
Chapter 245: 【Earthworm】

Although the healing rate is very slow, but after such a long effort, the injury is also good. Charya looked at the blood scum and scars that had formed on her chest, and her mind began to move again.

Dammandras led the two further down the cave.

This house walked in the forefront to lead the way. Among the underground caves, they walked round and round, one by one. It has lived in this underground cave for many years. Naturally, it is very familiar with everything here.

After passing through a tunnel again, in a cave that came, it was an underground river. The river banks of this underground river were piled with artificial rocky beaches, and at the downstream of the river, two sluice gates were closed tightly. With.

The cave was full of water and gas. Listening to the sound of the rushing water, Damandras stopped on the river. Charya glanced, and couldn't help but stunned: "Yi? Are there fish in this water?"

He walked quickly to the river and saw that there were more than just fish in the river, but he also saw some dark shadows floating slowly under the water. "You are farther away from the river bank." Damandras sneered.

It wasn't finished, and suddenly, Xia heard a hula, the river burst into a spray of water, a huge body leapt from the water, and Xia saw a row of silver lights rushing to herself, and suddenly suddenly back One shrank, and the fork struck up at the same time.

He heard a sharp cry, and a splash of water splashed on Xia Ya's snatch. He felt the fire fork sink in his hand, and had already pierced something.

Looking closely, I saw this thing jumping out of the water as if it was a strange fish.

This "big fish" looks like ... how do you say, it is like a fish without a shell, the body is soft, but that head is like the turtle king eight's head, and it is much larger, in proportion It seems to be extremely uncoordinated with the size of the body.

The length of this thing is about one meter long. After being pierced by Char ’s firefork, he was screaming with fangs and grinning, and said "Woohoo", especially in the open mouth, showing a row. Sharp sharp silvery white teeth. "Good guy, I just wanted to bite Lao Tzu! Huh! Uncle Ben will bite you first!"

The Char ’s chair threw it ashore and walked over, trampled it on its back, the fire fork waved down, and cut the head of this thing. This ... should be a prehistoric underwater creature? Xia Ya squatted and looked at the body of this thing for a long time before frowning.

"This is Baker o" Dora sneered in his head: "This thing is indeed a prehistoric stuff, but it is not a thing in this world. The legend is a catfish without a shell. The most important thing is, It is not something that belongs to this world, but something that lives in the underworld. It was brought to this world when the demons invaded this world in ancient times. "What in the underworld?

Xia couldn't help but be a little curious, just as she was hungry, she laughed, "Can this food be eaten?"

Dora seemed hesitant: "I heard that it should be edible, because the ancient demons have used this kind of food as food." Charlie was relieved, and he looked at Damandras: " Hey! Four-body monster, now you do n’t sneer Damandaras sneer: "Are you calling me off? "

"Four-body monster." Charlie looked lazy. "You were a snake for a while, a goblin for a while, and now you have become an elf. You said you have four forms, what is not a four-body monster? Hey, I Say, if you do n’t kill me now, I ’ll have something to eat and it ’s important to fill my stomach. This evening, Lao Tzu ate all dry food, and Barry was bitter. Damanderas sneered. , F brittle ignores Xia.

Xia began to work, and he ignited a fire in his hands and feet, cut the strange fish into several pieces with a fire fork, and grilled on the fire fork.

Damandras just stood there looking at Charlie coldly, watching Charlie busy bbq, could not help but sigh, the tone was very disdain: "You humble low-level creature, you know what you don't know Is it a very rare artifact-like treasure? Do you actually use it for meat barbecue? "Xia Yali said arrogantly:" I still used this stuff to dig out the hearth. "

Ada walked along the river, but he kept a few meters away from the river carefully, stood there and walked back and forth dozens of steps, as if interested in the underground river. After looking for a while, Ada ordered Nodded: "I have to say, the wisdom of building the ancient goblins here really admires me."

Then, pointing at the two sluices in the distance, he slowly said, "After ten thousand years in this underground river, there are actually fishes and creatures in the water, which is impossible in itself. From this perspective, It is the two sluices that have played the role. The underground river must be connected to the Ming River outside, and the living water from the outside will be brought down here. This must be a place to store underwater specimen organisms and bring in living water from the outside. After that, the sluice is an important key to control. "

"Your little dragon is not stupid, and you can see it accurately." Damandras smiled. "There are six underground pools. There are twelve such sluices. There is a magic circle in this place." Control, open and close with different sluices at regular intervals. The underwater creatures here are also the throne of God's Seal according to time, and can leave from the open sluices. When warm every year, spawn in a place to breed, and when the weather is cold, they will Transfer to other pools for cultivation. In addition, there is a sluice to contact the outside living water, which is opened regularly to bring in the outside living water, and at the same time, the fish and shrimp from the Ming River are introduced to ensure that the underwater creatures can have food and be connected at the same time. The channel sluice of the Ming River outside has a high drop, which makes these prehistoric underwater creatures inside cannot escape to the outside. I have seen that some records of ancient goblins called this thing ... What is the biological circulation system? Hum, a weird name. "

"Creature ... Circulation ..." Ada sighed carefully for a while, and could not help but sigh: "Gaoming, he is really smart."

At this time, Charlie was ready to grill there. Although the prehistoric underwater creatures looked strange, they were still fragrant when they were cooked, making Charlie, who had been hungry for a long time, couldn't help shaking. nose. Just to enter, but hesitated one by one in case this thing is poisonous but what should I do? This Xuan Xuan's eyes rolled around, and he waved to Ada: "Hey! Come here! Ada looked coldly at Xia:" What? "Xia Ya also didn't carry it, and handed the fire fork directly to Ada:" Eat one.

Ada froze, looked at Xia, and then he smiled strangely: "You want me to test the poison for you?" Xia's smile is even more strange: "Do n’t you understand, I have at least good reason? Kill you. "The two guys gave each other a look, and Ada didn't move. Xia already sneered:" Dora. "Then he quietly stretched out a finger and pointed at Dan who was standing in the distance. Dras. The meaning of this threat "Ada immediately understood!

The meaning of Charya's words is very clear: "You lied to Damandras by lying and did not dare to kill you. What dragon **** blesses, that curse has already been fulfilled on Dora! If you don't test Lao Tzu, I will tell Damandras! Ada was also fragile, laughed loudly, and did not use a fire fork. He grabbed a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Xia stared, watching Ada eat a piece of food, swallowed cleanly, and stared at Ada's face. After a while, seeing that Ada had no adverse reactions, Xia waved her hand: "You can get away, Don't forget, I can still kill you at any time. "

Charlie sat there with her knees crossed, and was gorging quickly, filling her belly in a few moments. It tastes good when it is baked, but it doesn't taste salty or condiments. It tastes light and tasteless.

After Xia was full, she jumped up and patted her belly, and washed the oil from the fire fork beside the river, screaming, "I'm full! Damandras, let's fight again!" After speaking, his eyes glowed with red light, and he flung up the fire fork ...

A few minutes later, Xia was sitting on the ground holding an arm, his left leg was broken, and the palm of his hand holding the fire fork, his hand bones were also shocked by power and burst. Although the painful eyes were black, Xia said No, just sitting there. Even a trace of life was added to his body, and the slow chair wound healed little by little. Dammandras stood in front of Charya: "Do you find this interesting?"

Xia Ya raised her eyelids: "As long as I don't die, I have to challenge you once and for all, how can I go out? Instead of sitting still, try again and again. You either kill me now, or wait for me to hurt OK, I will challenge you again! "

There was a flash of anger in Damandras' eyes, and he took a step forward and trampled on Xia ’s left leg. With a few clicks, he was deformed by stepping on Shana ’s calf. Apparently, the calf bone was stepped on Broken.

Although Chara was desperate for life, she bit her lip and teeth bitterly, but she was full of blood, but she didn't say anything, she just stared at Damendras.

Damanderas was slightly angry, looked at Charya's face, and suddenly laughed, "Well, I'll wait for your injury to come again!"

Damandras sneered at the sound of the pill before walking away, and his expression was full of pride. He strode aside and sat down, closing his eyes and raising his spirits.

Ada stood in the distance and looked at Xia Ya, her face suddenly moved slightly, and came over: "Hey, let's cooperate." "What do you say?" Xia Ya looked up. "I didn't talk to you." Ada sneered, still looking at Charya's face: "I said, let's cooperate ... Dora."

"It has four forms, so it is more powerful than the ordinary Damandras! But we only thought of its strength, but ignored its weaknesses." Dora said quickly.

Xia Ya heard it, and immediately struck out a few words on the ground with a fire fork: four types of special shape, weak

Ada was so clever that she immediately reached out and erased the words on the ground: "Yes, I already thought of this."

In her head, Dora sighed and said coldly, "Darwin is indeed Darwin, and it is still so smart. Charlie, listen to me, it seems that Darwin also thinks of something.

I tell you the key now. Do you remember when we first saw Damandras, was it a goblin form? At that time, it had already exposed its weaknesses! In the form of a goblin, it cannot attack others! Because the goblin race is inherently weak, it is not good at martial arts and magic! It can be said that we can assume that the goblin is in its weakest state! But it still had defensive power, but it lost its ability to attack the enemy.

So it can be seen that since it is in the form of a goblin, it has the weakness of a goblin that is not good at magic and martial arts. Then in other forms, it also has the weakness of other races! Now that it has become an elf, we can use the inherent weaknesses of the elf race to deal with it. "

Xia Ya moved and looked at Ada, who nodded, and spit out a word with a slight voice: "Elven."

(It seems that these two dragons are similar to what the heroes see ... ahh! They are a hero and a mother, what is this master?)

"The elven race can be said to be the closest to perfection in balance. It possesses the magic talent attribute and also has its own racial talent enhanced martial arts. It can even be regarded as a race with both magic and martial arts. If you want to Speaking of obvious weaknesses, it's really not easy to find. "Dora whispered:" I haven't thought of it for a while, but you can ask Ada, this guy must have an idea. "

Xia Ya looked up, looked at Ada, and revealed the meaning of inquiry. Ada smiled, but narrowed the underground river next to her with her eyes.

"River ?!" Dora immediately passed, and quickly ran in Xia's mind: "It's water! The elves are inherently resistant to water! The elves are inherently afraid of water, and they are not good at water ..."

Dora thought quickly, and then she quickly came up with a strategy: "Avoid water drops! Ada has water drops, we can jump into the river to escape! Although there are many prehistoric aquatic creatures underwater, maybe those The thing is still dangerous, but there are water beads, we can make a waterless space under the water and run away ... It is in the form of an elf, and cannot jump into the water to chase us! The nature of the elf, for the water Adaptability is the worst. So this is our chance ... "

Charlie shook her head and glanced at Damandras. The guy was still sitting in the distance: "What if it turns into a snake again?"

"Huh, I hope it becomes a serpent!" Dora quickly said, "It becomes a serpent, and you can kill us like water! But don't forget it! Charya! Because of your existence, it becomes a serpent. Although the strength is the strongest, we are the least afraid that it will become a serpent! Once it becomes a serpent, you are the right person who can just completely restrain it! "Xia thought for a moment: If Dammandras changed Become a big snake, hit yourself, but his can be invincible, at least running and hitting is still "but, it has a fourth form." Xia frowned. "This is gambling." Ada suddenly sneered. "There is always risk."

Dora also sucked: "Yes, since there is always a risk to try. But this is our greatest opportunity now. This underground river has an underwater channel to the outside world, although those underwater The sluice can block the prehistoric underwater creatures here from flowing out, but it may not be able to block us! Running out from here, we have a chance! "After a pause, Dora added:" You are our only combat power So ... Charlie nodded: "Okay, I'll just buy it once. "

In the distance, Damanderas suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xia and Ada: "The two of you muttered for a long time. Have you discussed how to deal with me?"

Charlie didn't panic, but laughed out loud: "Nonsense! We are your captives, do you still expect us to obey you obediently? Yes, we are negotiating, and we are planning to come up with a way to deal with the big problems. earthworm!"

Damandras is not surprised, nodded, "You guy is very courageous. You're right, I don't expect you to be honest. If you don't think of resistance, you will be strange." A weird smile appeared on his face: "So, do you think of a way to deal with me?

"Thinking." Xia Yaju nodded without hesitation, he stood up, and for so long the Seal of the Throne, his leg and foot had healed most of the wounds, although still painful, but not so much Affects activities. "Oh? What can I do?" Damandras also smiled, his cold eyes turning around Charya and Ada.

Xia Ya took a deep breath, and then spit it out slowly. A weird smile suddenly appeared on her face: "This method is very simple. It is to use your current form. You are now an elf. The elf is the least good at launching. Yes. This is a great opportunity for us. "" You are crazy! You dedicate yourself to telling it !!! "Dorawu in her head exclaimed. Ada next to her face suddenly changed!

In spite of Dora's roar in her head, Charlie turned a deaf ear and still smiled faintly: "Using the characteristics of your elf clan, we jump into the water and run away, and then, you have to change into other forms to ia us This is our chance ... if you become a big snake, then I can have full confidence to restrain you. Moreover, this underground river can lead to the Ming River outside! Although those underwater sluices block here Underwater creatures, but they may not stop us, this is where our chance to escape ... "

Charya actually said all of them, not only Dora and Ada were completely stunned, but even Dammandras seemed very surprised. It looked at Charya in surprise: "You ... Did you tell me all? "

Xia smiled, his daylight flashed: "The reason is simple ... I don't want to be used and betrayed by my dear companion anymore!"

Having said that, Xia grabbed Ada, how could his strength resist it? Xia grabbed Ada, yelled, raised all her strengths, and threw Ada whole away!

Ada's body drew a curve in the air and fell into the underground river at a distance. He was thrown at least dozens of meters away!

With a splash, when Ada fell into the water, Xia had already shouted quickly: "He has water beads in his hand!"

He shouted late, and turned around and ran away in the opposite direction!

When I came to this cave just now, the entrance was behind me! Xia County was fully prepared, and it jumped out more than ten meters in a leap, and it landed twice in a row!

The entrance door was right in front of him. After he jumped frantically, before waiting to get up, he waved his fork with his backhand, and a red light hit the entrance of the passage!

With a bang, a black iron gate slammed down with the attack! Blocked this channel!

Charya looked inside the door. After a moment, Damandras flew into the river and chased Ada ...

After the door fell, Xia lay on the ground and laughed.

"What are you doing!" Dora asked in her head angrily.

"It's very simple, that Ada, want to use me again? It's not so easy. Xia stood up and sneered," He can use me, why can't I use him? " "

Escape through the waterways?

It sounds like a good temptation. But ... Tu Yuan doesn't believe this humanoid dragon!

For no reason, just don't believe him! !!

Therefore, adventure is to take risks, but Charlie chose her own way to take risks! !!

Throw Ada into the river and tell Damandras that Ada can escape from the drops of water ... and escape in the opposite direction!

This is the first adventure! It is also the first multiple choice question that Xia gave to Damandras ~ ~ Chasing Ada, or Chaya?

The damned enemy of Damandras is the Dragon! As a Damandras, who does it hate most? Is it a pure dragon? Or a half-human half-dragon?

The answer to this question is now self-evident.

"Now, the gate fell because it was attacked. The valve here automatically dropped. Damandras would open the gate to chase it, at least it would take some time for the Seal of the Throne. Find your way and try your luck. "Xia stood up and hurriedly rushed towards the seemingly road. "But ... we don't know the terrain here! The one who is most familiar with the terrain here is Ada." Dora sighed and recognized Xia's unauthorized actions just now. "Well, Dora, there are no perfect plans in the world." Xia ran and laughed, "Ada himself said," This is gambling, there are always risks. "

He ran all the way along the road. Every time he passed a passageway, he forcibly bombarded the wall, leading to the automatic defense here. He watched the iron gates one by one until he passed three passageways and let down three. The gate, Xia Ya eased a little. "At least I can delay that serpent for a while. I don't believe it. I can't find a way out.

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