
Chapter 275: [Heart of the Prime Minister]

Another one also confirms Xia's concern: these guys in the Sixth Corps really did not command so well.

Although it was the time to seek Charya, officers such as Glenn Charr were very polite on the surface, but also stated that they were willing to cooperate with Charya and cooperate with Charya's men and horses to fight against the enemy. But in his words, he only said "cooperation" and "cooperation". Xia also understood that if he wanted to command this army, he was afraid that it was impossible now.

Throughout the ages, there is a tradition of seniority among the armed forces of any country. The Sixth Corps is the most dismal now, but anyway, there are still nearly 10,000 troops, and most of the army are veterans. Although there is not a general leader in the corps, the remaining commanders at the banner level are all old men who have experienced the last Odin war. No matter how much the Sixth Corps is looked down upon, it is also the standing corps of the empire's central army, the main battle unit of the empire. Far from being comparable to these local defense forces under Charlie.

Xia Ya is young and the time in the army is not long. Although the origin of the Rhodes Cavalry Regiment, the Sixth Regiment may not buy his account.

Moreover, in terms of job hunting, Xia Ya is a banner group.

The remaining leaders of the Sixth Corps are also the regiment level. Nominally everyone is equal. From the perspective of the tradition of the empire, the banner regiment of the people is the Imperial Central Army, but your Chara banner regiment is a local miscellaneous garrison. Speaking of which, Xia is actually half a step shorter than them. If it were not for the title of a nobleman in Xia Ya, in the tradition of the empire, officers of the local defense army, even if they saw the officers of the central standing army at the same level, would salute.

Moreover, the original strength in the city was too weak. There are only more than 2,000 people under Xia, most of them are horse thieves who have only been compiled. More than 8,000 people from the Sixth Corps stationed in it, and suddenly became the most powerful force.

It ’s even awkward to say that if it ’s not for everyone ’s friendship, and now that the Sixth Corps is asking for Xia ’s part, it ’s possible that the Sixth Corps would in turn recruit Xia ’s troops. Fortunately, everyone is now in the same boat, and Green, a well-known old man in the army, is in town. The cooperation between the two sides has also maintained a frank and united attitude. After the Sixth Regiment took over some of the city defense work, the city defense force of Denzel City suddenly increased a lot.

Charlie and Green waited every day for scouts from the scouts to return, nervously set their eyes to the south, always waiting for the latest news ...

This year, the eyes of almost all the human world were focused on Osgiriya.

At this moment, the situation in Osgilia will determine the future destiny of the largest empire in the human world.

Byzantium is currently the most powerful of the three great powers of the human world, the largest territory, the largest population, and the oldest empire. Whether the future is prosperity or death, fate is maintained in this decisive battle of the capital.

Regardless of the outcome, this battle will have a huge impact on the history of the human world for hundreds of years.

For ten consecutive days, the throne of the Seal of God, the fierceness of the rebels to attack the city, although each rebel has the heart to save its strength, but after all, it is still in the honeymoon period of cooperation, and a fair approach has been negotiated among the rebels. Dozens of rebels sent troops to attack the city every day, and replaced the next day, so that everyone would be damaged together. On the battlefield, life and death were all destined.

And the old and cunning El Salvador also proposed a resolution. In order to prevent each of them from failing to work, and having the selfishness to preserve their strength, the rebels agreed that which one would break through the city of Osgirya first, then the palace's internal library would be exhausted. Own it!

The Byzantine Empire has been established for thousands of years. The royal family, Curry, does not know how much amazing wealth has been accumulated. With such a reward, each rebel has stolen his selfishness and spared no effort when siege.

The ten-day siege caused tremendous pressure on Osgilia. Outside the city, Socia and Butler's Second Ninth Corps also fought several rebels in fierce battles, each with a victory or defeat. The Rodría Cavalry Regiment had greater results. They defeated the rebels in both field battles. However, the rebels had too many troops. Even if the battlefield was a small setback, it did not hurt the vitality. Instead, the Rodría Cavalry defeated because of fear of falling into the siege After that, he dared not pursue, and could not further expand the results. Immediately after the throne of the Seal of God, hundreds of thousands of troops stirred up and killed inside and outside the city. Seeing that the weather was warmer day by day, every night, many fires would be set up around the battlefield to burn the bodies of the soldiers killed.

Salenbonelli, the 63-year-old imperial prime minister, has tasted true power in these days.

In the past, this was regarded as the "excessive prime minister". When Cavihil was alive, he was not trusted by the emperor at all, and he always played the role of a mascot. However, with the death of Cavill Hill, the state of the empire changed drastically, hundreds of thousands of rebels besieged the city, and the fighting was fierce. The sixty-three-year-old prime minister suddenly took over a huge power that he had never had before. Although with the advent of Adrik, the defense of the city was presided over by the famous empire, but all the reserves in the city of Osgilia were determined by the prime minister.

The Prime Minister summoned officials every day to appease the people, inspected the Central Government Offices, and gave speeches one after another to encourage the fighting spirit of the Imperial Government's Central Government Office. He even summoned some of the leading figures in the imperial capital, and asked each of them to contribute, to contribute personal guards to enrich the city defense.

The 63-year-old prime minister has never been so busy in his life. But every day, even if he is busy, he will insist on doing one thing: he will personally sit in the open carriage, take his men, and drive in the city of Osgilia, from south to north, and walk around the city. Last lap!

As a result, the people in Osgilia saw the silver-clad old prime minister sitting on the carriage almost daily, with a calm smile, a calm look, and even occasionally facing outside. The people who stopped to wait and see waved their greetings. Originally, hundreds of thousands of rebels were besieging the city. The people's hearts in the city have long been panicked. With the old Prime Minister ’s move to patrol the city once a day, everyone looks at this distinguished Prime Minister adult so calmly. That gentle and calm smile, most people can't help but think: The Prime Minister smiles so easily, it seems that the adults are sure. Anyway, there is also a tall person standing against the sky, even the senior officials such as the Prime Minister are not afraid. What are we afraid of?

Since then, a routine inspection every day has finally settled the hearts of the people in the city.

The calm smile of the prime minister sitting in the car every day has become the greatest comfort of the people in the city.

But only the old housekeeper of Salenbonelli knows how bad his prime minister is!

These days, the Prime Minister eats only one meal a day and sleeps less than four hours. Material distribution in the city, as well as appeasement of deployment officials, and statistics of emergency military newspapers from all parts of the empire, these heavy workloads have caused the 63-year-old to overdraw a lot of energy.

In each of the deployments was an exciting speech. Behind those inspiring words was the tired body and severely damaged health of the 63-year-old man.

But in twenty days, the throne of God Seal, this 63-year-old man, lost ten pounds!

This situation made many people who had previously despised and looked down on the prime minister, can't help but be convinced at this moment.

In today's rotten situation, even the famous ministers in history, no one can do better than this 63-year-old man.

That night, Salem Bonelli supported the body as usual and completed the tour by the carriage. After the carriage entered the Prime Minister's Mansion, when he got out of the car, the old butler around him saw the pace of the Prime Minister a little, and hurried up to help him. I held the old Prime Minister ’s arm in my hand, and only felt that the muscles on the old Prime Minister ’s arm were soft and weak, and the weight of half of my body was almost pressed on my body, and my heart sank suddenly, and I could n’t help looking up at Saran. Bonelli glanced.

Lao Jie's face was a little pale. At this moment, there was still half of his face when he looked around the city just like the calm smile? "……grown ups!"

"Yeah." The old prime minister snorted and stopped saying anything. He stood upright, broke away from the butler's help, and smiled bitterly: "I was a little tired just now, dizzy for a moment, hehe ..."

As he said, his eyes became harsher, and he said coldly, "What do you look at me like!" After two steps, the prime minister's pace was a little soft, and he finally sighed: "You helped me to the study , Everyone else is gone. "

Along the way, the old housekeeper only felt that the adult's pace was sluggish, and even his breathing was so heavy. He walked down a short distance, and the old prime minister saw sweat on his forehead. Then he entered the study room and sat down. Salenbonelli He laughed, with a bit of mockery in his tone: "It seems I'm really old, hum."

"Sir, do you take a break first, or ..." The old housekeeper was a little bit sad, and whispered, "You're already late today, it's better to rest, I'll let ..."

"Shut up." The old prime minister raised an eyebrow, and said lightly: "I'm hungry. Let's get some food. Yesterday's thick soup was good. You can get me some broccoli. The taste is not good recently. Yesterday's Those sour cauliflowers are just appetizing. "

What else did the old housekeeper want to say, but felt that the adult's eyes were stern again, and finally he sighed and turned to go out.

Maybe many people don't believe that the dinner of the empire's prime minister is just a half bowl of noodle soup mixed with meat and a little bit of sour broccoli. The difference is such a half bowl of noodle soup. The old prime minister ate only half of it and then lost his appetite. After putting down the spoon, the 63-year-old man suddenly sighed, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he stood at The steward aside suddenly laughed: "You said, am I a bit mean?"

"?" The old housekeeper looked at the host inexplicably.

Sharon Bonelli shook his head, and his smile was full of taunts: "That man, when he was alive, I expected him to die all day. But now he is dead, and such a big thing is pressing on me, and then suddenly It feels really hard for him. At least, these things, when he is alive, do much better than me. "

The prime minister's emotions, but the old steward did not dare to answer, because for many years, the seal of the throne, the old steward has long been aware of the master's temperament. Knowing that although the adults are emotional, they do not really ask their opinions. In fact, as the prime minister of the empire, Salenbonelli has never strictly forbidden people around his family from talking about state affairs. At this time, even if he speaks his own emotions, if the steward is very clear, if he really speaks, he will provoke an adult's rebuke.

Salem Bonelli sighed, but watched the old butler silently shut up, and suddenly smiled again: "Why not talk?"

"I don't dare." The old housekeeper lowered his head.

"Well, I can say a few words today." Salem Bonelli said lightly: "I am a bit harsher on weekdays, but today, I suddenly want to say a few words to others. I also want to hear the thoughts of God and man . "

"I ..." The old housekeeper hesitated for a while, finally summoning up courage, and said, "Sir, I think you are like this, some, some ... somewhat worthless."

Salenbonelli wasn't angry, smiled lightly: "Well, it's not worth it, maybe anyone would think so. The emperor has set me aside for many years, and in this situation, his confidant died. Then I had to use me to kill him. Huh, to tell you the truth, do n’t you have any grudges in my heart? I have ...

He slowly stood up, walked to the desk and sat down. After tapping his finger twice on the table, he laughed and said, "I know your loyalty, and I know that you will be wrong for me. Heng, but you Know why I'm here these days, so desperate? My old bone, so tossing. "Do you think I'm not afraid of death? I'm afraid too. "

The "sister" old housekeeper looked at the thin face of the prime minister, suddenly his eyes became red.

"I do these things ~ ~ Nothing else, no matter if the emperor is unfair to me. I do this only because I am Salenbonelli ..." He suddenly straightened his waist and lowered his teeth. Channel: "I'm the Prime Minister! I'm the Prime Minister !!!"

At this moment, the eyes of this tired old man seemed to be shining!

"Sorom had a total of six imperial prime ministers! I'm the sixth!" Salem Bonelli was laughing, and his eyes had a cold smile: "I'm old and live It's also long enough. In this life, I have eaten food, enjoyed luxury homes, walked through Chinese clothes, and owned beautiful women. I have n’t had much in my heart yet Investigate, but there is only one thing, I do not want it to be born, do you understand what it is? "

"I do not understand."

Salenbonelli looked at his old butler, and then the 63-year-old prime minister smiled.

"I don't want to, when I write in the history books of future generations, I leave a title of‘ the last prime minister of the country of death! Understand? I ’m not the first prime minister of the family, and I definitely do n’t want to be the last!

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