
Chapter 232: [Earth Run]

Everyone looked at each other.

The shield will not come here by itself.

"Can it be Galin?" Dutoro closed his mouth only halfway, a statement that even he himself couldn't justify.

"We must think about it." Xia sighed, and his expression was very uneasy: "If Galin was trapped inside, then ... don't forget, Galin is not a witch doctor, he and his People are warriors, they do n’t know things like magic circles, and you all see that the doors in almost every place here have been shut down. I do n’t think Galin has the ability to open these doors. As for this side, The shield ... doesn't seem to be something the Zaku can have. "

"Master, do you mean, there are other people here besides us?"

Dutoro narrowed his neck subconsciously.

"It's not necessarily now." Xia smiled bitterly. "Maybe this shield was put here many years ago." As if to make everyone relaxed, Xia still pretended to say this after saying this. A few easy laughs. But even he felt it, how weird his own laughter was.

The place was weird everywhere, including the shield in the crack of the door.

"Anyway, this thing brother saved us, otherwise we would all be trapped inside." After that, Charlie waved her arms: "Let's go on, at least it seems that this is our only Way out. "

Totoro had been squatting in front of the shield and looked for a while, looking at the appearance of the magician, it seemed that the layer of pure iron essence had crossed three feet very much. If this thing was taken out, it must be quite valuable.

The magician's hand was already on the shield, and Xia yelled, "Don't touch that thing!" He looked suddenly: "Can't let this door be closed! After all, we don't know what's ahead, maybe we will come back!" "

Dodo Luo took his hand back, and looked at the shield unwillingly.

Rubbing silt

Just behind this door, there is another long underground gap. The passage this time is not too wide, only less than ten steps wide.

While walking on the road, the crow's mouth did not control his mouth: "Anyway, master, I still feel a little uneasy, as if I always feel that something bad will happen."

"If you don't shut up again, what you call a bad thing will be born to you right away." Charlie threatened the insignificant and timid servant.

The witch doctor walked for a while, but suddenly stopped, she squatted down, stroking her hands back and forth on the ground for a while, Charlie had a little respect for this calm and unusual woman along the way, whispered : "What happened to the corpse"

She didn't answer immediately when she got up. She stood up, walked to the wall beside the passage and touched her hands for a while, then said "wet."

As soon as Charya's eyes lighted, he also learned to look, and groped for a while on the ground and the wall: "There is some water and gas here, I think, there may be a water source nearby?"

"Do you feel it?" He groaned for a while. "Here, it's hot and humid."

Xia Yayi felt it. As he walked deeper into this passage, the air seemed to have a moist and sweltering odor. This feeling was like walking in the woods in the mountains in summer, wet and stuffy.

He pointed to the front of the tunnel: "From the front."

The crowd walked a few hundred meters further, and Charlie shook her nose while walking, "as if there was a strange smell here."

Dodoro screamed immediately: "I smell it too, sir, it seems like sulfur?"

It is true that there is a pungent look in the air, but it is not too obvious. Xia ’s features are more acute. He hesitated, "What may be ahead?"

"We can only move forward, we have no choice." The voice that had left was still so cold.

At this time, suddenly, behind them, the direction of the crowd along the way, faintly heard a loud "bang"! The sound came through the narrow passage, with the feeling of dull and thick oscillation.

As soon as Xia heard this voice, his expression changed suddenly, and he blurted out, "No! The door is closed!"

He immediately stared at Doodor severely: "Is your state touching that shield!"

Totoro's face also paled "I, I just touched it, didn't move it"

Charlie also wanted to drink and scold Dodolo, but there was another disturbing movement behind her!

This time, a rumbling sound was endless. In this narrow passage, the spread and oscillation of this sound seemed extremely shocking, and then the movement was still non-stop, as if something was rumbling. It kept ringing, and the sound seemed to be getting closer and closer! !!

Charlie and the witch doctor glanced at each other, and a flash of panic flashed in their eyes at the same time. At almost the same time, the two blurted out and shouted "Run!" But the witch doctor shouted only Zaku .

Without any hesitation, the witch doctor took the lead, and the other Zaku fighters spread their legs and ran forward along the way. Shayala stopped and still had Dodoro and hurry up to catch up. "

The booming movement behind him was getting closer and closer, Doodor was lifted up by Charyala, looked back in his busy schedule, and suddenly screamed in fright!


Behind this, in this narrow aisle, a huge round megalith is rolling over bones! The stone is round and full of volume, but it is exactly filled with this channel, rolling over it all the way, it looks extremely scary. It can be imagined that from the volume point of view, the weight of this thing is at least ten thousand pounds. Above, if it is crushed in this way, I am afraid that everyone will become meaty mud!

Because this passage happened to be all the way down, the round boulder rolled extremely fast. Although everyone tried hard to run, the closer the sound was, the more afraid they would be caught up soon!

The lightning in Xia's heart was generally calculated, and he suddenly sang, stopped and pulled out his fork, and shouted, "Can't run away! Everyone work together! Otherwise, there is only a dead end!"

The red light in his eyes instantly became louder, and then it became louder. With a sound, he lifted the fork and banged fiercely at the tumbling rock behind him.

A red light hit the boulder head-on, and suddenly a piece of stone debris flew, and the boulder rolled slowly, then Xia yelled, lost the fire fork, strode up, and opened his arms! Then hugged the rolling stone hard!

Charlie's roar sounded a sense of grandeur, and he saw that the muscles of his arms suddenly exploded. The whole person's body seemed to expand by three points, and every muscle in the whole body was swollen. Two clicks, his arms, neck, thighs, seemingly thickened by three points at this instant.

With a loud bang, he slammed into the boulder like a barbarian, and the stone was more than 10,000 pounds. With the momentum of rolling and rolling all the way, the power was more than 10,000 pounds! However, Xia Ya used his own strength to block the stone for a moment, and then saw Xia Ya's face was red, his eyes were red, and the red light enveloped his body. It's up!

His roar shook everybody, and Waner felt a tingling pain, and then he gave a spit of blood, and his feet were unable to hold back and slide backwards. He moved backwards two or three meters. But this boulder was actually held up by him! !!

"Hurry up !!! Help!"

In the roar of Xia Ya, the other Zaku fighters ran back, and everyone worked together to help Xia Ya get up. Ten strong men used their shoulders or arms to shake the tree like a group of ants.

This boulder is more dangerous to roll and pick. Once stopped and stopped, it will be a lot easier. Charya's face is red, as if he was drunk. He tried to grab it from the Zaku soldiers around him. He brought a few iron spears, and then stuck them on the ground. His powerful strength focused on his arms. The iron spears were directly inserted into the stone slabs on the ground. Then Xia inserted them with a few iron spears. Fell to the ground, and then rested on the stone.

After doing all this, Xia Ya stepped back a few steps, and then a cricket sat on the ground. At this moment, he felt a sudden pain in his chest. He was too hard just now, and he was afraid of hurting his lungs. After that blood spurted, Breathing is a little painful.

The witch doctor walked across the curtain and looked at Charya's face. She reached out her hand and held a strange leaf in her palm: "In your mouth, don't swallow it.

Xia already knew the strange style of the witch doctor's behavior, but after this strange leaf was contained in his mouth, the cool feeling suddenly slipped down the mouth, making him relaxed.

"We'd better go inside this place soon" Charlie shook her head with a bitter smile. He took his hand out and stood up.

At this moment, the other Zaku fighters are very excited. Everyone has a reassurance for the rest of the disaster. But before everyone can cheer, there is a loud bang again.

Upon hearing this voice, Xia Ya's face suddenly changed!

Damn it! More than one weird boulder! !!

Hearing the rumbling sound of rolling again, everyone was ashamed!

Xia Ya suddenly remembered the iron bomber game that she had played as a child! Now, he is helpless, and he seems to have become a victim of this game!

Although they tried their best to block the first huge rolling stone, if the second one hits from behind, the first one will be bumped and rolled again! By then the power of two in one!

"Run! Run away!"

With a sudden sip in Zaku, the two Zaku fighters immediately picked up Xia, and flew forward with their legs spread.

The rumbling voice behind him became clearer and clearer, and everyone couldn't care so much. Everyone was striding desperately. Poor Totoro had the worst physical strength and ran in the last one. Yelling in the middle.

Just as the crowd ran about a hundred meters away, there were several crisp metal breaks in the roaring sound behind him! Everyone is clear in their hearts! Obviously, the second rolling stone has hit the first! The iron spear used to hold the first rolling stone has broken!

That rolling sound rang again ... ",

"There is light ahead!" Xia was led by two Zaku fighters and ran ahead. Just when everyone was desperate, the front passage suddenly made a turn. After running through the curve, it suddenly became bright. !!

Out. !! !!

Everyone was so uplifted, and rose to their final strength to rush to the bright place.

This is indeed an out. !! At the end of the passage, after coming out, my eyes suddenly opened up!

This is a huge underground cave. There is a long underground canyon in front of you. When you ran out of the passage, a strong water vapor full of pungent smell rushed forward!

The entire cave is more than 100 meters high, with both sides extending out. The terrain is high on the left and low on the edge of the cave on the left. A waterfall is pouring down from a crack on the top of the cave, and the rushing water flows down. In this peak and valley, he rushed to the right, and on the right side of the canyon, the terrain suddenly descended, as if his feet suddenly cracked ... a bar leading to the ground. child! At the deepest part of the canyon, an extremely deep drop suddenly appeared from the water surface in the canyon! That drop must be at least several hundred meters deep!

What is even more amazing is that under the huge drop, a stream of red light burst out! !! Heat waves billow!

It's magma! It's that scary underground magma! !!

The stream from the waterfall in the peak and valley rushed down into the magma, and immediately burst into a piece of water vapor. The water flow was instantly steamed by the heat of the magma, forming a mass of moist water.

The strange scenes of this place suddenly made everyone stay for a while!

But soon, the banging slamming sounds made everyone wake up.

Fortunately, this is not a dead end.

This huge canyon must be at least 100 meters wide, but just at the exit of this passage, there is exactly a stone bridge erected on the peak and valley, leading to the opposite side of the canyon! Just at the end of the opposite bridge and beam, it is also the entrance to a passage.

It's just that what makes people feel cold is that the stone bridge itself is already crumbling.

In this "karst cave, because of the existence of a bare magma. The perennial hot air roasting and the corrosion of steamed water vapor, that stone bridge beam has already become mottled and rotten, just when everyone ran out Even the naked eye can clearly see the surface of the jumping beam, and a piece of stone debris fell down and fell into the flowing waterfall water below, and the height of the 100 meters below the peak and valley can be imagined if If a person falls, it is definitely a dead end !!! Even if you can swim without being killed ... In such a rapid current, the end result is to be washed into the magma!

The degree of decay of this bridge beam is obviously extremely dangerous. The bridge beam was originally in the shape of a circular arch, and there were two bridge piers standing on the water surface of the valley below, but the bridge surface had already had several fractures, but fortunately, the distance of the fracture was not too large People can barely jump over.

At this time, everyone had no choice but to rush their heads all the way to the bridge.

When the first step was trampled on the bridge, the two Zaku fighters running in the front felt the softness of their feet! This stone bridge is more fragile than expected! The stones under your feet are as soft as mud balls! After a few steps, the bridge surface cracked!

"Don't stop! Hurry up!" Xia Ya shouted, "rush over!"

The first "the break is only less than two meters wide, and everyone easily jumped over one by one, but as one person walked over and trampled, new stones were recorded in the broken place and fell into the abyss. Going, the fault layer is getting bigger and bigger, and Dodoro who runs last is the most sloppy. By his time, the fault layer was at least three or four meters wide. The poor magician screamed in shock and took He worked hard for one run, and finally fell into the abyss. Fortunately, a "Zaku warrior in front of him grabbed him, and then dragged the magician whose feet were already empty."

When everyone ran across the bridge halfway, there was a boom in the back. The giant's rolling stone has rushed out of the passageway, rolled directly onto the bridge, and made a loud noise. The bridge head on the opposite side could not bear the weight of the huge rolling stone, and collapsed, and then took half of the bridge beam on the other side. They all started to crack. After a loud noise, one third of the bridge beam was completely gone. Large and huge boulders fell into the abyss below, and the sound of violent oscillations wafted back and forth in this cave. ...

Everyone finally ran to the opposite bank, ran out of the bridge head, and stood on the ground across the bank. Then they felt a little more secure in their hearts.

But when I look back, I can't help it.

The bridge is completely finished, and the abyss, which is more than a hundred meters wide, is just in front of it.

"We have no way back to go." Xia smiled bitterly: "Unless we can fly across the abyss of 100 meters wide ... but I don't have the skill to fly. And don't forget, the passage we came by, the door Also closed. "

Everyone was astonished by the shock they had. Xia let the Zaku put him down. He was too weak to hit, but there was no problem walking barely.

The passage across the shore is slightly wider, but the terrain is still going all the way down.

"Damn." Charlie pouted her lips. "Since we came in, we have been going down. Where does this place lead? Is it hell?"

"Master, this joke isn't funny at all ~ ~ Toto's face is as earthy.

"Shut up, you waste wood, I knew I had left you outside." Xia Ya sighed.


Just as Charlie and Dodoro quarreled, the witch doctor shouted at him suddenly, and the witch doctor stood at the entrance of the tunnel, staring blankly at the wall.

"What's wrong?" When Xia Ya walked to the witch doctor's side, she glanced in the direction of her eyes, and then she paused for a moment.

On the wall was a sign with mottled text from ancient goblins.

"Specimen storage areas, high-risk areas, restricted access ...


High risk?


"Anyway, this doesn't seem to be good news." Charlie licked her cracked lips.

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