavy weapons like axe.

And this guy is obviously the one that A Cai said called "Galin." What makes Xia a little funny is that this guy named Galin also has a helmet on his head, which is like a bull's head with two sides. A crooked horned helmet with an iron piece in the middle extending from his forehead, covering his nose.

The weapons of these Zaku people are not the same. The eight axe fighters are all the stoutest. From the perspective of that strong muscle, they are all good combat melee combat hands. There are also ten spearmen. These Zaku Throwers, each carrying at least three short spears behind them, and a long one in their hands. These people are indeed elite, because Charlie took a look and confirmed that the spear in their hands was not the kind of bone spear used by ordinary Zaku fighters. And all are similar to the iron spears used in the Byzantine army, all iron good things.

What surprised Xia the most was that among the Zaku fighters, the twentieth was actually a woman!

This Zaku woman is the second tallest of all Zaku fighters, only slightly shorter than Galin. She wears colorful flowers, her leather robe is short, revealing a pair of slender long legs, full of wild taste, and the sides of the battle skirt are like two green leaves, with a headband on her head She inserted a few feathers of different colors. As for her face, she couldn't see a grimace mask covering her face, only a pair of eyes flickered after hiding behind that grimace.

What surprised Xia Ya most was that this woman actually held a long branch in her hand! At the top is a crescent-shaped crystal, which is very polished, and some silver is placed below it. Even if Xia is ignorant, she immediately recognizes that this woman is afraid of a role like a magician, and the handle of the sleeve method It's hard black wood, sharpened at the bottom to resemble a spear-like spear tip-Xia Ke doesn't think it's just for the sake of beauty. Obviously, this staff can also be used as a melee when necessary. Weapons use. And this female Zaku native, from her shapely figure and steady pace, she is not as weak as a human magician.

As soon as he saw the Zaku native warriors who arrived, A Cai immediately jumped up and greeted him. After hurriedly saying a few words in the Zaku native language, the Zaku natives on the other side stood still, and the leading Galin After talking with Acai in a low voice, he immediately looked at the dodgy Su Ling with his gaze, and drank sternly.

Su Ling apparently was a little scared, and she almost hid behind Xia's body. She only reached out half her head, and carefully answered a few words.

They did n’t understand the Zaku native Sayah, but from the tone and expression of the two, it seemed that Galin was sternly priming Su Ling, and Su Ling seemed to be very afraid of this guy, and there was no such arrogance on the road Looks like.

Finally, Galin walked in front of Xia, and the two looked at each other. Galin took it very seriously, and finally nodded, seemingly satisfied with the "Alliance of Xia," but seeing Doodor At that time, his face was obviously a little ugly, and he said something to A Cai beside him.

"Galin thinks that your companion is too weak. A Cai spoke with embarrassment."

"He's a magician," Charlie stared at Galin's eyes and said politely. "

After A Cai translated this sentence, "Xia Lin's face looked a lot better. He solemnly surveyed Chadodoro, then nodded to him, and saluted him.

It seems that respect for the magician has become a habit in all parts of the Big Six.

If this guy knew Doodor was a junior magician, I'm afraid he would have turned his face ....

Galin finally stretched out his hands one by one to Xia, when Xia didn't understand what it meant. He had been hugged by this Zaku warrior, a strong hug, Galin whispered a few words, and A Cai immediately said: "He said his name is Galin, thank you very much for our Zaku Help. And ... he's a good friend of my uncle.

After a pause, A Cai added in a low voice: "Ga Lin is the strongest warrior in the tribe, better than my uncle. He is the leader of our 'Zaku Blood Drinker!' And my uncle is just a 'coyote' Knight, collar. The coyote knight is our warrior against the enemy outside, and 'blood drinker is the most powerful warrior in the tribe.' Xia nodded, he did not have the heart to care about what to drink in these Zaku tribe The distinction between the Blood and the Coyote Knight, he immediately thought of a very important question: "Do any of them speak Byzantine? We are going to venture together. The language is inaccessible, but it is a big question." "I, I will point.

The answer to Xia ’s question was the only woman among these Zaku fighters. She walked to Xia ’s side, raised her arms, and pointed to her nose: "I, it's gone. Witch doctor" her The sound was a little hoarse, and the bite was weird and hard.

When Xia opened her mouth, before she spoke, the Zaku woman also opened her arms and hugged Xia vigorously. 'It is embarrassing that this warm hug made Xia feel right away. A dreadful body stuck to his body, the Zaku woman's figure was obviously hotter than expected. Concave and convex, and full of elasticity.

Tu's face turned red at that time, but after this woman released Xia, she took a step back, and those eyes hiding behind the grimace looked at Xia: "Thank you" "It's the best in the tribe." We all think that her witchcraft is no worse than that of the high sacrifice, and she is also the most qualified candidate to inherit the next high sacrifice. "When A Cai was introduced, her face was obvious. When the green Zaku teenager talked, Yan Qing couldn't control it and secretly stung the witch doctor from time to time. Xia Ya smiled in his eyes, but he asked a very important question.

"To ... the dear witch doctor ..." Now ..., the other side pointed at his nose and repeated.

"Okay, now. Charlie coughed:" That ... I must know how good your Byzantine is. Is it enough for us to communicate "" Listen, no problem. " To express my abilities in jerky Byzantine "

Say, be short, you can ..., Charlie nodded, that's enough. Anyway, everyone went to fight and kill snakes, not to chat. When the battle requires cooperation, the key is to yell at the other party. Understand enough.

"Very well, then ... because we are about to fight side by side, we need to be prepared first," Charlie glanced at A Cai :. Help me translate it "and then he continued to say," This operation is dangerous. Your holy snake is said to be very powerful, but it seems to be sleeping, so the best thing is that we walk to it while it is asleep. Beside him, then chopped it directly with a random knife. But I'm afraid this good thing won't be so easy to see, so we must be prepared for a hard fight.

Every time he said something, A Cai next to him spoke aloud in Zaku, and when he heard that, he said coldly, "Death, we are ready!" Charlie glanced at the witch doctor, and Looking at Galin and others, the eyes of all Zaku people have a sense of recklessness. For a long time, Charya only saw in the eyes of the most elite cavalry in the Rhoderian Cavalry. Too. "Very well, then the second point, we need to confirm a collar, Charlie took a deep breath:" So many people, who do you listen to when fighting? " .

"Listen to you, Grandmaster's order" and answered on behalf of all Zaku fighters.

Xia Ya is finally relieved ’If everyone fights in a group fight, I ’m afraid there will be big trouble. Effective cooperation is king.

Next, everyone started the final preparations. The called witch doctor immediately demonstrated her value. She took out a big bag, and then distributed some potions to each Zaku warrior, so that everyone applied the weapon. Blade and spear tip.

"These are very toxic. Don't ask me about the formula. I don't know.

But everyone in the tribe knows that it is the most powerful witch doctor in our tribe. The poison she formulates is the most poisonous!

Xia Ya took a step back when she heard A Cai's words.

After looking at Xia Ya, the woman's eyes were a little scornful: "Don't break the skin, it's okay ..., Xia is a little upset by the other's eyes, can't help but look at his own magician Luo, but Xia was disappointed. The waste of Doodor was just a person who came to glimpse the oil. Instead of making a face for Xia, he took the potion he had given and looked at it. .

Finally, when the night was deep, the moon above him became brighter. Before that, I had inserted a tree branch into the ground. At this moment, watching the shadow of the tree branch, stood up: "Time is coming!" When the moon finally rose to the highest point, a ray of moonlight fell on the woods. Under a moonlight, the huge ancient tree in front of me seemed to burst into a chaotic fog, and then there seemed to be a few light spots bursting out in the fog, like lightning in the clouds, Illuminated the fog ... The trunk suddenly began to change, twisted little by little, like snow in the sun, and the trunk part started to melt, and then a black spot appeared on the trunk. The black spot gradually spread and finally became the outline of a cave. The hole was large enough for three or four people to enter side by side. Xia Ya's eyes widened and she couldn't see what was in the hole.

"It's time ... he immediately reached the mouth of the cave, and the Zaku natives stood up and gathered around him and behind him.

"A Cai!" Xia Ya looked back at the Zaku boy: "Bring this Su Ling chick back!

If she is not obedient, stun her! "Xia Ya looked at Su Ling. This little girl looked very downcast. She had talked with Galin and others before, but from the result of the conversation, she was severely scolded and did not dare to make a second attempt. Already.

Remember, if you are not obedient, stun her ... Charlie. After Ding's order was over, he looked at the cave in front of him.

He was about to step in, and suddenly stood still. The weird smile of the earth owl was a weird smile ... As soon as he saw this smile, Dodoro, who was still standing next to him, immediately felt cold, instinctively. He felt a bit of awkwardness, and subconsciously turned around and looked away.

But it's too late.

Charya grabbed the magician's clothes, and threw Dodo into the cave first, as if he had lost a chick.

"Ah!" The scream of the magician came from the cave. The voice fell all the way down. After a while, there was "Lin Tong, a faint sound of water splashes," from under the cave.

"Ah! Kekeke!" There was Dodoro's violent coughing and cursing.

Xia smiled: "It seems to be a sinking hole ... well, the sound is not too deep, and there is still water." As Xia turned and smiled, a few Zaku fighters standing beside him, They kept the same movement: they took a step back.

"Okay, Lu Ji has made it clear, let's go on the next step." After that, Xia grasped his nose with one hand, and then strode out of the cave step by step. After Xia jumped, the others The Zaku soldiers jumped in without hesitation one by one. The last one who jumped in was Galin. He glared at A Cai and told in Zaku native language: "Remember, you take Su Ling away immediately! She is not obedient. , Bundle up! "After that, Galin strode in.

After A Cai watched everyone jump into the cave, Su Ling was beside him. He immediately sighed at Su Ling: "You heard it, don't make a joke anymore, this is not a joke!" Su Ling stared at the mouth of the cave with her eyes widened. She bit her lip hard, and then just opened her mouth. A Cai immediately waved his hand: "Don't try to convince me! Impossible! I must take you away!"

Su Ling allowed A Cai to grab her arm, and a strange smile flashed on the little girl's beautiful face.

"Acai, you seem to ... forget something" "Ah? What?" !!

Because I had been prepared and knew that there was a pool below, when Xia fell into the water, she closed her mouth and pinched her nose, and did not catch water.

Immediately after falling into the water, he sank. He heard the sound of cooing water next to his ears, and then kicked hard with his legs, ready to swim away and head up.

The problem is, he doesn't know how big the pool is!

As a matter of fact, Charlie swam aside and hit her head on the stone. With a bang, he thought in his mind: Damn it! This pool is small! !!

It turns out that this pool is really small! After Xia hit his head, a mouth was subconsciously, and water was poured into his mouth. He surrendered to the surface with pain, and then felt a pair of skinny hands grabbing himself.

Charya climbed into the case, and heard Doodor complaining: "Master, you are too despicable! He threw me first ... but Charya suddenly crawled to the side, and vomited."

The **** pool, the water inside doesn't know what it is, it smells like a nightmare! With a sip in his mouth, Charya was almost disgusted enough to spit out dinner.

In the pool behind him, the Zaku people jumped from the top while still fluttering, Xia vomited for a while, and then shook his head. The whole body was soaked with stinky water. This smell could not be removed, and Xia could only pinch With a nose scolded, "Okay, don't complain about Dodo, I'm just joking with you" "Joke?" Dodo called. "Of course." Xia patted his shoulder: "First, this cave is usually used by the chief and the big sacrifice, so there is no danger below it! Second ... remind you again. Next time When I say bad things, just remember to meditate in my heart, haha! "The place where everyone jumped down was more than ten meters deep from the ground above, and naturally there was no light at all, and Xia was surprised that he always I am so thankful that my eyes are as clear as owls, and I ca n’t see anything here! Originally, he was born with night eyes, which can be seen in dark places, but here. Like everyone else, he stretched out his hands in black, don't want to see anything clearly.

Listening to the movement, all the Zaku people climbed out of the smelly pool, and from the echo of the sound, the space below this place is obviously not small, because there are some faint echoes.

At this moment, "Alas, a ray of light lit up in the darkness.

After standing there, she held the right in her hand, and the light burst from the crystal on the top of Fallin. The light seems to be a kind of phosphorous burning, like fireworks (I really don't know how this kind of thing can continue to be used after falling into the water), but by the light, everyone finally saw the place clearly .

This is indeed an underground cave, but the space is obviously larger than Charya had expected! It is at least dozens of steps wide, and the surrounding walls are all hard stones. Xia ran to the side and wiped one, the tentacles were cold and hard, but there was no dirt at all! As if here is a stone mine, such a place was dug out from the middle.

However, after seeing it clearly, everyone immediately faced a problem!

This underground cave has six passage openings on the surrounding walls, except for the passage that jumped down from above!

"Which one shall we go?" Charlie looked at that.

After holding the branch of the torch serving as a torch, she looked at Charya coldly, and her body was soaked. Originally, the loose robe was tightly attached to her body. In this case, her hot figure showed no doubt the curves. The seductive arcs let Xia turn her head subconsciously immediately.

"You are the leader, you are the master." The witch doctor resigned coldly.

Charya opened her mouth.

I'm the ruler?

Damn it!

Looking at the six channels around them-each of them is exactly the same, and I don't see any difference at all.

That big man, he must know the situation below ... ’Damn, since he knows there are six channels here, he should tell me before we go out!

Xia ’s secret belly is wrong, but this time Xia ’s mistakenly grows up ~ ~ The chief chief does not want to say, but he does not know which way to go, because every time he comes here, , You will get the guidance of Dammandras, take one of the channels, and each time you go different! Anyway, you will eventually see the holy snake in it.

"I'm the master ... I'm the master ..." Xia Ya grabbed her head, then moved her heart, grabbed her short knife and tossed it on top of her head. After the knife fell to the ground, Xia looked at the blade Pointing in the direction of the ground, he just pointed at it: "Just go here! "All the Zaku natives have a strange face, and Xia yells without waiting for others to say," Unless you have a better choice? " "

Everyone stopped talking, and that's it, but stared at Charlie for a while, then held her light Farin, and walked in first through the entrance of Charlie's finger.

The other Zakus remained silent and followed their witch doctor.

Charlie turned her head and stared at Dodo: "You? Do you have an opinion?" Dodo immediately fluttered aside for a few steps, and shook his head vigorously, with a pious and stern expression on his face: "Good choice! I believe your choice must be correct, wise master! "Xia Ya snorted:" Damn, don't be so disgusting, I know you must be scolding me in your stomach ... "Dodoro cried and sighed: "Master wise and wise, you guessed it again"

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