
Chapter 242: [Failed Product]


(In Love with the Book House) Eight Crosses

Chapter 242, Failed Products,

Dammandras stood in front of the two, and the guy looked unhurried. As if the manic and angry mood had disappeared before, at this moment, he was holding his hands, and he didn't know that it was a loose gray robe changed from there. His look was leisurely, and even a little elegant taste. The breath is like the special temperament dedicated to the elves.

"Looks like you're having trouble?" Damandras glanced over Charya and Ada and glanced at the exit that had been blocked behind them: "Are you locked up here?"


Charlie vomited heavily. Gave Ada a vicious look. He wasn't so afraid at the moment. Because Dora had told him, according to the law of life sharing, Damandras basically had little chance to kill himself.

Humph. Need to worry now. Seems like this **** Ada right?

Charya looked at Ada. However, this guy didn't seem to be afraid of nervousness, as if he had taken his fate. Spread your hands, look unguarded.

"It's really interesting." Damandralas's eyes swept across the two, and finally fell on Ada: "A humanoid dragon? I'm curious, as a proud dragon family, how can you To endure the noble soul hiding in the body of such a lowly creature

? "

Ada pouted and did not speak.

"And you. Compared to this humanoid dragon, you make me even more curious." Damandras looked at Charya again. His eyes were clear and bright, but Sen Leng's eyes were faintly revealed: "You are clearly not a dragon, but why do you have some dragon flavor? Humph" Half-human half-long? It's ridiculous. "

"Do it yourself! Where are so many mother-in-laws nonsense!" Charlie glared at Damandras with a shield and a fire fork, "Uncle Ben is not afraid of you!"

"Of course you are not afraid." Damanderas saw through Charya's mind and sneered: "You can steal my vitality? So you think I can't kill you. Isn't it?"

"Yes!" Charlie admitted shamelessly: "It's a big deal!"

Damandras smiled. The slight smile on the corner of his mouth came up slowly, giving Xia a sense of uneasiness in his heart. "

Suddenly, Damandras lifted a hand, stretched out an index finger, and nodded a little to Charya,

A ray of light quickly came out of his fingertips, and that ray of light shot out, and instantly punctured the shield in Charya's hand through a small hole. The light fell on Xia ’s chest, and he heard a wave, and Xia screamed in pain. He stepped back a few steps, and a burst of blood burst into his chest! This ray of light directly penetrated Charya's body! At the same time the blood on his chest burst, his back also shot a ray


Charya stepped back a few steps in a row, her eyes suddenly became dark, her chest was sore, and a loose shield and fire fork fell to the ground. She fell on her knees almost on the spot and supported her hands on the ground. Grunting panting.

Later, he discovered a fact that surprised him: the healing speed of the chest injury became extremely slow!

When he was fighting with Damandras before, no matter how serious the injury was, he would start healing immediately. After a short while, he recovered and healed. But now, there was a hole in his chest. The blood was flowing fast, but the speed of rebirth was at least three or four times slower than before!

Watching Xia Ya flutter on the ground. Damandras's voice was soft: "Now, do you think I can't kill you?"

Charya was speechless. The severe pain in his chest made him almost suffocate, and the difficulty of breathing made him unable to spit out his voice. I couldn't faint myself by struggling to support, and waited for a while, the pain of the wound was relieved little by little.

"This" this is "Charya looked up, and when she was finally able to speak, she looked at Damandras in surprise.

Could this guy "actually violate the rules of life sharing? Violate the laws of nature ?!"

"It's weird, isn't it?" Damandras squinted and smiled, and he continued to raise his hand, another beam of light hitting Charya. This time Charlie bounced the whole person, jumping out like a fish. He fell a few meters away after Charlie landed. Rolled a few times on the ground, not yet lifting my body. Wow, spit out blood.

"You must be very weird. Why did your trick that steals my vitality stop working?" Damandras slowly walked into Charya's side, raised his foot on Charya's chest, and pressed hard under his foot. Xia screamed in pain, bleeding again from her mouth.

Damandras's smile became more and more stubborn, but his voice seemed to be softer and softer: "How much vitality did you steal from me? Humble little things, should I immediately trample you like an ant?" "

Charya suffered two hardships. The other person stepped on his chest again. This guy has great strength. Although Xia Ya desperately raised his hands to block the other's footsteps, the bones of his chest were still rattling and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Finally, a flash of red light flashed in Charya's eyes and roared! When Daman Delaston felt ten times stronger, he pushed his legs away! Seeing Charya's body almost slipped back against the ground. With a leap, the fist rushed up!

Under the crimson murderous. Xia's strength has been strengthened in multiples, both in strength and sensitivity, and this fist waved in the past. Although Damanderas flickered backwards, he was almost wiped by the fist wind, and Xia flicked away. But he rolled on the spot and grabbed his own fork when he got up. Quickly twist back on!

He was already desperate, the red light was soon poured on the fire fork, and it was a storm on Dammandras like a storm! But Damandras's figure shuffled back and forth among the red light. He sneered again and again. Although Xia Ya was weak and mad, the laughter of Damandras came from time to time, even a little mockery. the taste of.

Xia Ya slashed seventeen and eighty notes in one fell swoop. You know, when Xia Ya broke out, she not only increased her strength, she was also extremely powerful in her keenness! Especially the skyrocketing mental strength. It is also very powerful in capturing the action of the enemy!

At this moment, under the crimson murder, all of them attacked more than ten times in one breath and were dodged by the other party! Such a thing has never been encountered before.

Xun Ya was amazed by the flames, but he was originally a sturdy sexual stunner without panic. The sound of the fire fork was set, and the light on the handle of the fire fork was a masterpiece!

Ada had already sat there, and suddenly saw Xia ’s movement, she could not help but "sniffed", her eyes moved slightly, her frown whispered: "Dragon thorn? Huh" Dora. You taught him something like this. "

boom! !!

Among the loud noises, a group of red light has swept out under Char's torch! The red light blasted out like a large beam of light, but Damandras's shape suddenly became blurred at this moment. The red light seemed to directly hit his body, but he was there For a moment, the figure became translucent, as if it had become a residual image, and disappeared after a hula!

In the loud noise, the power of the dragon thorn directly blasted into the distance, and directly blasted the sink in this forge! The huge sink was blasted into countless fine pieces of stone, and it was as if the rain was falling in the sky!

Xia Ya stabbed the dragon with a stroke, and immediately turned pale, snoring and breathing in the same place, and finally fell on his knees with a thump.

As he fell, the air around him suddenly twisted. Damandela's figure appeared next to him, starting as a residual image, but soon became clear little by little.

With one hand stroking Char ’s throat, Damandras sneered, and lifted Fuya directly, shaking it slightly, and when the guard slammed, the fork fell to the ground again, Damandras Raised Xia, although Xia tried hard to open the hand that held his throat, but he was exhausted at this moment, but how could he push it?

"It turned out that you did a great job just now, but it seems that you can only use this trick in a limited way! Then you have been fighting with me for so long just because you can continuously steal my vitality. Added? Now your theft is restricted, so it seems that your strength is so weak! "

"Why," Why, "Charlie was holding her throat, her face flushed. A difficult sentence came out of her mouth.

"Why?" Damandras gently touched his face with another hand. "I don't know why, but I think" This is probably related to my form! Hum, it seems, your theft. Only works when I'm a snake, not

Although Xia Ya was already a little confused at this moment, and his breathing was not so clear that his brain began to get confused, he heard the words and immediately understood.

Serpent body ... life sharing ...

gone! This must be the case! I was able to share the vitality of Damanderas before because it was in the state of a snake! In the state of the snake body, it is closest to the dragon! But once it changed form, now it becomes an elf, then its own life sharing is based on the relationship between the dragon knight and the dragon mount, and the other party becomes an elf. This dragon-specific life sharing is restricted. !!

Because Damandras's essence is still a serpent, life sharing has not completely disappeared, but it can be supplemented by himself. But greatly weakened! The speed of replenishment is simply not enough to make up for your own wear and tear.

Dammandras's fingers were deeply embedded in Charya's neck, and a moment of evil flashed in his eyes, and his fingers suddenly shrank! Immediately smashing Xia Zhen to his own


But Damandras used two forces in a row, but was surprised to find that he was transported by the force. But as if once injected into Xia's body, it disappeared completely!

He tried three times in secret, making the strength stronger every time. But every time, my strength seemed to disappear for some reason at the last moment! At best, I can only hold the human in my hand to the neck and have difficulty breathing, but I can't do it anymore if I want to pinch the other's neck to kill the other!

Although he was surprised, he didn't show his face, but suddenly he sneered. Let go of your hand and drop Charya on the ground.

Once Xia Ya was out of sleep, she suddenly gasped, and sat on the ground, holding her neck tightly. Immediately he looked up and looked at Damandras in confusion.

"Do you" poison not kill me? "

The strangeness in Damandras' heart was deeper than that of Charya, but his face was not revealed, and he sneered.

I thought: If I can kill you, can you still talk to me? !!

It's just strange in my heart: why can't this guy be killed?

Damandras didn't know. Although it turned into a form of elves, after all, it was a Damandras serpent. Although the role of life sharing was weakened, according to the law, it was unable to kill Xia, who was his shared object.

However, Damandralas's eyes immediately fell on Ada's body, revealing fierce light.

Ada sighed, he had already faintly guessed the strange relationship between Damandras and Xia. Seeing that Damandras looked at himself, the look was murderous in his eyes, but he suddenly smiled. Laughing: "You want to kill me?"

"What do you think? Poor little dragon? Our Damandras and your dragons are originally enemies." Damandras approached Ada with a smile, but Ada remained unguarded and sat. there. With a leisurely expression, watching this guy approach.

"Aren't you going to resist?" Damandras sneered. "Let me see how strong your dragons are! How are you going to counter me? Become your body? Huh!"

"No, I won't resist." Ada sighed, but although he was sighing, the expression on his face seemed to be a bit mocking: "In fact, I don't want to resist, but I can't."

He pointed to his nose: "You see, I'm humanoid now. For some reason, I can't change back to my body, so now, although my soul is still a dragon, but besides that, and There is no difference between human beings-I have not learned any human martial arts, nor do I use human magic. If you want to kill me, just move your fingers gently. "

He said so calmly. Instead, Damandras froze, "You, you are willing to die?"

"Of course not." Ada sneered: "Who would be willing to die? But, I believe, you should not kill me."

"Hahahaha!" Damandaras laughed a few times: "Can't kill you? Funny dragon! What capital do you have to say this? Killing a dragon is impossible for Damandalas. The temptation to refuse! "

"As you can see." Ada raised her face and stared at the other child's mouth. "I am a very young dragon. I am less than two hundred years old this year, I am young, and I can be calm Tell you, when I was in dragon form, I was the best young dragon in the tribe. So

Damandela's eyes jumped slightly. "What do you want to say?"

Ada smiled. He still looked at Damandalas so flatly: "I think you have probably heard a legend of our dragon clan. I am the best potential person in the clan, so I was once selected. Accepted the dragon **** Blessing! The great dragon **** has given me a magical power. "

Blessing of the Dragon God. This legend, as the deadly enemy of the Dragons, is known to every Damandras. So listen to Ada. Damandalas twisted his forehead: "You said you were blessed by the dragon god?"

"Yes." Ada's face calmed down. "Dragon God gave me a magical power. The first enemy to injure me will be back bitten! Anyone who injures me first will lose half of it. Strength, vitality, magic, physical vitality, "all halved! And will always stay at that level! "

Damandras froze. He had stretched out his hand and retracted involuntarily.

"You are powerful. You can even say that you are the most powerful Damandras I have ever known! Because you did everything that Damandras did not do: Nine Moults So ... your strength is almost comparable to the strongest among the dragons.

Ada sighed: "But, being the most powerful Damanderas ever, would you be willing to lose my life for the sake of my life?"

As if inadvertently. When Ada spoke, he slightly increased the tone of the "forever" mark given to no way.

Sure enough, the doubts in Damandras's eyes deepened.

"This bastard. He's deceiving people again." Charlie heard Dora's disdain in her head.


Yes, that, the blessing of the dragon **** is real.

Even the magical power given to Ada by the Dragon God is true: "The first enemy that injures me will be backshouldered! Anyone who injures me first will lose half of his power, vitality, magic. Physical vitality" All in half! And will always stay at that level! "

The problem is ... the first one! !!

The first guy who harmed Ada had already appeared! It's Dora! !!

As a result, Dora was cursed by a backstab, and the mold fell.

Therefore, the blessing of the dragon **** of Ada has been used once and cannot be used a second time.


This **** Adam, he was scaring Daendras at all.

What's more, Xia Yape admire that when Ada talked deceivingly, her expression was almost natural! There was no panic or nervousness when lying.

This **** "is just a born liar !!!

How did "I" know that you didn't cheat me to save your life. "Damandras stared down at Ada, his eyes were getting more and more dangerous, and his extended fingers almost poked Ada's nose.

"You really don't know." Adam looked still calm. There is no flaw at all: "And the way to prove it is very simple: kill me. Maybe I lied to you to lie, maybe I said the truth. If you want to confirm, you can only try it yourself."

At this point, he paused deliberately, and then a light smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I know you hate me and hate me. You need to vent your anger. But I believe you also understand that for you who are already very powerful now In other words, I am just a little dragon with no threat at all, even in your eyes, just a cricket ant. Then, you are willing to make a little cricket ant. And risk losing half of your strength forever Risk? "

Damandras was silent. From his complexion, the murderous look in his eyes faded little by little.

Although the murderous spirit disappeared, the irritability of Damandras's eyes appeared little by little.

Finally caught such two abominable guys, but couldn't kill each other? In such a situation, it is impossible for Damanderas to stay in flames.

It squinted. The dangerous look swept across them. Suddenly, Damandras sneered.

"Very well, I won't kill you." Its voice was vicious: "But welcome you to be my captives" My little prey! From this moment on, you will be eternal prisoners waiting for you! In the endless years to come, every day, you will accept my torture and play bones! !! "

Then, it looked at Charya: "Like you, abominable thief, stealing thief! I won't kill you, but I will interrupt your bones every day! Then let you be careful every day Taste the bitter taste! Such a painful taste will become the whole of your future life !!! I am curious, this taste. How long can you endure? Ah, right. I almost forgot "You seem to be dead? Hahahaha! "

Then, it went over, lifted Charya, and threw it to the ground.

Two heavy wounds on Xia's body still prevented him from standing, but fortunately, a trace of extremely weak supplements of life made him barely keep awake.

He endured pain. Staring at Damandralas, gritting his teeth.

"Now, come with me, here will be your" home, "my little captives. "Damandras' smile is evil.

Damandalas is obviously very familiar with everything in the creation zone. In the forge, it easily found a passage under the sink that had been turned into ruins. Then he pointed at the passage and ordered the two to jump.

Before Charlie left. I brought the fire fork on my body, and I didn't forget the iron shield. I even took a short knife from the side shelf. Of course, this short knife is relative to the Goblin race. For people like Xia, the short knife used by the goblin can only be used as a dagger.

Damandras doesn't seem to care and doesn't stop Charlie from taking those weapons.

After entering the passage, Damandras quickly opened a wall and led them to another cave.

This cave looks like a large warehouse. After entering, there is a large amount of ore accumulated in a mountain. Xia Ya carefully identified for a while, and then recognized under the guidance of Ada: these are the magic crystals after the magic is exhausted.

Such a large amount of crystals are extremely spectacular when stacked on the tip of the pattern. Even if the magic crystal of the pattern is exhausted, it is still a valuable crystal stone in essence, and as long as it is refilled with magic, it is good. Magic storage container.

Damandras was very familiar and found another door in this warehouse. It easily twisted a similar twist that Charya had seen on the wall and opened the door. It is a marsh road, a stone bridge leading deep.

"We're almost home, ah, welcome to visit my" Bedroom Damandras walked to the front and turned back and sneered.

What it calls a "bedroom" is actually a larger enclosed cave.

Entering this cave, you can immediately see a huge container trough in the middle. It is a semi-circular pool made of pure crystal, and there are four sinks surrounding the central container. The four sinks lead to four other slightly smaller pool containers.

A huge hood was placed on each pool container. The transparent hood looks a bit similar to the one before. Transparent covers for specimens seen at the "Sample Storage" area.

But in Xia's opinion, Li Pouch found a slight difference.

The four hoods around were all intact, but the largest container pool in the middle. The cover above is broken! A huge hole was broken in the middle, as if something had been broken!

Beyond that. In this huge cave, the surrounding walls are already filled with that kind of green slime, as if you saw it in the snake nest full of snake eggs.

This transparent diarrhea looked so disgusting, Charya couldn't help frowning, and said coldly, "Is this your bedroom? Damandalas" You really should ask a cleaner, here again Dirty and smelly, I was almost smoked to death. "

His words did not make Damandras angry, this guy just sneered and looked at Charya: "Oh, it seems you don't like this place" but you will like it! Because in the future you will live here. "Dirty, smelly, place."

at this time. Suddenly Ada pulled Xia gently, and Xia snorted and stared at Ada. There was still anger in his eyes, and Xia Ya didn't forget this jerk!

"Haven't you figured it out yet? Charlie." Ada grinned, pointing at the huge container slots in the cave: "You won't forget, where is this place?"

Xia Ya moved in her heart, and persevered in her anger at Ada, thinking a little,

Ancient Goblin "Creation Zone"

Suddenly he guessed something and looked at Ada, who was also looking at him.

"This guy" Charlie lowered her voice. "This guy, isn't it?"

"Even if Damandras is a perfect form nine times moult, he will not have four different body shapes, nor will he become a goblin or elven form.

Ada shook her head. His eyes glanced at the container slots, and the transparent cover that had been broken in the largest slot in the middle: "Obviously" the Damandras in front of us was not a purebred snake. "

"Good guess. Poor dragon." Damandras suddenly turned back: "I'm beginning to believe your words now. You are the best among the young dragons among the dragons because you are really smart."

It pointed to the broken container: "I was born there. So, I'm not a purebred snake born naturally, but" made! " "

Made? !!

Charlie heard this. Suddenly his face became weird! !!

The creatures created by the ancient goblin "Creation Zone" can compete with the powerful dragon race of the Damandras race "nine times molt transformation" "the strongest Damandras" "skills beyond normal race" "four forms"

The organization of all these elements immediately made Xia a very likely answer:

Sad, this Damandras, this guy in front of it, is it a **** created by ancient goblins? !! !!

In terms of strength. Nine times molt perfect form Damandras ", the strength has been set very

Well, this answer is very possible! !!

Charya's breathing began to quicken, her heartbeat accelerated, and she looked secretly at Dayendras, her eyes becoming weird.

God? God of Goblin Creation? !!

Is it the thing in front of me?

"Stupid, it's not."

in mind. Dora sneered.


"It's not." Dora's voice was low. "Did you see the broken cover? Obviously it wasn't opened normally, but it was forcibly broken! We've all seen the local diary, the last ancient goblins . At the last moment, I awakened the "God who is being cultivated". !! The hood is obviously not opened normally, but, "It looks like it is the cultivated thing inside, and it broke out of the hood by itself. So" this Damandras. It should not be the **** created by the goblin. "

Pause. Dora went on to add: "It may be something created by the essence, or it may even be regarded as" God. " And it was created, but it was not a successful product ~ ~ but it was mostly one. Failed product. "

Failed product?

Charlie's mouth had a weird smile.

Is a failed product so powerful? !! So, how powerful should the true goblin-made **** be?

It was here that I was "made. It came out." Damandalas's voice sounded very calm: "I have no parents and no similar. When I woke up, I found myself lying in that cover. And here Already empty, I broke through the hood. But there are no other creatures of this kind in the entire underground cave. "

He turned slowly and faced Charya and Ada: "You can call me Damandras because this is indeed the name of my race, but I am not a big blood snake, since I woke up After that, I realized that there are three other kinds of blood in my body.

!! "

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