
Chapter 280: [The End of the Invaders]

The gap in the northwest corner of Mesta was destroyed the last time the Odins captured the city.

Although the Odins also tried to organize manpower to repair the city defense, but the destruction of the city walls is not easy to rebuild. Moreover, the army of the Red Snow Army soon left, and the Odin army remaining in Mesta City was only a few thousand, and later it was transferred to another small city.

Mesta's occupying forces also tried to recruit the people in the city, but the citizens here hated the foreign invaders who occupied their homeland, and because of the puppet state of Lord Klinsia, they have been here for many years. The ruling favors of Klinsia are filled with resentment. Therefore, the work of the Odin people to recruit the minion artisans has not been smooth. Even if the Odin people forcibly recruited a man with a butcher knife, but most of them worked in yongfeng and yin, and the gap in the northwest corner was delayed. Fix it.

Immediately the rainy season began, and the continuous heavy rains made the construction even more difficult. In the sight of the city's Odin defenders, they could only let it go.

When Xia and others rested in the middle of the night on the hillside outside the city, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and there was a murmur of thunderous sounds, and then there was a loud noise, and a lightning broke through the darkness of the sky, as if Photoelectric axe cut the sky directly!

With the explosion of thunder, the torrential rain fell, and between the heavens and the earth, it was shrouded by a thick rain curtain. The rain was extremely fierce, like a pour, and lay on the hillside overlooking the city and not far away. Out of Mesta City seems to be in a haze.

Such a low visibility made Xia Joy rejoicing.

With the heavy rain, the small number of torches on the original city wall were mostly extinguished, and the light became darker.

Visibility is getting lower and lower, Xia F fragile stood on the hillside, anyway, such a thick rain curtain, he does not have to worry about being seen by people in the city.

The crackling rain washed on Charya's face, and immediately smoothed his heart agitated a lot. Xia Ya simply raised her head, leaned her head, closed her eyes, and felt the martial arts. The Holy King made the holy king to kill the **** and seal the throne at night. The Majestic Nine Emperor ’s Strongest Abandoned the Shao Zhou Emperor ’s Royal Force Martial King Will Kill the God of the Seal of the Nine Emperor ’s Ambition The royal family of Daozhou fell on the face with dense raindrops. He even tore open his placket with force, exposing his chest to the rain, and the rain flowed down his strong pectoral muscles. Although the whole body was poured through, Xia felt an inexplicable joy.

The sudden heavy rain calmed down the last nervousness of Zhan Huang. At this moment, Xia opened her eyes again. The anxious heart had calmed down, but two eyes jumped out of the flames. Come!

Another flash of lightning across the sky, the bright light shone on the ground. At this moment, Charya's figure standing on the hillside clearly fell in front of many cavalry!

In the eyes of many cavalrymen, this young leader, with open arms, open arms, clenched his fists, looked sternly, looked at the sky that thundered, his expression glaring and staring, was so amazing.

"God bless us!" Xia clenched her fists and shouted at the cavalry amidst the torrential rain and the thunder.

Then he raised a sabre in his hand, pointed to the sky, and yelled loudly: "Lao Tzu knows very well. To this day, some of you are still dissatisfied with Lao Tzu! But it doesn't matter! Lao Tzu doesn't care about this! Today I only give here A word from you! I am not the other officials of the Empire! You follow Lao Tzu to kill! Lao Tzu will only say to you, "Come with me ,! I will never say to you," Give me! "Today, I will Rush in front of you! You will only see the back of Lao Tzu! "

Having said that, Xia jumped down the hillside a few strides, turned over and leaped on his warhorse, he was under the lightning, leaped his horse, and shouted, "The Odin will remember today's battle! You guys will also remember this battle !!! Come on !!! "

As soon as the voice fell, he had rushed out, and in the wilderness, hurried towards the city in the distance!

The cavalry of the brigade followed closely behind, the heavy rain, and the thunder that was stronger than a thunder, excited the blood in the hearts of these guys!

Nene stood under the hillside, looking at Xia Ya like an angry lion and humbled out. Looking at the back, Nene clenched her fists.

(This is the man selected by me!)

The annoying "slamming" rain sounds filled the world, and the thunderous sound of thunder that seemed to never stop ... These sounds almost completely covered the sound of horseshoes. The extremely low visibility caused by the thick rain curtain. The assault cavalry led by Charlie has almost rushed under the city wall and has not been seen by the defenders! The Odin people who live in Northland all year round can't seem to adapt to this continuous rain and rain. The weather is like everything is full of moisture. The continuous month-long weather makes people feel like a body. It's almost rusty from the inside! Especially this **** rain! rain! rain! * It's raining again! !! Most of the Odin people hid in the room on such a night and were corroded by the moisture, as if they felt that their people were about to rot away.

Although the gap in the northwest corner of the city wall was not blocked, the Odins still set up two rows of fences here, just because the rain was soaked and the soil was soft. Many fences had been washed away by the rain, and even rode better The rider can steer the horse through the gap in it.

The rain poured out the torches, and the city wall was dark. When Xia and others rushed down the city, he immediately strangled the war horse and whistled softly, and immediately a figure rushed out of the riding team, as if an ape climbed smartly along the broken city wall. Go up. This figure was a bit thin, and it took almost just a moment of effort to climb up the city wall. Then, soon, the body of the two Odins popped off the wall, all of which were wiped from the neck in the dark, one of them A broken back is also inserted in the chest!

Immediately half of the body came out of the city wall, and waved vigorously towards the bottom. A flash of lightning flashed and illuminated the figure, the young and slightly immature face, but it was the Zaku teenager Aca who followed Xia's emergence.

A Caikou umbrella drew a short knife, there was blood on the blade, his body was soaked, his clothes were attached to his body, and he stood on the wall waving his arms, and fell into Charya ’s eyes, and Charya immediately laughed. "Kill in!"

The horse's hoof flew, and it leapt across a crooked fence!

Most of the Odin soldiers concentrated in the gates of the city gates to shelter from the rain, and just as Xia led the people approaching from the northwest corner, outside the gates, there was a screaming bugle! The standard bugle of the Byzantine army immediately shocked the Odins in the tower above the city gate. They rushed out and looked out from the city.

Nene led with more than two hundred riders, and ran back and forth in the wilderness under the city gate. The cavalry clamored loudly, making every effort to make the biggest noise.

Visibility is too low. In the darkness, the Odins can't see how many Byzantine troops are outside the city. Although they shout and shout torches, how easy is it to make a fire in such a heavy rain?

Nene rides on the horse and waits and sees under the city. Suddenly, he grabs a riding rifle from a subordinate's hand, leaps a few steps under the city gate, screams, and the rifle in his hand throws like lightning Go out!

A guy on the tower looking like an officer of Odin was angry at something, and suddenly felt that his chest was bright, and then he emptied and flew out! Looking down, a rifle had penetrated his body and nailed him to the tower! !! !!

For a time, the throne of the Seal of God, the Odin garrison on the city tower cried, the drums rang, the horn sounded, and the warning signal came out one after another, awakening the garrison on the city wall, more and more Odin People swarmed towards the tower ...

Charlie's cavalry rushed into the city from the gap in the northwest corner, and there was almost no resistance or obstruction. After rushing into Hawke, he saw two Odin tents inside the city wall. The Odins in the tent shocked by the sound of horseshoes. Two Odin warriors had just stepped out of the tent. They were surprised to see the Byzantine cavalry descending from the sky. Before they could shout, Xia had rushed to the front. The sharp saber rose up and then fell, with a snoring sound, two heads flew into the sky!

Then trampled the horse's hoof, trampled the bodies of the two Odin soldiers into mud, and mixed with the mud and water on the ground ...

After more than a thousand cavalry rushed into the city, they quickly divided into seven or eight ten-member squads and scattered along the roads. The cavalry of these squadrons began to surround all the streets as ordered by Charya Set fire on.

Although the heavy rain never stopped, but the cavalry brought fire oil. Once this fire oil was ordered, the water was difficult to extinguish. On one street at a time, there was soon fire on all sides!

Then came shouts of shouts in the city!

What surprised the cavalry most was that instead of being resisted by the residents in the city, their fire setting operations were even helped! Many of the residents in the city who were stunned and ran out saw the cavalry dressed in Imperial team rushing in and set fire on all sides. The residents in these cities suddenly shouted in excitement, and even some people turned around and rushed into the house, soon Just ran out with a torch and joined the team that set fire! There were even people who set fire to their own houses with fragility! Some people even held the torch and ran on the street with the cavalry set on fire, shouting and shouting: "Imperial cavalry has entered the city! Imperial cavalry has entered the city!" Xia took his cavalry alone, but The wide street went straight into the depths of the city! In the previous plan, he will take the main cavalry to capture the county guard directly!

After running out of several streets, they finally met the resistance of the Odins. Obviously, many Odins gathered in the county guard house, although the county guard house here is not a luxurious building, but compared to The humble buildings in the tribe where the Odin lived were already too luxurious. After conquering the city, the Odin people politely regarded the county guard as a resident.

But the problem is that they are too careless. The long street in front of the county guard house is wide, and there is no defensive fortification. Even the horses or wooden stakes have not set up the next one. Xia ’s cavalry almost drove straight in and rushed in. Although the Odins tried to resist, on the wide street, the cavalry could charge as much as possible, and although the Odin warriors were brave, they must use the flesh to confront the cavalry ’s impact. But they can't do it.

The queue of several Odins gathered temporarily was quickly washed away again and again! Charya kept his promise and kept charging at the forefront of the team! He was always the first to rush into the crowd of Odin.

Under the charge of the cavalry, the Odins on the street were quickly defeated, and many people were even hit by a Mercedes horse in a face-to-face manner, and some were knocked to the ground, and soon they were knocked over The following cavalry trampled into a mud!

A corpse was left on the long street, and soon the Odins were forced into the county guard house.

But the county guard house was originally only an administrative center, the courtyard wall was not high, and the courtyard door was not thick. More importantly, in such heavy rain, the power of the crossbow was weakened to a minimum, and the Odins could not even fight back with a crossbow against the wall. The arrows that were fired were soft feelings. Xia Ya rushed to the front. With his flesh strengthened by dragon blood, ordinary swords were not afraid at all, but just blocked the flying arrows so as not to hurt the horses.

The city's killings and fire on all sides soon made the Odin garrison on the gate into a passive state.

Outside the city, there are people inside and out who are clamoring and attacking. There is a sound of killing in the direction of the county guards in the city. There are more than ten fires in other places! This chaotic scene immediately made the Odins helpless.

What shocked the Odin people more ... Where did the sound of killing in the city come from? Did the Byzantines fly into the city? !!

At this time, after hesitating, the Odin garrison on the tower made a wrong decision: Allocation of part of the troops to rescue the county guard house, and then part of the troops to fight fires around the city.

I have to say that this is a decision that can't be wrong anymore.

If at this time, the Odin army generals concentrated all their forces to immediately rescue the county guard, maybe there is still a chance. But only (8) was distracted by the fire on all sides of the city, and only a portion of the reinforcements were sent to rescue the county guard ... This decision directly buried the last chance of the Odins to defeat!

When the reinforcements sent from the minaret rushed to the outer street of Junshoufu, the cavalry of Xia's group had already captured Suining House!

There were originally hundreds of Odins in Junshoufu, but under panic and being attacked at night, many Odins even fought naked, and they did not fight back under the attack of the cavalry. force!

It took only a moment for Xia Ya to break the county guard house, and hundreds of Odins were killed!

By the time the Odins reinstated their troops from the city walls, Char's cavalry had already left the county guard's house, and the charging queue was lined up on the long street! Seeing the Odins running anxiously from the gate of the city along the long street, Xia Ya laughed and raised the blood-stained knife: "Kill these Odins out of the city! Before dawn This city is ours! "

On the wide street, the cavalry in the lined up charged again. Once thousands of cavalry rushed, how could the infantry stop it? !!

Soon, the Odins waiting for the news on the city gate were surprised to find that the reinforcements they had assigned themselves were driven away from the street like a duck! The sound of killing and screaming came from far away, and the soldiers of Odin retreated in the street like a wild wolf in the dark night of rain.

Xia Ya rushed to the most certain side, and during the melee, he also suffered two axes, but this ordinary attack is just to protect him? Chopped, but there is no way to hurt him. His bravery has convinced the impatient horse thieves. At least this young empire general left an impression on everyone, to the extent of bravery, no less than their former Miss Nene.

Thousands of Odin infantry soldiers were driven back to the city gates, and at this time, the defenders were completely confused. The ragged Odins under the city walls tried to run back to the city walls, and the defenders on the city walls tried to rescue them. The two sides were crowded on the narrow walls of the female walls, and each other was crowded and pushed in the dark, and some people were even squeezed directly It fell off the walls.

Char's horse had already rushed under the gate, and the saber in his hand had been lost. He pulled out the fire fork with one hand and pulled the reins with one hand desperately. The war horse hissed and raised its front hoof. Ding soldiers flew out! Charlie was on the horse, and the fire fork quickly fell down!

Click! !! The iron pillars on the stout city gate were cut in two sections under the sharp fork! !!

Xia rushed up, and in the dark, everyone clearly saw Xia and Shang that suddenly flashed a red light, and then heard a roar, the roaring sound even covered the thunder of the sky .

In the darkness, I heard a shout: "The gate is open! The gate is open!"

The inner gate of the inner city outside the city was suddenly blasted into a huge hole. In the red light, the door panel was torn apart, and without hesitation, he sighed and led his cavalry and rushed in quickly ...

At this point, the Odin defeat has been settled!

Charya fulfilled his promise. Before daybreak, the battle was over.

There were originally more than 3,000 defenders in the city of Mesta. During the night ’s scuffle, more than half died on the spot, most of them had not yet responded, and they were turned into meat under the cavalry's iron hoof. mud. Hundreds of Odin remnants were scattered throughout the city, but when the Byzantine army entered the city, they did n’t even need to sacrifice themselves, and the citizens who were alarmed in the city formed their own hunting army. Almost every street appeared with a varying number of citizens. These people hunted scattered Odin soldiers with their kitchen knives or wooden sticks.

Even after the war, the highest commander of the Riodin army in Mesta City tried to escape during the chaos and ended up in a street surrounded by hundreds of citizens, along with the Odin officer. The five Odins included were beaten alive by angry citizens with kitchen knives and wooden sticks, and even when they were collected, they could not even piece together a complete shape.

More than a thousand Odin fighters were captured, most of them wounded. Less than three hundred intact.

When asked how to deal with these Odin captives, Xia stood inside the gate and looked at the team of Odins who had been driven together. He looked stern and glanced at the cavalry around him: "What do you think of it?"

Although these cavalry were horse thieves in the past, they were not killers. Someone suggested that these guys be released, and some others suggested that they be kept as slaves.

After listening to the voice of the crowd, Charya slowly walked to the captives.

These captives were all Odin fighters, but after the defeat at this moment, they lost their previous savage and fierce looks, and they were discouraged one by one. They looked a little bit dumbfounded by the sharp sabers of the cavalry around them.

"All killed ~ ~ Xia Ya left a word coldly.

The horse thieves around them suddenly widened their eyes, and it was unexpected that the young new collar was so cruel!

Xia Ya snorted, and he pointed at the captives with a fire fork: "Do you feel too cruel? Then listen to me!"

Charlie's eyes seemed to spit out fire.

"The land under their feet! It's ours! The air they breathe is ours too! The food they ate last night was originally ours! They appeared here! Standing on our land! Breathing Our air! Eat our food! You remember to me! These guys are invaders! For the invaders, there is no need for any kindness or **** at all! Kill these dregs! Let the latecomers Understand that hastily invading other people's homes has to pay a painful price! If these are not fully understood, I am afraid that they will come back unscrupulously in the future! "

After that, Charlie stared fiercely at his cavalry: "You don't kill them today, tomorrow they will come back to grab our land, eat our food, by the way ... for your life! The invaders must get The end of the invaders! "

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